Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 140 The Cave of the Five Masters

Deng Xi immediately boosted his power, overflowed the powerful true qi into his body, and built an extremely strong barrier around him. At the same time, he flew back and drifted away along the explosion.

After about ten breaths, when the light was dim and the clouds dissipated, in front of Deng Xi, the whole Wuling City had turned into a white ground, and the steep cliff was like a huge gap taken out from the middle, surrounded by smoke and dust. Only a few warriors in the farthest distance still climbed on the surrounding rocks and howled bitterly.

This horrible explosion is equivalent to completely erasing the Wuling Mountain City from the mainland.

"What a trap!"

Deng Xizhen's qi turned several times and pressed down the internal injuries caused by the explosion before he breathed a long sigh of relief: "Bo Yuntian is really not an idle person. He actually set traps here with arrays. If I hadn't succeeded in advancing and found that it was not good, I would have been destroyed.

According to his idea, there is such a big movement here that Bo Yuntian will definitely come back to explore after discovering the trap triggered. So he collected his mind and hid himself in the trees opposite, waiting at ease.

However, to his surprise, after waiting for nearly half an hour, the surroundings were still quiet, and no one had ever appeared.

"What's going on? Did they really go to the so-called cave of the five gods of the world? He also said that Qing Chengzi's ability has been restored and he is going to kill me? Take the capital again?"

Thinking of this, Deng Xi's heart was shocked. He no longer dared to wait and immediately flew back to the same road.

But before he flew to the foot of the mountain, he suddenly felt that in the afterglow, there seemed to be a blue light far away straight into the sky. Deng Xi looked back in surprise. The location of the light was dozens of miles away, just northeast of this Wuling Mountain Range.

For a moment, the words "Five Caves of Zhenshi" immediately came to his mind. After thinking for a moment, he turned around and sped away in the direction of the light.

In a short time, he climbed over the whole mountain and came to the location of the target.

"This is actually true!"

Dun Xi was immediately suppressed by the scene in front of him.

In the valley thousands of steps ahead, under the clouds and fog, there is a faint hole floating in the green trees. Around the mouth of the cave, it was the hundreds of warriors of the Four Seas City who disappeared from Wuling Mountain City. Surrounded by these warriors, a magical array is constantly flowing. Colorful light keeps disappearing, and from time to time a pillar of light rises to the sky. What I just saw should be one of them.

Deng Xi only took a look and knew that this was by no means a formation that could be put out by Qingchengzi. The mystery of it was almost a towering power. Another reason is that Qing Chengzi and Bo Yuntian themselves are also outside the French array and seem to be looking for a way to enter.

"Senior, this battle is so difficult that even you are helpless?" Bo Yuntian asked anxiously.

Judging from the look, Qing Chengzi's skills have also been fully restored. He turned around this magic array again before smiling faintly and said, "Is the magic array left by these five top strong men so easy to untie? But why should the owner of Thin City be so anxious? Listening to the sound just now, Deng Xi should have been hit by my burning array. Even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. In addition to external troubles, we have plenty of time to resolve the battle.

"What the predecessor said." Bo Yuntian also seemed to know that he was a little anxious, so he nodded, set his mood to a certain extent, and then said, "Bo heard that the cultivation method learned by his predecessors was the legacy of the five gods of the town in those years."

"Not bad." Qing Chengzi gestured his hands and feet and deduced the direction of the formation while responding, "I think the Lord Bocheng also took a fancy to this point that he thought of inviting me out of the mountain with the secret treasure of this relic?"

Bo Yuntian laughed and said, "The predecessors expected it to be good, that's right. If Bo hadn't found the location of this site by chance, he wouldn't have known what he could use to invite his predecessors.

When Deng Xi heard this in the distance, he finally understood that a master who was dedicated to practicing his spirit and only wanted to fly to the heaven should not be interested in any wealth. How could he be invited by Bo Yuntian to participate in the war in the mainland? Even if treasures are used as a condition, how can the genius treasures on the Zhongdu mainland be compared with the Dongzhou mainland?

It turns out that there are artifacts left by the ancient strong.

Thinking of this, he rushed to kill Qing Chengzi, but he also collected it in an instant. In the face of such a treasure house, if you can enter it, the profits will be unimaginable. It is by no means wise to enter the treasure mountain and return empty. And if you want to enter it, you can only rely on Qing Chengzi, who has learned the five masters to practice methods. At least he looked at the magic array and was completely dizzy and didn't know how to do it.

After thinking about it, Deng Xi closed his eyes and took out the illustrated book of the four sea city warriors who were killed by his god-killing that day from the Three Worlds, quietly injecting true qi.

In an instant, on this hillside, there was a quiet addition of a warrior from the four seas.

After a series of fierce battles, the army of Sihai City has long been chaotic, and they are looking at the solution in front of them, so they silently inserted a person around them, and they did not feel it at all.

For Bo Yuntian, Qing Chengzi and others, Deng Xi's transformation is completely the real body of the warrior of the four seas, as long as he carefully restrains his true spirit. Facing a familiar face hidden among hundreds of warriors, how can they think of a problem?

For a moment, he couldn't help laughing secretly, and even began to imagine that when the array was opened and the treasure was born, an inconspicuous low-level warrior suddenly rushed out, killed the powerful Qingchengzi on the spot and took the treasure. What a desperate expression would be for Bo Yuntian and others in that situation. .

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Qing Chengzi finally stopped his exploration. After smiling and nodding his head, he said to the nine disciples beside him, "Disciples, protect the master!"


The nine disciples agreed, and each stepped on their own positions and formed a formation around Qingchengzi. After the magic formula in their mouths were read, the colorful brilliance came from their fingertips again and shot on Qingchengzi's body.

And Qing Chengzi shouted in a low voice, and his whole body flew up and jumped over the phalanx. With his meditation, his fingers bounced, and a variety of beams of light, with a slight sneer, flew over the nodes in the array.