Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 158 Abyss


While the gully cracked, the front claws of the black dragon also instantly penetrated Wuqi's black scale armor and directly inserted it into his lower abdomen. In the face of the attack of such a huge object, no matter how fast he is, he can't avoid it.

The severe pain hit, and Wuqi couldn't help opening his eyes and growing his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound at all.

Then, a sharp scream suddenly came from the crack. The sound was not as heavy and majestic as the abyss Dragon God. On the contrary, it seemed to come from the mouth of a small creature.

But it was this sound that shocked the mountain-like abyss dragon god. Despite Deng Xi's order, he turned over and swam upward. And its movement made Wuqi suffer. The huge claws immediately clicked and cut Wuqi's body into two pieces from the middle.

Just as the two broken bodies were about to sink into the crack, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out of the crack, and the position it rushed out was below Uqi. So with a bang, he carried up Wuqi's upper body.

The shadow continued to flash up, but between breathing, it rushed to the ten feet in front of Deng Xi.

"My God, what the hell is this?"

Deng Xi only felt a stir in his stomach at this moment, and a feeling of nausea immediately filled his chest. He also saw all kinds of disgusting scenes in hell, but compared with what was in front of him, he was simply several levels weak.

It is not as big as Deng Xi imagined. Whether it is length or width, that is, the size of one or two feet, except for the four tentacles from the rear to the front, there is only one thing, that is, the eyes. As big as the mouth of the bowl and as small as the eyes as big as the nail cover, it is densely covered with the whole body of this thing. Especially when they blinked unevenly, Deng Xi only felt that there seemed to be sharp thorns piercing his skin in every sweat pore of his body.

At this time, Wuqi's upper body was caught in one of its arms and was almost dead, but when the tentacle opened a crack and inserted a sharp spine * into his spine, he suddenly opened his eyes and regained his vitality. When he saw the creature full of eyes beside him, he looked even more ecstatic.

"Luckin to the sea, my gods and demons, you finally woke up!"

Hearing this, a blood-red mouth cracked under the countless eyes, and a sharp voice said, "Is it you who summoned me?"

"Exact!" Wuqi shouted, "I am the great wizard of the Wuqi clan, and I have brought you the sacrifices."

"Sacrifice? Huh?" Thousands of eyes on the thing blinked almost at the same time, which almost made people's heart stop.

Then, some of these eyes turned to Deng Xi: "Where is the sacrifice you mentioned?"

Wuqi smiled and said, "Didn't you see it? It's the girl in the man's hand. That's the beauty I have carefully cultivated for 17 years. Whether it is figure or appearance, it is the most perfect treasure in the whole sea, which will definitely satisfy you.

Hearing this, the object's eyes really lit up, and the tentacles slowly slid and began to approach Deng Xi.

"Hight!" Deng Xi shouted angrily, "No matter what you are, get out of here."

With the emergence of this thing, the dark power has reached its peak. Deng Xi only feels as if there is a mountain on his body. Both the mind of Wudumu's body and his true spirit are suppressed to be almost unable to move.

Especially when those eyes looked at him, he only felt that every look had a deterrent power, which instantly penetrated his body and penetrated into his brain. Let his heart tighten and his breath stagnate.

At this time, even if he wants to escape, it is impossible.

"What?" The thing seemed to be surprised and suddenly said to Wuqi, "What kind of person is this? How dare you talk to me like that?"

Wuqi gritted his teeth fiercely: "In response to your words, this person has an evil heart for the sacrifice and is here to destroy the sacrifice. I fought fiercely with him and was invincible. If you hadn't woken up in time, I would have died at this moment.


The thousands of eyes opened angrily at this moment, and the extremely powerful spiritual power had squeezed Deng Xi's consciousness to the verge of collapse at this moment. Only then did he really realize the power of this monster called the "demon god". This doesn't seem to be the creature that should exist in the Kyushu world.

Then, there was only a turbulent sound of water, and a tentacle of the thing quickly stretched over, and in the blink of an eye, it rolled over Uti's body in Deng Xi's hand.

Dun Xi's movements had become extremely dull under the suppression of the other party. It was not until Uti left to take a few breaths before he waved his spear into the middle of the countless eyes.

However, the black spear condensed by the thought force only ran a distance forward less than ten feet, and it burst open with a bang and dissipated without a trace.

I only heard Wuqi shouting: "Kid, you still want to do it in front of the Yuanmo. You really don't know whether to live or die! In front of him, you are a poor loach. You'd better wait to die!"

Deng Xi's blood was burning, and he shouted loudly. Despite the suppression of his true qi, he forcibly swam forward. In any case, even if the enemy is strong enough to kill him in an instant, he will never be scared.

However, this time, he really didn't have any chance. The countless eyes turned, and a strange force quickly penetrated into his heart. He only felt that his whole body was soft, and his eyes were dark, so he lost control of his limbs and could only collapse in the sea.

"What an ignorant boy. It's really cheap for you to die like this!" Then Wuqi smiled and said flatteringly to Yuan Mo, "This woman has been banned by my secret method. Do you want me to lift her prohibition?"

The abyss demon stared: "Joke! In front of me, is this little prohibition of divine consciousness a thing?

Uqi smiled and said, "Of course not. I'm just afraid that this woman is arrogant. If she is unwilling to bear your happiness in her heart, won't it spoil your interest?"

"Oh?" Yuanmo's eyes blinked continuously, and after thinking about it, he smiled: "You are thoughtful, but how can this matter be difficult for me? Naturally, I want to make her willing."

In his voice, its disgusting body began to change strangely. Countless small eyes closed one by one, and then contracted and became smaller. They were sucked into his body. In no time, all these eyes disappeared. Then, his body continued to change slowly, as if countless air masses squirmed under his body.

In this process, its overall shape is also constantly changing, gradually changing from a huge eye shape to a human body shape.

Suddenly, the closed meat* suddenly cracked a gap from the middle, like turning over the cuffs, and turned out a layer of smooth skin from it, and then the whole body strangely reversed and merged into a strong black-scaly man. His appearance is even more handsome than the Wudumu killed by Deng Xi.

How about it? This body should not disgust the beauty, right? He stroked his angular muscles and handsome face with his hand, with a narcissistic smile.

At this time, Wuqi, who only had half of his body left the grasp of the Yuanmo tentacles and was floating in the sea behind him. A strange smile flashed in his eyes: "Lord God and Demon is ever-changing, and he is indeed unparalleled. At the first sight of this woman, her heart must be rippling and difficult to control herself. The villain didn't hinder the adults, so he flashed aside.

With that, he stroked his hands and retreated into the darkness.

Yuan Mo laughed and swam back to Uti's perfect body, and carefully appreciated it up and down, left and right.

"Sure enough, it is as shiny as jade, as beautiful as pearls, and it must be extremely pleasant to be able to collect its blood."

Then his eyes flashed, and a dark force penetrated into Uti's eyebrows.

Uti's body shook in an instant and opened his eyes.

At the moment she opened her eyes, the confused pupils immediately appeared the figure of the beautiful black-scaly man incarnated by the abys demon at this moment.

"Who are you?" After asking a question, she suddenly lowered her head and saw her body at this time, and screamed in shock: "What's going on? How can I be like this? This is not me. What about my body?"


Yuan Mo was puzzled when he heard the words. As soon as he opened his mouth, he turned over and retreated to the distance like a frightened bird again: "Don't come over! I don't know you!"

"What's going on? Uzi!" Yuanmo is obviously very dissatisfied with what happened in front of him.

As soon as his words fell, Wuqi immediately appeared from the darkness and rushed behind him: "What's the order of Lord God and Demon?"

Didn't you say that you have been trained for more than ten years? How can you react like this and say that this body is not hers? What the hell are you doing?

Uqi was obviously confident and only smiled: "Lord God and Demon don't have to be angry. This is a side effect of my ban, and I should recover in a while. If the god and demon can't wait, you can also use your supreme mind to connect her consciousness and make her obey you immediately.

"Huh! If it doesn't work, I will never forgive you!" After humming dissatisfiedly, Yuanmo still nodded. Then he flew up and rushed to Uti's front. His eyes condensed, and two strange divine lights shot into Uti's eyes again.

And this time, not only Uti's body was shocked, but also the eyes of Yuanmo were confused at this moment. It's like seeing something he didn't expect.

"Wait for this!"

Uqi's flattering smiling face turned into a ferocious face in an instant. With one hand, a silver needle as thin as hair quickly shot out and shot into the back of the head of the abyssm demon incarnation.

"Tianyuan magic spell, take away the spirit, no self, no demon, demon and one!"

In Wuqi's high-voiced spell, his and Yuanmo's bodies trembled violently at this moment.