Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 182 Nineyao in the sky

Where the light passed, pieces of resentment were burned by the scorching sun. In the painful screams, they were broken one by one, and then burned and turned into pieces of flying ash.

Just now, it was as dense as rain, and the dark clouds of resentment that surrounded Pang Zheng had been swept away. This boundless dark void shines for a moment, as bright as day.

For a long time, the pure white wings behind Pang Zheng struggled to open angrily, and the amazing light was released from these two wings.

"Deng Xi, your ghost array is indeed a level stronger than last time. Unfortunately, our two gods contain the strongest Yangyan power of all the skills in the world, and they are the nemesis of any ghosts. Your little monsters are not vulnerable in front of it!" With that, he had one eye, his hair flying horizontally, and laughed loudly, "Do you think that if you advance to the third level of the divine realm, you can compete with me and kill me for revenge? That's funny! Today, I asked you to know how big the gap can be between the same level of cultivation.

His hands relative to his chest, he instantly changed more than a dozen marks, and then opened his mouth and shouted angrily, shaking for nine days.

Then, from all directions, up and down, left and right, suddenly millions of faint light spots flashed out of the darkness and quickly gathered to his chest. However, in the blink of an eye, these light spots drew countless fine bands of light and condensed into a hot fireball in the center of his hands.

At first, the fireball was still orange-red and jumping, but as Pang Zheng continued to move, the color of the flame became lighter and lighter, from orange red to light gold, and then from light gold to clear green. Finally, it was finally fixed on the colorless transparency, in which the faint invisible runes rotated rapidly, shaking out the faint gold. The sound of the genus, with the hot and man-catching heat, rushed to the void on all sides.

In the light of this fireball flame, Pang Zheng's body itself seems to have lost its color and can only distinguish a constantly rippling figure.

"Life two, two life three, three lights illusion, nineyao in the sky!"

With this whisper, the fireball, which had been completely refined, jumped forward and then rotated in place, and eight fireballs almost exactly like it appeared one by one around it.

They are arranged in array according to the orientation of the three or nine stars, echoing and stirring each other. Just because of Deng Xi's grievance array and the dark and cold endless void, they immediately turned into a hot furnace.

Under this powerful heat, Deng Xi's grievances have long been unable to resist, howling and running away, and then being roasted into gray carbon in the process of fleeing and dissipating in the air. Deng Xi's formation is close to collapse.

"Pang Zheng's yang magic power has indeed been transformed, and the extreme yang overcomes the extreme yin, so Deng Xi is in trouble."

The middle-aged monk surnamed Tang shook his head and said lightly. With his swallowing countless natural resources and treasures and refined his skills for decades, he needs to run his true spirit with all his strength to resist this hot attack. Thinking that Deng Xi is young, no matter how talented he is, his skills will not accumulate enough, and I'm afraid he will suffer more.

Mrs. Sun was very anxious and hurriedly said, "Why don't you take down Pang Zheng directly? Wouldn't it be a pity if this young man was killed like this?"

With her mother's vision, she could see at a glance that her daughter was quite interested in this young foreign monk. Naturally, she did not want him to lose her life in vain when the situation was fully controlled.

Han Lun closed his eyes slightly and frowned, "I'm not busy. Since this son has dealt with Pang Zheng, how can he easily go up and die without any certainty?"

"Sir, why is this necessary? Pang Zheng almost killed Xuan'er, and..."

"Okay, madam, there's no need to say!" Han Lun said unhappily, "I have my own sense of proportion."

It's not that he didn't see Deng Xi's plight at this moment, the gap in skills, the restraint of his skills, and everything seems to show that this young man seems to have no chance to win, but what he sees more than others is a calmness and calmness that Deng Xi has always maintained in his eyes, even if the resentment summoned at this time has Killed.

The nine fireballs are like nine suns, approaching Deng Xi. Under the momentum of Pang Zheng's violent true air, heavy flames continue to erupt, like a fire snake spitting letters, swaying and drifting, invisible.

Their heat has reached its peak and seems to be able to refine anything between heaven and earth. If it hadn't been for Han Lun to isolate everything, the temperature of these nine suns would be enough to turn the whole Hanfu and even the whole city into ashes.

In the face of this urgent crisis, Deng Xi did not panic at all. Whether the resentment was burned or the formation was destroyed, he just dealt with it indifferently. The body is changeable. With the agility of the wings of ten thousand ghosts, he shuttles back and forth between the other party's nine fireballs like ghosts, patiently looking for opportunities.

As for the terrible heat, his coping method is even clearer. Since his skills are not as good as the other party, he will contain most of the true qi, close but not obvious, and closely guard his own pulse and consciousness. The burns and burning of the body surface not only did not make him feel any anxiety, but also provided him with the best opportunity to practice weak water magic skills and marrowification skills.

A strange airflow flowed rapidly in his damaged body tissue, recovering them again and again. At this moment, he has already trained the realm of the immortal seal to the limit, and the speed of repair has almost caught up with the speed of destruction.

So in the eyes of outsiders, his body was in an extremely strange state. For a moment, it seemed to be burning and black, but when his eyes turned, the scorched blackness had turned back to normal, making people wonder if he had misread it wrong.

"It's strange that this son really has some way. His skills are obviously overstretched. Why can he shuttle between the fierce sun and Jiuyao without hurting? What kind of body protection is that?" Tang is a monk.

After looking at it for a while, Han Lun smiled and said, "If I guess correctly, I'm afraid he is not protecting his body with true qi, but repairing his body with true qi."

"Repair the body? Is it medullary work? Isn't this a skill only for those practitioners in Tianwu Mountain? The female monk said.

Han Lun immediately denied her view: "Although the medullary skill can change the appearance of the body, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It can never be so fast. If you really want to say it, the legendary weak water skill is more like it. It's just that the weak water skill is the martial arts handed down by the Zhou family, and the Zhou family has already died because of internal hardship, and they haven't heard that this skill has spread.

"In this way, Deng Xi's skill is really quite advanced. No wonder he can break through the third level of the refining realm at a young age. If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid Pang Zheng won't be able to consume him. Tang is a monk.

"That's right. It seems that he had the idea of a protracted war at the beginning. Jiuyao was too exhausting."

In the discussion of the three, Pang Zheng has begun to cry secretly. Seeing that he has forced the other party to a desperate situation several times, it is always difficult to take it down. I don't hesitate to attack my opponent with the most power-consuming moves of my Lieyang magic skill, because I know that I am doomed today, and it is meaningless to save Zhenqi. As long as I can kill Deng Xi on the spot, it is enough.

But the tenacity and cunning of the other party in front of him turned his life-threatening style into a joke. If you continue, you will be dragged to death.

So, after another siege, he finally couldn't stand the anger in his heart. After a roar, his true anger turned around.

"Nine Yao is one, and the sun burns the sky!"

Pang Zhengyu* Zhang, with a strong wind, rushed into the Jiuyao array like a roc bird, and then his whole body shook, and the true qi in his body soared instantly. He flew out from all parts of his body and threw himself into the nine white fireballs.


With the close of his hands, there were nine fireballs containing the ultimate yang power. In an instant, the divine light ran and the runes shone. After making a strange formation transformation in the air, they rushed to one place.

It shook like thunder, the landslide cracked, and the unstoppable high-heat shock wave suddenly turned into a tornado, spinning and sweeping out in all directions. And at the core of this tornado, no one can see what is inside.

The amazing high temperature and the extremely bright light seem to make the surrounding space begin to be strangely distorted. When he looked here, he immediately turned to the surrounding hot light bulbs. This is the real power of the sun. It is the terrible power condensed by Pang Zheng who absorbed countless sun's brilliance and refined thousands of sun stones in his life.

"Be careful!"

The power of this move made Han Lun can't help whispering. Of course, he doesn't care about the harm of the other party. But his wife and the other two masters may not be able to do their best and survive in the face of almost suicidal attacks.

In addition to his previous tricks, he had to concentrate his energy again and create a stronger barrier to block the damage of the light.

At the same time, the photosphere expanded rapidly like a star explosion in the sky. In just a moment, it caught up with Deng Xi, who was running with all his strength, and drowned his whole body.

"Look, you're still not dead!" Pang Zheng looked up to the sky and screamed. His move has overdrawn all his true qi and exerted his usual 120 points of power. As long as his opponent is still flesh and blood, there is only the way to burn it to ashes. After this move was over, there was no need for Han Lun to deal with him, and he only had the last breath before his death.

But just as he was about to close his eyes and wait for the final result, he faintly found that there seemed to be a golden light flash in the center of the ball of light that could not be seen directly, but it disappeared immediately before he could react. Everything in front of us has once again become a bright world without any color.