Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 191, kill me

One claw was taken back, but more claws came in one after another. It seems that these monsters have gone crazy. They will never stop if they don't catch the target in front of them and eat them alive.

After dozens of difficult counterattacks in a row, after the three tried their best to repel all these claws, the hole finally ushered in a moment of tranquility.

But everyone knows that this is by no means because the other party wants to retreat. For these fierce monsters, how can they completely give up the fat on their mouths because of a little skin injury?

They must have more powerful means to stop at this moment.

Sure enough, just for dozens of breaths, the three people felt that the ground under their feet suddenly trembled violently, and the wall around them seemed that someone was shaking desperately behind them, as if they were going to fall down at any time.

"What do they want to do?" Xu Yirong said in shock.

Deng Xi was lucky and then answered in a low voice, "They are looking for the surrounding soft soil layer and want to dig in from the side."


Before Xu Yirong's words fell, she only heard a loud noise. Suddenly, a huge gap several feet wide opened, and a steel-like claw protruded from below.

She was shocked when she saw this and quickly jumped away. Then, she saw that the walls of the caves around her burst one after another, and she wore out a huge claw of ugly monsters. Almost every corner of the cave was covered, and the three of them had no room to avoid and could only resist.

As time goes on, the situation becomes more and more critical. If it continues like this, failure is only a matter of time.

After Tang Xu covered each other back to back and blocked the attack in front of him, he couldn't help looking back, and his eyes flashed with a look that only their brothers and sisters could understand.

Then they roared and rushed forward with their blades. After cutting the road in front of them, they rushed straight to Deng Xi.

"What do you want to do?" Deng Xi's heart tightened, and a strong sense of urgency suddenly came to his mind.

He took the deepest part of the "Uti" cave and suffered the least pressure. At this time, it is actually easy to deal with.

But as soon as you look at their movements, you will know that they must have bad intentions.

Sure enough, the two did not have any words. They tried their best to shoot directly forward, as if they were desperate and wanted to die with him.

Suddenly, Deng Xi didn't even think that the other party would do such a thing. At this moment, there was no need for him to fight with these two people, so he had to fly up and fly back out with "Uti". He devoted himself to the most intense battlefield.

When the two saw that he had left the safest position at the bottom of the cave, they did not catch up again, but defended themselves with all their strength. At the same time, they stared at Deng Xi, who was struggling to avoid the monster attack on the outside, and sneered.

"You two are really poisonous enough. Take me as bait to attract the enemy and be careful to eat your own consequences!" Deng Xi shouted angrily.

"Why is Mr. Pang polite? When he survives, he naturally does everything. What's more, hasn't Mr. Pang used me to lead Mrs. Sun? Everyone is with each other, just don't talk about anyone. Xu Yirong waved her knife again to force back a huge claw that touched the nearby, and then laughed softly.

Deng Xi was furious again, but in an instant, he suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Xu Yirong thought he was laughing at herself and snorted.

"I laughed, but someone is about to eat the fruit."


In the shocked eyes of Xu Tang and the two, on the wall of the cave behind them, Huo Ran was knocked open with a huge gap more than one person. The claws of a monster like a mantis suddenly poked out and grabbed Xu Yirong, who was a little confused at this moment.

This third-level master, who was originally powerful, has consumed most of his true qi in the previous series of huge battles. In this solemn spiritual miasma, the passage of power is several times faster than usual. This time, I was pulled by my lower abdomen, and my heart was shocked. In a hurry, I couldn't even release the counterattack.

Tang Wenbin finally reacted quickly, split with a sword, and suddenly cut a huge crack on the huge claw, and a finger was cut off on the spot. Blood gushed out and splashed all over Xu Yirong in an instant.

But this monster's temperament can really be said to be extremely irritable? This time, instead of loosening his claws, he exerted more effort and dragged Xu Yirong into the crack.


Tang Wenbin shouted with his eyes wide. He was about to pursue the lower hole desperately, but the huge claws around him besieged him again, and the situation was extremely critical. He suddenly tightened his breath and had to fight back.

"I want to save your sister, rush out!"

Under the chaotic situation, Deng Xi has not lost his calm. Now this cave has lost the ability to cover and can only continue to explore the depths of the mountains to find a real shelter. It is better to find a hole leading to the bottom of the mountain.

But if you rush out first, you will attract the attention of these angry monsters to yourself. Although I am not afraid, it is by no means a rational choice. Therefore, let Tang Wenbin, who is eager to save people, go out first, which can help him attract some firepower.

As soon as Tang Wenbin rushed out, he instantly understood the purpose of Deng Xi's words. He couldn't help but be furious and immediately turned around and looked at Deng Xi fiercely. However, knowing that he was being used, he had no choice, because what they did was before, which can only be said to be a retribution.

So he roared, waved his sword to cut off a few giant claws from around, and suddenly rushed out of the hole.


As soon as he came out of the hole, he was immediately surrounded by many monsters already piled up nearby, howling his claws and biting his teeth, and was about to kill him in one fell swoop.

Tang Wenbin rushed left and right, avoided the interception along the way, and rushed to the four-legged monster holding Xu Yirong not far away.

But there were too many monsters around him. As soon as he rushed halfway, he was swept by the long tail of a dragon-shaped monster, pulled on his calf, and fell to the ground with a bang.

And in front of her, the four-legged monster holding Xu Yirong has raised her to the front of her giant mouth.

"No! Sister!"

Tang Wenbin roared and was about to fly up, but he was knocked to the ground again by another flying eagle beast. Just as he was about to turn over and sit up, he was instantly broken by a long claw like a monster machete, and then passed through and nailed to the ground.

"Wow!" The head of the other giant beast has reached in front of him, and his mouth is open. His white teeth are dripping with sticky * slippery and smelly **, dripping on his body, burning in an instant, and the pain made him open his mouth and shouting.


Then the thigh was cold, but the left leg was pulled off, and then the right leg.

In front of this group of huge monsters, this once powerful monk is just a delicious meal.

Just before he was about to be dismembered again, the head of the giant beast that was biting him suddenly burst open. Blood and brain plasma splashed for a while. And several other monsters beside him also fell to the ground at the same time.

Tang Wenbin's eyes are wide open and I don't know what happened. Then the white shadow flashed in front of him, and Deng Xi had already flew in front of him.

"Your sister has been killed by me, and there was no pain before she died. Do you want to be divided by them or die in my hands?

His voice is cold, but for Tang Wenbin, it is comparable to the most beautiful fairy music. In the distance, Xu Yirong closed her eyes and died quietly. It is the fastest way to die through the heart.

"Decide quickly, I can't stand it for too long." Deng Xi urged.

"Thank you, you kill me." Tang Wenbin smiled bitterly.


The blade is like a knife, killing with one blow.