Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 224 The Hatred of Wife

"Didn't you say it yourself just now?"

Deng Xi looked at him with a smile.

"Weak water power? It's really weak water power." He opened his eyes to Kunpeng and asked incredulously, "Is there anyone alive in the Zhou family?"

Deng Xi could only shake his head and smile calmly: "I don't know if anyone in the Zhou family is still alive, because I didn't learn from living people."

Xiang Kunpeng was puzzled: "Didn't you learn from living people? Did you learn from the dead? The weak water skills of the Zhou family can always only be dicted and do not fall into words.

"No words?" Deng Xi smiled secretly, and what is the line in the Three Worlds? Of course, it's not convenient to say so clearly.

"Yes, I just learned from the dead."

"Dead people?" After Xiang Kunpeng was slightly stunned, he said coldly, "Can you still go to hell and ghosts to learn martial arts?"

Deng Xi shrugged his shoulders: "Congratulations, I guessed right. Not only have I been to hell, but I also brought a lot of things back there. This weak water magic skill is the strongest skill I brought back from there.

Deng Xi's words are half true. Naturally, it is true that he has been to the underworld, but the weak water magic skill was learned in the vast universe pot. It's just that saying this will make the other party feel more unfathomable.

Sure enough, he said to Kunpeng incredulously, "It's impossible, if you really..."

After he finished speaking, Deng Xi immediately cut off his mouth and said, "If I really come back from hell, I should be reincarnated and forget my previous life, right?"

"Yes, the reincarnation of the three worlds is the way of life and death. Can you still violate the way of heaven?" Shout to Kunpeng.

"Heavenly?" Deng Xi couldn't help laughing in his heart. The so-called way of heaven is just a few strong men in hell, sitting there and sorting out the stolen goods. Nowadays, one of the top ten giants of hell is already their own women. Isn't this so-called heavenly way discussed by your own family?

"You can't believe it. What does it have to do with me?" He curled his lips carelessly: "But you might as well think for yourself, if I hadn't gone from the underworld, where did my soul-making flag come from? If I hadn't been reincarnating from hell, how could so many hellish spirits obey my orders? Xiangchengzhu's generation of masters should know that the Kyushu world has never had such a skill since ancient times, right?

Xiang Kunpeng was completely confused. Although this matter was too strange, he did already find that the tricks used by Deng Xi could not be cultivated by the monks in the human world. The thousands of grievances could only be driven by years of cultivation in the underworld. All this in front of him forced him to believe Deng Xi's statement.

After staring for a long time, he smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I had planned against Kunpeng for so long that I was fighting against a ghost of hell. However, even so, I could have killed you. Under the disillusionment of the stars, my soul was destroyed! If it weren't for Ling Deng, if it weren't Ling Deng!"

Speaking this, he couldn't help roaring in anger and hoarsely: "I'm going to kill him!"

Deng Xi was stunned when he heard the words. Thinking of all the strange things on Ling Deng's body, he subconsciously looked around and saw that he could not find him for a moment. He immediately turned around and asked Kunpeng, "Who is this Ling Deng?"

"You asked me who he was?" Xiang Kunpeng's eyes were red at this moment, and he gasped repeatedly and said, "Isn't he your enemy?"

"My enemy?" Now it's Deng Xi's turn to open his eyes.

"What? Don't you know him?" Xiang Kunpeng frowned, and he obviously saw Deng Xi's shock: "He just came to my Shengwu City a few months ago, saying that he was in Zhongdu mainland and you hated to take his wife. If he hadn't kept offering and persuading, I wouldn't have fought against the Heavenly City so quickly.

"Hate of taking a wife?" Deng Xi's eyebrows were so twisted that they were about to drip water.

It turned out that Ling Deng, who acted mysteriously, really came from the mainland of Dongzhou, which can explain why he knew that he and Qing Chengzi had a holiday. It is also understandable to explain why he knows that he has the ability to transform the appearance of others. But the four words "hate of taking a wife" are a little too amazing.

Because until now, although he has several women, if it is not the ghost of the underworld or the alien race of the sea world, he has not stuck to any woman on the Dongzhou continent so far.

So, the only person who can slightly touch these four words is only one person: Deng Drive.

I ruined the engagement banquet and agreed to the Shen family's later marriage request. From the perspective of Deng Drive, it can indeed be regarded as the hatred of taking a wife.

However, his younger brother, who can't do anything and eat nothing, should still be under the strict control of the Deng family. How can he have a chance to escape? Even if you escape, you will never be able to soar in such a short time and reach the level of this moment.

Of course, there is actually a way to achieve this result, that is, the power contained in Uti. But it's not that Deng Xi flattens him down. Even if it's a sneak attack and plot, there is no chance to touch the body of the Shen girl.

Then, there is only one possibility left. Thinking of the various situations that have happened to Ling Deng in the past few days, Deng Xi has stringed them together one by one, and the other party's identity is ready to come out.

In an instant, Deng Xi's eyebrows raised, and then he took a deep breath and sneered at Xiang Kunpeng: "Well, I probably know who made you like this. In fact, you don't have to feel too wronged, because even the owner of Han was fooled by her.

"Han Lun? What do you mean by that? Did he kill Han Lun?

Deng Xi shook his head slightly and frowned, "Well, you don't need to ask so much. What I want to tell you now is another thing that you should also be curious about.

While Xiang Kunpeng was still confused about why, Deng Xi had once again put the swallowing Qiankun pot in his hand, and the mouth of the pot was facing him.

"What do you want to do?" Xiang Kunpeng knew that it was not good and immediately shouted harshly.

"It seems that you already know what I'm going to say." Deng Xi's eyes condensed: "Yes, I just want to tell you the use of this devouring pot. I think it must be very strange to the city owner why the third level of the refining world in my area can have endless power, so that you can't help me. It is because this treasure has been providing me with strength.

As he spoke, he paused, looked at the other party's already understood expression, smiled again, and said word by word, "Are you curious now why it can provide so much true anger? Because this is a soul weapon specially used to absorb people's souls and refine them into aura. The higher the soul, the more aura will be refined. If you can get the soul of the city owner, I think the next practice will be much easier.

In the process of Deng Xi's words, Xiang Kunpeng's expression has been changing rapidly. He has guessed that Deng Xi not only wants to kill him, but also refine his soul, which is equivalent to destroying his soul and unable to survive. So when Deng Xi finished his last words, he had already trembled, his face turned pale, and rushed to Deng Xi with a roar, wanting to make the last meaningless resistance.

Deng Xi sighed, and then the spell was released. With a flash of light, the mouth of the pot that devoured the universe pot immediately opened a huge black hole, and the powerful suction gushed out, covering Kunpeng's body head-on.

Then the surrounding space seemed to be ** hard and began to absorb and bend into the pot.

Xiang Kunpeng's whole body was shocked and roared sadly. After a moment, in Deng Xi's eyes, his soul was actually pulled out of his body and drilled into the pot with a sw. And his body fell quickly.


Den Xi finally took a long breath and began to close his eyes. He looked in his mind at the picture book of the most powerful opponent he had killed so far.

But after a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at the three remaining monks of Shengwu City in the distance. The three had already been stunned by what happened in front of them. When Deng Xi's eyes swept to them, he suddenly woke up, immediately abandoned Huang Shanyong, who was caught by them, and quickly fled to the distance.

The corners of Deng Xi's eyes twitched slightly, but his mind moved. Ming Qiluo and other three women immediately turned around and chased one by one, flashing away like a ghost.

After only a few breaths, three sad shouts came back from afar.

As for Deng Xi himself, he has no time to pay attention to these little ones. He pointed in the air and instantly untied Huang Shanyong's prohibition. He immediately turned around and flew towards Gaoyang Peak below.

Because before that, Han Yixuan and Ling Deng had fallen one after another. Although the location of the fall is not in the critical peak, it may also be in danger at any time. He didn't want to solve Xiang Kunpeng, a strong enemy, but there were other accidents.

Especially Ling Deng, will he really be the person he thinks of?

As soon as his consciousness was opened, he swept the mountain forest under him in an instant and quickly found the position of the two. But then he was slightly stunned, because Ling Deng was slowly walking towards Han Yixuan, who had no ability to move, and was about to come to her side.

"What is he going to do?"

Deng Xi's heart tightened, and his figure accelerated sharply, rushing forward like a flash of lightning, but at this moment, Ling Deng also accelerated his speed at the same time, ran to Han Yixuan's side, and held her in his hand that fell on the low bush. Then he turned around and faced Deng Xi, gasping hard.

"Wait! Don't come here!"

As soon as Ling Deng finished saying this fiercely, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood and coughed hard. It seems that Kunpeng's injury to him is really light. That sneak attack was completely a kind of defeat.

Deng Xi stopped helplessly, took a long breath and looked into the other party's eyes.