Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 226 Spiritual Pearls

"But your injury..."

"Then you don't have to worry about it." The Shen girl finally glanced at him, hugged Han Yixuan and walked away: "Although I don't have your ability, I can't even break my bones, but I won't be hurt to death by this."

In the heavy spiritual miasma, the difficult figure of the Shen girl under serious injury gradually disappeared into the dense Gaoyang Peak dense forest. Deng Xi's heart was empty, and he couldn't say what it was like.

He always felt an unreal feeling about the words of the Shen girl, because he didn't want to believe that the sweet and touching dialogue and getting along with each other on the peak of the Juemiasma that day would be fake.

Just as the other party's figure was getting farther and farther away, he had left the foot of the mountain and entered the denser jungle in the West. After disappearing from his spiritual range, Deng Xi's fierce mind surged, and a violent idea rushed into his mind in an instant. He gritted his teeth and roared, "No, I can't let her go. She is my Deng Xi's daughter-in-law. I want to get her back! Whether she will tell you about Han Lun or not!"

Together, he flew into the air, ready to fly in the direction of Miss Shen's departure.

At this moment, I saw a figure approaching quickly, and Huang Shanyong with a panic face: "Mr. Deng, you are here. I can't find you everywhere."

Deng Xi knew that he did not have the ability to explore the environment through the spiritual miasma. Naturally, it was not easy to find his place on Gaoyang Peak, which was full of miasma.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

He was eager to go to the Shen family, but he just answered casually.

Huang Shanyong said urgently, "Just now, a few monks of Shengwu City who took advantage of the chaos and hid suddenly ran out after the three female monks you summoned disappeared. Now they are flying north. It seems that they are going to report the news."

"Let them report the news. Anyway, I will come to the door sooner or later. What effect can a few little guys do?" Deng Xi said carelessly.

Seeing Deng Xi's words, he wanted to leave. Huang Shanyong said again, "Mr. Deng Da, you don't understand that although Xiang Kunpeng is dead, the strongest person in Shengwu City is still there. His son Xiang Tianyun is far stronger than his father. It is only because he is dedicated to closed practice that he did not come. This man is cruel and better than Kunpeng. If he knew that Xiang Kunpeng had been killed by you, he would have been furious. And we have people who went to the three cities in the north, except me and Miss San, were all taken to Shengwu City. At that time, he would be angry..."

"So that's it!" Only then did Deng Xi understand the seriousness of the matter.

The life and death of dozens of people are already on the front line. Although he is eager to find the Shen girl, he can't watch these men who know the danger and still refuse to leave him lose their lives.

So he looked in the direction of the disappearance of the Shen girl. After sighing, he quickly turned his eyes to the north. Far away, several shadows are almost on the edge of the field of vision, and he must catch up immediately.

However, as soon as his figure started, there was a wave of shouts from afar behind him.

Turning his head and looked, another group of more than a dozen monks of Shengwu City used their skills and rushed to him quickly.

"This is from Shangtian City!" Deng Xi was shocked.

The pursuit of himself to Kunpeng must have spread to Shangtian City, and these people are probably here to help him. But at this time, how can I pay attention to these people?

"Mr. Deng, these people are handed over to Mr. Huang. Hurry up and chase those people in front of you." Huang Shanyong shouted.

Deng Xi frowned and shook his head slightly: "You have just lifted the ban, and your skills have not been restored. You can't deal with these people. Let me do it."

Before Huang Shanyong could speak again, the three daughters of Mingqiluo reappeared and went forward.

"Director Deng Da, your move is really powerful. Who are you in this move? Not to mention beautiful, how can your skills be higher than those of us who have practiced for decades?

Deng Xi smiled and didn't answer, and he couldn't answer. Did he tell the other party that these are his own women? Haven't you stunned him?

In an instant, the sky was dark, and the resentment spirit flew over. Those Xiang Kunpeng's men who came out of the upper city were like meeting a hungry wolf sheep. They just shouted to kill and rushed forward. After a moment, they were squeezed by the triple superimposed horror array and lost their will to fight, and then evolved into a one-sided one-sided Cruel slaughter.

These three women's action is equivalent to three Deng Xi's action at the same time. How can these people resist that terrible power? Even if there are several monks on the third level of the divine realm, it is too far from Deng Xi's cultivation of refining and absorbing a huge amount of demons at this moment.

For a moment, it seemed to become a Shura field in mid-air. A corpse plasma splashed, scattered and fell, and sad screams came one after another. The strong smell of blood spread with the wind.

Huang Shanyong originally wanted to go up to help, but when he saw this scene, he immediately lost his desire to take action. The three people slaughtered so efficiently that I'm afraid it will only cause trouble if they go up by themselves.

Looking back at Deng Xi, he found that he had turned away and chased those who fled to the north as early as the three daughters of Ming Qiluo took action.

In the roar of the wind, Deng Xi stretched out his wings, quickly rose to a height close to the clouds, and then condescending, and the lightning flashed.

These four are extremely lively people. As early as Deng Xi and Xiang Kunpeng began to fight, they quietly dispersed to prevent them from being injured by the aftershocks of their powerful skills.

When I saw Ling Deng sneaking into Kunpeng, I immediately understood that I was afraid there would be trouble today. So he quickly fled in the chaos and hid into the surrounding mountains and forests to wait for the result of the matter.

Sure enough, as they expected, the seemingly powerful Xiang Kunpeng really lost his life in the front and back attacks of Ling Deng and Deng Xi. Shocked, they quickly escaped from the jungle. When Deng Xi rushed into Gaoyang Peak, and the three Mingqiluo returned to the soul weapon because they completed the goal, they immediately seized the time and fled.

But I didn't expect that Deng Xi still chased behind them so quickly and was about to enter the opponent's attack range.

"Let's disperse!"

A man shouted in horror.

Needless to say, this is their best choice at this moment. In the face of an enemy who can't fight and is not as fast as the other side, only by dispersing can they escape one or two people.

And after they dispersed, they flew to the ground one by one and hid in the dense trees. Instead of being a target in the sky, it is better to use the terrain to survive. The speed may be slower, but the chance of escape is much greater.

The four people acted quickly and together, but disappeared from Deng Xi's sight for a moment.

Deng Xi frowned and quickly operated the true spirit to explore with his divine consciousness. But among the trees, the vegetation is lush and the mountains and rocks are lush. Even if you use divine consciousness, it will be greatly restricted. Chasing any one of them alone will give others a leisurely chance to escape. And his grievance array can't cover such a large area for the time being.

When he was anxious, he was suddenly slightly stunned, and a message rose in his mind, which was transmitted by his split body in the universe pot.

"Abyss Demon Spirit Pearl?"

It turns out that the split in his pot has now tested the function of this spiritual bead refined with the soul of the sea demon god.

And Deng Xi was overjoyed to learn this function. In an instant, he took out the wonderful treasure of devouring the universe pot* and suddenly sacrificed it to the air.


A sound wave that was so low that it was almost hard to hear passed by. After drawing a perfect arc in the air, this black spiritual bead rushed to the ground and instantly disappeared under the green canopy.

Then, the fierce light of this thing flashed, and the dark forces suddenly rolled out and surged out in all directions. They did not expand quickly in the air, but as soon as they came into contact with solid objects such as trees and rocks, their speed increased sharply and expanded to nearly hundreds of miles in an instant. Outside, and still moving forward.

This power is the terror field of the abyss demon that Deng Xi felt in the undetermined abyss. The spiritual pearl of the abyss demon inherits its ability.

The four monks of Shengwu City were flying rapidly over the woodland close to the ground at this moment, and at almost the same time, they felt as if a mountain was suddenly pressing on them. This sudden blow made them difficult to breathe, mentally slow, unable to gather their will to run, and could only fall with a bang. On the ground.

"What's going on? How could he attack us at such a distance? What kind of trick is this?

The four of them worked hard to cheer up and stood up again.

This time they are ready to force their true spirit and want to take off under the strong spiritual repressive power. But immediately, another wave of stronger dark forces came as scheduled.

The four people suddenly felt a buzz in their minds, and their bodies stopped again.

Although the power of this spiritual pearl power field is less than that of the original master of the abyss demon, it is impossible to control these powerful monks. But as a treasure, it also needs to be stimulated by Deng Xi's own power, which immediately increased a large part, exceeding the strength in the predetermined abyss.

In addition, these monks of Shengwu City do not have the inherent resistance to spiritual power of the black scales, and the weakening effect of the black scale armor on the viscous magic field of the abyss, so it is difficult to get out of this blow. It took a long time to run forward less than ten feet.

"Oh no!"

They know that it is not good, and they know that there are many bad luck today. So he simply turned around and tried his best to fight against Deng Xi.

Unfortunately, their thinking speed is too slow at this moment. They just saw Deng Xi's figure appear. Before they could make a move and swallow the dark pot of the universe pot, they opened in front of them one after another.

In front of this horrible ghost refining weapon that can forcibly extract souls from living people, their skills are difficult to condense. What is there a second way except waiting for death?