Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 229 Special People

"There is no response."

Jiangyue pouted and spread her hands: "This stone didn't even open its eyes, and directly let the messenger go back to rest through the door. I was afraid that he would find another order, so I waited for a while. But he really seemed to think that nothing had happened and continued to meditated and practice.

Deng Xi took a long breath and nodded secretly: "This is the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and there is no god."

And Chang Feng beside him said, "This Xiang Tianyun is really not simple. Knowing that his father is dead, he can be calm and unmoved. Such self-control is really terrible.

"Yueer, please stare at Xiang Tianyun again. I don't believe that he will never move."

Deng Xi continued to bow his head and think while assigning Jiang Yue.

Before coming to Shengwu City, Deng Xi thought that Xiang Tianyun would be the son of the grumpy family. As soon as he heard that his father was dead, he would be furious and vent his anger with the enemy's prisoners. Now it seems that this possibility is not without, but it is finally a little smaller.

The problem is that he finds it a little difficult to grasp the idea of this strange young city owner of Shengwu City, which is very unfavorable for him to make a correct decision to deal with the other party.

Since he was included in the vast universe pot by Xiuyun, he has met countless powerful opponents, some of which even seemed invincible at that time. But those difficulties are only by force in the final analysis. At least he knows how to deal with his opponent. And this time, the opponent he met was not only powerful, but also elusive.

At this moment, he suddenly sounded a series of loud bells in his house.

"Calling order?"

Deng Xi was shocked: "He still has a move."

There was no further explanation for the news from Jiangyue's reply. Deng Xi calmed down a little and walked to the front hall of the city owner's mansion. He didn't know how Xiang Tianyun would respond, so he could only take one step first. Act according to the opportunity.

When he arrived at this huge hall, which was nearly half larger than Hanfu, it was already crowded.

Although Kunpeng took a considerable number of the masters in the city to Shangtian City, there are still many talents here, and there are no more than 30 or 40 people who can handle it. Among them, Xiang Hong, who once went to the heavenly city to send a message, is also among them.

And soon he knew that it was the steward Xiang who went to Tiancheng to inquire about the news this time.

After a while, when I saw that the people were almost there, someone began to ask, "What the hell is going on? Gather us all together?"

At this time, Xiang Kunpeng's second brother came forward riding the wind. His face was gloomy and his breath was short: "Don't quarrel. Today, it was because of a shocking news from Xiang Hong that I had to find everyone."

Everyone looked at his expression that seemed to want to kill, guessed what was going on, and waited silently for his follow-up.

After a pause, he said again, "According to Xiang Hong, my eldest brother was killed in Shangtian City more than a month ago."


When everyone heard it, they were all set on the spot. This explosive news directly shocked them. Except for the start of horror, the whole hall was silent, and even if someone took a breath, it would be heard.

"Who killed the city lord? Who can kill him?"

Finally, someone reacted and asked loudly.

Then there was an uproar, and everyone asked Xiang Hong what he had heard.

In this piece of gossip, Xiang Hong finally said the results of this trip to Tiancheng in pieces.

Deng Xi looked at each other coldly and listened to the matter. It turned out that Xiang Hong arrived in Shangtian City and found that Xiang Kunpeng and others had disappeared collectively. When Han Fu returned to Han Yixuan's hands, his scalp suddenly exploded. However, he was also alert and did not rush in directly as last time.

When a low-level monk was left alone, he blocked his way and used various means to ask the result of the matter.

But the monk didn't know much, so he only understood that Xiang Kunpeng died at Deng Xi's hands, and he didn't know anything about the specific process, including Ling Deng's anti-water incident.

At this time, it seems that the hall of Xiangfu is boiling.

"Will you make a mistake? To the stewman?"

"Don't be slandered, right?"

No one can believe that as a top master of cultivation in Dongzhou mainland, Xiang Kunpeng would fall into the hands of a person with a lower level of cultivation than him, and even the whole army was destroyed without even a person to report.

However, there is no need to explain to Hongduo. For such a long time, there has been no message from Kunpeng, and it is basically certain that something has happened to him.

Gradually, everyone began to accept this absurd news.

"Let's kill the heavenly city and avenge the city owner!"

"Yes, let him pay the blood debt with blood!"

Someone shouted loudly, causing a sound of harmony, and the lobby seemed to be boiling.

But in a round of emotional shouts, someone suddenly whispered, "What did the young city owner say?"

The sound was not loud, but it suppressed the warm sound in an instant.

In the city's mansion, although Xiang Chengfeng is Xiang Kunpeng's younger brother, everyone knows very well that when Xiang Kunpeng is away, Xiang Tianyun is the master of the family. Even if he encounters major things during his retreat, he still has to ask him for instructions.

At this time, it can be said that it is an extremely dangerous moment, and it is up to him to make the decision.

Who knows, Xiang Chengfeng suddenly took a deep breath and shook his head and said, "Actually, it was Tianyun who asked me to gather you here. What he means is to leave this Dengxi alone. Now the three cities in the north are our most important threat. Concentrate your strength first, wait until the third house of Chen Xue and Liu is broken, and then turn back to solve Deng Xi. Unexpectedly, he can't run away.

"Never mind him?"

Everyone was surprised, and they were almost shocked by Xiang Tianyun's calm and frightening mentality. Deng Xi nodded secretly and said that this person was not only amazing and decisive in case of trouble, but also by no means comparable to ordinary people.

Thinking of this, he suddenly moved his mind and asked, "Xiang, since the young city owner doesn't let us avenge the city owner, what does it mean to gather everyone today?"

Xiang Chengfeng hasn't spoken yet this time. Xiang Tianyun's familiar cold voice seemed to come out from all directions and penetrated into the ears of everyone present.

"I mean, I want to find a few special people from among you in case you get in the way in the next process."

"Special person?" Everyone was stunned when they heard the words and didn't understand what he was talking about.

Xiang Tianyun then sneered: "Do you think my father will really die at the hands of a person on the third level of the refining world?"

Speaking of this, he paused and said word by word, "My father died in Ling Deng's hands. And some of you are his people.