Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 257 Kill

Lan Ping was shocked by the three people and immediately ran his true spirit, turned his huge array in the direction, and pushed it straight to the storm of resentment above his head. The condensed beast with colorful light also immediately howled, twisted its body, and rushed to the horrible face that was suppressed without fear.

However, this process is actually stimulated, and it is a little late due to the retardation of the air machine of Lan Pingchao.

So, just as the head of the giant beast had just turned up and before it could open its mouth to devour the resentment, in the center of this mountain-like storm, a dark hole was suddenly opened. A vigorous figure suddenly fell like a meteorite and flew down like a wind, in the other party's hand. In the middle, a black blade full of endless death is shining with a dim and strange light.


A shout of anger shocked the world like thunder. Countless hells shot like arrows in all directions in an instant, directly pierced the body of the star python, and then continued to rush to the circular array below. The giant beast condensed from true qi is not strong in the first place. In addition, the power of the Lanping Dynasty has not recovered. How can he resist it under the sharp edge of his god-killing?

And the grievance storm that opened a gap also broke out at this moment. The poisonous hell insect was poured down like a rainstorm, completely blocking Lan Ping's retreat for the three people.

They have no choice but to fight back.

It was not until this that Lan Pingchao's internal breath finally returned to normal. Seeing that Deng Xi's dark spirit had rushed to the array, he struggled to push the power of the array to the limit.

In an instant, the seven rainbows were shining, rushing back and collided head-on with Deng Xi's dark atmosphere at a very close distance.

However, the situation is irreparable.

The crisp and dense bursting sound sounded like a storm, one light and one dark, one up and one, the two completely different forces, bloomed into unspeakable thousands of glory. Waves of air surged up one after another and quickly pushed away in all directions.

The powerful impact force like the top of the giant peak was immediately applied to the three Lan Pingchao, vibrating violently, rushing into their bodies and meridians again and again, hitting their true qi and shaking their Dantian and heart, as if a heavy hammer hitting their chest again and again.

Under this terrible attack, Lan Pingchao's two slightly weak uncles had almost fought for their lives before they narrowly guarded their air machine. They did not crack the meridians on the spot and spit blood and fell to the ground.

But they soon despaired to find that this was far from the end of the matter. Following the falling dark air, it was the ten-foot blade in Deng Xi's hand, which drew a dark full moon arc in the sharp and strange roar and split it head. In an instant, the ghost cried, and purgatory reappeared!

This is a move for the king of death.

Lan Ping's eyes and the three of them were straight. Among the information they got, some of them were just the formations that Deng Xi occasionally used to try. How could they know that after the already very horrible array of resentment, there was also this soul-stirring chopping?


The earth-shaking sound of chopping exploded from the array in front of him in an instant.

As soon as Deng Xi's black blade touched it, it quickly crossed over. And the huge array that condensed all the skills of the three people and began to slowly crack after Lan Pingchao's countless adjustments to operate the method. After spreading like a cobweb for a moment, the tortuous cracks suddenly stretched out rapidly, but in the time between breathing, they completely occupied the round surface of the whole array.

At this moment, except for the huge storm of resentment still being stimulated, there was silence in the whole magic array. All of them put their eyes on this circular array with different looks. They seem to have guessed what will happen next.

Then, a sound of the fragmentation of "grid" artifacts sounded densely. This powerful * magic array, which concentrated the cultivation of the three top masters of Yunyazong, quickly cracked and collapsed, and turned into a chaotic real qi debris in the thrilling sound of bursting.

What shocked all the onlookers more than the collapse of the array was that under the huge array, the three people were sluggish and disordered, as if they had been hit by the outside world, curled up in place.

In fact, they were the supreme power and strong cultivation contained in Deng Xi's shocking move, which shocked the meridians in their bodies. It is lucky enough that there is no last blood splash on the spot.

In an instant, the dark clouds dissipated and the wind retreated, and Deng Xi took back the resentment.

His blow condensed almost all his skills, which can be said to be a desperate blow, but while deterring the opponent, he also suffered the damage caused by the opponent's counterattack. However, his final cultivation is higher than that of the other three, and the damage he suffered is within a self-controllable range.

And at this moment, Deng Xi has long had no devouring pot that can infinitely provide aura, and there is no Xingyue sister who is always pure in the world in the pot, so he can heal his wounds. Therefore, in order to concentrate on recovering his power as soon as possible and prevent others from fishing in troubled waters, it is certainly impossible for him to continue to maintain this array of resentment that consumes his power crazily.

"Deng Xi! You, what kind of trick are you?

Lan Pingchao finally came to his senses. He forcibly held back the shock of his heart and gritted his teeth and asked.

Deng Xi also took a deep breath, quietly adjusted his luck, then laughed and came forward: "This move is called killing gods, which was originally the final blow of my resentment array. I know that you have secretly paid attention to me for a year, and I'm afraid you have peeked at me using this formation, but you won't see this trick I've never used before, right?

Lan Ping snorted angrily: "So that's it. I didn't expect that I tried my best to restrain you!"

Deng Xi shook his head slightly and sighed, "This only shows that your mind is in the wrong place." He paused and said, "Actually, I really have nothing to do with your ancestors, and I never thought who to target. Even this time, I came here just because I was invited by Tianwushan Taoist friends to help first. As a result, you have to fight with me for life and death, right?

"What? Are you invited?" Lan Ping said in an incredible whisper.