Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 268 Two Fiancees

With this shout, several faint figures gradually swam out of the direction of the Dragon God Tower from afar.

In front of these people is a slender woman with a colorful sacrificial costume. Her peerless light, even if she is still far away in the depths of the dark sea, is enough to illuminate the eyes of everyone present.

She is Uti, the one who can fascinate the alien demon god with her face.

"Master, you don't have to take action. Just let me solve it this time." The scale king shouted.

"Your Majesty, don't act rashly. This man is not a small man. You'd better leave it to me."

As soon as the people arrived, these people had quickly rushed to the front of the confrontation between the two sides.

"B bitch, you are finally willing to come out! I thought you were going to hide behind these cannon fodder forever. The Shen girl scolded.

"Do you dare to come? You think...ah!"

In the middle of her words, her eyes glanced at Deng Xi, who was not far behind the Shen girl, and suddenly covered her mouth with both hands and made a sharp cry, and her beautiful eyes were full of shock and joy.

It's not only her, but also several people behind her showed similar expressions almost at the same time.

If Deng Xi had not been sealed, he would be surprised to find that these people were Mingqiluo, Xingyue sisters, and Chang Feng. However, at this moment, he doesn't have much direct feeling except that these people are a little familiar.

"Brother Xi!"

"Dun Xi!"

"Deng Xiandi!"

These sounds burst out almost at the same time, but they were quickly cut off by the crisp and fierce shouts of the Shen girl: "B bitch, do you want to confuse my father-in-law? It's not that easy this time."

Uti ignored her, but was full of tears, shook her head in disbelief, and said incoherently, "Brother Xi, why did you come back? You are back!"

"Brother Deng, remember what I said. Whatever she says, don't believe her." The Shen girl put away her golden scales in an instant, turned around and swam in front of Deng Xi, holding his arm tightly, with a very intimate posture.

Deng Xi put his arm around her shoulder and frowned, "I know, but why do I always feel that they..."

"Don't feel it." The Shen girl immediately cut off her words and said, "Don't you see that bitch? She specializes in confusing people. Be careful not to be fascinated by her.

Deng Xi was interrupted and felt a little unhappy. Although the Shen girl has said hello in advance, Uti's appearance is indeed as enchanting as she said, which is frightening. But after all, he has recovered most of his will and will only be influenced by the Shen girl subconsciously at the critical moment. So seeing the current situation, some different ideas also began to emerge in his heart.

Looking at Deng Xi's indifferent expression, Wuti couldn't help but be shocked and said, "Brother Xi, don't you remember me?"

As soon as she said her words, Jiang Yue next to her immediately said, "My young lady, can't you see it? There is something wrong with Deng Xi's memory, most of which is the good thing done by the lady over there. You gave most of the power of the demon god over there, and with that treasure, how could Deng Xi escape from her poisonous hand? Moreover, and she also uses your body, so Deng Xi won't doubt her."

Deng Xi frowned and asked urgently, "This girl, what did you just say?" What does it mean to use her body? With that, he turned his head and looked at the girl of the Shen family. Obviously, the meaning of the other party's words pointed directly at her, and Deng Xi could not help but doubt it.

"Hey! Why did you forget what I said again? It pissed me off!" The Shen girl shouted in a delicate voice. Then she turned her eyes and threw coldly to Jiang Yue: "What does it mean to use her body? Ridiculous! I'm me, am I not Shen Ning? Am I the Miss Shen family who made a marriage with the brother of the Deng family?

"You!" Jiangyue was speechless in an instant, and she, who had never been fangs, couldn't speak for a moment.

How's it going? There's nothing to say, right?" The Miss Shen took the opportunity to shout, "Now that my father-in-law is back, none of you can run away. Brother Deng, give the others to me, and you can just kill that goblin bitch.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked when they heard the words, and Uti raised their eyebrows: "You, what are you talking about? Did you ask Brother Xi to kill me?"

"Yes, you are so powerful that I can't kill you. I have to let my father-in-law do it." The girl from the Shen family said with a smile.

"You, you are so vicious!" Uti was very anxious and hurriedly said to Deng Xi, "Brother Xi, don't listen to her. She is a demon. She is lying to you. I'm your fiancee!"

"What? What did you say? Are you my fiancee?

Hearing this, Deng Xi's already chaotic brain was almost bursting. In his memory, his fiancee was indeed a girl from the Shen family. It was this that made him unable to believe her words. So the previous conversation made him entangled, and now the charming and unparalleled sea woman in front of him suddenly claimed to be his fiancee, which made him feel that he was going crazy.

The girl from the Shen family smiled coldly, glanced at Deng Xi and said, "How's it going? Brother Deng, what did I say? She is openly charming you. Do you have any doubts? Don't you remember who your fiancee is?

"It's you, you are the fiancee my parents set for me." Deng Xi nodded.

"That's fine. Hurry up!" The Shen girl shouted.


But what is it? If you hesitate again, your soul will be hooked away by the little bitch!"

The girl of the Shen family seemed to realize that things were not as smooth as she thought and became impatient.

And before her anxious words fell, Jiang Yue over there shouted again, "Oh, that's how you lied to Deng Xi. You said you were his fiancee. That's right, but did you tell him? You are only half of his fiancee, and half of the soul of the evil demon god, and the other half is standing right in front of him now?

"Brother Deng, can you believe this nonsense?" The Shen girl immediately shouted.

"Why don't you believe it?" Ming Qiluo, who had never spoken, cut off at this time and said, "You have long wanted to kill the other half, but because you two are interdependent, neither of you can kill the other with your own hands, so you came to Deng Xi to kill her. I don't know how you found him, but I'm sure that he must have been involved in your soul-eating skill to disrecognize people like now.

With that, her eyes suddenly stared at Deng Xi's face and said deeply, "Deng Xi, do you remember us? I, Mingqiluo, and the Jiangyue Orange Star sisters, your good brother Chang Feng, and her. She pointed to Uti with her hand: "The fiancee who was born and died with you and was forced to struggle in the prison. We are all the closest people to you. Think about it with your heart, you will definitely break her illusion!"

Chang Feng also said in a low voice, "Deng Xiandi, don't be fooled by that woman! She is the culprit who inherited the evil power of the devil and controlled your mind!"

In the word, Deng Xi suddenly held his head and roared up to the sky.

Because at this moment, when his reason gradually accepted the other party's statement and began to doubt the Shen girl beside him, it was like triggering a keyhole in his heart, a powerful spiritual force, and suddenly burst out of his subconscious. After a fierce battle, he restarted him. His consciousness was completely closed and took over his consciousness.

"You really let me down. Why don't you do what I said? Why do you have to force me to go the last road? I really want to be with you and be your wife!"

The eyes of the Shen girl were full of resentment, and a terrible spirit of gods and demons overflowed from her body in an instant. In the sea around her body, it faintly condensed into a huge magic shadow, slowly opening with the fluctuation of the water.

"In this case, I have to retreat to second. If you can't be my husband, just be my servant.

Speaking of this, her body seemed to boil, and the black magic swarmed out of the eight strange meridians and filled her whole body. Her delicate skin turned into a terrible dark black in an instant, and it was still pulsating faintly, as if something was restless under her skin and wanted to rush out.

"Deng Xi, go kill that bitch! Kill all the people here!"

She shouted angrily, waved her hands, and several dark spirits quickly shot into Deng Xi's body.

In an instant, Deng Xi's eyes wide opened, and a pair of blood-red eyes released a violent light. He roared, his body was like electricity, and he rushed out. With one hand, the dark blade immediately exuded a terrible atmosphere of hell and quickly condensed.

"Be careful, Master!"

The black scale king, who had been ready for a long time, killed it at the first time. The red spear in his hand waved angrily, and a red tornado whirlpool that rushed straight to the sea surface immediately roared and rolled over.

The whole ocean roared at this moment.

"Senro hell!"

Deng Xi seemed to come from the roar of the underworld, and hundreds of millions of high-level grievances swarmed out for a moment. Just for a moment, he rushed into the vast whirlpool of the seabed. As their hellworms shot out like rain, the whirlpool was broken and disappeared after only a few breaths.

And Deng Xi's resentment array has just launched its power. Due to the influx of a large amount of demon power, Deng Xi's moves from the underworld are more like a fish in water, and the power has expanded more than ten times than before?

While talking, countless resentment spirits rushed out quickly in all directions, like dark clouds, covering the whole sky of the dark sea city. The already dark undersea city seemed to sink into the abyss and into the boundless purgatory.


The resentment spirit as dense as a swarm of bees flew up and down, arbitrarily spraying their venom on all living and dead things.