Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 263 Another puppet

The scale of the storm is so magnificent that it seems that a continuous mountain range has been swept into the air, and it seems that thousands of dark clouds have been received together, as if it were a ghost roaring and sobbing.

Then I heard a series of muffled thunder rolling by, and a burst of hell insects that were 100 times more dense than the most majestic storm and rain, and poured down on the Tianzun colossus.

That scene was like someone moving a sea into the air and then pouring down directly.


The colorful protective brilliance outside the Tianzun colossus, as soon as it encounters this hellworm that can dissolve everything, it immediately begins to boil violently. The harsh cracking sound and the pungent smell filled the sky and sea for a moment.

The colossus just seemed to exist like an invincible golden body, and at this moment, its protective glory seemed to be poured on a hot snowdrift, rapidly dissolving and broken.

A string of ejaculated venom spilled down the dissolved gap, and soon flowed to the head of the giant statue.

With a bang, a part that had not yet covered the pale golden skin quickly cracked under the action of this corrosive liquid. Then, with the subsequent venom ricking, the incarnation of pieces, strips and pieces of entities disintegrated one after another.


A painful howling immediately sounded from the chest of the colossus.

That is the original image of the white monk, suffering from the damage caused by the broken incarnation, and the uncontrollable wailing.

"It's done!"

Jiang Yue couldn't help screaming in surprise. Although she did not see Deng Xi's extremely hard and fierce battle before, she saw the Shen girl who was fatally hit and knew that this person's cultivation was not small.

So when you see your tricks work, you are naturally very happy.

"Receivate the mind and help me kill the god and slaughter the saint!"

Deng Xi knew that it was not the time to be happy. The other party was just a broken body, and the body did not fail. As long as he relaxed a little, he may still be doomed.

"I know!"

The women responded in unison, and several powerful dark spirits quickly gathered into Deng Xi's body from all directions. He suddenly roared and flew up and shot out of the storm's eyes of the resentment storm. His body had already turned into a split spirit blade, and the surging and strange dark air rolled over, as if the dark clouds rolled over. , it seems to be a ghost in the air.

In an instant, a black light flashed on the blade of the blade, and Deng Xi roared and flew down. What was the horrible 100-foot black blade was cutting down in the frightening sound of breaking the sky.


Kerala's long voice continued, and this god-shalling blade cut directly from the corrosion and damage on the top of the head of the statue that day, and then chopped down as if cutting melons and vegetables. Only a dozen breaths penetrated through the whole body.


The statue of Tianzun, which was almost completed, finally collapsed, and the aura that had condensed into an entity also reappeared into invisible debris after losing its constraints, scattering.

For a moment, the sky seemed to have a thousand fireworks, a roaring explosion, the air waves scattered from time to time, and the remnants of the statues of the starry statue were slowly floating and spreading, spilling down to the boundless sea.

Deng Xi made a move and did not dare to be careless. He still condensed his spiritual blade and searched cautiously in the belly of the cloudy colossus, ready to fight with the real body of the monk in white.

Who would have expected that while he was still holding his breath and exploring around, he saw a white figure suddenly flashing out of the smoke cloud and flying down in a panic.


Dun Xi was not the only one who made this voice of surprise. Everyone present found an incredible thing at the same time.

Because that figure is the white monk who had just prepared to condense the physical incarnation and give Deng Xi a fatal blow, and what puzzled everyone was that the true cultivation of this person showed in flight at this moment seemed to suddenly regress for hundreds of years, from a super existence in the world to a moment to a A low-level monk who will never surpass the second level of the refining realm.

The gap in the middle is really incredible. Even Uti and others couldn't help looking at each other.

"What's going on? Is this his other split? Or did I hate it just now and get too seriously injured?

Deng Xi quickly denied his idea. At this time, the smoke of the explosion had gradually dispersed, and there was no other powerful breath in it, which could not be his split. If the injury is too serious, it will only weaken the power, and the realm of true qi cultivation will not be easily changed.

Then, Deng Xi's heart moved, and a vague thought suddenly flashed through his mind, remembering something that had happened before. Then, he frowned, and a cold smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Where to run? Leave the treasure before you leave!"

While talking, he had raised his energy and collected his body, like a predatory golden eagle, roaring and swooping down.

The speed was so fast that before the white monk flew a hundred feet away, he quickly swept behind him, put his neck in his hand, and pulled it back to the sky again.

After being held in his hands by Deng Xi, this guy, who seemed to be a god not long ago, did not even have the strength to struggle, and could only curl up there, with his eyes closed without a word of unnecessary nonsense.

"Hey, what's going on? Did we take so much energy just now that we defeated such a guy?

Jiangyue was the first to call out.

Uti also said, "Brother Xi, this is too weird. Can he fight with us like this?"

Deng Xi snorted coldly: "If I guess correctly, he should be just a puppet of the heavenly monk on earth."

"Puppets? What do you mean? Mingqi Luodao.

Deng Xi did not answer directly. After thinking about it, he said, "I read in an ancient book very early that it is impossible for a monk who ascends to heaven to re-enter the human world. Otherwise, it is impossible for this human world to maintain its own stability. Any monk in heaven may bring the whole human world. The world is destroyed."

"So what?" Jiang Yue continued to ask.

"In that case, is it possible for the human world to continue to exist?" Deng Xiying said, "So there are strict boundaries between the three worlds, and the heavenly monks can't send their real bodies directly into the human world."

"Oh, I see. You mean, this person is not the heavenly monk at all, but pretends to be. But aren't his tricks just spectacular? Jiang Yue is puzzled.

"I once saw a spell that can make low-cultivation monks in the world temporarily use the powerful power of monks in heaven. I guess he is too."

As soon as Deng Xi said this, although the white monk was still speechless, his figure obviously shook.

"It seems that you guessed it right." Ming Qiluo laughed on the sidelines.

At this time, Deng Xi had been taken back by the golden leaf in the bag of the white monk. Then the luck turned into his mind, and he was refreshed in an instant. This retrograde object, which has been lost by him for so long, finally returned to him at this moment. He can't help but feel like a different world.

"You!" The white monk opened his eyes and looked at Deng Xi fiercely. He seemed to want to say a few harsh words, but he bit his teeth and took it back.

Knowing that his guess was right, Deng Xi had no intention of talking more nonsense with him.

Although there are still a lot of things to ask him, there are many ways for people to speak, and it is not in a hurry. What Deng Xi is thinking about now is the whereabouts of the Shen girl.

Before he asked, Uti had already read his thoughts from his expression and said strangely, "Don't worry, there's nothing you can do. Your fiancee is gone."

Deng Xi frowned: "Dead?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, the white monk said coldly, "If you take the Three Realms, your spiritual knowledge will definitely be broken, and the woman has long been destroyed."

"What?" Deng Xi was furious. Just as he was about to attack, Uti flew to his front, hugged his arm and smiled, "That's separated from my consciousness. I'm not in a hurry. What are you worried about? Is it a pity that a wife is missing? I'll help you find another one at most."

Deng Xi couldn't laugh or cry for a moment: "Where do you want to go? But that's your body."

"I'm fine. I've asked Brother Chang to bring it back to the Dragon Tower to seal. If you like my original appearance, I'll change it next time, okay?" Uti suddenly flashed her beautiful eyes and said softly.

Mingqiluo next to him smiled and said, "I think he wants both bodies. You will change some in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the women couldn't help snickering together. Deng Xi's face turned red and white with laughter, but he was really a little proud. A fiancee has two completely beautiful bodies, and she is looking forward to it.

The monk in white seemed to be angered by their blatant flirting and scolding: "Laugh, there is not much time for you to laugh. I can't go back to recover my life. Someone will come again soon. "The Three Realms" is the treasure of heaven. If you don't take it back, you will never stop. At that time, you can still laugh!"

Hearing this, Deng Xi and others were shocked, and the smile on their faces cooled down.

This person's words are by no means a lie. The situation they face is still full of crises. The next most important thing is to pry the story out of the white monk's mouth and then decide how to deal with it.

And this task naturally has to fall on Uti, or the Shen girl with mysterious mental spells.

Deng Xiqu flicked his finger, and a rune instantly closed all the perceptions of the monk in white.

"Let's go, it's time to work."

After the women responded, a few lights flashed like a rainbow falling to the ground, drawing a few perfect arcs and falling into the blue sea.