Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 266 Frozen Array

I heard that Deng Xi wanted to go to the southern island, but he still wanted to fly to heaven. Ming Qiluo and others strongly asked to follow. Although their skills were not good, one was that they could get the same strength as Deng Xi at a critical moment, which helped him greatly. On the other hand, even if it can't fly, it can enter the devouring universe pot and take it with it.

This third-order soul weapon, which can store physical objects, shows its powerful power at this time. Not only did he take Ming Qiluo and the others, but also found a special place in the pot to seal it. According to her own words, when she gets married, she still has to serve her husband with her real body. Of course, the strange essence in Uti's body that made countless people coveted, and she decided to choose a good day to dedicate to her beloved.

Before everyone left the Wulin Sea City, the girl of the Shen family still arranged her successor as a great priest of Wuti and handed over the control of the Dragon God Tower and the predetermined abysss to the eldest daughter of the Wulin King, that is, Deng Xi's eldest daughter in the Wulin clan. This black scale wizard, who is already quite young, is almost the same as the appearance of the black shadow. And under the full professor of the Shen girl this year, she has long grown into one of the most powerful wizards in the history of black scales. Even Wuqi in those years may not be better than her.

Finally, when they officially said goodbye, Deng Xi gently rejected the idea of Wulin King to organize a grand farewell ceremony. He had brought too many things and left a lot of memories for this sea race. At this time, he just wanted to leave quietly.

After leaving Wulinhai City, Deng Xi first went to Shangtian City and visited Han Yixuan's cemetery. Thinking that he had promised her that no matter what happened, he would always be with her, and he could not fulfill this promise. Deng Xi thought of this and felt a slight pain in his heart.

He can fight with heaven and earth, but it is difficult to fight with time. When the time is missed, it can no longer be made up.

In the mainland, after hundreds of years of evolution, Deng and Shen have become completely different. Fortunately, both companies still have a place on the mainland, and Deng Xi is unwilling to interfere too much. He just took Shen Ning to search secretly, pulled Shen Ning to worship the ranking of the ancestors in the ancestral hall for a few times, and told his grandfather and parents that he had married the daughter-in-law they had set for him as he wished, saying that the fiancee was ashamed.

Immediately, they did not disturb their descendants and quickly left quietly.

The mysterious desert island, hanging in the far south of the whole Kyushu world, is always cold and covered with ice and snow, mixed with the surrounding floating ice. If you don't get its position from Tengyu's brain, it will really waste a lot of effort to find it.

And when they searched into the central mountains of the island and found the valley where the magic array was located, everyone was stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Countless naturally formed ice wall icicles stand around. They are different in shape, like beasts and birds, lifelike, reflecting crystal brilliance in the sun. They look like a dream palace full of various crystal sculptures, which is refreshing.

When the women saw it, they couldn't help but be overjoyed and couldn't help watching around, with continuous exclamation in their mouths.

"This is really a good place. If only I could live here all the time." The eyes of the Shen girl are full of yearning.

Mingqi Rogge smiled and said, "Our eldest lady is in a hurry to get married and plan to retire with her father-in-law. The other sisters should withdraw quickly."

"Why? Sister Ming, didn't everyone say they would be together? The Shen girl was at a loss, and Deng Xi looked at her puzzledly.

"I also want to, but who knows when another heavenly monk will emerge here, and then we can't eat and walk away."

Hearing what she said, Deng Xi and Shen Ning looked at each other with a wry smile.

Thinking of the legendary Cang Zhenglan, Deng Xi and others quickly cleaned up their mood and began to find the strange magic array.

And when they really found it, they soon found that in the middle of this crystal ice palace, a huge ice cube with three or four people high was frozen with a array of multiple pillars and symbols. Even a cluster of orange gas clouds wandering between several magic columns was sealed together.

Obviously, it is the natural person they are looking for.

"How can it be blocked? How did Tengyu transmit it? Jiangyue circled around the iceberg twice and asked in surprise.

Obviously, this magic array was frozen after Tengyu transmitted it. However, less than half a month has passed since the transmission of Fujiha. What on earth happened here has caused so much ice to condense on this magic array?

Everyone became a little alert for a moment, for fear that others would come here.

With Deng Xi's cultivation at this time, he only condensed his true energy and distributed his senses to the whole island. Any strange fluctuations could not escape his eyes.

For good, the results of the exploration are satisfactory. There are no other creatures on the whole island that can operate the true spirit except themselves. However, they are even more confused about the mysterious status quo of this magic circle.

Because they did not dare to melt the ice easily, they finally decided to figure out the operation method of the array first, and then defrost it.

So in the next few days, everyone's energy was concentrated on the study of this nameless array. Even Chang Feng, who has been hiding in the devouring universe pot these days, has rejoined it.

This good brother of Deng Xi knows that he is a big man and has no chance to gain strong power by relying on Deng Xi alone like Ming Qiluo and others. Therefore, day and night, infinite diligent practice is the only trick he can rely on for a long time. Relying on this, in fact, he has recently broken through the fourth level of the refining realm and made rapid progress.

Deng Xi has long found several basic activation formulas of this array from Tengyu's guidebook. These magic formulas are difficult to understand, and they are 100 times better than all the magic formulas Deng Xi has seen before. It seems that the magic array of the heavenly monks is really extraordinary.

Everyone visited together for nearly three days before they compared the appearance of the heavy array in front of them, and finally figured out the formula of the first article of the heavenly and man's reversal array. And this article only states how to use this array and transmit it back and forth in the human world.

The method of opening the door to heaven is still in the future for him.