Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 273 Old Wood

"Three, do you want me to lend you the Three Realms to protect your souls?"

After lifting the blockade of his formation, Deng Xi took a step and came to Zou Lian's side with a smile.

In front of him, all three people are dying, and the degree of fragmentation of the spiritual body has already exceeded the critical range that can be automatically repaired. Without such a treasure as the Three Realms, the complete destruction will be irreparable.

"These people, what's wrong with these people, how can they appear in heaven?" Zou Lianqiang took a breath and glared at Shen Ning and others.

It should be noted that in such a small world as Kyushu, it is a miracle that one person can reach the fifth level of the refining realm at the same time. Now, it is too strange that four or five people will suddenly appear. More importantly, where were they just now? How could it be so silent and without any sign when it appeared?

"Ask us?"

Shen Ning smiled and said, "We are all ghosts summoned by him. Of course, you can't see them just now."

"What? Ghost?" Three people stayed at the same time.

Zou Lian stared and said, "You are just the fifth level of the refining world. How can you summon so many ghosts of the same level?"

And Jiangyue also came up and smiled and said, "You don't understand. He is the ghost king of hell. Naturally, summoning ghosts is not without any restrictions."

"Hell Ghost King? is it possible? Didn't you fly up from the Kyushu world?" Zou Lian was horrled.

Jiang Yue smiled and wanted to tease him again, but Deng Xi cut off and said, "Yueer, I don't have time to joke with him. Don't forget where we are."

With that, he immediately turned to Zou Lian and said in a low voice, "Since Elder Zou has handled the Three Worlds, he must have some understanding of the inside story. Why don't you tell me what is Cang Zhenglan's purpose?

Zou Lian had already turned gray and gradually lost the strength to speak, but when he heard this, he suddenly refreshed and gritted his teeth and shouted, "You lowly cultivation in the lower world, want to threaten me? Stop dreaming, don't say I don't know, even if I know, I won't tell you!"

After saying that, he suddenly opened his eyes, condensed the last trace of strength, and looked up to the sky and roared.

"It's not good!"

Deng Xi knew that he was warning to the same door, and he exhaled his spiritual body with real anger in his eagerness.

Seeing this scene, the other two also wanted to catch the medicine according to the prescription. Deng Xi had no choice but to kill the three at the same time.

"What a pity." After receiving the souls of the three people, Deng Xi raised his head and sighed to Shen Ning, "I knew I would have let you control him directly. Now that the pot is put in, this kind of question can't be asked.

Shen Ning shook his head: "No, they are not as good as Tengyu. Their cultivation is too high, and their soul is extremely tough. If I want to control him, my skills are far worse."

Deng Xi was slightly stunned, and then understood what she was telling the truth. If she didn't do these heavenly monks, even if she opened and closed the spell by herself, she was afraid that she would not be able to beat her opponent for a while.

At this moment, Chang Feng said in a hurry, "Don't say anything. They sent out a warning. We have to go quickly!"

Everyone responded in unison and turned around one after another, but before their bodies started, after a loud noise, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed strangely.

In the cracking sound of the grid, dozens of crisscrossed cracks were suddenly opened on the surrounding walls. Following these cracks, the walls made of unknown materials protruded layer by layer, like a door, closing the original passage.

"It's not good!" Everyone was dumbfounded. Isn't it trapped this time?

And then, these walls did not stop there, but still pushed forward layer by layer, like waves, and soon forced into the eyes of Deng Xi and others.


Everyone made a move, and the energy of various colors hit these walls in an instant, but when they saw the breath cracking and the rainbow shining, the walls were still motion.

This is not only the hard material of these walls, but more importantly, a heavy golden charm is added to it. In the face of these magic charms that even high-level heavenly monks can't shake, their moves are naturally no different from egg hitting stones.

"Go!" Deng Xi shouted loudly and immediately led the crowd into another passage in the vertical direction.

The direction of this channel is obviously towards the top of this floating fairy island, which is very likely to lead to the magnificent temple. I don't know how many dangers are waiting for them. But they have no choice but to take it one step at a time.

The surrounding walls continued to stagger. As soon as they entered the passage in front of them, they found that they were blocked again. In the other direction, a new passage was opened, forcing them to continue to turn.

This situation lasted for about a quarter of an hour before it gradually stopped.

At this time, their location was a dark fork in the road. In addition to the way behind him, there were faint shouts on both sides. It seemed that someone had found a problem and was exploring here. There is only silence in the front passage.

There was almost no room for thinking, and everyone had to move forward.

Through the nearly 100-foot-long passage, a huge stone door with a height of three or four feet in front of it is in front of you. All kinds of spiritual stones are everywhere on the door, and charms are like, and waves of aura come out, showing the indestructible power they have.

However, the stone door was not completely closed. In the crack of the slightly opened door, a slightly hot breath was slowly flowing out, and what surprised everyone was that there seemed to be a thick and irregular breathing sound, mixed with coughing from time to time.

"Strange, who will it be?"

Everyone quickly exchanged eyes, but they could only shake their heads helplessly.

This sound is not like a powerful heavenly monk at all, but like an ordinary old man who is dying. And how can such a person exist in a heavenly sect?

"The enemy went forward and chased!"

Behind him, the noisy voice is getting closer and closer, and I don't know how many people are approaching rapidly.

"What should I do? Brother Xi, can't we get in?" Shen Ning said in a soft voice, and Ming Qiluo and others immediately echoed.

While Deng Xi was still thinking, another shocking voice came from behind: "That's the spiritual master's room. We can't go in."

"But those people have already gone in." Another humane.

"Who dares to violate the strict order of the spiritual master?"

"But..." The man still had to argue.

But what is it? There is no way ahead, so they can't run. We just stay here in case they escape back. In his voice, there seemed to be some imperceptible pride.

After a chaotic argument, the passage behind him quickly quieted down.

But they were quiet, but Deng Xi and the others were a little stunned.

This is really Cang Zhenglan's room!

So who is the old cough behind the door? Is it Cang Zhenglan? But listening to this sound, where is the spirit of the lord of the heavenly sect?

After taking a deep breath, Deng Xi laughed unconsciously.

There is no regret medicine in the world. He did not kill Zou Lian decisively at the first time and escaped from this floating fairy island in time, all of which are irreparable.

And now that you have come here by mistake, there is no reason to be scared at the door. Anyway, sooner or later, I will have to face the originator who put the Three Worlds into the human world. Now that I have seen it, the timing is a little premature, and I may also be in danger and will not return. But in any case, I finally made a wish.

What's more, he still has a strange feeling that some things about this magical treasure may not be what he expected.

"Who is there?"

When everyone gathered together, boosted their caution, and walked into this gate, the scene in front of them really made them feel a huge gap.

In the huge room with hundreds of steps, there is almost nothing except a small amount of necessary furniture. Under the wall near the end, a small **, a rickety figure, is curled up in it. He didn't feel a trace of power and aura on him. Yes, it's just the wheezing and cough of the sick old man.

And the question just now came from his mouth.

Is this really the room of the lord of heaven? Is the person in front of him really the person behind the scenes who has worried himself and all the other people who have owned the Three Realms for thousands of years?

Deng Xi was a little confused for a moment.

Without answering the other party's question, Deng Xi suppressed his strong surprise and walked up slowly.

It took him a period of time to finally finish hundreds of steps, and when he came to the other party's bed, the rickety old man slowly turned over.

It is an extremely old face that seems to be sewn out of bark. The pale face made people feel that he might die at any time.

"Say, who are you?" He opened his eyes and asked blankly.

"Me? I was the last person to get the Three Worlds. Are you Cang Zhenglan?" After thinking about it, Deng Xi said calmly. At this point, he hopes to know the truth of the matter as soon as possible, so he is not going to go around any further.

In a moment, the old man's eyes lit up, and his whole face turned red at this moment.

"What did you say? Did you bring me the Three Realms from the lower world? Finally came, finally came!"

Looking at his excited expression, Deng Xi smiled faintly: "Yes, I brought it, but it may not be brought to you."

"What do you mean?" After being stunned for a moment, the old man immediately stared and said, "I'm Cang Zhenglan. I'm the owner of this treasure. If you don't give it to me, who do you still want to give it to?"

Deng Xi had seen clearly at this time that the old man in front of him was not a disguise. When he did run out of oil and the lamp, his power was almost exhausted, leaving only the strength to survive.

Therefore, Deng Xi's last vigilance gradually came down. His most urgent thing now is to figure out the truth of the matter.