Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 275 Transaction

In a sentence, Deng Xi only felt a sensation in his mind and seemed to be a little confused. In an instant, countless chaotic clues surged into my mind as if they were a mess.

His confusion was not because he did not understand the other party's meaning. On the contrary, he almost understood at the first time that "Record of the Three Realms" was put into the human world. The real purpose was to lure the person who obtained this treasure into hell to kill the king of hell, so as to bring his guide back to heaven for Cang Zhenglan to use.

What really upsets him is the cause of Taoist Zhengzi's death.

"It seems that I don't need to explain more." Cang Zhenglan laughed and said, "Yes, I have already put a button in this book of the Three Realms. Anyone who gets it will receive a strong hint and can't help but find ways to go to hell to kill the King of hell. After killing him, he will throw it away and return to the world because he is worried about being hunted down by the masters of heaven. When it is taken again, the people I left behind can take him back to heaven.

After saying that, Cang Zhenglan breathed a long breath as if he had finally completed a big concern.

"Oc, all the stories have been told. Is there anything else you don't understand?" He tilted his head and looked at Deng Xi with a smile.

At this time, Deng Xi's eyes were clear and he didn't know what it was like.

When he returned from the cave of the five gods of the town for the second time, he always had a serious heartache in his heart. That is, he understood that the Taoist Zhengzi, who was killed by his own hands in the hell, would be his apprentice, and he was a good apprentice who treated himself like a god. However, the ultimate cause of his death originated from the evil Shen Ning, in order to prepare himself for the next life. That is to say, in fact, he caused the death of his apprentice.

But now, it turns out that things are not so simple. In fact, as long as people get the Three Realms, they will unconsciously go to hell to kill the king of hell.

That is to say, both myself and Dao Zhengzi came to that end step by step under the hint of Cang Zhenglan. The culprit of everything is still this spiritual master of heaven!

I understand this, and it is reasonable that the burden in his heart should be relieved a little. But the desire to avenge Dao Zhengzi immediately surged up. In any case, he can't die here. As long as there is a glimmer of life, he will fight for it.

"Lord, there is nothing I don't understand. However, there is one thing, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

After Deng Xi was silent for a long time, a faint sneer suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth.

When Cang Zhenglan was in a comfortable mood, he snorted coldly when he saw his appearance: "What's wrong? What else do you want to play? Don't think about it, your life is hopeless today.

Deng Xi raised his eyebrows and sighed, "It doesn't matter whether my life has been saved or not. The problem is that you have planned for thousands of years, and I'm afraid this painstaking efforts have been completely in vain."

"What do you mean by that?" Cang Zhenglan shouted in a low voice.

At this point, he didn't believe that there would be any accidents at all, and he didn't want to believe that there would be any accidents, but looking at Deng Xi's flashy eyes, a trace of chill still rushed straight from his back to his head in an instant.

"I mean, I didn't bring the thing you wanted."

"What?" Cang Zhenglan opened his eyes angrily, but then he relaxed and sneered: "You boy wants to lie to me with a better reason. Can't I see whether the Three Worlds is on you or not?

"Ha ha ha..." Deng Xi smiled and said, "Do you think I'm talking about the Three Worlds?"

"Then what are you talking about?"

Deng Xi suddenly looked solemn: "What I'm saying is that there is no picture book of the King of Yanluo you want in this heavenly book."


Cang Zhenglan suddenly felt that the blood in his chest was surging. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he wanted to cast a spell to pull out the "Three Worlds" in Deng Xi's mind: "Let's see for myself."

"Wait!" Deng Xi roared: "If you take away the Three Realms, everything will be in vain."

When the words came to his ears, Cang Zhenglan almost took the spell back abruptly. For him, thousands of years of plans have reached the last moment, and he can't easily touch any danger that may make him lose his previous achievements.

"Say, what's going on?"

Deng Xi climbed back from the edge of death again and couldn't help taking a deep breath: "I made it very clear that there is no guidebook of the king of the underworld in my book of the Three Realms."

"That's impossible." Cang Zhenglan frowned and said, "If the person who got the Three Worlds has not killed the King of Yanluo, it is impossible for heaven and man to send a signal for me to recycle the treasure."

Deng Xi shook his head with a sneer: "It's a pity. What you said is true. The person who got the Three Realms did kill the King of Yan Luo, but unfortunately, in order to avoid the pursuit of the so-called heavenly monks, after the killing, he actually came up with a way to wash away the King of Yan on the last page.

"What did you say?" Cang Zhenglan's aura opened in an instant, his lips were trembling, and his beard hair flew up at this moment. It shows a sharp panic in his heart.

Who is it? Who did it?"

Deng Xi's face was as heavy as water, and there was a little sadness in his eyes. At this moment, what he thought of was that Dao Zhengzi, an apprentice, finally helped his master after his death. If he hadn't erased the picture book of the king of Yanluo, he would have fallen into despair at this moment.

"It was the last person who got the Three Realms." Deng Xi suppressed his feelings and said lightly, "After he erased the last picture book in the book, he introduced it to the human world, and he pretended to be the king of hell and stayed in hell."

"Since the picture has been erased, how do you know?" Cang Zhenglan doubted.

Deng Xi smiled bitterly: "Because I also went to hell, saw the fake king of hell, and then killed him by mistake."


Cang Zhenglan took a few steps back and sat back on his little **. He held his head in his hands and gasped.

How is it possible? How is this possible?" He shouted hoarsely in his throat.

After a long time, his excitement gradually calmed down, and then his eyes condensed and he smiled fiercely: "Do you think I will believe your words so easily? If you have really been to hell, you should be reincarnated. How can you come back with memory?

"It doesn't matter." Deng Xi immediately cut off and said, "If you don't believe it and lift my ban, I can withdraw from the Three Worlds to show you."

"Can't I take it myself?" Cang Zhenglan sneered.

"If you do it, I will die."

"It's best to die. What's the use of leaving you without the guidebook of the King of hell?"

"What's the use of leaving me? Of course, it's useful. If I die, no one will help you get things from the Star Soul Heaven.

"What? Can you help me get something?" Cang Zhenglan was surprised.

Deng Xi nodded and said proudly, "Of course, since I can return safely from hell, there is naturally a way for me to cross the underworld. I believe that the boundary rules of the star soul heaven should be similar. We can make a deal. You let me go and I'll get something for you. After the event is completed, you will hold the power of the Taoist Fairy League, and I will help you take charge of the ghosts of the star spirit and heaven, and everyone will take what they need.

After saying this, his heart beat violently. At this moment, he can be said to be seven points of truth and three lies, only to escape from death. He can return safely from the underworld by relying on the back door opened by the female king of hell. What's the way to cross? However, this lie is mixed with other truths, which may not be able to frighten Cang Zhenglan.

According to Deng Xi's judgment, Cang Zhenglan tried his best to plan for so long and finally waited for the return of the Three Worlds, but he didn't expect it to be empty. He absolutely can't bear such a result, so as long as he is given one in ten thousand hopes, he may be moved. And I'm afraid the hope he gave him is much bigger than one in ten thousand.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Cang Zhenglan was stunned in an instant. He did not expect that the other party was on the verge of life and death and dared to trade with himself. I hesitated for a moment. If the other party is telling a lie, he can easily verify it, and if what the other party said is true, he really does not bring the map of the king of Yan Luo, and he kills him rashly. If he has planned thousands of years of pains of effort, it is really in vain.

After stunned for a long time, he suddenly moved his heart: "Are you not afraid? After you return the Three Realms to me, I will kill you directly and get the method of crossing the underworld?"

When Deng Xi heard what he said, he knew that he had been moved, and he was secretly relieved. As for this question, he had already figured out the answer: "Then go ahead? This method is not a secret of skill. How can it be recorded in the "Record of the Three Worlds"?

Cang Zhenglan said again, "Then if I..."

"If you torture and force a confession, right?" Deng Xi smiled first: "To tell you the truth, even if you force me out, you can't use it, because this is a charm planted on me by another hell Yan Jun. How can you enter and exit the star soul heaven if you can't change my appearance and can't change this spell?"

"You?" Cang Zhenglan was angry for a moment.

Deng Xi knew that it was getting closer and closer to the day of escape, so he increased it again and did not give the other party any chance to think: "If you don't believe it, I can show you the Three Worlds first to show my sincerity. It's just that you have to return it to me at that time, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back from the Star Soul.

Cang Zhenglan stared at him, and his chest kept fluctuating. A low-level monk who was easily trampled under his feet actually pressed himself so step by step to force himself to agree to the other party's conditions. He instinctively had an unacceptable impulse. However, when the ** that achieved its ultimate goal was placed in front of you, these impulses were suppressed in an instant.

At this time, Deng Xi's last psychological blow to him finally fell.

"Do you want to continue to think about it? If you drag on like this, I'm afraid that the spies outside will come to knock on the door. If they see you so red and majestic at this moment, and then pass on the news to the Daoxian League, I don't know what will happen.