Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 316 If you don't seal me

Den Xi immediately found that this so-called ** was indeed not a physical substance, but a strange energy. To be precise, it is a kind of boundary energy. Moreover, the attributes of this boundary are obviously very different from those of the fairy rock world. It is full of the dark atmosphere that seems to come from hell.

Is this going to enter the underworld?

Deng Xi and Qiu Lingyue were shocked. That is to say, they not only separated from the fairy rock world from the cracks of time and space, but also from the heavenly world.

This time, Qiu Lingyue is scared. Different worlds have different operating rules. Although her cultivation in the heavenly world is shocking, calling for wind and rain, once she penetrates other planes with her body, especially the underworld, her power will encounter the seal of the boundary and lose most of her power.

The greater the gap between the world and the heaven, the stronger the power of this seal. Does God know which layer of underworld she will fall into?

As for Deng Xi, although he was worried for a while when he just fell into the boundary. But he was soon surprised to find that this magnificent ocean of boundary energy could be harmoniously integrated with the boundary energy oozing from his spiritual particles.

Even driven by the huge energy fluctuation around him, his own boundary energy has been enhanced thousands of times in the violent resonance.

In this short moment, because of the expansion of his boundary energy, he can clearly see that in every particle of his spiritual body, the stars are moving and the power is surging, which is clearly a complete world! And when his resonance with the surrounding boundary energy reached the extreme, his divine consciousness could be slightly explored into those worlds.

These worlds are strange and full of scenes, but one thing is the same, that is, they all seem to be part of the underworld.

However, this feeling is only fleeting. Under the effect of the huge suction, he has quickly crossed the sea of boundary and entered a completely strange world.

The energy resonance of the particles in his body disappeared in an instant, and the boundary energy in his body also decreased sharply, and his consciousness had to be drawn back from the world of particles.

Then banged twice, and Qiu Lingyue fell on a hard land almost at the same time. Fortunately, from the height of the fall, they were not affected much, but more shocked by the sudden impact.

"What is this place?"

Qiu Lingyue immediately jumped up and looked around.

Before she could see the scene in front of her, she heard a low and sad roar from all directions.


She frowned and her eyes were straight.

"It's the soul, the soul of all kinds of creatures." Deng Xi looked around and smiled slightly.

In front of them, under a gray and confused sky, there is an empty wasteland. The land is cracked, and no grass grows. Yes, it's just a yellow-brown indulgence in fog and countless abominable souls of the dead. Some of them have beasts, with different shapes, and most of them are incomplete. I don't know whether they were formed by being killed or the result of fighting each other in this place of death.

Deng Xi is really familiar with this scene. In the hells of the underworld, scenes like this are really everywhere.

And from the perspective of the scattered atmosphere around, the soul here, no matter the number or level, is not too high. It should be just the edge of a underworld. But I don't know if it is in the same place as the Yin Division.

For a moment, a strong yearning for King Yan filled his mind uncontrollably. He couldn't help but beat his heart. Although he has experienced so many twists and turns and countless changes, his feelings for this Yinsi Nv may not be as fierce as before, but he has never really forgotten it.

This is not only because every time he opens the formula, he can feel the existence of the other party. What's more, compared with the tens of thousands of years that he and King Yan spent in the big scorching hell, the next few years were just a small wave.

"Spirit? Is this the underworld?"

Different from Deng Xi, who is ghostly and entangled with hell. Qiu Lingyue, who first entered the underworld, is obviously a little difficult to accept the reality in front of her. Her towering chest heaved violently. After taking a few breaths, she shouted with hatred, "Meng Ganlin, what good have you done? What's wrong with opening a space? If you don't enter the underworld, you won't die!"

Due to the large time gap between Meng Ganlin and Feng Yutang entering the space-time gap between them, after this period of separation, the two elders can no longer be seen at this time. She didn't have any psychological pressure when she scolded.

"Don't scold, Mrs. Qiu. If you scold again, you will attract those evil spirits. If we don't have ghosts, we will attract hatred.

Deng Xi's faint voice really shocked Qiu Lingyue. Even if she stopped her mouth and looked around nervously, as expected, in her shouting, there were already several ghosts not far away. They seemed to notice the existence of the two of them and began to roar in a low voice and try to surround them.

After a moment of shock, Qiu Lingyue finally calmed down and found that these were the souls of monsters, and they didn't seem to be at a high level. Unconsciously, he felt a little relieved and smiled coldly: "It's just some low-level creatures."

With her cultivation, in the fairy rock world, she can destroy millions of such things with a wave of her hand. Where will it be paid attention to?

"Oh?" Deng Xi curled his lips and said, "Low level is low level, but they are all solid souls and just exert their power in the underworld. And you..." He tilted his head and smiled strangely: "Don't tell me that you don't feel the powerful boundary power here. That can block any alien energy.

Looking at Qiu Lingyue's body suddenly shocked and his dull expression, he sighed and shook his head and said, "Mrs. Qiu, I know that with your thousands of years of knowledge, it is impossible not to know this, but you are unwilling to accept it. I guess you haven't dared to practice your skills yet, right?

Hearing this, Qiu Lingyue's face changed again. Obviously, Deng Xi guessed right again.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Qiu Lingyue's lips trembled slightly, and her voice roared in a low voice in her throat.

"What's wrong? Can't it be used at all?"

Deng Xi didn't know how far Qiu Lingyue's power was sealed here, so he could only ask curiously.


Qiu Lingyue screamed fiercely, but from her eyes looking at the ghosts rushing around, I'm afraid her actual situation is not optimistic.


Suddenly, a four-legged wolf-shaped beast quietly sneaked more than ten feet behind Qiu Lingyue has already flown up and howled and rushed up.

Although Qiu Lingyue's power was sealed, he was still smart and responsive, and eager to fly around. His instinctive luck came out of his palm to bombard him, but although his hand was stretched out, there was not even a trace of true spirit on it.

This boundary is completely banned for her!


The shocking scream of Qiu Lingyue almost pierced the chaotic zenith.

With a bang, she had been hit to the ground heavily by the other party. In a wild and angry roar, she saw that the other party's huge mouth sprinkled with stinky mucus was about to bite her neck, and she was almost scared. He waved his arm randomly, but he couldn't even hurt the other party's hair.

She has been practicing for thousands of years. How could she encounter such a situation? Unexpectedly, he was bullied by a lowest-level monster?


At a critical moment, a surge of energy passed by in an instant, immediately blowing the four-legged beast into pieces.

"What's going on?"

Qiu Lingyue was surprised to escape from death. When she turned her head, she saw Deng Xi approaching with a smile.

"Is that you? Did you kill it?"

"Of course, otherwise, who else do you think can use the explosive finger just now?" Deng Xi smiled.

"Explosive finger?" Qiu Lingyue was stunned.

In fact, the explosive spirit finger is actually only one of the most basic tricks of the heavenly monks. It is ordinary and can be used by anyone. But the problem is that under this secluded boundary, even her power is sealed. How did this hairy boy in the early stage of the world make this move?

"What? Don't believe it?"

Before Deng Xi finished speaking, two ordinary monsters jumped up from the left and right sides at the same time and attacked.

Bang twice, and it was the simplest explosive finger, which bombarded the two monsters into pieces.

"Do it again, the fifth, the sixth, seven..."

Deng Xi casually clicked the number and flicked his fingers, blowing up the besieged monster into a ball of blood mist. The level of these monsters is so low that he is not even interested in devouring them into the universe pot, so he just solves it casually.

In a short time, the two were surrounded by a thick layer of blood mud, and at least hundreds of monsters were blown into debris by him.

Wherever you can see, it is already empty.

"You, how can you? How can you perform the skills of heaven in this underworld?

At this time, Qiu Lingyue no longer had the majesty of the elder of the Fairy League on Xianyan World Avenue. She was sealed all her skills and was almost bitten to death by a four-legged beast. Her strong self-confidence gained from her long-term practice almost collapsed at this moment.

And when he saw that Deng Xi could use Zhenqi freely, the huge mental gap made her unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Why?" Deng Xi suddenly didn't know how to explain this matter.

In fact, he just knew this. When he absorbed the boundary energy in the body particles, he immediately found that it could indeed be perfectly integrated with the energy of the underworld boundary without any conflict.

And under the protection of his own boundary, his true qi runs freely like in the fairy rock world. His cultivation realm is not worth mentioning in the fairy rock world, but in the face of those lowest-level monsters, isn't it the same as the gods?

It's just that this matter is related to his own huge secret, and it is impossible to tell Qiu Lingyue casually.

So after thinking about it, he smiled and said, " Elder Qiu, if I say that I am the ghost king of the underworld, can you believe it?"