Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 321 Under the Deep Water

If you know the strength of this monster, it is easy to determine its location. Except for the central area of the dark galaxy, the ghost spirit emitted anywhere else is not enough to reflect its existence.

In the vast stars, a dark arc of light flew down in a spiral shape around the center of the galaxy.

The closer to the center of the galaxy, the larger the volume and distribution density of the star, and the stronger the various ghosts on it are. There are even many powerful monks in the heavenly world. Most of them no longer have the sharpness and anger when they died, and only quietly wait for their spiritual power to dissipate so that they can enter the reincarnation of hell.

For these ghosts, on the one hand, they don't have much spiritual power left, and Deng Xi has more or less compassion, so he did not swallow them into the universe pot. Instead, it fell rapidly and continued to fly to the center of the galaxy. He still needs to buy time.

Two months later, after a long starry journey, Deng Xi finally approached his destination.

The closer to the center of the galaxy, the heavier the ghost gas released, which is so thick that even his dark boundary at this moment is a little difficult to resist. You can imagine what kind of thing will exist below.

"Ashi, do you want to go to another planet to collect some souls and improve your skills? I'm afraid it's too dangerous inside.

Shen Ning is a little worried.

Why doesn't Deng Xi know the risks? But when people get here, there is no time to look back. This is not to go back to your room from the Holy School and lift your legs. This is an interstellar flight. He can't afford to delay it for a few months.

At this time, in order to prevent things, he had put Qiu Lingyue into the world in the pot by storing Shen Ning. For her strong cultivation, her boundary has enough power to suppress it below the heavenly realm. Although it is still much inferior to the boundary where the star soul heaven can completely block foreign energy, it is enough for her not to easily lose her anger.

At the beginning, Qiu Lingyue was swallowed up by the universe pot, and she was somewhat shocked. She thought that Deng Xi was desperate to refine her as a ghost. But when she saw the magnificent scene of the world in the pot and the large number of various ghosts, she realized what an incredible treasure Deng Xi's magic weapon was.

After a brief panic and panic at the beginning, she gradually adapted to the life in the world in the pot and meditated and rested in the small palace arranged for her by Deng Xi every day. He has never caused trouble, and he doesn't seem to have thought about using his remaining skills to add some chaos to Deng Xi's private world.

So Deng Xi would have left one or two people in his wife and Chang Feng to guard her. Later, when he saw that she kept her duty, even the guard was removed and released all of them out of the pot to prepare for the imminent strong threat.

Unconsciously, the heaviness of ghosts has reached the extent that they can hinder people's actions. They have to operate the true spirit and break the road.

Suddenly, Chang Feng shouted softly, "Deng Xiandi, look, what's down here?"

Without his reminder, Deng Xi and others have seen it all. In the middle of this dark and distorted galaxy, about dozens of miles away, there is a layer of surging liquid objects, blocking the connection between the outside world and the core of the galaxy.

From afar, it feels like a huge water balloon in the center of the whole galaxy.

"Can it be an air wall?"

Ming Qiluo asked.

Shen Ning shook her head: "No, this should be a real entity."

"But it clearly gushed out such a strong ghost." Jiangyue Road.

Now, no one can answer. None of them have seen what is in front of them, and it is useless to guess randomly. They can only continue to lean on carefully.

Thirty miles, ten miles, one miles...

Between breathing, the bodies of the six people have swept over the huge water balloon.

With a buzz, Deng Xi raised his hand and released a white-hot light ball, but it was a high-level move evolved from the magic power of the sun. As soon as the light ball came out, it was as if the sun was in the sky, illuminating everything under his feet.

At this time, everyone finally saw a little clearly that these surging **s were actually real. The huge ocean they condensed into, like the oceans of other worlds, are rolling and surging. In addition to the color of these ** may be black or approximate dark, there is also the excess ghosts released from it.

Looking down through the surface of the ocean, the black water is turbid, and you can't see anything if you are less than a few feet, and you can only detect the depth of 30 to 40 feet, which cannot continue because of the rapid dissipation of the power. On the one hand, this ** itself has the effect of absorbing power, and on the other hand, Deng Xi's boundary is also suppressed to the extreme by the boundary energy of the star soul realm itself, and can only control the range of hundreds of feet around him.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other and worried. Because the unknown danger is the ultimate danger.

"Since it is called jellyfish, it looks like it really lives in this water."

Den Xi took a deep breath: "There's nothing we can do. We can't stay here. I'll go down and explore first. If anything happens, we'll go back and calculate."

With that, he was going to jump down.

Of course, Shen Ning and others would not agree and immediately stopped him.

"No, you are the backbone of all of us. If you are in danger, everyone can't run away. I'm good at water. I'd better go first."

Uti's body used by Shen Ning at this moment is indeed the most suitable for sports in the water.

"Stop it, this is not a joke." Deng Xi said solemnly, "I caused the trouble. How can I let you take risks for me? Don't worry, I'm just exploring for the first time. I won't go too deep. If there is any problem, I will quit immediately. You just need to respond carefully."

Everyone wanted to object again, but Deng Xi had turned down and rushed straight to the sea.

However, just as he was about to enter the surface of the water, he suddenly felt that a terrible force under the water was rising rapidly. Unconsciously shocked, he immediately followed his heart and pulled up in a straight line.

In the huge splash sound, a strong tentacle with the thickness of the water tank rushed straight out of the water, as if it had long eyes, and rushed after Deng Xi's figure. Just as he was about to rush behind Deng Xi, the tip of the tentacle opened in all directions, revealing a big mouth full of ring-shaped teeth in the center.


It made a harsh cry.