Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 389 Ancient Tree

The words of a beautiful woman in palace dress had a strange calming effect. As soon as Deng Xi and others heard it, they quickly nodded and agreed to the other party's suggestion.

Since they came here to see Tianxiao, wouldn't it be right for someone to lead the way? As for the meeting, is it a negotiation, and isn't it up to them to decide?

To Deng Xi and others's slight surprise, the palace beauty did not let them move forward in these sticky solution-like substances. But I don't know what order was launched. In an instant, the scene around them began to undergo a wonderful transformation.

Those solutions, like being passed through by something in the middle, are slowly separated to both sides and continue to be pushed forward, forming a smooth and transparent circular passage leading straight to the distant front.

"Is this?"

Deng Xi was a little surprised.

"Ha ha, since you are a distinguished guest, it is impossible for you to consume too much energy. Come with me." The beautiful woman in palace smiled faintly and stretched out her hand to invite everyone to enter the passage.

Deng Xi looked at his wives in turn, and then stepped in first.

When everyone entered the passage, the beautiful woman in palace seemed to close her eyes slightly, which should be prompting some heart formula. Then everyone suddenly saw a light green circular transparent film rising from their feet, quickly scratching across their side, and merging on the top of their heads, forming a A round bubble with a diameter of more than three feet wrapped them completely.

"Okay, be careful, we're leaving."

Before the words fell, everyone only felt a slight shock in their bodies, but the transparent bubble that wrapped them suddenly glided forward along the smooth pipe. The speed is getting faster and faster. After about a dozen breaths, it turned into a high-speed taxi almost like a wind and lightning.

The surrounding scenery is rapidly regressing, and gradually you can't see the shape of things clearly. You can only see a bunch of bright bands of different colors, changing in front of your own eyes.

Looking forward, the circular channel in front of it is constantly moving upstream and downstream with the changes of the surrounding things.


A sharp vibration began to penetrate into the ears of Deng Xi and others. In their curiosity, it soon sharpened into a pleasant tremor similar to metal. The light and shadow around them completely lost their shape after a violent vibration, leaving only bright rays, bending and twisting with each ups and downs.

This situation shows that their speed has reached a certain limit.

"Now, we have entered the central area of the original sound world, and in a while, we can enter the original house." The beautiful woman in palace dress smiled lightly.

"Original house?"

Dun Xi and others obviously feel some curiosity about the name.

And the beautiful woman in palace did not immediately explain, but nodded faintly. Then he turned his eyes to the front passage again.

At this amazing speed, after about half an hour, the beautiful woman in palace suddenly warned softly:

"Be careful, we're going down."

As soon as the words fell, a violent shock suddenly came. The bubble they were in seemed to encounter a very steep curve, and suddenly fell down. Fortunately, they are all powerful monks and did not fall down because of this sudden and violent change of direction.

The next rapid landing seemed to fall in a state of complete nothingness. The sharp sense of weightlessness immediately made everyone feel like flying in this narrow space.

Suddenly, a white extreme light flashed around the bubble, and it felt as if they had sunk into a layer of light film. Then, the sudden deceleration of overpressure fell heavily on every part of everyone's body.


This journey has finally come to an end. The bubble, which was regarded as an automatic carrier, also cracked gently the next moment, making a crisp "pop" sound.

"Dear distinguished guests, this is the original house."

The voice of the palace-dressed beautiful woman sounded softly in her ear. An amazing scene appeared in front of everyone.

Where they are is a completely bright bubble world. In addition to the wide crystal ground under their feet, there are hundreds of millions of large and small bubbles floating on the top of their heads. These bubbles are very different from those seen in the viscous slurry before. They are not wrapped in the kind of messy things with life, death, and even a broken world, but all immature embryos.

These embryos are just, and not all of them are creatures. They look like humans, other monsters, and even some strange biological types of embryos that have never been seen before.

In addition, these bubbles are also attached to some slender transparent strips, which seem to be used to implicate them, and these strips gather far away in the same direction. Deng Xi looked through the heavy obstacles, but found that they converged on a strange mother plant like a tree a hundred miles away.

It looks like an extremely huge willow tree.

"What is that?"

Although he was new to your country, Deng Xi couldn't help raising the problem.

The beautiful woman in palace smiled and said, "Since this is the original house, it is naturally the original ancient tree. This is the first place to nurture all biological types in the whole three worlds.

"What? The birthplace of all living things?

Deng Xi and the women finally couldn't help shouting. Only then did they know that the creatures in the three worlds did not reproduce themselves in various worlds, but were born in this original house.

But then, Deng Xi suddenly felt something wrong. If all creatures were really created from here, how were they put into various worlds? You should know that the boundary of the three worlds has just been lifted. Before that, if you want to cross the three worlds, you must have powerful monks to cast spells.

That kind of time travel consumes a lot, not to mention that it takes so many ordinary embryos, isn't it a big deal? It's not that creatures from all over the world can't reproduce by themselves.

And if these embryos only need to be put out at the beginning of the world, then what is the need to maintain such a large-scale embryo culture now?

This idea has just emerged. Before he had a chance to ask the beautiful woman in the palace, the other party had already spoken first.

"Didn't Brother Deng say he wanted to see Brother Cang?"

"Not bad!"

As soon as Deng Xi heard this, he immediately took his mind back. This is the most important task of his trip. No matter how interested he is, he can only put it aside first.

"Can you take me to see him?" His blood began to boil a little.

"Of course, he is waiting for you under the original ancient tree, and the imperial monk is also there. You can go there by yourself. As for the matter between you, I can't participate in it. Say goodbye. After saying this, the beautiful woman in palace did not wait for Deng Xi to respond. Her body gently rotated and disappeared in the air.


Deng Xi just wanted to open his mouth, but as soon as he saw her disappear, he had no choice but to stop talking.

At this time, Shen Ning's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Brother Xi, do you think there is something wrong with this woman?"

Deng Xi was stunned when he heard the words: "What's wrong? What did you find?"

Shen Ning thought for a moment and said, "Didn't you find it? The way she looked at you seemed to be very wrong. It's like..."

"It's like looking at a piece of meat that is ready to be swallowed into your mouth." King Yan's faint voice immediately came up and said.

"What?" Deng Xi suddenly opened his eyes and said to Shen Ning in surprise, "Is that so?"

Shen Ning nodded hard, and the exquisite little Qiong's nose immediately wrinkled: "Yes, yes, yes, Sister Yanwang is right. That's the feeling."

"Is there such a thing? Why don't I feel it?"

Deng Xi didn't feel a little suspicious. During the whole process, he felt very normal. Where are these things?

Ming Qiluo smiled and said, "That's because this lady looks a little too old to attract you, a big pervert. So your attention has gone to see those bubbles. If you get a 17 or 18-year-old beautiful girl, how can you feel it?


In Deng Xi's stunned eyes, all the women almost laughed and sprayed out.

"Really or not? You make me happy, don't you?" Deng Xi touched the back of his head and curled his mouth hard.

Jiangyue couldn't help saying, "Who lied to you?" Just pretend you can't see it, and we can all see it. That little look is simply that the female wolf saw the little sheep. In my opinion, this spirit of the original world is afraid to accept you as a male pet. You have to be careful.


This time it's Deng Xi's turn to vent his anger.

"All right, let's all stop. Don't they have eliminated their incarnation? How can you think so much? Hurry up and find out Cang Tianxiao.

With that, how dare he talk more with these women who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic? He quickly took the first step and flew towards the strange ancient tree.

The journey of a hundred miles arrived in an instant, but when the huge tree with countless thin silk in the distance gradually appeared clearly in front of everyone, they couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Because from afar, he had already heard Huang Yuanji's angry shouts. When he got closer, he found that it was the great monk of the imperial world who was venting something loudly to the silent look of the sky sitting in front of him.