Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 57 Amethyst Bee

Maybe Jiang Jianchi thoroughly implemented Jiang Danwu's plan before. After 20 days, Jiang Danwu had not encountered any danger at all and was about to step out of the land of Xingzhao.

There is only one Lingxiao Mountain between the Tianluo Empire and Xingzhao. Because there are many star beasts in the mountains all year round, neither country has the intention of incorporating it into the land, allowing people from the two countries to enter the mountain to collect medicinal materials or hunt star beasts.

In the long run, everyone has also explored a safe passage with the two countries, usually along this road. As long as they are not extremely poor, even ordinary people will not encounter too much danger. Of course, it is impossible to encounter any good medicinal herbs or beasts worth hunting in the safe passage where people come and go.

However, as long as you are bold enough, Lingxiao Mountain is definitely a good place to make a fortune. Some high-grade medicinal materials and high-level star beasts in it can be sold at a good price once you get them, but the benefits and dangers are together. If you want to make a fortune, you have to plan to miss your arms, legs and even lose your life at any time.

For Jiang Danwu now, he is naturally not short of money. According to the index of the map he brought when he went out, he rode a thousand-mile beasts quickly on the forest path. He only felt that the woods on both sides kept moving back and unconsciously hummed the popular songs of his previous life.

It has been two days since he entered Lingxiao Mountain. Although he occasionally encounters some barely good medicinal herbs, he can no longer impress Jiang Danwu at this time. Ten years is very long for some people, but for Jiang Danwu, who wants to set foot in the Star Empire within ten years, the time seems a little tense.

"Roar..." Suddenly, Jiang Danwu, who was in a hurry, suddenly pulled the reins, and the thousand-mile beast roared in pain and stopped at the same time.

As soon as he put his right foot, Jiang Danwu jumped down from the back of the Qianli beast, and pulled the Qianli beast into the woods on the right.

That faint strange fragrance naturally can't feel too much for ordinary people, but Jiang Danwu can understand the meaning.

Shijuelan, baked into powder, can make the wound heal quickly and leave no scars. Of course, this is not the reason for Jiang Danwu to stop.

But another characteristic of the ten orchid attracts Jiang Danwu. Every time the moon is full, the ten orchid emits a unique fragrance, which will attract the nearby amethyst bees to here, and the amethyst bees are very happy to eat the stamens of the ten orchid, that is to say, where there are ten orchids, there is likely to be the existence of amethyst bees.

Amethyst bee, a third-order star beast, has the strength equivalent to the human star spirit strongman. It likes to live in groups. Each group of amethyst bee has one that will evolve to the fourth-order star beast, which is their queen, and its strength is equivalent to that of the human star king.

However, not to mention the star king, even the strong people of the star emperor usually choose to go around when they see the amethyst bees, because although the strength of the amethyst bees is not too strong, the number of each group of amethyst bees is amazingly large, and their bodies are extremely small, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to hurt them. If it is a large-scale lethal attack, then He is the star emperor, and he must have exhausted the star power before the amethyst bee dies.

However, even so, many people will take a risk to try when they find the nest of the amethyst bee, because amethyst honey is definitely the best thing for star people to practice.

Taking amethyst honey can play a role in twice the effort when practicing. If it is supplemented by some other medicinal herbs to refine into the porch elixir, it is the best time to break through the realm.

Although Jiang Danwu is now very easy to practice and advance, it is only a small level. If he reaches a large level, for example, the difficulty of a star to advance to a star master will definitely be dozens or even a hundred times more difficult than now, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is to advance.

All this is clearly recorded in a star beast treasure of the Xiao family, and Jiang Danwu found a rubbing of ancient books on Xiao Zhiye's alchemy experience, which recorded some ways to deal with amethyst bees. Although he did not know whether it was smart or not, Jiang Danwu was still a little moved at this time.

After all, he, who is eager to set foot on the Star Emperor within ten years, naturally has great attraction. What's more, after seeing the strength of Lin Sangu, Jiang Danwu also understands that if he wants to be with Xiaoxue, his end can never be just the Star Emperor. If there are enough conditions, he hopes to step into a higher realm.

Today, it is the 15th. Although it is only dusk, the ten orchids have emitted a faint fragrance, looking for the fragrance. Jiang Danwu held the green dragon sword in one hand and the thousand-mile beast in the other hand, and slowly walked to the depths of the forest.

For about half an hour, Jiang Danwu had occasionally seen the sparse ten orchids on the ground, which strengthened his guess.

Unfortunately, the forest in front of him became thicker, and the thousand-mile beast could no longer move forward. In desperation, Jiang Danwu had to tied the thousand-mile beast to a big tree and continue to search forward.

Entering the dense forest, Jiang Danwu's ears stood up and listened carefully to the movements around him. After all, Lingxiao Mountain is no better than in the Jiang family. Once he meets the star beast, it is estimated that the other party will not give him any chance to play.

The Qinglong sword came out of its sheath and was held by Jiang Danwu in his right hand. At this time, he also held several blue poison needles in his left hand and carefully pushed forward. With a few rays of sunlight shot through thick leaves, Jiang Danwu found that there were more and more orchids.

It took about two hours for Jiang Danwu to pass through a whole dense forest, and a strong fragrance came to his nose. In front of him, there was a large area of ten orchids growing in a huge valley.

At this time, the sky is dark, and under the starlight, the fire-like flowers are connected into a sea of flowers. Such a beautiful scenery is almost intoxicating.

In the whole valley, except for Shijuelan, there are only a few ordinary weeds, even weeds that can't even be regarded as medicinal herbs, but Jiang Danwu was excited to watch this scene.

Because these weeds are the weeds used to deal with amethyst bees in Xiao Zhiye's ancient book rubbings.

Looking up at this time, the full moon above his head was almost in the middle. Jiang Danwu did not dare to hesitate much. He immediately unfolded his body and kept picking weeds. After chewing in his mouth, he stuffed it into his portable water bag. In a quarter of an hour, Jiang Danwu filled all four water bags with him and kept shaking them. Shaking the water bag, the whole person quickly retreated to the dense forest.

After Jiang Danwu, who had prepared everything, calmed down, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The water in the three water bags was not much and could not meet his needs at all.

After a little hesitation, Jiang Danwu rushed out again. After picking back a handful of weeds, he slowly faded his clothes. For a moment, Jiang Danwu became naked, and then quickly braided the weeds into a row and surrounded the important position. Although he is in the jungle now, Jiang Danwu still feels that he is not used to **.

Then, he opened a water bag, smeared the ** soaked in weeds on his body, and then poured another water bag on the Qinglong sword. Jiang Danwu was relieved after soaking the sword body and the scabbard one by one.

After doing all this, I waited for about a quarter of an hour, and there was a buzz from far to near. After a few breaths, the huge hum was as shocking as a tank passing by.

The next moment, a purple light rushed from the open space on the left like a tide. Looking at this scene, Jiang Danwu's heart rose to his throat.

Although I have a certain understanding of the amethyst bee from the books, it is very different from looking at the scene in front of me.

The endless waves of amethyst bees came one after another. In a moment, the fire-like valley was swallowed up by endless purple light. Only then did Jiang Danwu understand why even the strong stars were unwilling to provoke the amethyst bees.

Trying to control his breathing, Jiang Danwu knew that once he was discovered by the amethyst bee, the consequences were absolutely obvious.

A cold sweat appeared in the palm of his hand. Jiang Danwu was shocked and quickly poured the unused medicine soaked in the green dragon sword on the palm of his hand. He understood that the reason why the amethyst bee could not find himself was that it completely relied on these medicinal liquids to cover up his breath. If there was a trace of sweat in the air, then...

Controlling his breathing and heartbeat, Jiang Danwu carefully walked out of the dense forest step by step. He needed to prove whether the method in Xiao Zhiye's ancient books worked.

Because the vision and hearing of the amethyst bee are recorded there is almost zero, all its actions are perceived by the sense of smell.

As the body kept moving forward, the amethyst bee had never found itself, and Jiang Danwu's hanging heart finally came down at the moment he stepped out of the dense forest.

Standing on the top of the valley, Jiang Danwu watched the feast of the amethyst bees motionlessly. Two hours later, accompanied by a sharp beep, countless amethyst bees made a strong hum and rushed in the direction of coming. At this time, the huge valley was no longer any red.

There was only a piece of ten orchids that had lost its flowers, and the fragrance of the flowers naturally disappeared, but Jiang Danwu didn't look at it at all and immediately quickly followed the amethyst bee.

At this time, Jiang Danwu was not worried about meeting other powerful star beasts at all. He believed that no matter how powerful the star beasts were, they would not provoke the majesty of the amethyst bees.

Followed all the way. Even if the immortal step has reached the limit, Jiang Danwu was still left far behind. If it hadn't been for the sound of beep, Jiang Danwu would have been lost at his current speed.

Suddenly, Jiang Danwu found that the sound of the beeping seemed to have settled somewhere. Although the sound was more violent, as if there was a trace of anger, there was no intention to move at all.

Then, across a small hill, I saw a sea of fire in front of me. Countless purple light flashed around the sea of fire, but I couldn't jump into it at all.

In the blank space in the center of the sea of fire, a girl in red star armor is fighting with hundreds of amethyst bees. Every time she waved her sword, there are always several purple lights falling to the ground...