Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 60 Two Heavens of Ice and Fire

With an unspeakable itching sensation on her cheeks, the girl groaned between her mouth and nose, and then Jiang Danwu immediately felt a hot intention between her lips flying through her throat. Of course, her teeth closed and bit the bee needle tightly.

As the bee needle entered his mouth, an invisible force hit Jiang Danwu's body. Suddenly, Jiang Danwu felt even hotter, as if the blood of his whole body was about to boil. His eyes were red, and his hands tore tore the girl's clothes without hesitation.

And the bee needle came out of her body, and the girl suddenly felt that her whole body was smart. In an instant, she calmed down. Looking at Jiang Danwu's expression at this time, she thought about her reaction just now. Does the bee needle really have an aphrodisiac effect?

Even so, he felt Jiang Danwu's increasingly evil hands. The girl almost instinctively split his palm, and then a muffled hum came. Jiang Danwu immediately flew out and hit the stone wall on the edge of the cave. He fell heavily. He couldn't control his blood pressure and immediately spit it out.

The blood on the ground was mixed with a faint purple. Jiang Danwu gasped and came to his senses.

He couldn't know much about the situation just now, but he never thought that saliva and bee needles would have an aphrodisiac effect, and there was no special enumeration on the many records he had seen.

Looking at Jiang Danwu's appearance at this time, the girl also felt a little guilty. Although her understanding of pharmacologicals is not as good as Jiang Danwu, she also understands that she can make herself fall into a lost situation. Obviously, this bee poison is by no means. Naturally, she does not know that the bee needle will have such an effect only after encountering saliva.

At this time, I just thought that if the bee needle was taken out a moment later, wouldn't it be myself? Together, the eyes looking at Jiang Danwu are a little softer, "Are you all right?"

Supporting from the ground, Jiang Danwu rubbed his chest and said, "Is it all wrong for you to let me slap you?"

"Who made you dishonest just now!" Although she knew that both of them were affected by the toxin of the bee needle, the girl insisted on saying, but her voice was not as cold as before.

"Well, don't talk nonsense and restore some star power. Can you escape later? I can't help you." Jiang Danwu said seriously.

"You don't seem to be worried at all. Can you tell me how you avoided the perception of the amethyst bee?" The bee needle was pulled out. Although there were still some toxins left in the body, it had been suppressed by the girl with star force at this time, and the whole person looked much more energetic.

Hearing the girl's question, Jiang Danwu's mind suddenly became lively, and his eyes finally locked on the bracelet of the girl's wrist.

Storage bracelet! It is also recorded in the Jiang family's Tibetan Pavilion, but it is the first time for Jiang Danwu to see it. "I believe you know that all the perception of the amethyst bee mainly comes from the sense of smell, and I happen to have some restrained means, so even if I stand in front of the amethyst bee, I will not be in danger."

Looking at the dimming star curtain at the mouth of the cave, the girl said with some intention, "Can you help me? Of course, I won't let you work in vain. As long as you go out, I can give you enough compensation.

"Actually, you don't have to wait to go out. You can give me enough money now." Jiang Danwu said with a smile.

"I didn't care about the toxin of the bee needle just now, but if you have that idea again, don't blame me for being rude to you." Looking at the greed in Jiang Danwu's eyes, the girl's face was covered with frost, and the little gratitude in her heart disappeared.

"I told you a long time ago that I'm not interested in you." Jiang Danwu pointed to the girl's wrist and said, "I mean, if you are willing to give me your storage bracelet, then I will give you a way to avoid amethyst bee induction."

"That's fair!" The girl seemed to have no hesitation. She took out a storage bag from her arms and put it on her wrist. She trembled gently. Obviously, she transferred the things in the storage bracelet into the storage bag. Then she waved her left hand, and the storage bracelet had flown in front of Jiang Danwu, but at the moment the bracelet took action, there was a faint loss in her heart, not She was reluctant to give up the bracelet, but she suddenly felt that she was not even as good as a storage bracelet in Jiang Danwu's heart?

Women's mind is often like this. If Jiang Danwu's condition is to let her sleep, it is estimated that she will kill Jiang Danwu the next moment. Now she only needs a storage bracelet, but she has a sense of loss.

However, Jiang Danwu didn't have so much thought. The storage bracelet was in his hand and immediately broke his fingertips. A drop of blood fell on the bracelet. Suddenly, he had a feeling of being connected to the bracelet. At this moment, he opened the last water bag and smeared a few drops of medicine on the storage bracelet, covering the breath of the bracelet together. After that, he threw it casually and said, "Put the medicine inside on your body, and the amethyst bee naturally can't smell your breath."

With that, she didn't care about the girl. She took the storage bracelet and moved her mind. The four beehives on the ground had been included in the bracelet. When she turned around, she saw the girl holding the water bag and remained motionless.

"What are you waiting for? After a while, the amethyst bee rushed in, but don't say that I lied to your storage bracelet. Jiang Danwu said angrily.

"You only have such a little medicine. How can it be enough for me alone?" Looking at the water bag in her hand, the girl said with some difficulty.

"Why is it not enough? It's for you to apply it on your body, not for you to take a shower, you take off your clothes..." At this point, Jiang Danwu suddenly stopped.

At this time, he remembered that his medicine was indeed enough for one person to use, but the premise was that he did not wear clothes. Now that he and the girl are alone in the cave, he is almost **. If the girl is naked, it is really a little...

And at least there are some weeds blocking the key place. Now in the cave, the girl wants to cover up her breath together, and she can't find a suitable weed at all. Thinking of this, Jiang Danwu couldn't help swallowing saliva secretly and swept back and forth on the girl's body with some evil eyes.

"I can say first that our transaction has been completed, and this storage bracelet has been mine. As for the use of liquid or not, it has nothing to do with me." As if afraid of the girl's repentance, Jiang Danwu said, retreating a few steps in a row, and his body was close to the stone wall of the cave.

Then a loud noise came from the mouth of the cave, and the whole cave was even more shaken. Countless falling rocks fell from the top of the cave, and the two couldn't help dodging. At this time, the star curtain at the mouth of the cave became darker, as if it could be broken at any time.

Looking at this scene, the girl gritted her teeth fiercely and shouted to Jiang Danwu, "Turn around, if you dare to turn back without my consent, I will kill you!"

Although Jiang Danwu was reluctant to give up, he looked at the girl's eyes that were almost spewing fire, and finally slowly turned around, and then there was a slight sound of the girl undressing and undressing in his ear.

Several times Jiang Danwu wanted to turn around, but thinking about the girl's previous eyes, he resisted the curiosity in his heart. Although beauty is delicious, his life is still more important.

As the cave shook more and more fiercely, the girl finally applied the medicine. At this time, a huge roar came, and the falling stones on the top of the cave became more frequent, and even many huge stones surrounded by two people fell.

When the figure dodged, the girl approached the mouth of the cave. Suddenly, a boulder hit her head. The girl's body flashed, and her whole body suddenly stuck to Jiang Danwu's back. At this time, accompanied by countless sound like broken glass, the star curtain at the mouth of the cave also broke.

The long sword at the mouth of the cave made bursts of mourning. The sword was completely lightless, and countless falling stones kept falling. At this time, Jiang Danwu and the girl both held their breath. In the blink of an eye, countless fallen stones piled up in front of the girl and sandwiched her in the middle with Jiang Danwu.

At this time, with a sharp beep, the Amethyst Bee Emperor flew in from the mouth of the cave and kept flying around, as if looking for the invading enemy.

Feel that she was naked and close to Jiang Danwu, and the girl suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. Although the behavior of the two was more excessive than this before, after all, both sides were not sober at that time. Now although they are awake, they dare not move at all, and the girl suddenly felt that her whole body was extremely hot.

And Jiang Danwu was not much better at this time. The softness came from his back, which made him think of some kind of service in the entertainment place of the previous life. Unconsciously, Jiang Danwu's body, who had never tasted a woman in this life, reacted again.

However, at this time, Jiang Danwu's body was close to the stone wall of the cave. The body's reaction was not pleasure, but incomparable pain. He bit the tip of his tongue and tried to calm himself down, but the heat behind him exhaled on the back of his neck, making Jiang Danwu unable to control himself at all.

For about a moment, the Amethyst Bee flew to the depths of the cave. Seeing that the girl who had been extremely shy in this situation dared not hesitate at all, her body flashed and ran to the mouth of the cave. Unexpectedly, as soon as her body moved, she was immediately pulled back by Jiang Danwu.

Even giving the girl a little time to think about it, Jiang Danwu pulled the girl back to her original position again, but from Jiang Danwu's back to facing each other.

"You..." The girl stared. She didn't expect Jiang Danwu to be so presumptuous, but she saw Jiang Danwu put his hand on her mouth and motioned her to silence.

At the next moment, the amethyst bee that flew into the cave suddenly flew out again, and the girl understood why Jiang Danwu would move like that.

At this time, it was known that the amethyst bees that had disappeared from the hive became more furious, and the harsh bees kept making their eardrums painful. Even if Jiang Danwu had blocked his ears with weeds before, he was still uncomfortable at this time.

And now the girl's frank meeting makes Jiang Danwu's body feel all kinds of strange things. Such a feeling of ice and fire almost makes Jiang Danwu want to go crazy.