Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 72 Buddha's Palm

"Lost! What a loser!"

Around, the official disciples of the onlookers watched Jiang Danwu actually take the Can Mercury flag to enjoy the cool. For a moment, they could hardly find anything to describe Jiang Danwu.

One hundred contribution value! For those who can only get 200 contribution value every month, this is a share of more than half a year, but they just use it to take advantage of the cold, or to laugh at the beauty?

If before, everyone only despised Jiang Danwu, or looked down on him, then now it is absolutely ** naked contempt!

Low cultivation and poor talent can be made up by acquired efforts, but if matched with the character shown by Jiang Danwu, people like him are indeed a great shame of the Tianluo Sect, and even many disciples have begun to discuss how long Jiang Danwu will be expelled from the Tianluo Sect.

Obviously, from the bottom of their hearts, they were ashamed to be with Jiang Danwu.

However, although their hearts are full of contempt, many disciples still run behind Jiang Danwu. After all, although they are far away and will not be injured, the feeling of the heat wave is also very uncomfortable.

In the words of many disciples, the poor also come to experience the feeling of a local tyrant.

At this time, the center is legendary... sneer... The sound of Wu Zhengshan's sweaty faces appeared a trace of excitement. At this time, extremely subtle changes have begun to take place on the stone of heaven and earth, and the smooth performance began to appear some small bumps. Although such changes are extremely subtle, for How can they not find it if they are from alchemy?

So the three of them worked harder on the input of Xingli. They seemed to have seen the value of 10,000 contributions, and they had thought of slapping Jiang Danwu loudly in the admiration of many disciples, while Wu Zhengshan began to fantasize about Han Bing's gratitude when he got the stone marrow of heaven and earth stones.

While accepting the cold, they are sweating like rain and are both personal disciples. Under such a huge difference, many disciples have insisted on the idea of practicing hard. At this time, they know one more. If they want to get ahead, they must pay more bitterness and sweat than others, otherwise they will only mix into Jiang Danwu.

However, the change of the heaven and earth stone seems to be limited to this. Then no matter how the three people seem to stimulate the star power, there is no other change in the heaven and earth stone.

A full day and a night passed, and until noon the next day, there was still no more change in the heaven and earth stone, and even with the help of the Mars flag of the three people, the star power began to rise.

"Come on, uncle!"

"Come on, uncle!"

I don't know who shouted, as if he was moved by the spirit of the three people. For a moment, the disciples on the whole mountain shouted in unison one after another. Especially after a day and one night, more disciples came to hear the news at this time, and even several relatives and relatives did not appear, but secretly watched secretly.

Hearing the drink of the same door, the three suddenly flashed in their eyes, and they couldn't help collecting the remaining star power in their bodies and continuing to drive the Mars flag. Although in their experience, the result could almost be guessed, at this point, they still hoped for a miracle to appear.

Looking at the appearance of the three people, the official disciples around shouted harder, as if the success or failure of Wu Zhengshan was their success or failure.

In fact, when it comes to hard work and tenacity, many of the official disciples present are not weaker than the three of them, but with the contrast of Jiang Danwu, the image of the three people is naturally infinitely raised.

"They are dying. They will come to you later. Don't let me down!" Miao Yuntong, sitting on the lawn, said to Jiang Danwu.

"Hmm...they're going to be finished?" Jiang Danwu, who was asleep, suddenly got up, glanced at the field, stretched out and sighed, "It feels really good to have air conditioning, but it's a pity that the charge is too high."

"Air conditioner?" Miao Yuntong looked at Jiang Danwu with some doubts.

"To the air conditioner!" Jiang Danwu, who knew that he had lost his words, said vaguely, "Air conditioning means to adjust the air temperature, just like this Kan Mercury flag."

"Oh..." Miao Yuntong nodded as if he didn't understand.

At this time, Jiang Danwu had already stood up and shouted at the scene, "Brother Wu, I don't think you can do it. Come down and exchange it with me. You should know that I can spend 1,500 yuan a day to rent this Kan Mercury flag to cool down. If you continue like this, winning your 10,000 contribution value is not enough for me to pay the bill."

Shameless! Not to mention the official disciples around him, even the direct enjoyment of the Kan Mercury flag, Miao Yuntong couldn't help scolding in his heart at this time. Jiang Danwu is definitely the first person she has seen in her life to say such shameless words so righteously.

"Uncle Wu, insist, we support you!"

"Three uncles, come on!"

There is no need for three people to fight back, and the official disciples around have shown their attitude. Although they dare not directly scold Jiang Danwu because of their identity, these words are enough to show their antipathy to Jiang Danwu. Some people have even been thinking about whether to repair this dansive disciple on the way back.

However, Jiang Danwu's words directly hit the hearts of the three people. Jiang Danwu's Kan Mercury flag was worth renting, and the three of them did not pick up the Mars flag.

On this trip, they originally specially rented the Mars flag for alchemy. After all, now they only have the realm of the Star King, and they have to use this flag to refine some advanced elixir.

However, such a fight with Jiang Danwu has wasted a day. If it continues to be spent, they can't stand it. You know that their contribution value is also earned by working hard to alchemy. Unlike Jiang Danwu, who has an income of 10,000 or 20,000 yuan after a while.

The three looked at each other and seemed to understand what the other had meant in their hearts. Then they shouted and put away the three flags from the fire.

"Sister Miao, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Wu Zhengshan smiled at Miao Yuntong, but he didn't worry at all. They couldn't refine the heaven and earth stones in this way, and Jiang Danwu naturally couldn't refine them. He just thought that it wasted a day and cost 1,500 more.

"Brother Wu, you have tried your best. Everyone can see it. Maybe my dream yesterday was not accurate." Until now, Miao Yuntong has not forgotten the dream she had.

"Who can't say for sure? Haven't I taken action yet?" Jiang Danwu suddenly walked to the three people and said, "You are over. Can you come to me now?"

Looking at Jiang Danwu like a clown, Wu Zhengshan said disdainfully, "We will wait and see Jiang's masterpiece."

"Of course, but in order to avoid you losing for a while and saying that I have used the results you have refined for a day and a night, I will lower the temperature of the heaven and earth stone first, so that you can be convinced." With that, Jiang Danwu waved his hand, and three Mercury flags rose to the sky, forming a triangle around the heaven and earth stones in an instant.

Only in the realm of stars, Jiang Danwu, who can't release his star power, moved his feet, and the mysterious fairy step has stepped out. Almost at the same time, he transformed three figures in the field and held three Can Mercury flags at the same time.

Suddenly, a sense of extreme cold spread from the center of the star flag. Although Wu Zhengshan did not retreat, they also used their star power to resist each other. At the same time, they also showed amazing colors for Jiang Danwu's body.

At this time, the official disciples who were originally shouting also stopped. Looking at Jiang Danwu's mysterious fairy steps, they suddenly felt that this disciple did not seem to be as useless as the legend, and the realm of the stars has such a smart body.

Damn it! It was too cold. After a moment, Jiang Danwu, with a thin layer of frost on his hair and eyebrows, finally stopped, glanced at the heaven and earth stones in the field and said, "I don't know if the three brothers are satisfied now?"

Although he knew that Jiang Danwu could not do it, looking at his confident appearance, Wu Zhengshan couldn't help twitching gently, "Now the temperature on the stone of heaven and earth has indeed disappeared. I hope Brother Jiang won't let us down."

"This is natural!" Jiang Danwu shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not good for the three brothers to retreat away from being accidentally injured!"

Wu Zhengshan snorted coldly and seemed that he was not even interested in talking nonsense with Jiang Danwu. At present, he took his two brothers far away and walked to Miao Yuntong's side.

Looking at the three people going away, Jiang Danwu was relieved to put the three Can Mercury flags into the storage bracelet and shouted:

The Buddha's Palm!

Jiang Danwu put his hands on his waist and then slowly pushed it out. Not to mention the palm, even the old lady's power to play Tai Chi was much greater than his.

However, at the moment when his palm came into contact with the heaven and earth stone, Jiang Danwu's whole body was shocked, and the earth stone, which had been refined by Wu Zhengshan and other three people from Mars for a day and a night, actually fell from the surface layer by layer.

What? How is this possible?