Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 120 Poison

When his feet fell to the ground, his body was slightly shaken, and Kong Jie, who was full of cold in his heart, sank his head and was already out of breath. Just as his body was about to fall, Jiang Danwu flashed and dragged him back.

At the same time, Jiang Danwu quickly pulled the dream back sword from Kong Jie's chest, and immediately pressed the elixir already prepared in his hand into his body when the blood could not flow out of his body, and at the same time pressed the powder in the palm of his hand into the wound.

Even if Kong Jie is dead, the powder is added, and the wound will quickly scar at this time, and there is no blood oozing out at all. Even if there is no sword mark on his chest and shirt, it is impossible to see that he has been injured.

Just after doing all this, Zhao Jing, who picked up the yin and yang grass, also came from far to near at this time.

silently calculating the distance of Zhao Jing, Jiang Danwu slapped Kong Jie's body and saw Kong Jie's body immediately fly backwards in the direction of Zhao Jing.

"Brother Kong?" Zhao Jing, who had just arrived, did not expect that Kong Jie would be defeated by Jiang Danwu. Especially when he saw that Kong Jie in mid-air seemed to have fallen into a coma at this time, his body was quickly falling to the ground, shouting loudly, the red light flashed all over his body, and the star armor had been condensed. At the same time, his body vertically caught Kong Jie's body.

When Zhao Jing bought the body, he felt that Kong Jie's vitality had passed away, and his heart suddenly sank and looked at Jiang Danwu with a wary face, "Jiang Danwu, how dare you kill my brother?"

Although he shouted, Zhao Jing was not in a hurry to do it, because until now he still did not understand how Jiang Danwu killed Kong Jie.

"Why don't you dare? Since you are going to kill me, you naturally have the consciousness of being killed by me!" Jiang Danwu shrugged his shoulders and looked relaxed. At this time, he could no longer find the fear of death just now.

"It seems that we underestimated you." Zhao Jing had seen the sword mark on Kong Jie's chest at this time. Although he did not understand why Jiang Danwu treated Kong Jie's wound, as an outstanding disciple of the overlord Jianzhuang, he could feel how fast the sword was inserted into Kong Jie's heart.

"Since you know how powerful I am, I will return my yin and yang grass, and I will spare your life." Jiang Danwu seems to be procrastinating.

"Your sword is indeed very fast, but you have to break through my star armor to hurt me. Do you think you have this ability?" Put Kong Jie down, and Zhao Jing walked towards Jiang Danwu step by step.

"One step, two steps, three steps..." Jiang Danwu didn't seem to feel the danger and counted Zhao Jing's footsteps with a smile on his face.

"Fal the mystery!" Although he did not have such a deep understanding of Jiang Danwu as Kong Jie, Zhao Jing also realized that Jiang Danwu had a lot of ghost ideas at this time. At this time, he decided to adapt to all changes and was not moved by Jiang Danwu's words at all, and still carefully forced Jiang Danwu.

Jiang Danwu shook his head gently, "Ten steps, fall!"

With Jiang Danwu shouting, Zhao Jing's whole body seemed to be magic. Suddenly, the power of his whole body disappeared. With a thump, he fell to the ground, and even the star armor outside the body disappeared.

When Zhao Jing was full of panic, he saw that Kong Jie's body had turned green at this time. When he lowered his head, he saw the palm of his left hand that he had supported Kong Jie also glowed the same green, "Poison? Do you use poison? Despicable!"

At this time, Zhao Jing seemed to understand why Jiang Danwu sealed the wound on Kong Jie's body, but he understood that it was too late.

"Despicable? I'm despicable. What's wrong with me?" Jiang Danwu said disapprovingly about Zhao Jing's scolding, "Is it glorious for you two stars to rob me of a five-level star spirit? Forget the robbery, but still want to kill? If I don't use any means, I'm afraid I'll lie on the ground and scold you for being despicable now!"

Zhao Jing tried his best to drive the star power and wanted to force the toxin out of the body. Unexpectedly, it was okay not move the star power. As soon as the star power was running, the toxin immediately spread through the meridians of his whole body through the star power. At this time, not to mention Jiang Danwu desperately, even if he did not have the strength to stand up, the helpless Zhao Jing finally smelled the breath of death.

Between the continuous convulsions of the body, it was hard to support the ground, making his body constantly move backwards, and his eyes looking at Jiang Danwu were full of panic.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" The desire to survive overcame the persistence in his heart, and Zhao Jing suddenly stopped and watched Jiang Danwu begging.

"It's okay not to kill you, but what are you going to exchange for your life? Didn't you also let me exchange yin and yang grass for my life just now? Jiang Danwu looked at Zhao Jing and asked with interest.

"I... I return the yin and yang grass to you, and there are some stars and stones in my storage bag, as well as elixirs, medicinal herbs, and the overlord's sword formula..." Zhao Jing, who was defeated by the threat of death, kept counting his various things and begged, "As long as you help me detoxify, I will give you these things."

"Real?" Jiang Danwu bypassed Zhao Jing, walked to Kong Jie's body, and grabbed Kong Jie's storage bag from his waist. "But if you die, these things are also mine, shouldn't be the capital you exchange, right?"

"And...and..." Zhao Jingqiang, whose body was constantly twitching, endured the pain spread all over his body and said, "Also, I have the communication star of this door. I can tell all the disciples of the overlord Jianzhuang who enter Tianwai Mountain that they must not be your enemy."

"Do you think I will be afraid of your disciples of Jianzhuang? Think about it again. If the poison is immersed in the five internal organs in another quarter of an hour, even the rebirth of the Star Emperor will not save you. Jiang Danwu snorted coldly.

"Of course, with your ability, I'm not afraid. I guess it's difficult for even those guys in the astral world to get benefits in your hands, but I can let them give you the collected yin and yang grass together, right?" Hearing that he still had a quarter of an hour, Zhao Jing immediately increased his chips.

"It's up to you?" Jiang Danwu looked at Zhao Jing with some disdain.

"Of course, the elder Zhao Zhengyi, who leads the team this time, is my uncle, so they all have to listen to me. If you don't believe it, I can show you immediately." With that, Zhao Jing trembled and took out a star charm from the storage bag.

Looking at Zhao Jing, who was constantly oozing sweating from his forehead, Jiang Danwu flicked his finger and a pill flew to Zhao Jing. "Since you cooperate so well, I will give you an elixir to solve the pain on your body first. If it can really be like what you said, I promise to detoxify your body."

Zhao Jing, who was bitten by countless ants, picked up the elixir on the ground. He didn't care that there was still a lot of dirt on it and immediately pressed it into his mouth, and even couldn't wait to chew it and swallowed it.

Suddenly, the uncomfortable feeling on his body immediately disappeared, but the star power still could not work. He immediately understood that Jiang Danwu's move was not really as kind as he was, but that he was afraid that he would be too painful and let his fellow door hear flaws when he spoke.

But in order to survive, Zhao Jing has no choice at all. Even if he feels that Jiang Danwu's words may not be credible, this is the only chance for him to survive. He must gamble!

Facing the star charm, Zhao Jing didn't even have the activated star power, so he had no choice but to look at Jiang Danwu.

Jiang Danwu's star power shot into the star charm, and the star charm in Zhao Jing's hand immediately flashed with bursts of blue light.

"I'm Zhao Jing. Have you finished your breakthrough? Give me a reply when you hear it. To the star charm Zhao Jing, he tried to make his tone sound calmer.

"Brother Zhao, I'm Li Yuanxun, and I have successfully been promoted to the Star King..."

"I'm Tan Junyuan, and I have also been successfully promoted..."

"I'm Mei Zhiye..."

Soon, except for Zhao Jing and Kong Jie, the other five disciples of Jianzhuang immediately sent back messages through the star charm, and all of them had broken through to the star kingdom.

Although he was already prepared, Jiang Danwu was still a little uneasy. He was not worried about Zhao Jing's tricks, but that he had realized that now everyone except himself had reached the realm of the Star King.

"The elder Zhao Zhengyi asked me to bring a secret order and tell you after everyone breaks through. Now listen to me!" Zhao Jing seemed to have already figured out, "Jiang Danwu is actually a dark chess game for us lying in Tianluozong. Now he has won the trust of Tianluozong and is getting along with Miss Lin, so the yin and yang grass collected this time should be handed over to Jiang Danwu and give it to the Lin family. Do you understand?"

"The elder Taishang didn't talk about this before we came in?" Li Yuanxun seemed to realize something wrong and immediately asked.

"Presumptuous, can't you believe my words?" Zhao Jing shouted angrily and then explained, "At first, the elder did not intend to start Jiang Danwu's dark chess now. Only when he saw his relationship with Miss Lin, he was ready to close the network in advance. At that time, if so many masters outside said it directly, I was afraid that it might be heard by those strong men in the star world. Do you understand now?"

"I see!" Hearing Zhao Jing's explanation, coupled with Zhao Jing's identity, others immediately responded at the same time.

Hearing Zhao Jing's watertight lies, Jiang Danwu suddenly found that lying did not seem to be his own specialty. Sure enough, none of them could be selected into Tianwai Mountain was a fuel-efficient lamp.

"When I find Jiang Danwu, I will give him my star charm, and then you will listen to his command!" Zhao Jing naturally knew that Jiang Danwu could not let go of the star charm in his hand. After saying that, he looked at Jiang Danwu with a flattering look.

"Yes!" Several others responded immediately.

"Well, now everyone is meeting to the No. 3 stronghold!" After Zhao Jing finished speaking, he immediately closed the star charm and handed it to Jiang Danwu. At the same time, he looked at the other party tremblingly. He knew that he was born or died and would get the answer in the next moment...