Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 204 Six Big Teams

"Not bad!" Looking at Wan Youcheng's shocked expression, Jiang Danwu said his real purpose of taking people into the forbidden land. "Under some opportunity, I have some understanding of the six cultivation skills and martial arts of the astral world, so I plan to share it with you here according to everyone's different cultivation habits!"

That's true! That's true!

Even if these elders present have long been used to the wind and waves and have already reached a calm state, they can no longer calm down when they hear Jiang Danwu's words.

The previous excitement became so weak for a while under the impact of this blockbuster information.

In addition to the Lin family and the Purple Star Hall, the six major sects in the astral world can almost represent the top power in the astral world. Their cultivation skills are naturally not comparable to those collected by Tianluozong.

It can even be said that the six sects have today's status, which is closely related to their advanced skills, but now the patriarchs are proficient in the six sects' skills, and everyone has seen them with their own eyes.

The elders present could hardly believe how powerful Tianluozong would be a few years later. It was not until this moment that they really realized what Jiang Danwu said before that bringing Tianluozong into an unprecedented glory was not an empty talk, but a fact that had been prepared in Jiang Danwu's heart.

However, at this time, Jiang Danwu, a high-level skill, did not hide at all, and this contribution made it even more admired by those present.

In a different place, even if they have been in Tianluozong for a longer time than Jiang Danwu, the people present asked themselves and found that they may not be as generous as Jiang Danwu.

Only Wanfa frowned in excitement. Obviously, he has realized that Jiang Danwu's six major skills in the astral world are probably related to the trip to Tianwai Mountain at the beginning. He also thinks that Jiang Danwu suddenly threw out dozens of mysterious star swords at the peak of contribution. At this time, Wanfa has almost guessed these The source of the skill.

"Master, but if the people in the sect have practiced the skills of the six major sects in the astral world, will it cause them to work together to deal with us?" Yu Wanfa sorted out his thoughts and expressed his worries.

Sure enough, as soon as this statement came out, the elders present also frowned one after another. Although the skills have great **, they have to ignore the six major angers in the astral world.

After all, the current Tianluozong has no power to counter any of the six major forces in the astral world. What's more, once this secret is exposed, there is no need to guess what the result will be like waiting for them.

"This is fine!" Obviously, Jiang Danwu has already planned, "As long as we perform the six major skills, we can guarantee that the people we have seen can no longer speak, and if not, isn't there still an excuse to 'take the other way and give back the other' as an excuse?"

"Yes, won't we all say that we have practiced the 'way of the other and give back the body' of the sect?" Wan Cheng immediately patted his thigh and said excitedly.

Although such a statement is still not able to withstand scrutiny, under the ** of the six major skills of the astral world, everyone also recognized Jiang Danwu's words, and even Wanfa did not put forward any objections, and even his eyes were also excited at this time.

"In this case, I'll subdivide it. I think everyone understands the truth that greed can't be chewed." Jiang Danwu said, and began to stand in teams according to the previous martial arts practiced by the elders.

"Your team will be the white tiger team of Tianluozong in the future!" Jiang Danwu walked to the White Tiger team, which was the leader at this time, "In the future, you will practice the skills and martial arts of Xuanguang Religion!" After saying that, Jiang Danwu handed a star charm that had already been prepared to Wan Youcheng, "Return it to me after circulation."

Next, Jiang Danwu divided the Qinglong team that practiced the martial arts skills of Canglei, the rosefinch team that practiced the fire gate skills and martial arts; the Xuanwu team that practiced the skills and martial arts of Xingyumen, the Kunpeng team that practiced Yueyingmen; and the Kirin team that practiced the skills of Tian Xiezong and martial arts.

"Lord, these skills and martial arts don't seem to be perfect?" After a while, an elder immediately raised questions. Although he had never seen such high-end goods, he naturally had a certain ability to cultivate to such a level as them.

Of course, it is not perfect. These are just found from the disciples who entered Tianwai Mountain of the six major sects in the astral world. If they hadn't been for the key disciples of the six major sects, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have these skills.

Although he is slandered, Jiang Danwu will naturally not tell the truth at this time and immediately explained: "At present, the skills of the six sects in hand are only intermediate skills of the six major sects in the astral world. You should first cultivate carefully and lay a good foundation. If anyone contributes to the sect, they can practice higher-level skills. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Danwu thought, do you want a more advanced skill? In the future, just go and kill some of the strong men of the six sects. Anyway, they have had a grudge against the six sects. Jiang Danwu will naturally not mind beating a stuffy stick when he has the opportunity.

"Born for the sect and die for the sect!" Hearing Jiang Danwu's words, the elders immediately relieved their doubts and did not have any disgust with Jiang Danwu's practice. After all, as a suzerain, they naturally need to set some rules to stimulate the motivation of everyone in the door, which made them realize that Jiang Danwu is not only a genius above martial arts, but also old-fashioned in managing the sect. The means.

"Okay, let's get familiar with the skills and martial arts you have got first!" Seeing that the effect had been achieved, Jiang Danwu immediately said, "Next, please ask the elders to arrange for other selected elders and personal disciples to enter the forbidden place, and then arrange them to various teams according to their respective cultivation. I vaguely feel that the opportunity for a breakthrough may have to be closed."

"Are you going to break through again?" Listening to Jiang Danwu's words, everyone was stunned. Do you know that Jiang Danwu broke through two levels in a row in the ring when he competed with the people brought by Li Tianao before, and now he is going to break through again? Such a speed seems to make these old guys who took most of their lives to advance to the ninth-level star emperor ashamed.

However, soon everyone is relieved. If you can't break through another level in such a short time, is the suzerain still Jiang Danwu?

It is estimated that even if Jiang Danwu said that he would break through to the realm of the Star Emperor at one time, no one would feel too surprised.

"The suzerain just needs to practice at ease, and I will complete the next thing." Looking at the spirit shown by the elders present, Wanfa can even imagine what the selected elders and disciples will be like after entering the forbidden place to know everything.

It seems that I'm really old! Suddenly, a sense of self-deprecation rose in Wanfa's heart. Jiang Danwu had been the suzerain of Tianluo Sect for several months, but the whole sect has undergone great changes. This change has not been done for so many years as the suzerain.

Similarly, Yu Wanfa also knows clearly that the six teams separated by Jiang Danwu in front of him will become the biggest killers of Tianluo Sect in the near future.

Perhaps, his greatest contribution to Tianluo Sect is to let Jiang Danwu worship Tianluo Sect at the beginning, and then pass on the throne of the suzerain to him.

After a few polite words with a group of elders, Jiang Danwu flashed into the darkness.

At this time, Han Bing was also divided into the Kirin team. At this time, he was studying the skills and martial arts of the Heavenly Evil Sect. However, after Feng Yingcai was highly praised by Jiang Danwu because of his own cultivation of the Star Dragon Emperor, he did not belong to any team. Seeing Jiang Danwu practicing alone, he had to find a quiet place. Fang, practice your own star dragon emperor, hoping to get more understanding.

Through the dark area, Jiang Danwu entered the day area of the forbidden area. The strong sunshine above his head spawned countless Yang stars. I don't know if it was because the five elders had left for too long. Jiang Danwu felt that the Yanyang star power in this space at this time was still much stronger than when he first arrived.

Immediately took out a handful of yin and yang grass and put it in his mouth and began to guide the already chaotic star power in Dantian.

It turned out that the Star Map had absorbed a large amount of star power of the elders and had been stranded in Jiang Danwu's body. Finally, it gave back some star power into Jiang Danwu's Dantian, almost making him stand on the edge of breakthrough. In order to complete his preliminary preparations, Jiang Danwu has been running the Star Secret General* * The star power was suppressed, but because the star power from the Star Emperor was too fierce, Jiang Danwu could hardly hold on at this time.

With a plate of legs and the operation of the star formula, Yanyang Xingli entered Jiang Danwu's body crazily. Suddenly, a strong burning pain enveloped Jiang Danwu's whole body. His lips tightened, and a yin and yang grass was bitten. A clear meaning spread all over his body, and instantly swallowed up the burning pain completely, and replaced it with nothing. It's more comfortable.

At the same time, the Yanyang star power and the night sky star power quickly merged under the guidance of the star formula under the harmony of the yin and yang grass. Jiang Danwu felt that Dantian was constantly being advocated by a powerful force. At the same time, the star power in Dantian also continued to condense under a huge pressure and merged into the four red Among the shining stars.

With a crisp sound, Jiang Danwu clearly felt that the four stars in Dantian had broken apart almost at the same time. With a flower in front of him, Jiang Danwu felt that he had entered the star domain of the star map again.

When everything in front of us became real, five of the nine stars in the celestial realm had already lit up, and each star burst into a strong red light, which did not look like it had just broken through.

After a little thought, Jiang Danwu understood that the star power of the elders of the two or thirty nine-level star emperors was not in vain. With their strength, he not only broke through to the fifth-level star king, but also further consolidated the realm of the five-level star king, which is beyond Jiang Danwu. The expectation.

In the star domain, Jiang Danwu began to practice the secret of star reincarnation, but found that he did not mention some tips as before. Presumably, he no longer has the resources to start the star map, but after practicing the first three secrets of the reincarnation of the star that he has mastered now, Jiang Danwu feels that his understanding of martial arts seems to have taken a step further.

There was no change in the star domain, and Jiang Danwu had no choice but to withdraw his mind. Jiang Danwu suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength. According to his understanding of the world, Jiang Danwu could be sure that his star power was already above the nine-level star king. If it were not for the essence of the star king, he was afraid that his pure star power would not be far from the first-level star emperor at this time...