Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 306 Tian Yunxin

"Have you made mind?" Half a month later, Jiang Danwu, who had fully recovered his mental strength, asked Zhu Shabai, who was kneeling in front of him.

"Do I have any other choice?" Zhu Shabai said helplessly with a little bitter smile.

On the fifth day, Zhu Shabai had woken up, but at that time, his mind was blank, like a walking dead body. He could feel that his body was moving and that he was still alive, but he was not conscious at all. If it hadn't been supported by Jiang Danwu's seductive conditions before, he was afraid of Zhu Sha Bai will fall into such a state all his life.

Finally, five days later, Zhu Shabai slowly recovered some spiritual knowledge, but since then, his eyes when he looked at Jiang Danwu were full of fear. He didn't know whether he was afraid of Jiang Danwu's killing him or was scared by Jiang Danwu's soul search.

"In that case, let's start. This time it won't be as painful as last time. Just let go of your mind!" Jiang Danwu's magnetic voice came to Zhu Shabai's ears.

At this time, Zhu Shabai, who had no choice but to save his life, had to listen to Jiang Danwu's arrangement, but his pupils were still a little crazy. Obviously, he still remembered the words Jiang Danwu used to seduce him.

jin hun shu! Like Soul Search*, it is also one of the evil skills of evil cultivation. If you force your own soul mark on the soul of others, you can control a person's life and death, and the person who is cast can't betray his master all his life, even if it is an idea, otherwise it will definitely be extremely painful.

It's just that the requirements for this operation are very harsh, and the caster must be at least three levels higher than the caste's cultivation before it can be forcibly performed. Of course, if the caste is fully cooperated, it's another matter!

For example, now, a drop of blood gushed out of Jiang Danwu's eyebrows, floated into Zhu Shabai's eyebrows, and then integrated into his body, leaving no trace. Immediately Zhu Shabai immediately felt that there seemed to be something more in his soul, and his eyes began to change.

Worship! And with fanatical worship!

That look seemed to tell that he had been living for Jiang Danwu since he was born. As long as Jiang Danwu said a word, he could immediately lead the sword to himself!

As for the brainwashing creed accepted in the death camp of the imperial palace, it is not worth mentioning compared with this idea. Even Zhu Shabai is a little ashamed that he has been working for the Xiaotian Emperor over the years, and even ashamed that he wants to get glory and wealth!

"I've seen the master!" Zhu Shabai knelt on the ground respectfully, and his eyes were full of incomparable piety!

"Get up! Keep my piety in your heart and don't show it. You are still a dead man trusted by the Xiaotian Emperor, understand? Jiang Danwu's words came to Zhu Shabai's ears like an order.

Suddenly, Zhu Shabai immediately stood up, and his momentum suddenly changed, as if he had returned to the arrogant nobleman in Hongfeng City in an instant. He even looked at Jiang Danwu with some contempt in his eyes, "I don't know what the master plans to do next!"

"Isn't Tian Yunfei, the second son of the Tian family, one of the three emperors next month, going to recruit a group of dead men?" After searching for Zhu Shabai's soul*, Jiang Danwu even remembered Zhu Shabai more clearly than himself.

"Are you going to start from the Tian family first?" Since Jiang Danwu asked Zhu Shabai to be himself, in addition to being loyal to Jiang Danwu in his heart, Zhu Shabai was not the same before he went there on the surface. Even if he asked Jiang Danwu's words, he was a little arrogant.

Although Tian Yunfei is more talented than his eldest brother, the position of the head of the three emperors has always been passed on. This boy has been a little unbearable over the years. Taking advantage of the civil strife of the Tian family, it is not that there is no chance. If Tian Yunfei can take office as soon as possible, use his power to find out the bottom of the other two families, It's not impossible!" Jiang Danwu said.

"But if the cycle is too long, it is not good for you, and if the cycle is too short, I'm afraid that Tian Yunfei will be unstable as the master of the family for a long time!" Zhu Shabai immediately found out the loophole in Jiang Danwu's idea.

"How long can he be the head of the family? What does this have to do with me?" Jiang Danwu smiled gently and said, "Now we will act separately. You rush back to the imperial city and continue to be your dead man, and I will go to the Tian family to be a dead man. You accept my soul mark. As long as the distance between us is not more than ten kilometers, we can communicate through ideas, so I will naturally find you then!"

"I understand, master, be careful all the way!" Zhu Shabai greeted Jiang Danwu and immediately carried out Jiang Danwu's arrangement, and his figure had disappeared into the jungle.

Jiang Danwu shook his head and chose a different direction and rushed away. As for how Zhu Shabai returned to the palace to talk about the disappearance during this period, Jiang Danwu was not worried at all. If he even dealt with this problem, it would only be a bad thing to keep such a waste.

Under the control of the star force, the body was pulled up by one foot, and the body became fatter. Then the facial muscles were controlled by the star force, which made some simple changes in appearance, and then took out a sackcloth that was previously taken off from the boat and put on.

At the close stop, Jiang Danwu controlled the star power and controlled the fluctuations outside the body to the cultivation of only six-level stars.

Level 6 Star! In Hongfeng County, he is almost a top strong man, but he is just a good master in the imperial city. Even at the age of Jiang Danwu, in the imperial city, he can only be regarded as an upper-middle level, not a genius.

As for using the star formula to control the fluctuation of the star force, Jiang Danwu also accidentally found it, and at the beginning, he asked Uncle Long to test it himself. Even the strong in the later stage of the Star Sage could not see the authenticity, which Jiang Danwu was very satisfied.

Jiang Danwu is well aware of the power of those big forces and strives to do any detail well, lest they will be seen when the other party wants to explore his details in the future.

At this time, Jiang Danwu seemed to be a completely different person. The stars stepped out and quickly ran in the direction of the imperial city.

As a dead man of the Xiaotian Emperor, Zhu Shabai mastered geographical knowledge, which was necessary common sense, and Jiang Danwu, who read his memory, naturally got it without effort.

But at this time, Jiang Danwu wanted to hide his identity and could not fly in the imperial sword. Even in the rare barren mountains and mountains, Danwu did not dare. After all, the imperial sword was absolutely the only one who could fly here. God knows whether he would be accidentally seen.

Fortunately, after being promoted to the eighth-level Xingzun, Xingzun improved a little. After using Soshen*, although he felt uncomfortable for a few days, Jiang Danwu found that his spiritual power had become a little stronger, but this way to improve his spiritual power, even for Jiang, who was extremely eager for strength. Danwu doesn't want to do it again.

Suddenly, a red glow rose to the sky, and then the sound of crisp explosion came to his ears. At the same time as he heard the sound, he frowned and thought for a moment. Jiang Danwu still decided to investigate.

Everyone has curiosity, and Jiang Danwu is no exception. He restrained his breath and quietly lurked towards the sound.

As they keep approaching casually, those loud sounds become more obvious and more intense.

Three people, two seven-level stars, one eight-level star, one beast, should be the seventh-level advanced star beast five thunder red cat!

Five Thunder Red Cat, a seventh-order advanced star beast, is comparable to the seventh-level star master of human beings according to its age. It is born to control thunder. It relies on the day of thunderstorms to attract the power of thunder and grow. Although the speed is extremely slow, the thunder in its body is stronger than the star power, and if there is enough lightning power to absorb it. Being able to advance to the eighth-order star beast is comparable to the existence of the star saint. In the era when the star emperor does not appear, he can definitely become a hegemon!

Fortely, from the sound of the battle, Jiang Danwu judged that the five thunder and red cat classics were equivalent to the cultivation of the eighth-level star master, but with the power of thunder and lightning and the strength of the star beast itself, Jiang Danwu still seemed to have some upper hand over the three people.

Traveling to the edge of the bamboo forest, Jiang Danwu did not intend to appear. Look at the excitement. If the two sides can fight for two defeats and get some benefits by themselves, it will naturally be better. If there is no chance, they will naturally see it and leave. After all, Jiang Danwu has already passed the era of abuse of good people, not to mention for Wan Tian Empire, he also has no sense of belonging.

Hide your body, and your eyes penetrate the thick bamboo leaves. You can see a mess in front of you. The originally dense bamboo forest in front of you has now been broken, leaving some tall and low bamboo piles and scattered sparks in the potholes all over the ground.

Although the five thunder red cat is called a cat, Jiang Danwu feels that he is very imaginative with the tiger he has seen in his previous life. There was a layer of blue and purple on the red hair of the whole body, and the blue and purple flashed a little light to make a crackling sound of electric storm.

Three people in the field, two men and one woman, the two men are about 30 years old, but the seven-level star master's cultivation protects the girl with the eighth-level star master's cultivation behind them.

At this time, all three people have different scars, and the girl's chest clothes were torn off. Through the broken place, the pink close-fitting clothes can be seen directly. At this time, they are constantly undulating with the girl's rapid breathing.

"Miss, you go first! Let's hold this beast back!" One of the middle-aged men seemed to have seen the bad situation in front of him. "I just want to take good care of my mother-in-law and child after the lady leaves!"

The girl didn't even refuse and said directly, "Well, if I Tian Yunxin can leave safely today, I will protect your family's glory and wealth for a lifetime. If you can get out, there will be another reward!"

Tian Yunxin? Hearing this name, Jiang Danwu couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't that the sixth sister of the Tian family, one of the three generals?

Jiang Danwu took a closer look and found that the star swords in the hands of the two middle-aged men were all of the same-class mysterious middle-level products, and there was also a Tian character in the hilt of the sword. This was the special weapon of the dead man of the Tian family. No wonder Tian Yunxin just said those words without any guilt at all and died for the owner. This was originally the responsibility of the dead man. After reading Zhu Shabai's memory, Jiang Danwu has a good understanding of this space.