Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 338 Robbery

At the wedding of the Wantian Empire, although the bride and groom have to wear red clothes to celebrate, they don't say anything about it. Choose an auspicious time, and the newlyweds will worship the elders, and then the guests will eat and drink well, which is even a gift.

At this time, Zhu Jiuer couldn't help girling at Jiang Danwu, faintly grateful.

How could she not know about Xianlaiju? Especially Jiang Danwu refused the invitation of the eldest prince and joined the camp of the third prince. Zhu Jiuer knew more clearly that Jiang Danwu was charging for himself.

Now that the eldest prince is powerful, Jiang Danwu can only better provoke the fight between the two brothers by joining the camp of the third prince, and only in this way can he better achieve his goal.

When he heard that Qishan's head was hanging in Xianlaiju, Zhu Jiuer knew that it was Jiang Danwu who was demonstrating to the eldest prince, and Jiang Danwu was also telling himself that he was going to avenge himself.

Zhu Jiuer understands that this contains not only the transaction between the two sides, but also Jiang Danwu's feelings for herself, so she is grateful, Jiang Danwu's friendship and heaven for her blessing!

If it hadn't been for God's favor, maybe I would have married the person I didn't love three years ago under my father's arrangement. Fortunately, the sky had eyes and let that person die in an accident, so I was lucky to meet him at the most beautiful moment!

More importantly, judging from the information, that guy was actually a hidden pawn of the eldest prince. Thinking that he almost married such a person, Zhu Jiuer was also afraid for a while.

Xiaotian Emperor went to the main position and sat down. At this time, Tian Longxing, who was also holding Tian Yunxin, also came out of the back hall. After everyone saluted Xiaotian Emperor, Tian Longxing sat next to Xiaotian Emperor.

As the elder of one of today's women, he can almost be equal to the Xiaotian Emperor. Of course, his seat is still a little shorter and a little higher than that of the Xiaotian Emperor. Even so, this is a supreme honor for many people.

Of course, the most eye-catching at this time is the three newcomers standing on the scene. To be precise, Zhu Jiuer and Tian Yunxin, who are standing on the left and right at this time, should be the focus of the audience.

The same outfit, different beauty! Tian Yunxin's soft beauty seems to be a little childish; but Zhu Jiuer's beauty is shrewd. In the words of later generations, this is a kind of intellectual beauty.

The completely different beauty forms the contrast between spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, which brings endless sprints to people's vision.

"Gleep, salute!" As the host gave a shrill shout, the three maidservant immediately came out with a tray, and there was a teacup on each tray.

"Wait!" At this moment, an untimely voice suddenly came in from the door, so that everyone couldn't help looking over.

"Who comes dares to come to the Tian family to make trouble!" Tian Yunfei immediately shouted and stood up. Now he and Jiang Danwu are tied to a warship, and it doesn't matter whether Jiang Danwu marries his sister or not, but Zhu Jiuer suffers, which is of great benefit to Jiang Danwu's identity.

"Me! Wang Youcheng!" The visitor looked like twenty-five or six, with a bronze complexion, as if he had experienced a lot of wind and frost baptism, but from the moment of admission, his eyes did not leave Zhu Jiuer's body.

"He's not dead yet?" Zhu Jiuer couldn't help trembling!

"It's him..."

Hearing Wang Youcheng's name, the memories of many people present were immediately opened!

Wang Youcheng, 16 years old, joined the army and did not have any family power, but among countless military achievements, he climbed into the sight of everyone step by step. At the age of 20, he entered the early stage of the Star Saint and wiped out a banditry west of the imperial city with one person at that time, as many as 326 bandits. Wang Youcheng was one person with one sword, three people bathed in blood, no A living mouth.

In that battle, Wang Youcheng was seriously injured; that battle also stunned Wang Youcheng. Many forces threw olive branches at him, all of which were rejected by him. In Wang Youcheng's eyes, there was only one belief, that is, to be loyal to the emperor.

Two years later, with gratifying, Emperor Xiaotian took Zhu Jiu'er Xu and Wang Youcheng. At that time, a bandit who came from Beizhou were wantonly and made people live. Wang Youcheng boasted about Haikou and took the head of the bandit leader as a bride price to marry Princess Jiu'er.

When the body of the bandit was found, Wang Youcheng became unheavened, as if he had evaporated from the world. It was speculated that he also died with the group of bandits. After all, when they saw the body of the bandit leader, everyone found that the bandit leader actually had the cultivation of the middle of the star saint.

Pieve the fall of a genius, and people's lives have gradually returned to the right track. Wang Youcheng, who was born in the pan, ended his legendary life and slowly faded out of people's sight. It can only become people's regret after dinner!

But no one thought that Wang Youcheng was not dead. He came back! Jiang Danwu came back when he was about to marry Zhu Jiu'er!

Everyone's eyes gradually turned to the Xiaotian Emperor, which was a royal matter. No one dared to speak before the Xiaotian Emperor expressed his attitude.

"Wang Youcheng has met the emperor!" Walking to the hall, Wang Youcheng saluted respectfully.

"Friends, don't be polite!" Xiaotian Emperor also had a big head. I don't know how much such a life will happen in his life, and he will die when he dies, but he didn't expect this boy to appear. Now Xiaotian Emperor is thinking about how to do it so as not to lose his trust in the world.

After all, it was from him that he gave Zhu Jiuer to Wang Youcheng. Now Zhu Jiuer's marriage with Jiang Danwu has also been approved by him. It is impossible to let Zhu Jiu'er's daughter marry a second husband.

"The emperor still remembers the promise to Wang Youcheng in those years!" Wang Youcheng stood up, looked at Zhu Jiuer affectionately, and then asked.

"Youcheng, over the years, everyone thought that you had died fighting with the bandit, and Jiu'er was almost old, so I promised him to Jiang Danwu!" Xiaotian Emperor thought for a moment and said, "Now that you are back, I will choose another one among the princesses to marry you. What do you think?"

"The emperor forgives my rudeness!" Wang Youcheng's eyes were full of firmness, "I wanted to marry Jiu'er, not because she was a princess, but because I really liked her, so Wang Youcheng only wanted Jiu'er, not the princess, and asked the emperor to complete it!"

"Wang Youcheng, don't be rude!" Seeing this, Tian Yunxiao immediately stood up and shouted, "The emperor has agreed to the wedding of Jiang Danwu and Princess Jiu'er. You are struggling with each other now. Don't you want the emperor to lose his trust?"

"Didn't the Great Emperor promise me back then? Even if you come first, Jiu'er should marry me. Tian Yunxiao, you are the one who wants to make Da Xiao lose his trust in front of others!" Wang Youcheng immediately refuted.

Looking at the two people singing together, Xiaotian Emperor suddenly relaxed. At this time, he could not see the shadow of the eldest prince behind the whole thing.

Since it is a political event, it should be dealt with by political means. Naturally, Emperor Xiaotian doesn't have to think about a little guilt towards Wang Youcheng. However, for the behavior of the eldest prince, Xiaotian Emperor also felt unhappy.

"In that case, let's listen to Jiu'er's opinion!" Xiaotian Emperor said, "Now who Jiu'er is willing to marry and make his own decision!"

"I would like to marry Jiang Danwu!" As soon as Xiaotian Emperor's voice fell, Zhu Jiuer immediately opened her mouth and looked at Jiang Danwu at the same time. Her eyes were full of clarity, as if she was expressing her heart to Jiang Danwu.

It is also true that the appearance of Wang Youcheng is not accidental, and Zhu Jiuer of Jiang Danwu. In terms of Zhu Jiuer's interests, he should not choose either, or behave in a dilemma to let the two fight. No matter what the outcome is, the position of the prince in the heart of the Xiaotian Emperor will be reduced by the degree of deterioration of things at will. Less.

But she didn't! Jiang Danwu expressed her thoughts with her actions, and Zhu Jiuer also wanted to express her thoughts with her actions. Her feelings for Jiang Danwu are not only trading, but also the struggle for interests, but also real feelings. She is unwilling to let interests blind her feelings.

"You hear me, you can go!" Jiang Danwu naturally understood what Zhu Jiuer meant and turned to Wang Youcheng and said,

"Jiu'er..." Wang Youcheng's eyes are full of despair and infatuation. At this moment, almost many people present can feel his heartache and hear his heartbreaking voice, "Do you really don't like me? Have you forgotten how happy we were together?

Is that right? Is it better not to say something so clearly?" A trace of sarcasm flashed on Zhu Jiuer's face. She did have a good impression on Wang Youcheng in those years, but after discovering Wang Youcheng's identity, the good impression turned into endless anger. If it hadn't been for today's occasion, she would never mind killing this hypocritical guy with her own hands.

"It must be him who is bewitching you, so you are deceived by his rhetoric. Otherwise, how can you fall in love with him after entering the imperial city in such a short time! Jiu'er, what's wrong with you? Just tell me that even if I fight for this life, I won't let you be compromised!" Wang Youcheng's eyes gradually turned red.

"Your name is Jiang Danwu, right! Since you dare to bully Jiu'er, I will never forgive you. I want to fight with you!" Wang Youcheng pointed to Jiang Danwu, and his eyes seemed to shoot out a flame of anger!

All the people present shook their heads. Jiang Danwu and Zhu Jiuer's marriage was not so much a deception as a political marriage. As for how the interests under this marriage were exchanged, people were not clear, but they believed that this was definitely not a mutual love affair, and how could Wang Youcheng, who came from civilians, be reasonable? Solve these?

At this time, everyone looked at Wang Youcheng with a pity...

"Wang Youcheng, are shameless? Three years ago, you were already in the early stage of the Star Sage and actually challenged a nine-level star master. Do you want to fight? Shall I be with you today?" Zhu Jiuer was afraid that Jiang Danwu would misunderstand her and immediately stood up...