Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 340 Reincarnation Out of the Sheath

Huh... Wang Youcheng immediately realized the strangeness of Jiang Danwu's body. Although his star knowledge can lock Jiang Danwu, it cannot be locked under his constant changes.

That is to say, his star consciousness can clearly sense Jiang Danwu's position, and can also accurately capture Jiang Danwu's attack and weirdness, but he can't make the sword he waved out to chase Jiang Danwu.

Stepping into the nine-level star, with the understanding of the power of space, Jiang Danwu's star fascinated step up another step. At this time, in his body, he already has a little space power. It is not impossible to completely lock him, but it is not a guy in the early stage of the star saint.

"Isn't there something unexpected!" Jiang Danwu smiled gently, and the star sword in his hand was surrounded by green. The understanding of star power, sword power and space power was integrated into this sword by Jiang Danwu.

The Evil Underworld Sword!

Outside the emerald green of the sword body, there is a faint darkness, which is full of cold breath, as if the sword comes from the depths of hell, with endless sadness, which makes people unable to move.

This sword is not fast, but under this momentum, Wang Youcheng found that he seemed to have no way to dodge, as if only standing here to bear this sword was the final choice.

As the sword body keeps approaching, the pressure is also increasing. Wang Youcheng seems to have an illusion in his heart that his opponent is not a nine-level star, but a star saint, a star saint whose strength is by no means inferior to his.

He can't continue to gather momentum. Wang Youcheng, who climbed out from countless times on the edge of life and death, naturally knew that if he waited for Jiang Danwu's sword to come, he was afraid that he would not be unstoppable.

With a roar, an invisible sound wave burst out of his mouth and burst into the air, forming an impact on Jiang Danwu's condensed momentum. At the same time, Wang Youcheng's whole body was dark, his body leaned forward slightly, and his feet rushed up against Jiang Danwu.

He knew that to break Jiang Danwu's momentum, he must first stop Jiang Danwu from accumulating momentum, and at this time, Wang Youcheng was doing so.

About three feet away from Jiang Danwu, Wang Youcheng's body suddenly rotated. With the momentum of rotation, a horizontal cut, the sword light was restrained, but the sword body was extremely dark. The sword body passed through the space and kept making a click sound, as if the sword was about to divide the whole space into two.

Looking at Wang Youcheng's counterattack, Jiang Danwu's eyes flashed. It seemed that this guy also had some real ability, but the star sword in Jiang Danwu's hand did not return at this time. At the same time, the star power in Dantian was constantly boiling, and the light on the star sword became more vivid.

With a bang...

The two star swords collided with each other, and an air wave mixed with the power of countless space rippled like water waves, and their feet continued to explode.

Then with a click..., the star sword in Jiang Danwu's hand shattered countless fragments. At the same time, the two figures quickly glided back, and wherever they passed, the sound of thunder was endless.

The anti-shock force made Jiang Danwu's body qi and blood roll over, holding the star sword with only the hilt of the sword, and his arm was also numb.

The power of the early Star Sage is really not comparable to that of itself. Even if her star power is far from the super nine-level star, it is still a little insufficient compared with the strong in the early stage of Star Sage.

Standing in a fixed shape, Wang Youcheng's chest is still undulating. The blow just now seemed that he had the upper hand, but only he knew how terrible Jiang Danwu's sword was. If it hadn't been for the last time, he would not have consumed a lot of star power to break Jiang Dan with the power of the artifact in his hand. Wu's star sword is afraid that he will also be injured under his invincible sword.

"Your sword formula is good, but now that you don't have a sword, what else do you think you can do?" Wang Youcheng licked his tongue and said, "But don't worry, I won't let you die quickly today. I want you to die slowly, inch by inch!"

Listening to Wang Youcheng's words, all the people around him felt sorry for Jiang Danwu. In the battle just now, Jiang Danwu almost completely interpreted the strength of the nine-level star, and even said that his performance had surpassed the nine-level star.

However, the sword in Jiang Danwu's hand is not an artifact after all, so it was shattered by Wang Youcheng's artifact. Now in the face of Wang Youcheng holding the artifact, Jiang Danwu's situation is afraid it will be worse.

At this moment, Zhu Jiuer and Tian Yunxin, who have come together, also showed strong concern, especially Zhu Jiuer. He knows that Jiang Danwu's strongest blow is on the sword, but now...

"Who stipulates that you can only use a sword in the test!" Jiang Danwu gently picked up the corners of his mouth, and there was already a long sword in his hand. The sword body was slender and extremely exquisite!

"Charming Sword!"

"That's the charming sword, he is Wu Dan!"

Almost all the people present sent people to find Wu Dan's whereabouts, and they had heard about Jiang Danwu's reincarnation sword. At this time, when they saw Jiang Danwu holding the reincarnation sword, they couldn't help exclaiming one by one, especially those who knew that Jiang Danwu had the identity as a craftsman. At this time, their eyes became more complicated.

The identity of the magic craftsman is enough to make Jiang Danwu pay attention to everyone. Now Jiang Danwu, who holds a reincarnation sword, is undoubtedly telling people that he also has another identity, that is, an alchemist, a god-level alchemist of the super Wantian Empire imperial alchemist!

Tian Longxing quickly looked at the Xiaotian Emperor, as if to show the emperor that he had no idea that Jiang Danwu had such an identity before!

At this time, Emperor Xiaotian didn't seem to feel Tian Longxing's eyes at all. He narrowed his eyes tightly and stared at Jiang Danwu. No one knew what he was thinking at this time.

"Is this also called a sword?" Although Wang Youcheng knew all the information about Jiang Danwu from the eldest prince, he did not know about Wu Dan. He did not know that the sword he was ridiculed at at this time was the legendary sword full of legendary charm in the Wantian Empire recently!

"Whung or not, you will know soon!" Jiang Danwu's right hand was displayed, and the reincarnation sword slowly rose into the air and appeared above Jiang Danwu's head. At this time, Jiang Danwu pinched out the secret of the sword with both hands.

Outside the field, everyone stared at Jiang Danwu's movements. At this moment, no one is willing to think deeply about what Jiang Danwu means. They just need to see if this charming attack is really like the legend.


Just when Wang Youcheng disdained Jiang Danwu's reincarnation, the reincarnation sword suddenly turned into a streamer and went straight to his heart as fast as thunder.

That speed is no less than the attack of the early strong man who holds the power of space!

Although Wang Youcheng showed disdain, he never really despised Jiang Danwu. After all, Jiang Danwu took out this magic sword after breaking the big star sword, which almost became an artifact. He believed that this sword must be extraordinary.

However, no matter how careful he was, when his star consciousness locked the reincarnation sword, the reincarnation sword was less than three feet away from his chest. Immediately, with a violent shout, the star power surged, Wang Chengyou directly used the power of space, and his figure disappeared in an instant, but the next moment it had appeared a few feet away!

Teleportation! Xingsheng's unique stunt, but as soon as he stood down, he found that the danger that made him uneasy seemed to have retreated. When he opened his eyes, the streamer that could kill people at any time appeared again at three feet.

It's so fast! In an instant, Wang Youcheng didn't even have a chance to breathe at this time, so he had to keep trying to distance himself from Jiang Danwu's flying sword.

However, Jiang Danwu may not be as pure as the strong star saint, but his star saint will never be weaker than Wang Youcheng. From the beginning, his star knowledge has locked Wang Youcheng. No matter how much Wang Youcheng dodge, as long as his figure appears, the reincarnation sword will immediately follow under the control of the imperial sword formula!

In a few breaths, Wang Youcheng has teleported more than ten times. At this time, it is more like being chased by Jiang Danwu. Looking at this scene, the people around him deeply felt the horror of the charming sword!

Jiang Danwu, who only has a nine-level star, can make a strong man in the early stage of the star saint so embarrassed with his charm. The power of the charming sword is definitely more powerful than the legend!

No wonder Jiang Danwu can kill dozens of horse thieves with the power of one person. Previously, everyone thought that there were some false elements in it, but after seeing Jiang Danwu's charming sword, everyone absolutely believed that even hundreds of horse thieves, even hundreds of horse thieves were not enough to wash Jiang Danwu alone.

And the Xiaotian Emperor, who had the late Xingsheng, looked at Jiang Danwu's sword formula, but his eyes were full of brilliance, as if he had realized something from it.

No, it can't go on like this! With more than ten teleportation, even Wang Youcheng in the early stage of the Star Sage felt that the star power was unbearable. If it goes on like this, he will be directly dragged down by Jiang Danwu in a moment!

Those experiences in the early years made Wang Youcheng have rich experience. He quickly calmed down, but the next teleportation has appeared within a distance of Jiang Danwu within a few feet.

Ignoring the urgently attacked reincarnation sword, the star sword in his hand waved out with all his strength. With this sword, Wang Youcheng did not have time to build up momentum, let alone launch the star skill. He only had the incomparable star power and his determination to lose both sides.

With an angry sword, the space is broken and extremely fast! At this time, Wang Youcheng, who is dying, interprets the power of space in his hand to the limit of the star sword faster!

A vast momentum formed in an instant. At the same time, the star sword with the power of space directly attacked Jiang Danwu like a teleportation.

Wang Youcheng's eyes flashed with a trace of fierceness. He is sure that if Jiang Danwu remains unchanged, he can definitely divide Jiang Danwu's body into two when the reincarnation sword behind him pierces his body!

If Jiang Danwu dodges at this time, it will inevitably affect his control of the reincarnation sword. At that time, he can not only win back the first hand, but also take this battle with a stormy attack!

With this spirit of not being afraid of death, Wang Youcheng has passed by death many times. He believes that this time will be no exception!