Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 343 Holy Land

Tian Yunfei walked out of the Tian family gratefully. The third prince's token is in hand. Although he can't directly use it to seize the position of the head of the family now, he can also play many roles by his means.

Of course, as for how Tian Yunfei operates, this is not within Jiang Danwu's consideration, but Jiang Danwu believes that with Tian Yunfei's attitude towards the third prince, he dares not take too much action.

After making up his mind, Jiang Danwu walked to Tian Longxing's study and fought with Wang You. Jiang Danwu's desire for strength became more urgent. He knew that his current status in the Wantian Empire, in addition to his wisdom, was more obtained by the art of alchemy and alchemy, but at some point If you want to gain a firm foothold and have the absolute right to speak, you still need to speak with a strong fist.

In his current situation, the star monument is undoubtedly the best shortcut to quickly improve his cultivation.

"You came so fast!" In the study, Tian Longxing naturally knew why Jiang Danwu came here.

"You can also see that you were bullied like that by a star saint in the early days, and you can't improve your strength. You really can't live this life!" Jiang Danwu sat down casually and did not treat Tian Longxing as his father-in-law at all.

Of course, Tian Longxing is more satisfied with his attitude! Although Tian Longxing's heart wanted Jiang Danwu to really become his son-in-law, after Jiang Danwu confessed to him, he knew that there was no such possibility, so at this time, Jiang Danwu could be in front of him at will, indicating that Jiang Danwu was not defending himself. Such a result was enough for Tian Longxing.

"Bullyed?" Tian Longxing stared at Jiang Danwu angrily, "It seems that Wang Youcheng's head is still hanging at the door of Tian's house!"

"That's because the other party doesn't know my depth. If someone comes again next time, I'm afraid that my strength will not be so simple. If I don't improve my cultivation in time, I'm afraid Yunxin will be widowed!" Jiang Danwu said jokingly.

"How dare you say it!" Tian Longxing said with some dissatisfaction, "Although you and Yunxin have married, it seems that you haven't had sex yet, right?"

"Was it good to recover at the beginning of my serious injury?" Jiang Danwu glanced at Tian Longxing and had never seen such a father. Then he said, "And I'm thinking that if I absorb the two star tablets of the Tian family, the power of blood in my body will be more pure, and I think the inheritance may be greater!"

"Take it!" Tian Longxing naturally knew that Jiang Danwu's current thoughts were on the star tablet, and he had to admit that Jiang Danwu's words also made some sense when he was about to hold a storage bag to Jiang Danwu.

Then the storage bag, Jiang Danwu took a look and immediately saw two star tablets inside. He couldn't help but be happy, "I need a secret room."

"If there is, I will prepare it for you. After you go out, someone will take you there!" Tian Longxing seemed to have expected Jiang Danwu's idea for a long time.

"Then I'll say goodbye!" After getting the star monument, Jiang Danwu immediately stood up.

"Wait, there's something I want to show you!" Tian Longxing said and took out a piece of star jade. Under the infusion of star power, a blue light shot out of the star jade, reflected on the wall of the study, and instantly evolved a picture.

Hongfeng County! Jiang Danwu is not strange to this place, but the Hongfeng County in the picture has not been prosperous at the beginning. There are only corpses all over the ground. Those corpses are like scaly airbags, and the flesh and blood in the body seem to be emptied, leaving only a layer of epidermis.

The cold wind blew and rolled up pieces of fallen leaves, making the whole street look more gloomy, and the picture kept switching, as if every corner of Hongfeng County was like this.


Even if he only saw the virtual picture at this time, Jiang Danwu still felt that Hongfeng County was full of endless evil spirits at this time, and Jiang Danwu even felt a little familiar.

It's just that I can't remember where I've seen it for a moment. Jiang Danwu keeps recalling the people he met in the Wantian Empire, but he still doesn't think about who this evil spirit has to do with.

Forget it, don't think about it. Improving your strength first is the king's way. After discussing a few words about Hongfeng County with Tian Longxing, Jiang Danwu retreated.

After being taken to the secret room by Tian Longxing's dead guard, Jiang Danwu immediately closed the door and did not rush to study the star tablet. Instead, he took a three-striped golden elixir and began to adjust his injury.

fought with Wang Youcheng and finally passed through countless space storms. Although it brought an unparalleled impact on people's vision, Jiang Danwu was also seriously injured.

While the space crack cut Jiang Danwu's body, it also damaged his meridians, otherwise Jiang Danwu would not be in a coma for three days.

Under the operation of the golden elixir and the operation of the star formula, the medicine spread to constantly moisten Jiang Danwu's damaged meridians. It took half a month for all the injuries to be removed. Then, Jiang Danwu took out the storage bag given to him by Tian Longxing.

As soon as the mind moved, two star monuments have appeared. At this time, the star monument is a little different from what Jiang Danwu had seen before. After absorbing the star monument before Jiang Danwu, it aroused the resonance of the whole Wantian Empire star monument. At this time, the star monument flashed with a faint golden light, and you can even feel the continuous emanating deep star power.

However, for Jiang Danwu, the more direct feeling is that when the two star tablets appeared, the bloodline of the Star Emperor in his body was obviously a little uneasy, or a little excited.

Jiang Danwu immediately calmed down and put his hands on a star tablet. Under the slow operation of the star formula, while constantly ingesting the star power, the power in the star tablet was also slowly injected into his body.

When Jiang Danwu was closed, the whole Wantian Empire fell into a panic. Not only Hongfeng County, but also many counties in Beizhou were destroyed one after another.

The destroyed city is the same as Hongfeng County. All the people of the city are drained, and the endless prosperity is desolate overnight.

Then, Dongzhou, Nanzhou, Xizhou... such situations occurred one after another, but until the end, no one knew what the murderers who created these countless murders looked like.

The third prince took the four dead guards of the roaring emperor and a group of strong men of the imperial city, and finally found some clues and pursued them all the way. As a result, the whole army was destroyed, and only the third prince survived under the desperate protection of everyone!

Out of danger, the third prince ran away to the imperial palace and did not go out of the house for more than half a month. With his mind still like this, his fear can be seen.

During this period, the Xiaotian Emperor came to visit the third prince, but under the inquiry of the Xiaotian Emperor, the third prince did not say anything.

Black fog, black fog all over the sky!

Full of vast negative emotions, no matter who is involved, the result is only one, turning into a dry corpse that has been drained from blood.

Even the four mid-star saints of the Xiaotian Emperor did not escape such a fate. The difference is that they persisted longer than others.

"Don't see what the other party looks like? Is it a man or a beast? How about the quantity?

In the face of the inquiry of the Xiaotian Emperor, the third prince had to keep connecting. It was not that he didn't want to, but that the gap in strength really made him too powerless.

It was quite difficult to catch up with the murderer all the way. Just when the third prince was going to be a great success, the dry bodies of those strong men were thrown out of the black fog one by one. Then, after the black fog released the pressure that was not even weaker than his father, he knew how stupid his behavior was!

Escape! With the help of everyone, he tore a gap from the human momentum and let the third prince escape, but none of them could rush out.

After asking, the Xiaotian Emperor left without comfort or reproach, but the third prince saw disappointment in the emperor's eyes!

In two months, the whole Wantian Empire has become a storm. No one knows whether the next moment of death will come on their heads. Finally, everyone seems to find that no matter how cruel the murderer is, it seems to have only taken action against some counties, while the four major state capitals and imperial cities have never encountered anything. Danger.

So, many people began to pour into these places. For a while, the number of people in the imperial city suddenly rose, and the third prince said that he was ill at home, and all of this naturally fell into the hands of the eldest prince.

Then when the refugees were settled, the eldest prince couldn't help collecting various forces in the imperial city, and the power in the hands of many three princes was gradually overshadowed.

After the third prince's party in Hongfeng County, he seemed to be scared. He turned a deaf ear to these, even those princes who depended on him and kept coming to ask for help, the third prince had only one attitude and closed the door!

Half a month after the eldest prince came to power, a village on the left side of the imperial city suddenly took action again. The people in a village had no life overnight. The eldest prince issued a military order to the Xiaotian Emperor and took away the four dead guards. A group of strong men met the murderer outside the imperial city.

After the collapse of the battle that day, the eldest prince was seriously injured, and countless followers were killed and injured, but the murderer was arrested!

When the body of the murderer was seen, the world was shocked. No one expected that the murderer of such a brutal behavior was actually a flowery girl, and they couldn't believe that she would have such a terrible strength at her age.

Under the heroism of the eldest prince, the shadow shrouded in the Wantian Empire finally disappeared, and the reputation of the eldest prince was pushed to an unprecedented height.

However, some people speculated that the battle was not the power of the great prince, but the Xiaotian Emperor's secret action. Otherwise, those people of the great prince may not be able to really take down the murderer. After all, the former lesson of the third prince is still there.

Another half month, Jiang Danwu, who was closed in nearly April, broke out and a long roar resounded through the imperial city!

Star Saint! Who of the Tian family has entered the realm of star sanctity? Tian Yunxiao? Tian Yunfei? Or Jiang Danwu, the new uncle of the Tian family?

For a moment, all eyes turned to the Tian family, guessing who was the Tian family, who entered the realm of star saint.