Stealing time


Is it possible that he is implying that he knows that I hide in the ninth brother's house for another purpose? Moreover, he also knew that I was just temporarily living in Jiu'age's house? Will he expose me? Will you tell the ninth brother?

Calm down, you must be calm!

It suddenly occurred to me that the werewolf told me that the most torture used by the police was fraud. Fraud is to use people's guilty mind and use some true and false words to lure yourself to say things. Remember, the reason why the police tried their best to interrogate you is that they have no evidence. If there is evidence, they can hand it over directly to the prosecutor to consecre you, and there is no need to interrogate you at all. Therefore, when being tortured by the police, you must be steady and don't jump into the trap by yourself.

The current situation is similar. He doesn't have any strong evidence, and if there is any doubt, it is mostly based on speculation. He won't be stupid enough to tell the ninth brother about me going through his purse. Because others will think it's a fantasy. How could a slender woman living in the ninth brother's house run to the eight alley in the middle of the night to steal his things? Besides, if you catch the thief and get the stolen goods, will he find the stolen goods?

I turned my eyes and smiled, the charming one. I said, "What are you talking about? I don't quite understand! I was brought back home by my ninth brother a month ago. As a matter of fact, I, a weak woman, have to accept my fate. If you don't believe it, just tell the ninth brother that I have another purpose to hide in his house. No wonder he will believe you!"

My words are tantamount to telling him. I don't admit what he said, and he can't threaten me!

I thought he would turn his face, but I saw the instant essence in his eyes, like a pearl under the light, and the precious light flowed. Is the expression in it joy, admiration, or admiration? I was stunned, but I saw him shaking his head and admiring, "Sure enough, he is not an ordinary thief. His reaction is so clever! It's as amazing as yesterday!"

I thought about the meaning of his words. Is he testing me? Test my reaction when I was exposed? Oh, this...

I took a deep breath, temporarily pressed the impulse to curse, and asked, "What did you say yesterday?" I thought I didn't say much yesterday, so I shouldn't show too many fws.

"Yes, yesterday!" He raised his eyebrows and explained, "Yesterday, I told the tenth brother that this year's tea is underpriced, and most of the tea is of high quality. You can instantly realize that Pu'er is drinking old tea, and you won't be affected by this year's tea arrears, so you immediately called Pu'er.

"Tut-tut!" He shook his head twice. Such a quick reaction is rare among men, let alone women! I was interested in you at that time and couldn't help but look at you. I didn't think about it. The more I looked at it, the more familiar it became. It reminded me of what happened in front of Qiushui Tower!"

That's how I was recognized? Lao Tian really can't get along with me!

I have long known that disaster comes from the mouth, and I have tried to talk as little as possible, but I didn't expect that asking for a tea can also reveal the truth! Oh, my name is stolen!

To be a famous thief, in addition to basic skills, courage and reaction ability, luck is also very important. I always thought I was lucky! I didn't expect...

I feel depressed.

"So what?" I looked at him coldly and said, "If you want to get the money back, I will pay you back!"

He suddenly mentioned what happened in front of the Qiushui Tower. Is this the purpose of his appointment here?

He glanced at me very quickly and seemed to be very dissatisfied. He said, "Do you think I'm such a petus person? If it's just for those money, why do I have to make an appointment with you?

I guessed wrong? " So, what do you want? I am very curious about this.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you a small favor!" He said it lightly, but his eyes stared at me for a moment.

According to my experience, the more you downplay what you say after going around a big circle, the more you can't believe it. I looked at him flatly and didn't answer.

He was a little embarrassed. He coughed lightly and said, "Maybe it's a little difficult. Well, I need you to help me get back a roster.

"Where is it?" Seeing that he is so hesitant, it must not be an easy place to get it.

"It's in the archives of the household department." Shang Yu looked at my face and said.

"What? Do you want me to steal the government?" Although I was prepared for a long time, I was still shocked. That thing must be an important document in the archives of the government. I'm afraid it involves the interests of some group. I'm going to steal that thing. Aren't I going to get involved in a political struggle?

I'm a thief. I'm only interested in property and never participate in politics. I said, "You have found the wrong person. I never participate in matters related to the government."

"I know, you are only interested in money. How much do you want? I'll give it to you!" He looks very generous, but I don't need it.

"It's not a matter of money. I won't let myself slip into the vortex of the government!" I said it firmly and there was no room for discussion.

"You won't lose if you help me!" Shang Yu threw the bait again. Whatever conditions you want, just open it out.

"Even if you give me all your life, I won't get involved!" I turned around and was ready to leave. There is no discussion about this!

Just as I stepped on the bamboo bridge from the pavilion, he said behind me, "I haven't been to Jiu's Mansion for a long time. I'll visit him."

Do you still want to use this trick to threaten me? Sorry, it's invalid this time! I continue to walk, Zhuqiao is (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c There was a "squeak" sound under my feet.

When I walked to the heart of the bridge, his voice sounded again: "I won't be stupid enough to expose you. The ninth brother won't believe it."

Isn't that the end? If you understood earlier, you didn't have to bother me to come here! I accelerated my pace.

I walked to the end of the bamboo bridge, stepped out with one foot, and was about to set foot on the shore. His voice rose again: "But I will remind the ninth brother that there is an interesting woman in his house, and he should pay more attention, especially at night!"

What? Oh, this little man!

I stopped my steps and stepped back on the bridge. I turned around, narrowed my eyes and looked at him coldly.

I'm not afraid that he will threaten to tell the ninth brother that I'm a thief, because no one will believe him, but I'm afraid that my freedom of movement at night will be restricted. That will bring me a big obstacle to completing the planned action.

His threat is extremely effective, and I can't risk my actions being monitored and having no freedom. This guy knows that a thief like me is most afraid of being watched everywhere, and binding my hands and feet will make me achieve nothing.

He actually thought of threatening me with this!

The villain of this villain!

This little man in the coat of a fairy!

I looked at him angrily, with sharp arrows in my eyes. To borrow a bad sentence from the sisters: If the eyes can kill people, he has been killed by me thousands of times!

Under such eyes, that guy actually smiled. He made a gesture of invitation to me!

I walked back to the pavilion with heavy steps, as if I couldn't wait to trample down his bridge and pavilion.

But he said solemnly, "If the bridge and pavilion collapse, we will all fall into the water. I don't mind taking a bath with you, but the water is a little cold. With that, he also made a look of shrinking and afraid of the cold.

I ignored his ridicule and sat down on the stone bench. He said rudely, "Tell me the context. Don't hide anything, otherwise, don't let me stretch out a finger!"

I compromised, yes. I can't be uncompromising. His threat is in my weakness. However, at this moment, at that moment, I must repay the loss when I find the opportunity!

Shang Yu told me the ins and outs of the matter in detail. I don't know if I don't listen to it. I'm shocked when I hear it.

It turned out that Shang Yu was not only a tea merchant, but also the president of the National Chamber of Commerce, the imperial merchant who supplied to the palace, and the president of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. Among other things, these two president titles have suppressed me.

It can be seen that he is only twenty-seven or eight years old at most. When he is young, he has such a big title. There is no doubt that this is the most honorable title among businessmen!

From his words, I heard that this man has been smart and easy to learn since he was a child, and he has reads very well. If it hadn't been for the ancestors of his family and future generations who could not be officials, he would probably have been on the way to the official journey.

He has been a tea merchant for generations, which has been passed down to his generation for ten generations. In the past, most of his tea business was in the south of the Yangtze River. Although he dominated the whole tea business in the south of the Yangtze River, he had never been involved in the northern provinces. The tea business in the north began with his generation. Since he took over the family business at the age of 17, not only has he done business in the northern provinces, but his family has also become a regular imperial merchant who provides tea to the palace.

The status of merchants in the Qing Dynasty was low, and merchants not only had to pay all kinds of taxes, but also had to be exploited by local officials. Some officials regard businessmen as their own treasury and take them as they want. The degree of insatiable greed is outrageous. Businessmen can't stand it. In the 20 to 30 years of Kangxi, there have been many cases of merchants' strike and writing. Once, there was also a holy car.

It's a big deal, and the businessmen and those officials naturally have no good fruit to eat. So, the merchants changed their ways. They spontaneously formed a chamber of commerce and chose the president of the chamber of commerce in the capital who could talk to high-level officials and even people in the palace. This is a very effective constraint for local officials. In the past, the reason why local officials dared to exploit merchants unscrupulously was that merchants had no right to speak on it. Now, the Chamber of Commerce can go directly to the capital, and local officials have to weigh what they can do.

In this way, won't the president of the Chamber of Commerce become a thorn in the side of local officials? In the past, the people have not fought with officials. Even if they have prestige among the people, they can't fight with officials! I looked at Shang Yu. He is the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Isn't he always in danger?

He seemed to understand what was on my mind and quickly gave me an answer.

He said, "The Chamber of Commerce will naturally be recognized by the imperial court." He pointed his finger at the sky. The above is also aware of the seriousness of the matter, and hopes that one more channel will control the situation of the officials below. At the same time, it also needs someone who can speak for the court among the people.

In this way, the president of the Chamber of Commerce is protected by the emperor, or the imperial court. Although you have offended some local officials, you don't have to worry about it. However, the president of the Chamber of Commerce is very delicate! On the one hand, he wants to be the representative of the folk merchants, and on the other hand, he is the vision of the court among the people. If something happens, he may have to be a mediate between the court and the merchants. How to deal with the relationship between the two? If it's not good, it's just a pig Bajie looking in the mirror, and it's not the result of people inside and outside.

I looked at him with pity and asked, "How did you become the president?" If I don't want to be the president of this!

He recognized my subtext and said with a smile, "This position doesn't look easy to do, but if it's handled properly, it's a job that both sides please. God bless, so far, I haven't encountered too many problems.

Both sides are flattering, that is, the people in the court can speak? Isn't that open-sighted?