Stealing time

The grace of the ninth master

He hit so hard that he felt hot when he slapped his buttocks, and I couldn't help shouting out.

"Ah, it hurts! Let go of me, don't hit me! Ah..." The small room was full of my cry.

Thinking of me, Lu Mintao has never been spanked since I was a child. When I was a child, I depended on my mother for my life, and my mother was never willing to beat me. When it's big, no one will spank me. I didn't expect to be spanked here today, and it was beaten by my man.

Is he punishing me? But why? In the past few days, I have done several things that can make him punished, such as pretending to steal the imperial business roster, which was seen by him that day. Didn't my appearance lie to him and let him recognize it? No way, his reaction was very flat at that time, and it was normal afterwards. He didn't come to me for trouble. And yesterday...

Does he know that it's me who pretended to be a wolf yesterday and made his ninth brother's house restless? I can't help shaking. Think about what he said yesterday, it's not impossible!

Your sisters-in-law are so bold!

Are you going to bed? Tired of playing?

The chickens and dogs are restless in this house today, but it's hard for you to sleep!

There are other strange words and deeds...

"Ah!" I called out, not because I was beaten by him, but because I suddenly realized.

They must have known, they knew it last night. How do you know? I remembered the faint sigh from the other side of the bamboo forest. At that time, I thought it was a hallucination, but it was not. At that time, they should have been behind the bamboo bush.

Well, that is to say, from my wolf howling attracted the bodyguard, to the time I played all over the house to learn wolf howling for him, he saw the whole process of making the chickens and dogs jumping in his house. I made trouble in his house all night. He followed me all the way from the beginning and didn't stop me. He watched me mess around to see what I would do and how destructive it would be!

Oh, my God!

I complained in my heart. How could I be so careless that I was found to have fun by him! Will he doubt my identity? As I endured the pain, I focused on recalling whether my actions exposed more information last night. It seems to be okay. Last night, I just ran faster than ordinary women, and the guards were smarter, and there was nothing else suspicious. At most, he identified me as the most mischievous one in his house.

When I calmed down, I began to beg for mercy. He ignored me and continued to be violent. That's right. I howled last night, making his house restless. It's still a mess until today. It's understandable to be angry.

But my ass can't stand it, and my mouth is getting more and more pitiful. Master, stop fighting! Master, Chuntao knows it's wrong, and he won't dare to do it again next time. Grandpa! Ah..."

He slapped me again before he stopped. This slap was so heavy that I couldn't help crying.

I, Lu Mintao, was so embarrassed today that I was spanked and shed tears. The more you live, the more you live, the more you go back?

He raised my face with his fingers, looked at my face full of tears, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!" I frowned and told the truth.

He bent the corners of his mouth, smiled badly, and said, "Do you remember what I said to you for the first time?"

He didn't seem to talk to me much that day, just did that. Oh, wait, I seem to have said a few words after finishing it. It seems to be about the hedgehog. He said he wanted to pull the thorn. Was he pulling a thorn for me just now?

He looked at my expression and knew that I remembered. He smiled with a little appreciation and said, "You have a good memory!" Then remember what I said today.

He put his hand on my red and swollen buttocks, which I was beaten by him. I was so scared that my body trembled slightly, thinking that he was going to hit me again. But it attracted him a slight smile, and he just stroked it gently with his hand. He said, "My lord's hand is a little heavier, because a little female wolf barked in my house yesterday, which made me look upside down. I'm angry, so I'll vent my anger on you. Do you have any objection?

yeah? At this time, he asked me if I had any opinion!

I was beaten and didn't have any opinion. That's a bitch! But I want to say that I have a problem. Will he hit me again? After weighing it for a moment, I shook my head. If a good man doesn't suffer the current loss, he can be beaten less. Even if he is a cheap bone, it's worth it.

He smiled again and watched me eat today, which really made him very angry.

He said, "Next time the little female wolf comes to make trouble again, I will still vent my anger on you!" If you don't want to be beaten again, go to the temple to put incense and let the Bodhisattva bless the little female wolf not to make trouble again!"

He turned my body over and let me face up. The buttocks are pressed (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c, it hurts a little, so I moved it a little. He lay on me with a smile in his eyes. He looked into my eyes and asked, "Do you remember?"

I nodded hurriedly and said, "Master, the spring peach will go to the temple tomorrow to put incense. Bless our house safe!"

He smiled again, a real smile, as bright as spring flowers.

He leaned over and kissed me, with some tenderness.

This time, I know, he really wants me...

The next morning, I woke up from the luxurious ** hanging night pearl. The tent was still hanging, and the light outside did not penetrate, only the warm light from the night pearl gently shone on his face.

There was no one around. He probably went to court, and I didn't know when he got up. This is something that has never happened before. I always sleep lightly, and I will wake up as soon as there is a movement. This is the vigilance of stealing for many years.

May be because I'm too tired.

Last night, after I made a promise to him, he asked for me. I didn't expect him to do it for so long. I almost thought he would never stop and that he would never be tired.

There is no □ and no punishment, which is very normal. His skills are very good, which can arouse women's desires. I didn't know that I would make such a cry, which was to completely abandon shyness, take off the coat of human so-called civilized etiquette, and only the cry of the most primitive desire. That's the cry of extreme pleasure. My limbs wrapped around him, like a vine wrapped around a big tree. I didn't relax for a moment until the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

I don't know if sexual harmony is related to the similarity of personality. We don't have the same personality. I think he is too arrogant, and I'm afraid he also thinks that I'm not as obedient as other women, so he wants to punish me like that. But the two of us are sexually harmonious.

Although I don't want to, I have to admit that in the second half of the night last night, my body was very comfortable and I felt very happy.

Xiaolu and Xiao Cui came in to serve me and got up, and I insisted on dressing myself. It's not that my body can't be seen by others, but that I don't want them to see the traces of me. The traces of last night's punishment and fierce affairs clearly remained on my white jade-like skin. Even modern people are ashamed to let people see these traces.

Xiao Cui helped me clean my face, and Xiao Green helped me comb my hair. Xiao He came from Fuxiyuan, but he couldn't get involved at all. The two maids grabbed all the work.

I feel a little strange that these girls of Changluxuan are usually arrogant. Except for the ninth master, don't they pay attention to others? Why is it so strange today?

The two of them were busy serving and flattering, which made me even more confused.

I asked, "When did the ninth master leave?"

Little Green said, "Master Jiu left early in the morning. Before leaving, he specifically told the maidservant not to wake you up and let you sleep more."

"What time is it now?"

Xiao Cui rushed to say, "It's three o'clock now. Would you like to have breakfast?"

I shook my head, "No, I'll go back to Fuxiyuan to eat."

At three o'clock, it's almost nine o'clock according to modern Beijing time. The characteristics of my night shift work have made me develop the habit of getting up late. Xiaohe and Mother Yang have long been used to my schedule, but I'm afraid others have never seen me get up so late!

As far as I know, I'm afraid that Jiu A Ge Yin has already set out to go to court. I got up two hours later than him, which is four hours in modern time. How can I have the nerve to eat breakfast here again?

On the way back to Fuxi Courtyard, Xiaohe helped me solve my doubts.

She said, "Master, your night in Changluxuan last night has now spread all over the house! As soon as I came together early in the morning, Mrs. Zhang from the water room asked me about this. I came to pick you up, and at least a dozen people inquired about it with me.

I feel even more strange: "Is it great to spend the night in Changluxuan?"

Xiao He looked at me in surprise and said, "Master, don't you know? Since the ninth brother built the house, no woman has spent the night in Changluxuan.

Oh? This is strange! I was driven away immediately after my first bedtime, thinking that's why he didn't like me. Unexpectedly, Chang Lvxuan never allowed women to spend the night here. Our ninth master is really a little eccentric.

Suddenly, I remembered the time when I happened to listen to him and Wan Yan's **, as if I had directly driven Wan Yan away after the incident. It seems that Xiao He is right. He really has this rule.

It seems that he was a special favor to me that didn't drive me back to Fuxiyuan immediately after the event last night. No wonder Xiaolu and Xiaocui, the two high-eyed maids today, would please me.

I asked Xiao He, "Why did the ninth master set this rule?"

Xiao He thought for a moment and said, "I don't know, but I heard that Master Jiu is not used to having someone sleeping beside him."

Does he still have this awkward problem? I was so tired last night that I fell asleep after that. I didn't think that he was used to it. I don't know if there were suddenly more people around him. Did he fall asleep last night?

I've finished this topic and don't want to worry about it anymore.

Anyway, I just slept soundly. He? I don't care!

After breakfast, I asked Xiao Wu to prepare a car for me. Yesterday, I said that I would go to the temple to offer incense for the safety of the whole family. Although the ninth brother and I both knew that it was just a vague promise that I would no longer pretend to be a wolf howling, but since he didn't break the matter, and I vaguely made a promise, it's time to finish the trick.

Jiu A Ge's Mansion is located in the north of the West City. I chose the Huguo Temple not far from the house, which is next to Prince Gong's Mansion. When I go there, I can visit Prince Gong's Palace by the way.

Today is the seventeenth day. I missed the fifteenth day when people concentrated on incense. The courtyard of the temple looked very quiet, and only one or two little monks were sweeping. I asked for directions and walked in the direction of the main hall.

In the main hall, he pretended to put incense on the ground and worshipped three times. The ninth brother also cooperated with me to play the play. He came to the court and ordered Fujin to give me a hundred taels of silver as sesame oil money.

I donated the money and told the governor that I wanted to turn around in the temple, and the governor readily agreed. It seems that it's really rich and easy to do. Thinking that this Huguo Temple is also a royal temple, I can let a patriot go in and out at will. Naturally, it is to see the face of my large donation.

There is a rockery piled up in the temple, similar to Jingshan, but shorter than Jingshan. I went up the rockery and stared into the distance. Prince Gong's mansion was at the foot of the mountain.