Stealing time

Whose to blame?

He went to the court, and I went back to sleep. The sunlight slanted into the room through the cracks in the window and put a golden thread on the hanging bed tent. The golden thread was very dazzling. I opened my eyes, woke up and took a nap before I struggled to get up.

The body feels like being chased by the police all night last night.

The hangover gives me a headache. I frowned and rubbed my temples, thinking of the scratches on the ninth brother I saw in the morning, and the drunken disorder actually happened to me! People have different reactions after getting drunk, some who love to shout; some who love to cry and make a fuss; some who like to sleep...

But I am violent? Like a wild cat?

I can't believe it myself.

If the werewolf knew that my drunken reaction was like this, I don't know if he would laugh or cry?

I used to learn to taste and practice drinking with him before, and I have never been drunk. Our purpose is not to get drunk. I will use various ways to keep myself awake, such as taking medicine in advance, eating cold dishes during the banquet, or quietly running to the bathroom to spit out wine. Because I was born with a lot of alcohol and the right method, I have never been drunk.

The werewolf once said: Peach is a strange person who is born not to get drunk. I really want to see what it's like to be drunk?

If he knew that my reaction when I was drunk was violent, he would be glad that he hadn't drunk me before.

Ninth Brother is self-indulsed, right? Who told him to drink my wine last night?

Just to see my true temperament? I am speechless.

Xiao Cui brought a bowl and walked in. Is Master Liu awake? The sobering soup I ordered to prepare has just been prepared. Please drink it while it's hot!"

I don't like sobering soup. I know it tastes bad when I smell it. I stared at the bowl and didn't pick it up.

"I told you to drink sobering soup, otherwise, I said that when he came back, I would feed you in person!" Xiao Cui saw that I didn't drink and said with a bad smile.

A little girl also knew that she used him to threaten me. It seems that Liu Chuntao, a famous villain in Jiu'age's mansion, who is not afraid of heaven and the earth. Even Fujin can't control it, is already a well-known thing for Changluxuan to be tied up by the ninth master once.

When I was spanked that day, my pain and begging for mercy were heard by everyone. Oh, I can't get along anymore!

The second time I stayed in Changluxuan, it soon spread all over Jiu'age's house. For the first time, I was stayed in Lvxuan. Some people said that Master Jiu was drunk and was exploited by me, a woman who was good at drilling. This time, people's opinions are divided into two factions.

The faction believes that I am the double of Chunxi Gege. The ninth master likes Chunxi Gege, so he also loves the house and Wudi and likes me, so he let me stay in Changluxuan.

Another faction believes that I, a fox charming woman from nowhere, confused the ninth master with the means of fox charming. Some people speculated that the medicine was used, and the ninth master asked me to stay in Changluxuan when he was unconscious.

No matter what kind of statement, there is nothing good to say to me, either as a stand-in or a fox Meizi. Thinking about it, it's not unfair to me. Liu Chuntao originally entered the house as a stand-in because he looked like Chunxi Gege. And my arrival is actually a ghost occupying this body, commonly known as borrowing a corpse to return the soul. What's the difference between ghosts and monsters?

Not to mention, the imagination of the ancients is really rich, and they can't be guessed. So don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients!

No matter how people guess, it can't hinder the development of things.

From the most exciting night when I was drunk and in a daze, the ninth brother invited me to sleep every now and every now. When I went there, he mostly read account books or memorials related to the Ministry of Criminal Justice in the study on the west side of the dormitory. In my opinion, his errands in the Ministry of Criminal Justice are very easy, because most of the time, he is looking at the business books.

Usually, I will quietly walk not far from him and sit down, drink tea or eat snacks on the table. Neither his account book nor the memorial can interest me, and I play the role of Liu Chuntao, who is illiterate, so I will never look at his case.

On the contrary, the books of the good books of ancient books in his bookcase can attract my attention. The book "Spring and Autumn Gong Yang Shu" on the upper shelf can be seen at a glance that it is the version of the Southern Song Dynasty. The set of "Vajra Sutra Notes" with red ink and color overprints is engraved on Zhongxing Road And...

I didn't dare to look more, because I found that his eyes swept over and quickly turned away the eyes left on the bookshelf. A woman who can't read big words will be suspicious when she looks at the bookshelf. Not to mention the careful nine foxes.

I have already experienced the shrewdity of the nine foxes.

That day, from my reaction to drinking Fenjiu, he judged that I could not only drink, but also drank a lot, so that he immediately asked someone to bring me the most intense Hengshui old white dried flower in this era.

Everyone who can drink knows that the two kinds of wine are the most intoxicating. No matter how drunk they are, they dare not drink like this. If he hadn't used this method, he would have poured me a pot of Fen wine that day, and he wouldn't have let me get drunk and show my true temperament in front of their brothers.

I knew in my heart that he used a beautiful man's trick on me in front of those people, so I had to follow it. Who made me pretend to be obedient to him! He calculated my mind very accurately, but it can be said that he thought of me at every step.

I have identified that this guy is the magic star in my life! I met my opponent.

Their brothers still get together from time to time. As long as they come to this house, the ninth brother will let me have a banquet with him. I'm surprised. They talk about their political affairs. Why do they always call me when I have nothing to do?

Every time I accompany the banquet, I still put out a polite and courteous airs, but I no longer pretend to be gentle and clever. Whether it's Lao Shi or Xiao Shi, as long as I don't like it, I will give him two sanitary balls without hesitation. Every time I look at the eighth brother, and my ninth master looks like he wants to smile.

Since they set up a game that day to force me out my true temperament, but unexpectedly found that my drinking capacity was amazing, Lao Shi always asked me to fight for wine. I don't want to get drunk again. I can push it as soon as I can, but Lao Shi's words make me sympathetic.

He said, "It's rare to find someone who has the same amount of alcohol as me. Our brothers have the same amount of alcohol as me, but we can't play together. Except for going to the banquet, I can fight with thirteen buckets of wine, no one can drink with me at ordinary times, and I'm always not happy! The eighth sister-in-law is not bad at drinking, so I used to like to go to the eighth brother's house the most. Now I have found the little sister-in-law who drinks more than me, and I love to come to Jiuge's house the most. Ha ha." He smiled very cheerfully.

This poor child loves wine, but he can't find a companion to drink with him! It's also a kind of loneliness.

So, when he came, I accompanied him for a few drinks. But I have never drunk Huadiao again, whether it is added or normal. As soon as I saw the flower sculpture, I immediately felt dizzy and fell into the root of the disease. In modern terms, there is a psychological shadow.

When the ninth brother saw it, he said with regret, "It's my husband's fault. I shouldn't have poured so many 'flower sculptures' that day." Turning around and seeing Xiao Wu, he said, "It's also the fault of the fool Xiao Wu. Just let him drink a little white in the wine. Who knows that he has mixed so much!"

Xiao Wuyi shrank his head and knelt down and said, "Master Jiu, Xiao Wu is wrong. Master Jiu punish Xiao Wu!"

I looked at the ninth brother disdainfully and didn't make a sound. It is what these princes have often done since childhood to make mistakes and blame their subordinates.

It's not at his instruction. What dare Xiao Wu do?

He immediately understood, showed his fox smile to me, turned his head to Xiao Wu and said, "Although your fault is big, it is also my lord's instruction. I won't punish you first. If Taoer wants to punish me, I will punish you again!"

Look, how cunning! He knew that I thought Xiao Wu was wronged, and he would not have the heart to let Xiao Wu be punished. If I don't blame him for the nine fox pouring me wine, he won't punish Xiaowu; if I still blame him, he will punish Xiaowu, which makes me feel sorry!

I blame him in my heart, but I can't even vent! He was eaten to death in this matter.

For this reason, I gritted my teeth unbalancedly, and there were more violent little actions in **, either pinching or twisting. But my little strength has no effect on him at all. When I took a long time, but I was dejected to see the effect, he would say: beating is pain, scolding is love, the little female wolf is pinching and twisting for the husband, that is pain and love for the husband!

At that time, if there was a knife, I would cut it without hesitation!

Confirmed the identification results again. He is really the magic star in my life!

Lao Shi and Xiao Shi have been restrained since they made me roar with the strength of wine, but they still have to sing and drink and make fun of me and the nine foxes. At this time, the nine foxes are calm, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and occasionally show a trace of interest, but it just flashes by, which makes people unable to grasp and figure it out.

Lao Shi and Xiao Shi have to make me fight with them every time, as if this has become a reserved play for them to come here for me to accompany the banquet.

Once I asked the nine fox, why did he let me accompany the banquet? Why is he joking and he doesn't respond? Why do those two kids always force me to laugh at each other unbearably before they give up?

He actually told me that it was the unanimous request of Lao Shi and Xiao Shi to accompany me to the banquet. And does he have no reaction to other people's jokes? The nine fox smiled cunningly and said, "Taoer, aren't you usually very smart? Why can't you see that the person they are joking about is you, not me?"

I'm speechless. His brother made fun of his woman, and he was watching the fun! What kind of man is this?

The last question, he didn't explain it to me that I didn't think of it anyway. Those two bad guys enjoyed the way I was forced to fight back when I was forced by them. It seems to force my true nature out, which makes them have a sense of accomplishment.

In this regard, the attitude of the nine foxes is: their two children, if you are the ninth sister-in-law, just coax them!

With the two young boys, he regarded me as a toy for them to have fun, while the nine fox regarded me as a kindergarten aunt who coaxed his two young brothers to play!

It's so sad! I am an internationally renowned thief in modern times. The status of the industry is quite low. When I get here, I become a toy and aunt of two bad guys!

Shang Yu's stand-in has successfully appeared, and I disguised him as a bad-looking person. The skin is slightly dark, the eyes are slightly smaller, and the lips are slightly thicker. It is the opposite of Shang Yu's immortal-like elegant appearance.

The main personality characteristics I set for him are talent and pride. Most of the time, it shows admirable talent, and occasionally there is a little annoying arrogance. This is completely the opposite of the smooth and sophisticated businessman's style.

From appearance to personality, it is completely different from its own dignity, so that it can play the best role in protecting Shang Yu himself.

Background, you have to borrow the light of Li Guangdi, a scholar and official of Wenyuange University, a famous minister of this dynasty. Li Guangdi was trusted and valued by Kangxi and was a famous minister of the Kangxi Dynasty. Kangxi once gave Yubian three times to commend his achievements. His friendship with the king and minister between him and Kangxi is unparalleled, and he is known as "although he is a king and minister, he is a friend of the same."

So when Shang Yu proposed that he was also a Fujian native like Li Guangdi, so the background could borrow his light, I highly agree. Now it is the 45th year of Kangxi, and Li Guangdi has only been given Yubian once, and there are two more. He will receive a lot of imperial grace. It's easy to enjoy the cool under the tree, isn't it?

As a result, a arrogant scholar named Lin Fengchi, who was related to Li Guangdi after turning eight corners, appeared in the rich circle of the capital.

On the other side of Li Guangdi? As far as I know, there are more than 10,000 people in Li Guangdi's hometown in Fujian. In the 28 years of Kangxi, he was falsely accused of having a "overlord's heart" for this. For more than 10,000 people, it is not easy for him to know an achievement by himself. Occasionally, a well-informed, elegant and knowledgeable descendants also comes out, which is also a matter of adding honor to him. I think he will not object to it!

Of course, Lin Fengchi has the introduction of Li Guangdi's real people, which is also an important factor for Li Guangdi to identify with him. For the confirmation of Lin Fengchi's background identity, it is easy to solve this problem with the strong power of merchants in Fujian.

Lin Fengchi frequently appeared in the noble circle of the capital, and from time to time came out with talented or arrogant anecdotes, which made the nobles in the capital begin to pay great attention to and even talk about their people. He suddenly became a famous figure in the capital's social circle.

Shang Yu interprets this character well. With his wisdom and knowledge, it is easy to get a reputation. If it hadn't been for the family's ancestral teachings, Shang Yu might have been in the officialdom long ago. So his knowledge can definitely make it easy for him to play a talented reader.

The interpretation of character depends on Shang Yu's performance ability. It turns out that his performance skills are quite profound. If you are an actor in modern times, you may also win a performance award at a film festival.

Lin Fengchi's crazy personality is quite annoying. However, for the sake of calling him Uncle Li Guangdi, no one dared to make it difficult for him for a while.