Stealing time

The reward of massage

I met Shang Yu at his little white teahouse, because our first business came to our door.

Shang Yu seemed a little excited, because this was his first successful business. He didn't shout excitedly, nor did he blush with happiness. His eyes were brighter than usual, his smile was more than usual, and his words were more humorous. As elegant as him, this is already a sign of extreme excitement.

Looking at him reminds me of the modern sales staff, who were excited when they went through a lot of hardships to make their first business. They will shout excitedly, jump and jump, open champagne to celebrate or sing karaoke all night...

None of these performances are elegant and introverted, but he is no less excited than them. Although he has long been a successful businessman and an exquisite figure in the officialdom and the sea of commerce, this field is brand new, never involved, unknown, mysterious, or dangerous and exciting for him.

I looked at him with a smile and shared his joy, just like the expression when the werewolf looked at me when I first succeeded.

After detailing how he successfully contacted the business, Shang Yu finally remembered to describe the characteristics of the baby to me. After listening to his words, I asked someone to bring a pen and paper to describe the treasure in detail.

Shang Yu was very surprised. He said, "I drew it with my few words. Have you seen it!"

I smiled proudly and said, "I've only seen it before. I have a golden bowl exactly like this one!" It was given to me by my ninth master!"

The golden rice bowl seems to be symbolic! I feel a little happy in my heart.

Thinking of that day, I had to choose a silver bowl. Naturally, it is unwillingness and anger. I gritted my teeth at the silver bowl to vent my emotions. Xiaohe, bring me my toothbrush!" I shouted to the outside. I want to brush my teeth with a silver bowl to hold mouthwash, which is a treatment that ordinary people can't enjoy, and I want to thank the ninth brother for his generosity! I'm looking for a psychological balance for myself.

The Chinese Ah Q spirit is fully reflected in me at this time.

Xiao He ran in from the outside. She didn't pick up my recommendation, but said, "Master, Xiao Wu just came to send a message, saying that Master Jiu asked you to go!"

He asked me to go? Don't come up with any tricks to tease me again, right? I was puzzled. But I have to go anyway. The soldiers came to block, and the water came to cover up the earth!

I hurriedly put on some powder, asked Xiao He to draw two times on my face, and rushed to Chang Lvxuan.

He sat by the desk in the study, with a pile of account books and a pile of memorials in front of him, and a cup of fragrant tea on the left hand side. It was just dark, and the lights were lit in the study.

Seeing that I was coming, he smiled. The dim yellow light fell on his face, adding a touch of softness to his slightly cold face.

He said in a low voice, "Come here and sit with me for a while!" The voice is low and gentle.

That's why I was called here! Forget it, just sit with him for a while. Who let me be an identity with more than three companions?

I sat down beside him. He continued to look at his account books and memorials attentively. Under the light, his facial features were either bright or dark, showing a different taste from usual. It is a kind of peace and seriousness, a kind of deep wisdom. I stared at him, counting the shadow of his long eyelashes cast by the light. One, two, three..., nine, ten..., twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty, alas, is it twenty-two? How can I remember that it should be twenty-four?

I can't count it. Alas, it's all because his eyelashes are too dense! One day, when he pulls out a few while he is sleeping, he won't be countless.

I counted his eyelashes in my heart, and my fingers drew circles in the corner of the table boredly. Anyway, I can't count it. Forget it!

Thinking of the cartoon image I had painted before, I drew it on the table. However, I can't see it after painting. It's a pity!

Oh, there is! I looked at the cup of tea he had not moved for a long time on the table, quietly put my index finger into the teacup, stained the tea, and drew it attentively on the table.

Micey Muse,Mimi Muse,Tm,Jerry,Puy,Tedy......

Cute and interesting cartoon images were drawn one by one. I had a lot of fun and was completely immersed in the world of cartoons. But he didn't notice. He had already put down the account book in his hand and watched my fingers wave back and forth on his tea and table.

"My tea is quite good for painting!" He finally couldn't help reminding me, a little weird.

? I stopped and was shocked. Seeing that he was staring at my fingers in his tea, I withdrew my fingers and said, "Sir, Taoer is going to change a cup of tea for you!" I quickly picked up the teacup and walked out.

The world is sinister. If you can't do it, just withdraw! When it's time to slip away, don't hesitate.

Before I could take a few steps, he said, "Do you want to change the tea? I said I would give you this cup of tea!" With that, he stared at me fiercely.

I stained his tea with my fingers and stained his tea. If he accidentally drank it...

That's why he gave me the tea. He was punishing me for stirring up his tea!

I know I'm wrong, but I can't drink such dirty tea!

I looked at him with a sad face. Master..."

"What? How dare you not give thanks?" He began to look bad again.

Deed, the domineering temper is coming again!

"Tao'er Xie's reward!" Without hesitation, I simply replied. Nine Foxes (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c You can't be provoked when you look bad.

Suddenly I remembered something, and I had the bottom in my heart. I put down the teacup and said to him, "Sir, are you tired of reading the account book? Taoer will massage me." With that, I stretched out my hand and massaged him without waiting for his consent.

As I expected, he enjoyed my massage. I learned my massage skills from the top massage masters in Thailand.

That time, we wanted to steal a private collection from the richest man in Thailand, and someone paid a high price. However, of course, Mr. The richest man is well guarded. The electronic defense system of his mansion was designed by experts from the American CIA. The bodyguards are retired personnel of the KGB of the former Soviet Union, one of which can top eight. The defense system there is dangerous and strict for the intruders.

In addition, any idle people in this mansion are not allowed to enter. That is to say, they don't know it, or allow it in advance, and they can't get in at all.

This is the most well-protected luxury house in the world, but for a thief, no matter how strict the place is, there will be loopholes.

After many days of observation, the richest man likes massage and asks someone to do an artificial massage for him at a fixed time every week. That was the only stranger he had close contact with.

So, I found the top massage master in Thailand, tried my best to become his student, and learned Thai massage from him for three months.

When the richest man's personal collection was in my hands, I was familiar with this set of top massage techniques.

When this technique is used on the ninth brother who has never enjoyed modern massage technology, his feeling can be imagined. I'm afraid it can't be described as too much.

Watch him close his eyes comfortably, and his body shakes slightly with the movement of my hand. I can't help but be a little proud. Haven't I been subdued by my massage? I massaged him more and more seriously, so I didn't have to drink that cup of tea!

I used my fingers harder and massaged back and forth on several sleep-helping acupuncture points on his head. But I don't know how long his acupuncture point is. No matter how I massage, he sits upright. I have a tendency to fight with my eyelids and my body is crooked.

Does massaging his sleeping hole make me fall asleep? How can our bodies have such a connection? Or did I meet a goblin?

I remember that the richest man in Thailand fell asleep after being massaged by me for only 20 minutes, otherwise I would not have been so easy.

But he, I have been massaging for almost 40 minutes. Alas, I met a strange person today!

My fingers began to feel a little sore, and I quietly shook my hand and moved my fingers. He wanted to put it back on his head, but he reached out and grabbed him.

He looked back at me, with a deep meaning in his eyes. In his pool-like black eyes, there were microwave ripples and ripples. He said in a low voice, "Go back and rest!" I still have a lot of books and folds to read today, so I will go to bed late.

I nodded, and he pointed to the golden bowl on the Dobaoge and said to me, "Take this too!"

yeah? Did he find out his conscience? Not only did he stop punishing me for drinking tea, but he also gave me the golden bowl that teased me during the day!

O,yen! I jumped a little in my heart, put my arms around his neck, and kissed him on the face. With his uncomfortable eyes, I walked out of the door with a golden bowl in my hand.

This golden bowl was exchanged for my 40 minutes at the risk of breaking my finger. Shang Yu told me that the origin of this bowl is unusual.

It is the tribute of the Siamese Kingdom to the palace, and there are only two in total. Siamese country? Isn't that the modern area of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand? Those countries have always been famous for producing gold, jade and gemstones. Especially in Thailand, its red, sapphire and emerald are world-famous.

On the bowl I saw, there are five-colored gemstones: red, blue, green, black and white. Among them, the red and sapphire are produced in Thailand, and the green one is not Thai emerald, but what is it? I said that this bowl must have come from the south. I didn't expect it to come directly from Siam or a tribute, so its value can't be doubted! Haha, send it!

This one was awarded to the ninth brother by Kangxi, and the other one...

Shang Yu told me that the other golden bowl was in the Pingjun Palace, which was also given by the emperor. Prince Ping was greatly honored by the imperial gift. For this reason, he also prepared a big banquet and a big banquet for guests.

That is to say, I'm going to Ping County Palace to steal the target.

Shang Yu hesitated for a moment and did not immediately tell me about the guarding situation of Pingjun's palace.

I know what he is hesitating about. I said, "I'm a thief. I only steal from others, but I never sell my own. No matter how strict the guard of Ping County Palace is, I will take things out!"

Now I have a golden bowl in my hand. If I give it to the southern businessman who is willing to pay a lot of money, I will definitely make a lot of money. But I never sell my own things. I don't live on pawn. I'm a thief, relying on stealing skills.

Besides, what if the ninth brother knew that I had sold the golden bowl he gave me one day?

Shang Yu told me in detail about the guarding situation of Pingjun's palace. In fact, the guard is not strict at ordinary times, but because of this golden bowl, the guard has been strengthened a lot in the gold bowl storage. Especially at night, it is said that the bodyguards around the living room, three small, one post, five steps and one sentry, were so full that even a fly could not fly in.

Prince Ping put the golden bowl in the shrine of the main living room to burn incense day and night, not only to show respect for the imperial gifts, but also to show off the emperor's honor to the guests.

It suddenly occurred to me that why my ninth master didn't worship the golden bowl like this, and even gave it to me as a concubine with a low status? There is no additional guard in the house. He didn't flatter his emperor's father. It seems that he is really not interested in that man and has nothing to ask for!

These princes are only one step away from that son. As long as there is a little hope, most of them will have some ideas. His ninth brother's forehead is the most favored Concubine Yi in Kangxi. Her mother's family is strong, and she is also careful and intelligent. Normally, he was very qualified to compete for the throne, but he was indifferent to it. Such a good opportunity to flattery was not in front of him!

Shang Yu coughed gently and let me pull my thoughts back to the things in front of me.

It seems that it is not feasible to steal the golden bowl in the dark at night. What day did he have a big banquet for guests? I asked after thinking about it.

"The eighth day of next month." Shang Yu looked up and glanced at me. Do you want to steal this bowl that day? On that day, at least half of the nobles in the capital will go to his house, and the guards will definitely be very strict.

I said, "From another perspective, there are many people and it's not easy to doubt us. After it's done, it's easier for us to get out."

He thought for a moment and said, "It makes sense for you to say so. Let's try it!" After stopping, he asked again, "So in what capacity are you going?"

I smiled and said, "If Master Jiu goes and takes me there, of course, I will go as Liu Chuntao. If Master Jiu doesn't go or doesn't take me, I will naturally appear as your cousin!"

Lin Qianer, Lin Fengchi's cousin. He is bright and charming, cheerful and generous, bold and non-conventional. It's a stand-in I designed for myself.

Liu Chuntao is a small jasper in the eyes of everyone, so Lin Qianer should be a lady. Liu Chuntao always deliberately keeps a low profile and wants to be unknown, while Lin Qianer wants to make a high-profile appearance and make a shining appearance.

If Liu Chuntao is a season of fragrant orchids, Lin Qianer should be the national peony.

Lin Qianer and Liu Chuntao should be two completely different extremes, so as to ensure my safety to the greatest extent.