Stealing time


The early summer nights are very cool, and the breeze brings a comfortable cool feeling. A damp smell came to the face of the wind, indicating that there was a large pond nearby.

I stood outside the wall of the back garden of Ping County Palace, looking at the height of the wall. I don't want to enter through the door tonight. I just lost the golden bowl during the day, and the guard of the house gate will definitely be strengthened.

I opened the small bag on my back and took out the wall equipment that the craftsman had made for me. It just modified the old-fashioned iron claws and thick hemp rope into spring shooting wall nails and fishnet wires.

This is already the best material we can find in this era.

I listened carefully, and there was no sound on the other side of the wall except the thin sound of the wind. I stepped back two steps, stood firm, raised my hand and pressed the spring to the top of the wall.

The shooting nail in his hand flew out like an arrow, and only heard a very small "ding" sound, and the shooting nail sank into the wall. I pulled the fish net wire in my hand, pedaled on the wall with my feet, and fell to the upper end of the line alternately with my hands, and my feet also stepped on the top of the wall. After a while, my body went to the top of the wall.

I poked my head out of the top of the wall and quietly looked at the scenery in the garden. At this time, it looks no different from the day.

This is the back garden of the Pingjun Palace where I came during the day. The garden is quiet, and the moonlight is not bright now, like a shy woman, half hiding behind the clouds, quietly watching the night of the world from the cracks in the clouds.

There are dark shadows in the garden, such as the shadows of trees swinging with the wind, the strange-shaped rockery, and the shadows of the motionless pavilions. But everything is in silence.

Confirming that there was no danger, I gently jumped into the wall without making a sound. I hid into a clump of tree shadows along the root of the wall and hid it towards my goal - the strange rockery stone of Taihu Lake that I saw during the day. After crossing an empty meadow, you can reach the rockery stone.

I travel like the wind, and this unobstructed emptiness is dangerous for me.

Suddenly, my sensitive ears caught a few extremely soft footsteps, as if there were more than one person. The sound is only ten meters away from me, just behind the Linglong Pavilion.

I was shocked. The place was empty before and after, and there was no place to hide. On the right is Linglong Pavilion, and on the left is a large lotus pond. Linglong Pavilion can cover up, but if I go in that direction, I will probably bump into those people. The only choice is the lotus pond!

I quickly rushed to the edge of the lotus pond and squeezed the edge of the pond with my fingers and carefully followed the pond. At the moment when my head was also under the edge of the pond, I saw the shadows of those people. They are the guards of the night patrol.

It was so close that they almost saw it!

Half of my body is already immersed in water. I slowly let go of my hand and prayed in my heart. I hope the pond is not too deep. The foot touched the bottom of the pool. Fortunately, the pool water just didn't reach the neck.

It's not that I can't swim, but if the pool is too deep, I need to step on the water to keep my face above the water, but it may make the sound of water. Although the sound of water will not be very loud, it may still attract the attention of those people on this quiet night.

Although I was very careful, the moment I entered the water, there was still a soft sound of water.

"Who!" A vigilant shout came to his ears, and the sound of footsteps followed in the direction of the lotus pond.

It's been, found! What should I do?

I looked at the lotus leaves that were not thick enough in early summer, moved my body slightly and hid under the largest lotus leaf nearby. God bless, Bodhisattva! God bless, Bodhisattva bless...

I kept mediting in my heart, as if it really worked.

Those people came to the lotus pond and glanced at every corner of the lotus pond with alert eyes. I bent my knees slightly, so that my head was completely hidden under the leaves. The pond has passed my chin and has reached under my lips. I held my breath and didn't dare to come out.

At this time, the distance between me and them is no more than five meters. I don't know if there is a legendary martial arts master among these guards. If there is, it must be breathable.

Fortunately, the small oil lamp in their hands used to illuminate the road can only shine a small area under their feet. Fortunately, it can't be taken from me, otherwise, I will definitely be found out.

The sound of "wave" came from the water behind me. I was shocked!

Is it going to be found? So what should I do? I didn't know whether to dive and escape or continue to stand still, I heard a bodyguard say, "Brother Zhao, it's the sound of fish jumping out of the water in the pool. Most of what you just heard is the same!"

After standing still for a while, the one who just shouted fiercely said, "Well, I hope so!"

"Brother Zhao, are you a little too nervous? It's just a night patrol, and it's not really catching the thieves who sneak into the house!" It's still the bodyguard who said just now.

"Are you nervous? Don't be nervous, okay?" Brother Zhao said, "Bother Wang Er and Dahu have been locked up by the prince. Don't you know?"

"The two of them are quite wronged. I've been watching it well. The prince came out to welcome him for such a while, and the thief got it!" It's so simple.

"Do you think it's an ordinary thief? I look at Xuan!" The third person said.

"What else can you do if you are not a thief?" Han Mo Qi Dao.

"I heard the prince tell Brother Thirteen that he suspected that it was not a person. Maybe it was a strange god. Otherwise, how could he do it so unconsciously in the eyes of the public!" The third person said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Brother Zhao said, "I don't want my tongue anymore!"

Brother Zhao was obviously very dignified, and several people were silent when they heard it. I stood under the lotus leaf that could only cover most of the head, and I didn't dare to move. The knees are still bent, and there is already a feeling of stiffness.

After only a moment, Han Mao asked again, "Brother Zhao, do you think Wang Er and Dahu can be released?"

After a moment of silence, Brother Zhao said, "I don't know either. Prince (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c also knows the injustice of the two of them, but now the people involved must be arrested. If the prince doesn't make a look, they will think that our prince doesn't care about the lost gift! Then the prince is going to be unlucky!" After stopping, he said, "After a while, the matter will calm down, and the prince will probably release them."

"That's good!" Han Mao said, "The prince Guan Wang Er and the big tiger are for people to see, so he asked us to step up the inspection at night to show it to people?"

Brother Zhao said, "That's not necessarily true. I heard that this was the idea of the thirteenth brother to the prince.

Thirteenth brother? What does this have to do with him? I pricked up my ears and listened carefully.

"Oh? Why did the thirteenth brother give such an idea to the prince? The things have been lost. Is it afraid that the thief will steal something else, so he will make up for it? Han Mao is very curious.

"I heard that it seems that Brother Thirteen suspects that something has not left the house yet. Because all the guests present have been searched, it is impossible for anyone to go out with the golden bowl. So the thirteenth brother asked him to strengthen his vigilance. Maybe the thief will come back to pick up something!"

The shrewd thirteenth brother, I really can't hide it from you!

It turned out that this time it was your bad idea to let your real name be soaked in the water for so long!

If it hadn't been for the idea of thirteen, maybe I wouldn't have met these patrol guards at all, then I would have taken my things and left by now!

It's good now. They stood on the shore and chatted comfortably, but I was shivering with cold in this pond! The water in early summer nights is still very cold.

I'm afraid that they will hear the sound, so I have to bite my teeth tightly. God knows how long I can last!

How can I meet the thirteenth brother every time I act at night? Why does he mess up me every time? Last time I was almost exposed to my hiding place by him in the household department, and this time I was soaked in the pond by his idea!

Thirteenth brother, did you have a grudge against me in your previous life?

God bless, Bodhisattva bless, God bless, Bodhisattva bless...

I recite the Heart Sutra again!

I don't know if it's God or Bodhisattva who finally heard my prayer. After chatting for a while, they finally walked out of the garden.

It's gone! I was relieved. I just wanted to move, but I found that I couldn't move. My whole body is stiff now! Is it because I was so nervous just now that I can't relax now?

I slowly moved my hands and feet, and only moved gently, which made me feel numb. If you move a little bigger, the whole arm or leg will be numb together.

It's very dangerous to be like this in the water. I didn't dare to move easily, so I had to move my fingers and toes little by little. When they no longer feel numb when they move, then move the palms and soles of the feet. Then the lower arms and calves, and finally the upper arms and thighs...

It's enough for me to move my whole body.

I listened carefully, and the surroundings were so quiet that there were no insects, and there were no more people approaching. I touched the edge of the pond. The mud at the bottom of the pond was very thick, and my calves were almost sunk in it. It took me a lot of effort to pull out my legs.

Moved to the shore of the lotus pond, I grabbed the edge of the blue stone with both hands, supported my arms and pedaled my feet...

I want to support the pond bank. However, my body only rushed up more than ten centimeters and quickly fell back into the water.

When I fell back, there was a sound of water, and I tightened my body nervously.

Fortunately, it didn't attract a strong drink this time.

It has been frozen in the water for too long, and the body's heat is lost too quickly, so it is unable to support the shore. I moved my body again, rubbed the white palm of my hand, which had been soaked in water, and took a hot breath to the palm of my hand. The cold palm felt a trace of warmth.

I have accumulated some strength and try again.

This time it still ended in failure.

I was unwilling to try three or four times in a row, but the range of my body was getting lower and lower. No way! I stopped in frustration.

I know now why swimmers only fell into the water for a few minutes in winter and drowned before going ashore in time. Most of them were due to the loss of body heat, resulting in the loss of strength, and eventually unable to swim back to the shore and drowned.

Fortunately, the water in this pond is not deep, and I can still stand in the water so that I won't drown. But over time, the situation will get worse and worse!

I turned to the lotus leaves in the pool, shining white in the moonlight. It's really like what Zhu Ziqing wrote in Lotus Pond Moonlight, like a dream with a veil.

I was in the pool and watched the lotus pond under the moon up close. The lotus leaf stands like an umbrella cover in front of me, and I can even see the dew rolling lively on the lotus leaf. This scenery is probably more immersive than what Zhu Ziqing saw on the shore.

If I have the talent of Zhu Ziqing, I will definitely be able to write a good article that is better than the Lotus Pond Moonlight. But my current mood is not conducive to writing. A small beast that falls into a trap and is unable to escape. No matter how much food is around it, I'm afraid it will be unwilling to eat.

And I am like the little beast, and the beautiful scenery around me is like the food in front of the little beast.

I don't want to appreciate it.

I believe that Zhu Ziqing came in person and fell into my situation, and I couldn't write "light and shadow have a harmonious melody, such as the famous song played by Fan Yuling." Such a sentence.

What should I do? Are you just sitting here waiting to be killed? It's not discouraged! I think there are several results waiting for me.

One kind, wait quietly until it freezes and faints, and then sinks in the pond and drowns. A few days later, the body floated up and was found. Therefore, people speculated one after another how the ninth brother Yin's concubine would appear in the pond of Ping County Mansion.

Since then, N versions have been circulated in the world. According to the content of the gossip that people are most interested in, I'm afraid that the most widespread is the ninth brother's concubine, who is lonely and unbearable because of the ninth brother left Beijing, and came to the Ping County Palace to have an affair. I don't know why he was found by Fu Jin, the king of Ping County. When he ran away, he panicked and fell into the pond and drowned. I'm afraid this will even damage the reputation of the ninth brother and the prince of peace. I'm sorry for both of you, and I don't want to think about it.

The two are still waiting quietly. My body, which is getting stronger and stronger by my nutritious breakfast and yoga, survived the night. It was found by the early people and was rescued ashore. At the same time, he was also thrown into the prison of Shuntianfu to feel the horrible description of Fang Biao in Miscellaneous Notes in Prison.

People outside have speculated that how can the richest ninth brother's concubine in the world today steal? Smart people suddenly thought that the concubine of the ninth brother usually didn't even wear a decent piece of jewelry, so everyone ran to tell each other: Although the ninth brother is rich, he is extremely stingy. Usually, the concubine's food and clothing are no different from that of ordinary people. The concubine can't stand it, so she Since then, the first Grandet with independent intellectual property rights developed by the Qing Dynasty was born!

Ninth brother, I'm sorry, I don't want to.

Three kinds, I can't stand the cold. Now I'm shouting and calling people to pull me up. However, I'm afraid the result is the same as the second one. In the end, it's still: Brother Jiu, I'm sorry, I don't want to.

I found a rule that no matter what the result is, I feel sorry for the ninth brother in the end. Will everything I, Lu Mintao, be involved with him in the future? Maybe, unless I get rid of Liu Chuntao's identity, it will really be so!

No matter which of these three situations, it will end with my tragic ending. Therefore, I won't choose either one. I won't choose to sit back and wait for death. In our stolen dictionary, I don't listen to the word fate at all.

This was repeatedly told by the werewolf. He said, "Only you can decide your fate!" Never place your hopes on others or other accidental events. Especially remember this when you are in trouble!"

That time, the two of us were trapped in the vault of a Swiss bank. I was almost desperate, so he said this to me.

Later, after the second efforts of the two of us, we finally managed to get out. Therefore, I have no doubt about his words. His firm belief has always been the driving force for me to move forward.

Now I remember the feeling of being trapped in a closed space composed of ten centimeters of steel plates on the floor, four walls and roof.

There is no gap between the steel plates. You can't go out at all. Moreover, as the air decreases, your breathing will become more and more difficult. That's real despair!

But even so, it didn't trap me. The current situation is far worse than that time!

There must be a way! I cheered up again.

I tried little by little along the edge of the pool. Although it was very slow, I persisted. The bottom of the pool can't all be the same height. I want to find a relatively high place and try again. But to my regret, the part of the road I have taken seems to be getting lower and lower. The water gradually came from the middle of the neck to the chin...