Stealing time

Extra two (nine)

She came to the door of my room on time. I heard Xiao Wu's notice, but I didn't make a sound to let them in. I always feel that this woman is a little unruly, and it is necessary to kill her arrogance.

What I didn't expect was that she almost ruined my arrogance.

She boldly pushed the door in and stood at the door watching me check the bill. I kept quiet and continued to check the accounts and taste tea leisurely, without even raising my head. I want to see how patient she is.

Although I didn't look up, I glanced at her from time to time and observed her movements.

She first watched me check the accounts and watched my movements. For a moment, the corners of his mouth bent, and for a moment, he curled his lips disdainfully. I don't know how she slandered me in her careful thinking. Then she observed the furnishings in the room. She glanced around and focused on the most valuable decorations. The vision is strong. She is studying those treasures one by one. If I hadn't been there, she would have reached out and touched it or simply picked it up and played with it.

Her eyes finally fell on the Western wall clock on the wall. She looked at the pointer turning in circles, as if she was fascinated. This wall clock comes from the West. Ordinary people have never seen it at all, and it is rare and common. But there was no rare expression on her face. She just watched the pointer turn, as if counting the hours. Maybe she knows this?

Can Liu Da's small official's family also see this kind of Western goods? Thinking of her behavior when she punished Mrs. Wang, it doesn't seem like she was born in a small family. Who is she? Do you have any extraordinary experience? You should check it carefully when you have time.

Probably tired of standing, she quietly moved down, raised one foot, and became a golden chicken independent. I smiled secretly in my heart. It seemed to be quite patient, and that's how I didn't say anything. She changed another foot...

After she changed her feet countless times, I decided to let her go. She is too patient. If she goes on like this, I will raise a useless woman in my house.

I looked up and saw her dress up. There was no other woman dressed up when she came to bed. She is no different from usual. Isn't she happy to come to bed for me?

I frowned and said coldly, "Are you here to serve like this?"

She lowered her head and looked at herself, as if she didn't find anything wrong. She looked at me with an indifferent look, and the flash of arrogance was hidden in her glazed eyes. Although it's only a moment, the eyes seem to say that aunt is like this. If you don't like it, find someone else!

Which woman in this house is not looking forward to my master's favor every day? Is she a special case? She has lived in the house, and her body has already been mine. What else does she want to do? Do you still want to marry someone else?

It is unbearable for men to be so arrogantly ignored by their own women. This is the first time in my life. I have long been used to women staring at me obsessively, and I am used to countless ladies and rich women around me to compete for jealousy, and even try my best to live in my ninth brother's house.

What they value is not my prince's identity, but my appearance, not my love for Xinjueluo· Yinzhen himself. So, in my eyes, most women are very lowly. In my house, there is only one emperor Ama who is married, and the rest are concubines. I don't give women a proper name. I want to tell those women who still want to live in my house that when they come in, they can't get anything!

The woman in front of me entered my house and got my favor. This is what many women dream of, but she doesn't want to! Don't flatter me, just pretend to be superficial and disdain!

I'm extremely angry!

If you don't show off her arrogance this time, don't calm her down in the future.

I got up and walked to her, reaching out and pinching her chin. She looked at me inexplicably, and there were countless questions in her glazed eyes. I didn't say a word and bowed my head to kiss her.

A kiss with anger, with a slight meaning of punishment. I kissed a little rough. She began to feel some pain and wanted to struggle, but she was held by my hand and couldn't move. She can only bear my kiss and my anger. However, I kissed very thoughtfully, and soon she was deliberately flirted by me.

My hand was gently drawn between her cony, and her moan was swallowed by me. Her head leaned weakly against my shoulder. Her body was so soft that she couldn't stand up. She is much cuter than she was just now. I hugged her sliding body and supported her.

Her lips and tongue are so fragrant and sweet, and her body is so slender. I really want to kiss like this...

But it doesn't work! I remembered the purpose of kissing her. If I don't suppress her arrogance today, I won't be able to control her in the future!

I suddenly let go of her, and she slipped on the ground unpreparedly. Her body was softly spread out there, and she held herself up and raised her head. She looked at me inexplicably, and the unretired aftertaste made her eyes a little confused. She is so touching like this...

I resisted the impulse to pick her up, looked at her condescendingly, and mocked, "I thought you were so high that you disdained my lord's favor!" I didn't expect that it was just a kiss and turned into a pool of water.

Her eyes changed from surprise to clear.

I continued to hit her: "Do you dare to say that you don't want my lord's favor in the future?"

I thought she would burst into tears immediately. Unexpectedly, she just stiffened and stood up. She lowered her head, as if she was ashamed and indignant.

My blow is not over yet. I gave the order: "Go back now. Pack it up tomorrow night and wait for my master's call.

Without saying a word, she turned around and went out. It was so light. But I know that her heart is not as calm as she seems.

She learned to be good. The next afternoon, she was bathing and changing clothes, and asked her servants to dress her up. She was ready early and waiting for my call. But I didn't call her, not without hesitation, but I want to completely suppress her pride, make her soft and obedient, and let her treat me as her heaven, just like other women in the house.

I want her to see that her honor and disgrace, everything about her, can only depend on me. What I want is not only the submission of her body, but also the submission of her heart.

So, I didn't call her and asked her to wait until late at night. She calmly ordered her servants to sleep without revealing a trace of resentment.

It seems that her mental strength is far above my estimate, and I am far from successful with her □.

I decided to hang her up for a while.

However, an unexpected discovery disrupted my plan.

That night was the fifteenth day, and the full moon was in the sky. It was the day when our brothers gathered in our house. I had just finished dinner with my brother, Lao Shi, and Xiao XIV. I wanted to go to my study to continue talking. When we passed by the bamboo forest in the garden, we suddenly heard a faint song from the osmanthus forest not far away.

It's strange that although there are singers and actors in my house, they all know the rules, and no one will sing late at night.

We approached, hid behind a clump of bamboo and watched, and found that the song came from the air. She sat on the osmanthus tree, behind which was the starry night sky, and above her head was the bright moon. Her black figure is reflected in the bright moon, like Chang'e in the moon palace. Her clothes are fluttering and her hair is flying, as if she can float with the wind at any time.

The night is so deep that I can't see her face clearly, but I feel that's her--Liu Chuntao, the only woman in my house that makes me think about it.

She sings very emotionally. It was a sweet love song, but it was sad and sad to hear her singing. The song sounds so ethereal, pure and clear, like a clear spring.

That song often appears in my dreams in the years to come, the days when she was not with me. There are sadness, thoughts, memories, and loneliness that can never be grasped after thousands of years.

What kind of past is hidden in her heart, at her age?

She cried, didn't she? I saw her wipe her cheek with her hand, and then looked at the water in the palm of her hand in a daze. This is the first time I have seen her cry. I didn't cry when I was taken out of bed, and I didn't cry after being seduced and kissed by me, at least not in front of me. Who is she crying for this time?

I couldn't help sighing.

She seemed to hear my sigh and straightened up and looked in my direction. I thought she was going to find out, but she didn't come to explore. She suddenly relaxed her body, raised her neck and leaned into the night sky. Her hands were trumpet-shaped around her mouth. What is she going to do?

The next moment, she answered my question. Unexpectedly, she howls at the moon!

Could it be that she, she is a wolf demon? Is she a wolf demon?

My brothers also looked at me in dismay, and their faces were uncertain. We were all scared by her strange behavior, but she seemed to enjoy it. She called in a strange way. Did she ever be with the wolf? Otherwise, how can you call out so many kinds of wolves howls?

"Who? Who is pretending to be a ghost there!" The bodyguard finally found something strange in the house and rushed over.

She was stunned for a moment, but soon she reacted. Without being noticed by the bodyguard, she smiled, as if she had made a fun decision. She snapped her fingers briskly and quickly slipped down the tree. The action was done in one go, as if climbing a tree and going down a tree every day.

At this moment, she looks like a cute elf. Even if it is a demon, she is a harmless goblin.

She howled as she ran and took the bodyguards around the house. I was so shocked that the people in my house turned upside down and jumped. My women broke the basin and beat the bowl, crying and fear.

I resisted the impulse to catch her. I just followed her to see what else she would do. My brothers also laughed and followed behind to watch the hustle and bustle. I'm ashamed to be at home today. It's all caused by this goblin!

She actually wants to go to the front yard to make trouble with my Changluxuan, and she is getting bolder and bolder!

We followed her back to her Fuxiyuan. Xiao Shishi also joked about me, saying that raising wolves in my house would scare my sister-in-law. I said, "Your sisters-in-law are bold. You don't have to worry about it!" This little goblin is really bold. He dares to tos around like this in my house!

It's not easy to attack in front of several brothers today, otherwise, I would have pulled her out to serve her!

"Xiao He, it doesn't matter. Let the bodyguard come in!"

"Master, Chuntao is not well-dressed now, so I won't go out to see a few masters. Please forgive me."

Her maid did not allow the bodyguards to go in to search, but she still pretended to be generous, docile and polite in front of our brothers, which was different from what she looked like at the prank just now.

pretends to be quite similar. If it hadn't been for her way of making trouble, I would have been cheated by her.

The eighth brother and the tenth brother can't help laughing. But I'm not angry.

I entered the house, and she was still wearing the clothes just now. I couldn't help tapping her: "Are you going to sleep? Are you tired of playing?"

She bowed her head and behaved obediently under my angry eyes.

"The house is restless today, but it's hard for you to sleep!" I said something coldly and went out.

Lao Shi and Xiao Shi made fun of me. I couldn't help saying, "Shut up and don't gloat! If you let me know who did it today, I won't forgive him!"

I told her this.

My bodyguards were tosed around all night, and I didn't have a good night. Rumors in the capital spread very quickly. The next day, a courtier asked me about the wolf howling in my house. The day is not over yet, and there have been several different rumors in the capital.

It is said that one day in a certain month of a certain year, I shot and injured a wolf king in the wooden fence. Last night, the wolf king washed the ninth brother's house with a large group of wolf blood. The chickens, ducks and livestock in the house were bitten to death, and the people around listened to the chirping of chickens all night. It's really eye-catching. It's the livestock that the bodyguards in my house have been catching the livestock all night, okay?

The second said that my ninth brother was romantic by nature. He didn't distinguish between people and demons. He was a mother and got entangled with a female wolf demon in the wooden fence. Now the female wolf demon came to me to have sex with me, but there are so many women in my house that I can't do it. The female wolf demon was dissatisfied and took the opportunity to make trouble. Damn it, who made this? When can't I do it in front of women?

Three said that my ninth brother was handsome and affectionate. He was favored by a little female wolf and turned into a beautiful woman and fascinated me. I was happy with her at night, and she was usually at ease, but yesterday was the full moon night, the day when she turned back into a wolf. Her transformation scared the size, people and animals in the house. In the end, my ninth brother was brave and suppressed her with **. The one who made this rumor, I watched "Liaozhai" too much, and I was poisoned!

In the afternoon, our brothers accompanied Huang Ama for tea. Huang Ama suddenly asked, "Is your brother's house peaceful recently?"

Listen, in less than a day, even the emperor Ama knows it! Everyone has to ask about this matter. This little goblin is really harmful!

I angrily asked Xiaowu to serve her, and asked people to prepare the family method. Just wait for her to come and teach her a good lesson.

She's here. She was no longer plain as last time, but dressed up. It seemed that she also sensed the danger and tried to please me. She is really beautiful like this. I dare say that she is the most beautiful among our brother's women.

She carefully observed my face. Such a proud woman would have such a little daughter? Suddenly, I felt that there was a better way to this woman than to use the home method.

"Take off your clothes and come here by yourself!" This order will make women overwhelmed.

Her reaction was beyond my expectation. She opened her eyes wide at first, as if she couldn't believe it. Then, he narrowed his eyes and didn't move, and his cute little mouth pouted slightly, silently resisting to me.

At this moment, she is like a child playing tricks on adults. I laughed and walked towards her. But come? This is waiting for me to serve you! Well, let me help you take it off!"

I kissed her, and she liked my kiss very much and was as intoxicated as last time. This makes me very happy. I took off her clothes, and she didn't know it. This confused goblin.

She stood in front of me all over. At first, she was a little at a loss, and then she was a little embarrassed. She wanted to attack, but she tried her best to hold back. Finally, she simply turned around and gave me her charming back and buttocks.

I laughed. She is so cute like this. How can I be willing to punish her with my family law? If that whip goes down, it will be peeled.

I picked her up and threw her to **.

My punishment for her is spanking like a child. I used some strength to make her remember and stop making trouble with me. She resisted first, and then, maybe she figured out why I hit her and began to beg for mercy.

Those who know the practice are handsome! She turns fast and is a smart woman.

I didn't have the strength for the last time. Maybe I hit it too hard. She screamed and burst into tears. I raised her face and asked her, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!" She looked at me pitifully and replied.

It's really pitiful to look like this, but I can't show a little softness now. Otherwise, if she is found by this little goblin, she will not be able to control her in the future, and she may even be used by this shrewd little thing.

I stroked her red and swollen buttocks, but more enchanting and said, "My hand is a little heavier, because a little female wolf screamed in my house yesterday, which turned me upside down. I'm angry, so I'll vent my anger on you. Do you have any objection?

It's really interesting to see the change in her expression. Listen to me ask her if she has any opinions. Of course, she has opinions, but after weighing the situation, she is still soft.

I said that the little female wolf would vent her anger on her next time. She hurriedly said that she would go to the temple to burn incense and keep the house safe.

With her promise, I was relieved. Although there is no guarantee that she will not make trouble in the future, at least it can guarantee that she will not pretend to be a wolf. Otherwise, if there are a few more wolves in my house, those rumors will really come true.

If Huang Ama listens to the rumors to send some shamans, I can't guarantee that those shamans can let go of this troublesome little wolf.

I was relieved. I no longer want to punish her, and I no longer want to suppress her proud nature. I just want to press her under my body and love her well and appreciate her little appearance intoxicated. At that moment, I felt a little crazy.