Stealing time

Make a decision or discuss

The direction he pulled was the bedroom. What? Is he going to have a bridal chamber with me now? This impatient man!

Look at this situation, what's the difference between it and the ruffian hooligans robbed women? Although I seem to be dressed as a man now, he robbed me, which does not mean that he will not rob women, but that he will rob both men and women!

What's wrong with these princes? They will all rob people. I remembered that Liu Chuntao was robbed by the ninth brother.

It turned out that Kangxi's son also had a broken arm. The prince flirts with me in men's clothes, which is no different from flirting with women. Ang Lee didn't go through it to have a look, otherwise, his "The Broken Arm Mountain" would probably be a different style. I'm afraid that the romance and beauty of the protagonist will be replaced by this guy's vampire temperament.

With a slight effort, my body was pulled by him. He hugged my body and said, "Why is your body as soft as a woman's body?"

I tried my best to put my hand on my chest to prevent □ from contact with him, so that he would easily find out that I was a woman. With his arms, I couldn't hold my arms any longer.

Seeing that my □ was about to have close contact with him, in a hurry, I put my arm on his shoulder, put my hands around his neck, and put my lips.

At the moment of gently touching his lips, he was stunned for a moment, and the power of his arms tightly disappeared for a moment. Although it is very short, it is enough. As soon as my knees swaned and my body sank, I drilled out of his arms. I turned around and ran without stopping. When he reflected, I had run to the corner of the side corridor of the house.

"Hey, come back!" He shouted angrily behind me.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, I will only run forward and not fall back." I said while running. If I turn this corner again, I will completely disappear from his sight.

"Tell me what your name is?" His voice is very urgent.

Only a fool will tell him what his name is.

"Dapfly!" I didn't want to think about it. With such a pattern embroidered on the sleeve, I called it out.

With the two words out, my body also passed the corner. Finally out of his sight, I was a little relieved.

The gardener is waiting for me at the back of the corner.

Seeing the ambiguity of the master, the servants naturally have to avoid it. Therefore, seeing that the prince was reluctant to chase after me, he avoided coming here.

is also a smart choice.

I can't ask him to come forward to save me when the prince has bad intentions against me. Because he was just an ordinary royal florist and took the money from Shang Yu, he risked to bring me in.

If my identity is exposed, he is also in danger.

When the prince got the pseudonym I reported, he would go to the housekeeper to ask a boy named Dragonfly. And the housekeeper looked through all the rosters and would never find a dragonfly. At that time, the prince will find himself fooled. How could the prince, who could not be seen, be willing to be fooled by a little man? Then he would let the housekeeper find the man wantonly. Eventually, they will find the gardener's head.

No, let this gardener avoid it.

I took the gardener to his room full of tools. He asked eagerly, "That was the prince just now. Do you know him?"

He said, "I haven't seen it, but I heard that the prince often comes to our house."

"He was going to take me away, and I ran away. They will definitely find out about you. You can't stay here. Go and tell the swindler that someone in your family is sick. You have to go back and have a look or some other reason. Anyway, you have to leave as soon as possible. After saying this in one breath, I was a little short of breath. After a good breath, I said, "Don't pack anything, hurry up!" Then you go to Mr. Lin, and he will give you money to help you arrange a place to hide. Do you understand?" I stared into his eyes and asked.

"Little understand!" He answered very simply.

I was a little relieved. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. I hurriedly left the Prince Cheng's Mansion.

I told Shang Yu about meeting the prince. After thinking about it, Shang Yu immediately sent someone to pick up the gardener, asked him to be picked up, and then immediately arranged for him to leave Beijing.

It seems that he is more cautious than me.

I asked the gardener and the keeper to leave by himself after the instructions, without thinking about what would happen if the prince moved too fast and the gardener didn't have time to leave.

If Shang Yu is present, he is likely to take the gardener away directly, and he will not be allowed to explain to the keeper at all, so as to avoid twists and turns in the middle.

Although this is very abrupt, it is better than the gardener being questioned and confessed to the two of us.

I can't help scolding myself for forgetting the teachings of the werewolf. How did you forget the first lesson he taught! In this industry, prudence is the only quality that is absolutely indispensable.

Shang Yu saw my self-blame. He reassured me to go back and told me that everything was with him.

With a little nervousness, I went back to the ninth brother's house. I also thought that I didn't know if the person sent by Shang Yu had found the gardener, but I met the housekeeper Qin head-on.

When he saw me, he immediately said happily, "Master Liu, you're back. I'm looking for you!"

Look for me? What are you looking for me for? In my impression, the relationship between his "most awesome slowman" in the house and me, the "most evil woman in the house", has always been a well that does not violate the river. He came to me. Is the sun coming out in the west today? I couldn't help looking up at the sky.

My action made him misunderstand. He thought I was rolling my eyes to the sky to express his dissatisfaction, so he smiled and said, "Master Liu, I'm incompetent, and I just bother my master with everything. But I really can't make a decision on this matter today. When Master Jiu left, he told him that if there was an urgent matter that he could not make the decision and didn't have time to ask him for instructions, he would come to you for advice.

Oh? Did my ninth master have such an order when he left? Why didn't he tell me? Besides, even Qin Daoran, who is very important and experienced, can't make an idea. What can I take?

I looked at him lightly and said, "I'm a woman, young, can (to be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in. There are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine version!)

c What knowledge can you get an idea? The housekeeper of Qin has a lot of experience and is old and important. He has been a housekeeper for many years. What else can't he take an idea? No matter what's urgent, you can make the decision. What do you need me to do? The housekeeper said it directly.

These servants, who have become elites, often use the master as a shield in the name of asking the master to make decisions. I won't be fooled by this!

Hearing what I said, Qin Daoran was a little embarrassed. He usually didn't treat me as his master. He was polite and respectful to me, all because of the kindness of the ninth master and the reputation of my evil woman. To put it in place, he didn't look at any woman in the house as his master at all, including the direct blessing.

In the eyes of men, women in this era are all creatures with long hair and short knowledge. Especially these men who have read some books and some social status look down on women.

In Qin Daoran's eyes, the women in this house are just the toys of the ninth master, and the spoiled today may be out of favor tomorrow. Therefore, he never disdains to please any woman in this house, and everything is only for the ninth master. In his position, his practice itself is right, but if you want to use me as the wrong head of the arrow, it's ridiculously wrong!

As I walked into the house, I listened to Qin Daoran say the whole story.

It turned out that there was a plague in the suburbs of Beijing, and the Wanping County Magistrate wanted to seal up the epidemic area. And the ninth brother's Zhuangzi happened to be on the edge of the epidemic area. Whether to seal the ninth brother's village together, or not to seal it outside the plague area, the magistrate of Wanping County did not dare to make his own decision, so he came to ask for the ninth brother's idea.

Now that the ninth brother is not here, Qin Daoran did not dare to make the decision without authorization, so he came to ask my idea.

I asked, "What is the epidemic like? Can there be an epidemic in Zhuangzi in our house?"

Qin Daoran replied very quickly, "The epidemic is very serious. Eight or nine of the ten households in Zhuangzi who had the epidemic could not be spared. Almost every family has dead people. Our Zhuang Ziqing, only one of them just died this morning. People infected with the plague first have abdominal pain, and then spit it out. If it leaks for three or five days, people will not be able to do it.

It sounds like dysentery or acute gastroenteritis. Now without antibiotics, this kind of disease has become a deadly disease.

Since there has been an epidemic in Zhuangshang, it should be regarded as an epidemic area. What else can't make a decision?

In my mind, I understood in my heart.

The magistrate of Wanping County did not dare to make the decision. He just wanted to please the ninth master not to include Zhuangzi in the epidemic area, but he was afraid that in case the epidemic spread out from this Zhuangzi in the future, he would be charged with poor defense. Therefore, let's ask for an idea. If the ninth master allows him to be included in the epidemic area, his request will show his respect to the ninth master. If the ninth master does not want to let Zhuangzi be included in the epidemic area, he will naturally miss him. In the future, even if something is pursued, the ninth master will help him say something. In that way, everything will become small and small.

The magistrate of Wanping County wants to flatter, but also doesn't want to be flattered. If nothing happened, he begged the ninth master for good. If something happened, the ninth master gave him the vat. This little abacus is really good!

I'm a little curious about this county magistrate.

Qin Daoran doesn't dare to make the decision, so he doesn't have so much political background. But his little abacus is not bad.

In this era of self-sufficient small peasant economy, the food, vegetables, chicken, duck, fish, and even firewood, cotton and hemp used in the house are not collected from their own farms. If the village is sealed, the people in this big house will have nothing to eat and use. As a housekeeper, Qin Daoran naturally did not want to seal the village. But if he opens his mouth, in case something happens in the future, even if the ninth master relies on his identity, it will be settled in a few words, and he will cause trouble for the ninth master.

He didn't want to open this mouth, so he came to me to be the person who spoke for him.

Alas, old traitors, horse old slippery!

Qin Daoran is only in his forties. Why is he so refined?

I turned my eyes, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Housekeeper Qin is getting better and better. I have to be the master of such a thing. Did the ninth master tell you to make it difficult for me?

"I dare not!" Although there was a trace of panic on Qin Daoran's face, there was no fear in his voice. He defended, "Before the ninth master left, he really ordered the slave to do something urgent and couldn't make the decision. You can discuss it with the master."

Hehe, I took out my handkerchief and covered my mouth and smiled. I said flatteringly, "Housekeeper Qin, don't make a ss up of me as a little woman. You said that you asked me to make a decision, and then that you asked me to discuss it. Should we make a decision or discuss it? The little girl is confused!" I looked at him with a smile, and my eyes narrowed into a crack.

It is completely different to make a decision and discuss. It is completely up to one person to make the decision, and the responsibility should also be borne by this person. The discussion is that two people are the masters together, and the responsibility is also borne by the two people. Qin Daoran dared to deliberately misinterpret the words of the ninth master and dug a hole to let me jump in!

Qin Daoran was tongue-dropping, and his clothes on his back were a little sweaty.

I fanned with a handkerchief and said, "Oh, it's so hot!" I didn't want him to be too embarrassed. Anyway, he still looked up and looked down and said, "Let's sit down in the front hall!"

Qin Daoran was really respectful this time. I asked him to sit down, but he insisted on standing beside me and replying. I had to let him go.

I asked, "How many things do we have to get from Zhuangzi every day in our house?"

He bowed and replied, "Go back to Master Liu, we have to import a truck of vegetables, a truck of firewood, half a truck of meat, and half a truck of other debris from the village every day."

"That is to say, we have to get three cars of things from Zhuangzi every day to be used by the whole family?" He nodded, and I continued, "How much does it cost to buy these things from the market?"

"About fifty taels of silver." He replied without thinking.

Fifty taels a day, 1,500 taels a month. This was not a small amount of money in ancient times. No wonder Qin Daoran, who was good at saving, did not want to seal the village. He wanted to save the money.

But some money can't be saved.

After thinking about it, I said, "If you let me make a decision, I will only tell you that this village must be sealed." Regardless of his surprised eyes, I continued, "If you discuss it with me, I can help you think about it again."

Qin Daoran's shrewd eyes glanced at me and lowered his head. He said, "Please give me more advice. I don't understand why I have to seal the village?

I said, "In your opinion, is the reputation of the ninth master important, or 1,500 taels of silver important?"

"Naturally, the reputation of the ninth master is important!" Qin Daoran replied without hesitation.

"That's right! If we accept the 'good intentions' of the Wanping county magistrate and do not seal the village, the advantage is to save 1,500 taels of silver a month, but I'm afraid this will be exchanged for the reputation of Master Jiu.

Qin Daoran looked up at me, and the light flashed in his eyes.

I continued: "If the plague has not spread because of this, the ninth master is at most said to be using power for personal gain and specialization. It's not a big deal." I don't know if there was the word "specialization" in ancient times, but I think he can understand it. If the plague spread because of this," I stopped and looked at him before asking, "What's the reputation of the ninth master?"

I didn't go on. He is a smart man, and it's enough to talk about it.

He was obviously shocked, and I'm afraid he has figured it out in his heart.

If the plague spreads because of this, I'm afraid that the ninth brother will not be able to escape the charge of ignoring the overall situation and using power for personal gain, resulting in damage to the country and the loss of the people's lives. Even if no one dares to say it publicly, everyone has a stalk in their hearts.

What I'm most afraid of is that his father Kangxi also thinks so, so his good days will come to an end.

The place where the plague is caused is close to the capital. If the plague spread to the capital, even if the ninth brother has such a heavy identity, I'm afraid he can't bear the responsibility!

Qin Daoran wiped the sweat on his forehead, and some air-dried clothes on his back were wet again.