Stealing time

Notice about V

Dear friends:

Thank you for your continuous support.

The encouragement and help of my relatives gave me a lot of confidence. Only with confidence can I write 170,000 words in such a short time. The previous 170,000 words took me for nearly half a year, hehe!

I have always been moved by your support. It is in return for everyone's support that I am not afraid to write it down, so that I can write an article that I am satisfied with and try my satisfaction as much as possible.

This process is hard and makes me happy, because it is very pleasant to communicate with relatives and get their support and encouragement.

I just received a big notice from the editor, and this article will start V on Friday (December 19).

I will try my best to update it in the next two days, but the number of words may be less. There will be three more chapters on Friday. In the future, I will keep the quality and quantity as usual. The real □ is still to come, and I promise that the plot will be better in the future.

Please support Kongkong as always. Kongkong will thank you with a good article.