Stealing time


It's almost the end of the year since I came back from Xiaotangshan, and all the people are busy.

Housekeeper Qin turned around non-stop all day long. He was still in the front yard just now, and in a blink of an eye, you will see him in the backyard again. He is always surrounded by a large group of people, and he is always ordering this and that. The people in the house said that you would not see him twice a day in the same place. Describe the speed and range of his movement. This is a bit like the discussion of change that "people can't step into the same river twice". It's worthy of the brother's mansion. Even the servants in the mansion have the potential to be philosophers.

Xiaohe and Mother Yang are busy cleaning the yard. They command the four new servants to do this and that every day. There are two maids and two shoves of the four, which were sent by the housekeeper when I moved to the Lingxue Pavilion. I didn't want to keep other servants. If there are too many people, it is inevitable that the eyes and mouths will be mixed, but this yard is much larger than Fuxi's courtyard. I'm afraid that only Xiaohe and Mother Yang will be too busy. I had to leave these four more down-to-earth from the six servants sent to me. Only Xiao He and Mother Yang are serving nearby. I don't trust others and I'm not used to it.

Among these new servants, there is a little man named A Mao, who has a back of his ears. What do you want him to do? You have to shout loudly in his ear so that he can hear you. Although he is flawed, he has a lot of strength. He does a lot of work that both of people can't do. Housekeeper Qin sent him to me when he saw that I didn't want to leave more people.

Yin Zhen is also busy all day long. He always comes back late these days, and their brothers' parties are obviously rare. Most of the time, I fell asleep before he came back.

Instead of returning to Changluxuan, he came directly to Lingxue Pavilion. He didn't let Xiaohe wake me up. He directly took off his clothes and got into the quilt, and rudely hugged me to keep warm. I was not woken up by Xiao He, but I was woken up by him.

This man, really!

But his body will warm up in a short time, even hotter than mine. I turned around and huddled into his arms. It has become a habit to toss around like this every night. If he hadn't woken me up like this, I would not have slept soundly all night. It can be seen that habit is a terrible thing.

It's a bit like the story of throwing boots.

It is said that a man rented an empty room upstairs to a young man. The young man came back very late every day. He entered the door and went up the stairs. He went back to the room and sat **. First, he took off his left foot's boots and threw them on the ground, and then took off his right foot's boots. He still threw them on the ground with a bang before he could be quiet.

The landlord was woken up by his "slams" in the middle of the night every day, and finally couldn't bear to give advice to the young man. When the young man came back that day, he still habitually went upstairs. He sat in ** and took off his left foot's boots first and threw them on the ground. He took off his right foot's boots and was about to throw them away. Suddenly, he remembered the landlord's complaint and gently put down his right foot's boots.

I didn't expect that the landlord was more resentful the next day: I only heard a "thump", and I had been waiting for the second "thump" and didn't fall asleep all night!

Yin Zhen got into the quilt and woke me up with the second "slap".

I finally saw Yin Zhen when I didn't fall asleep. I asked Yin Zhen, what can I do for you? The main reason is that everyone else is busy, and I'm the only one who is very idle and a little unsteady.

Yin Zhen looked at me, narrowed his eyes and smiled like a fox. He said, "Xiao Taoer wants to help me, but I can't bear to tire Xiao Taoer, so let Xiao Taoer do something relaxed!"

What's easy? I stared wide and waited for him to go on.

He said with a bad smile, "Just help me--" He procrastinated a long voice, "Have a son!"

This man! I am speechless.

When I was bored, someone sent me a pastime project, and Fujin came with a group of people.

Five months of pregnancy has made her stomach obviously protrude, and her stomach is proudly straight, just like her proud attitude. She said in an eight-degree high tone, "Yo, I said Sister Liu, you are so idle!"

I was slightly surprised, not my proud stomach for her, but my proud attitude towards her. According to my previous observation of her, she should be a very popular and angry person. It's not easy to see such an open attitude and tone today.

I smiled faintly and said, "I'm stupid and lazy. The ninth master is worried about letting me take charge. Compared with you in Fujin, your identity is there, and you are diligent. Naturally, those who can do it will work too much!"

Her pupils shrank and thought she heard the mockery in my words, but she pretended not to understand. She still said proudly, "My sister said yes. I'm busy all day long. I not only have to take care of the big and small people and things in the house, but also have to go into the palace to say goodbye to the I can't be idle for a moment!"

Do she mean to talk about her importance in the house? Or are you showing off to me that she is qualified to go to the palace to send her a sage, and her brother's house also recognizes her as a Fujin? It seems that I don't have these!

I bent my lips and smiled. I didn't pick up the stubble. She must have something to say, so let her play freely first!

"But my stomach is already pregnant! After the Spring Festival, I'm afraid I'm going to give birth in late spring and early summer. I'm stupid, and I still have to work on these things. Sister, this is a burden!"

She stroked her stomach and swayed in front of me, as if she were demonstrating to me.

I tried my best to hold back my laughter. Why are all these ancient women so naive? Even Fujin, who usually has a city government, will come up with such a pediatric trick. It's all because this high wall and deep yard limits a woman's vision too narrowly, and there is nothing else except competing for favor and status in the yard. I (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c What they don't care about at all is a big deal for them.

I shook my head and listened to her continue to say, "My sister is so tired that I have to hold on desperately. Who makes no one else in this house to help me? Do you think it's okay for no one to send gifts to each other in the middle of the year? If your daughter-in-law doesn't go into the palace, can you comfort the emperor? There is no one in charge of the cleaning and procurement of New Year's goods in this house. Can it be done?

She said three "Can it work" in a row, which made me almost connect with the three representatives of □.

"Xiao Ping is very good and calm. She went to Rehe this time and helped me do a lot of things. I wanted to promote her to help me, but I didn't think of it. Even she was pregnant. Isn't it 'If you have the intention to plant flowers, you can't bloom, and if you don't want to plant willows into shade'!"

What does it mean? Does this person who has the intention to plant flowers refer to me or Yin Zhen? It's more likely to refer to me. In her eyes, I don't know how much I want a son to improve my status!

Unfortunately, the actual person who wants to plant flowers is Yin Zhen, not me. She can't be angry with me, but she provoked Yin Zhen. If someone spread her words to Yin Zhen's ears, will the guy who must repay her give her good fruit?

This Fujin is not so stupid. What's going on today? Stimulated? I frowned and meditated.

She didn't say anything when she saw me for a long time, and it seemed a little boring for her to perform a one-man show alone. He said, "Isn't my sister usually very talkative? What's the matter today? It's been silent for a long time? Ah, I know!" She suddenly shouted as if she had found the New World. My sister has been waiting for me for a long time. I advise my sister not to blame me for giving my sister Juezi soup. Although the soup may not be able to give birth to a child, it can't be used for too long. It varies from person to person, and the longest is two years!"

? This Juezi soup seems to be more powerful than I thought! But I don't want to get pregnant, so I don't care. Her sow discord doesn't work very well.

I was a little impatient to listen to her nagging. I squinted and said, "Isn't it tiring for Fujin to talk for so long? Sit down and have a cup of tea! If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly. You don't have to make such a big circle!"

She was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect me to be so straightforward. She calmed down and turned to the people and said, "You all go down!"

I pretended to be surprised and said, "Why did Fujin let them go down? Is there anything to avoid? But my sister is worried about letting everyone go down. I don't have a body to say, but what if my sister has a body and doesn't have a subordinate to accompany her? I don't want to fall into the old-fashioned drama of being blamed. So, Xiaohe, go and find A Mao and let him accompany him to listen to Fujin's instructions.

I turned to Fu Jin and said, "A Mao is a half-deaf person. Let him stand far away and make sure he can't hear anything!"

Fu Jin looked at me for a moment and said, "My sister is really careful!"

I replied lazily, "I can't be careless. Some old dramas have been staged too many times!"

Xiao He came in with A Mao. I shouted to A Mao's ear, "Stand by the door and look at me and Fujin. Don't miss a move, but don't listen. Do you understand?"

A Mao nodded stupidly. He obediently stood by the door farthest from my seat and Fujin, and looked at us with good eyes.

I turned to face Fujin and said, "It's all right now. Except for the deaf A Mao, there is no one else here. Fujin has something to say!"

Fu Jin immediately sneered, and his face changed faster than turning over the book. She said, "What a sophisticated person, be so carefully guarded! However, no matter how you guard against it, you can't prevent me from spoiling Xiaoping in Rehe, and Xiaoping is pregnant!"

I snorted coldly and said, "Fu Jin made a mistake. It's not me who should prevent Xiaoping, it's you! Haven't you always been guarding the women in the house from being spoiled?

Listen to my words, a vicious light suddenly appeared in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said, "I'm on guard, I'm on guard!" From the day I entered the house, no, I began to prevent it before I entered the house, but I couldn't prevent it. There are constantly foxes coming out, first the Chunxi, then the Wanyan family, and now it's you! There are always other women around him!"

I looked at her indifferently, a poor and hateful woman! I said, "The ninth master is an emperor's brother, and the women around him are indispensable. Fujin should have known it early in the morning, right? Why make a fuss!" If you marry such a romantic person, you have to guard against the women around him. Why do you do such useless work?

She seemed to hate it and said rudely, "No matter how many ordinary women there are, I don't care, but it's you who look like Chunxi. No, you are more charming and spoiled than her! This Lingxue Pavilion was built for Chunxi when he built the house. I wanted to live in, but he didn't allow it, but let you live in! I won the Chunxi, but I can't win you as a stand-in! Where the hell did you come from, you evil one!"

Was the Lingxue Pavilion built for Chunxi at the beginning? It seems that my stand-in still has her light.

I looked at her with pity and said, "Why did you rob her? You rob men's hearts with women, but men's hearts are on themselves. How can you grab them from women?

A man's heart can only win, not rob. How can such a smart woman not understand? I really can't understand.

"His heart is no longer on himself, and his heart has fallen on you! I thought that when I went to Rehe this time, he would put his heart on me without you and Wanyan's two foxes, but I didn't expect that he still disdained me! What's wrong with me that makes him so look down on me?

I coughed gently, and she immediately realized that she had run away from the topic and quickly pulled the topic back: "Well, he would rather spoil that bitch Xiaoping than spoil me!"

So how did she get pregnant? I glanced at her stomach doubtfully.

She seemed to understand my question and said, "Of course, Ben Fujin has a way to let him spoil me!"