Stealing time


The banquet ended with a love performance by everyone, including me and Yin Zhen. It is said that there will be troupes singing later, and people will take a break at this time. Men talk together, while women gather in the flower hall to make up and apply pink lips. It is consistent with what is seen in the bathroom of the modern high-end banquet hall.

Is the function of the flower hall similar to that of the bathroom? I laughed in my heart.

I decided to leave the ancient bathroom and take a breath outside. When I was about to reach the door of the flower hall, I was bumped by Bafujin, who had just entered the door. The momentum was not small. I held the door frame before I would stabilize myself.

Bafujin didn't even look at me, who almost fell down, and rushed past me like a gust of wind.

I looked at the spacious door, and I don't know why she had to hit me. Is it possible that only in this way can we express our anger for the direct blessings?


I stood firm and walked out of the door. Si Beile Mansion is bigger than Jiu A Ge's house. It has big mountains and rivers, and a rough style. Compared with Jiu A Ge's house, it loses the delicacy of a small bridge and flowing water, but it has a sense of emptiness and open-mindedness.

There is a lake in front of you. In this season, there is nothing on the white ice. There is a small rockery in the front left, and there seems to be a pavilion behind it. I can only see a pavilion corner here, and there is a bigger rockery behind the pavilion.

The mountain pavilions are intertwined, and there is a sense of green mountains. In this mansion in the capital, such a scene can also be created, which can be said to be unique ingenuity. He was about to step forward, but he heard a shout behind him.

"Hey, stop!"

Is it called me? I stopped and turned around.

Behind her stood a well-dressed maid, who looked very sharp. It seemed that she had just seen her beside Sifujin and listen to orders. She holds a two- or three-year-old girl in her arms, which is Gege in this house.

The maid is looking at me. Is she really calling me?

I asked, "Are you calling me?"

She looked at me with disdain and said arrogantly, "There is no one here. Naturally, I'm calling you!"

I'm surprised. It's so cool! Didn't her master teach her how to talk to guests?

It seems that I heard two sneers from the direction of the pavilion behind me. If there is nothing, if my hearing is better than others, I really can't hear it. Is there anyone else here?

This situation...

After thinking about it, I have the bottom in my heart. I calmed down and asked, "What can I do for you?"

She took two steps forward and said with instructions, "It's a little cold for my little Gege to come here. Go and get her a cape!"

I turned my eyes, looked around and said, "Your master asked you to come out with a small grid alone?"

She was stunned and then said, "Didn't you see it? Still ask!"

I smiled. I had never encountered such a funny thing, but I was called by a servant. I haven't encountered this when I went to the palace for a banquet. It's fresh!

Her fearless spirit is actually ignorant, isn't it? The so-called ignorant are fearless.

Today's new things happened to me one by one, and I was even more confident.

I said loudly, "I have heard that the fourth master is thrifty for a long time, but I didn't expect to be so thrifty that the maid of the servant Xiao Gege is not enough, but to call the guests who come to the house!" I looked at the girl sarcastically. I'd like to ask the fourth master. The servants in her house actually called the master of the ninth master's house. What does this mean by respect and inferiority? Don't the people in the pavilion want to listen to the play? Just let her listen to it!

The girl was stunned and pretended to be shocked, "Are you the master of the ninth master's house? Qingmiao doesn't know, please don't blame the master!" She said so, but there was no apology on her face.

If I didn't know that she had come to play this play with someone, I would probably be angry, but now that I know it, I feel calm. I ignored her and stepped forward to tease the child. The little girl was made to laugh by me, and her little mouth with few teeth grinned, which was so cute.

I stroked the wrinkled collar for her, and my hand accidentally touched the front chest of the ring. It's very light. She didn't care.

I held the little girl's warm little hand and said to Qing Miao, "Xiao Gege's hand is a little cold. Why don't you go back and add a dress for Ge Ge?" If you suffer from the wind and cold, I'm afraid you can't afford to suffer!"

I let go of the child's little hand, turned around and walked away.

I didn't go to the pavilion in the original direction, but went around to the other side of the rockery. I don't have to think about who the people in the pavilion are. This maid has the courage to provoke, and naturally someone will support her.

She was just sent as cannon fodder, not even a gun. Her identity is not enough!

Being used as a gun, doing some stupid things that harm others and not benefit others, but benefit the people who are in charge behind their backs. It should be a fool who has nothing but an identity, and even the one whose brain is not complete, otherwise she does not dare to make a head of the stupid bird.

The most hateful thing is the person who is instigated behind his back. This kind of person is often a smiling tiger. He seems to be innocent and incites others to benefit from it. She calculated not only the person she wanted to calculate, but also the person who used guns and cannon fodder for her. This is called insidious! Just like the Weifang rotten apple I happened to eat with the werewolf that time, it was bright and beautiful on the surface, and it was completely dark in my heart.

The werewolf pointed to the apple and said, "Be careful when making friends. Don't make friends like this apple!"

At that time, when I was 16 years old, the wolf began to train me.

Insidious people are most afraid of being exposed, because this kind of person does not dare to fight head-on with others, and is only good at secretly doing bad things. However, I don't want to expose her now. I have a better way than to expose her, so I take a detour.

After the second rockery, there is actually a pavilion. Because it is behind the rockery, it looks particularly quiet. A big tree in front of the yard has no leaves in this season, only straight trunks and vigorous branches, which are still proclaiming the existence of its life.

I have liked this kind of traditional courtyard with white walls and gray tiles since my previous life, and I stopped to watch it.

"Can I still see my yard?" A cold voice came from behind, which scared me.

I turned around and saw the fourth brother and a man standing behind me. The man is nearly forty years old and has sharp eyes. He is looking at me with a smile. I have seen him. That time, he pretended to be a little beggar on the street. When he met the fourth brother, he stood behind the fourth brother.

When the fourth brother saw me staring at the people beside him, his black eyes flashed slightly and said, "The little beggar remembered what happened on the street that time, right?" He pointed to the man again: "This is Mr. Dai. He admires your ability to stir up trouble in public!"

Mr. Dai? Is it the powerful think tank of the legendary fourth brother? After the prince lost power, he planned for him: "The father and son of a wise man, do not reveal his strengths, afraid that he will be abandoned; if he reveals his strengths, he is afraid that he will be suspicious, ... Among his kings and brothers, they should be generous and tolerant, so that those who have talents are not taboo, and those who have no The Dai Duo?

The fourth brother walked steadily according to his strategy, and finally won the throne. Such a strategy is great wisdom, and my little trick is just a little cleverness in front of him.

I pretended to be pitiful in front of this man and encouraged people to ask for justice for me with tears. I'm afraid it's the door of the class, right?

Be very obedient. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital, and there are mysteries everywhere. It's better to play less clever things in the future!

In awe, I said, "The little girl was just a momentary and playful that day, and it was also because Chuntao didn't know the fourth master and Mr. Dai that she fooled around in front of the two of them. Please ask the fourth master and Mr. Dai not to care about Chuntao's ignorance.

The fourth brother raised his eyebrows in surprise, probably because my current performance did not match the impression I gave him before. I saw me twice before, once pretending to be a little beggar to fool around, and once to win for a black pearl. He will be regarded as a shallow and ignorant woman!

In the way, the performance of Yin Yu and I just at the banquet, will he see me as a goblin who can only be jealous and seduce men?

Anyway, his impression of me is not good!

However, I don't care.

Dai Duo smiled and said, "How can a woman who can say such a thing be ignorant? An ignorant little woman will not ask for a favor in front of a Mr. Baylor twice!" He looked at the fourth brother and continued, "Liu Fujin is smart and clever, clever, and has extensive knowledge and knows how to judge the situation. Many men can't compare with him. Dai Duo admires it very much!" He bowed to me as he spoke.

I'm surprised that it's my turn this time. What's the situation? Does Dai Duo, a think tank figure who has insight into everything and can give the future emperor a great deal of thrones, praise me like this? Not good, not good!

I was alert and said cautiously, "Mr. Dai is flattered. Liu Chuntao is a female streamer. How can he speak so well than Mr. Dai?"

The fourth brother snorted coldly and said, "A girl? No one but you has let me suffer two hidden losses! Few men can be praised by Mr. Dai, so you don't have to be modest!"

This man always snorted coldly! If you don't like me, just ignore me!

I was just about to leave, but I heard Dai Duo say, "Liu Fujin is worthy of his name and should be praised. Last summer, there was a plague, and some Zhuangzi did not allow it to be sealed. As a result, they were accused of ignoring the overall situation and using power for personal gain, causing damage to the country and causing trouble. But the Zhuangzi of the ninth master's mansion not only actively cooperated with the seal of the village, but also came up with a set of good ways to stop the epidemic, so that the domestic slaves in his bank could avoid the disaster, which was commendable. That method comes from the mouth of Fujin, right?

Huh? Why did he bring this up? Also, how did he know that it was his own idea? Qin Daoran told the people in Zhuangzi about this matter, but he did not publicize it in the capital. How can those who are in a high position in the capital know?

Do they have their eyeliner in our house or Zhuangzi? How did this ancient Infernal Affairs happen to me?

These people who seek a big position calculate the strength of themselves and their opponents all day long, and the people who have a little face in the opponent's camp are the opposite of their calculations. Have I also been counted by them? I don't want to get involved. The center of the political vortex is too dangerous, otherwise I don't even know how to die one day!

You can't recognize it even if you die! I made up my mind.