Stealing time


They also talked about how their Huang Ama will react to the matter of the seller on the street. I'm not very interested. Why did they call me here when they talk about this? After standing for a while, my legs began to feel numb. I quietly leaned back against Yin's chair.

In a while, several people talked about other political affairs, which were all about the recent movements of various factions in the court. What we talked about the most was the prince's faction. What kind of son of Suo Etu recently caught someone for the prince? How did the prince's milkman Thorpe worship the eighth brother Yang and so on? I heard it boring and drowsy.

This is the time when I usually take a nap. I was very upset when I was called here to stop. I held the eyelids that were about to close, and my body leaned against Yin's chair again.

In the morning, I was very nervous and talked with Prince Gong. I was so tired. I didn't eat at noon, and I was very hungry. Now I'm punished to stand, and my legs are sore.

I also leaned my head up.

I half closed my eyes and continued to have a match. I listened to their boring political affairs. All I thought in my mind was my favorite Xiangsu chicken wings, fried silver carp, golden meat, ** mutton, small meat rice...

Thinking beautifully, he suddenly heard someone say in his ear, "Why is she still sleeping?"

"Yes, it's been an afternoon. I can really sleep!"

"Little Nine Sister-in-law, Little Nine Sister-in-law..."

Who is so annoying, buzzing like a fly in my ear. I waved my hand and hid in the distance.

Well, it's warm and soft here, and I buried my face in it.

"My sister-in-law is tired, so I can't wake up!" Another fly, it's annoying! I then drilled my face in.

"You can't even scream. You should call it like this: Hey, Taoer, get up quickly. I have a baby to reward you!"

Huh? Baby? What baby? Is it Cui Yuzhan?

I suddenly opened my eyes and searched for my baby with blank eyes. However, what fell into the eyes were the faces of several people. I woke up and recognized the eighth brother, the tenth and the fourteenth.

Why are they all looking around me? Where is my family?

"How's it? That's how to wake up!" Yin Zhen's funny voice came from the top of his head.

I looked up and found that I was leaning in his arms. The warm and soft place I just felt was his body, and my face was half buried in his neck.

Am I asleep? Didn't you stand behind him all the time just now? When did you come to his arms?

"It's true! The little sister-in-law likes the baby so much that Brother Jiu coaxed her with the baby every day!" Lao Shi looked at me and said.

"Nothing! When did your ninth brother need to coax women? Yin Zhen's disapproving voice.

"So what did you do in Xiaotangshan when you were so busy before the New Year?" It's still the old ten who is revealing the shortcoming. That time I went there purely to make me happy.

Fourteen said, "Brother Ten, you don't understand. Brother Jiu wants a beauty in his arms. He can be anywhere. He doesn't have to go to Xiaotangshan."

Lao Shi suddenly said to Xiao Shi, leaning against him, "Oh, why did you fall asleep while standing? It's winter, and it's getting cold!" As he spoke, he held fourteen in his arms, and fourteen took the opportunity to lean on his shoulder.

Fourteen pinched his voice and said, "Husband, you're the best. It's so comfortable here!" That voice gave me goose bumps.

He, are they learning from me and Yinzhen? I was puzzled.

Lao Shi patted fourteen funnyly and said, "Baby, good boy, sleep with you in your hug for your husband!" Xiaohe, go and get a cape for your master to cover it.

I buried my face in Yin Zhen's neck again, and these two people learned too much from Yin Zhen and me. I knew that after the last time we performed in the fourth brother's mansion, there would be sequelae. Isn't this obvious? Lao Shi and Xiao Shi joked that we are getting more and more exaggerated!

Yin Zhen was also a little untongued. He said, "Brother, take these two hairy guys away!"

The eighth brother smiled and said, "Tenth brother, fourteenth brother, don't disturb your ninth brother and the ninth sister-in-law (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c. Let's go!"

Is it? Is this what the famous Eight Sages said? Why does it mean to make fun of us? Even he was ruined by those two bad guys?

It can be seen that "those who are close to the red are red, and those who are close to the ink are black" is the truth of the truth!

Ten to fourteen said, "Baby, let's go?"

Fourteen still leaned against Lao Shi's arms and said, "The slave listens to me, my husband sings, and the slave's wife follows!"

These two guys look like two broken sleeves!

The eighth brother couldn't help but go out of the door, and the two guys hooked up and followed him. Walking careless and crooked, like two alcoholics!

Before going out, Shishi pinched his voice and asked Lao Shi, "Master, what are we going to do now?"

Lao Shi said, "Of course, it's my love, love me, let my husband take good care of my baby!"

"Get out of here!" The two guys "roll out" out of the door in Yin Yu's angry shout.

I lay in Yin Zhen's arms, and my body kept shaking. Yin Zhen pulled my face out of his arms in surprise. What he saw was my tears and a big mouth.

The tears came out of laughter.

The nine foxes, who are used to death, are also angry and roar. It's so funny! Thinking of being teased by the two bad guys, he was watching the fun. It's really feng shui taking turns. At the beginning, he indulged those two guys to teas me, but did he think of today?

"Laugh, what's so funny!" Yin Zhen transferred his anger to the two bad guys to me.

I laughed desperately, but I felt very hard. In the end, I still laughed out loud. Yin Zhen pressed me on his lap and hit me twice. It doesn't hurt at all through the clothes, but I don't want to piss him off. Take off my clothes and beat him. It's not fun.

I couldn't help laughing and said, "Master, Taoer doesn't laugh. Let go of Taoer!"

Yin said, "Let go of you? You'd better tell me why you've been out for so long today that you can't even come back for lunch!"

My heart skipped a beat. Is this the beginning to ask for guilt? Did he send the first group of people to the teahouse today?

I hurriedly said, "Master, Tao'er talked to my mother and brothers at my mother's house for a while, and went to the teahouse for tea."

"Oh? Have you been there all the time?" He followed casually, as if very casual, but I knew that my answer was very important.

I said, "Yes, of course, Taoer has always been there! Why did you ask that?"

He didn't answer my question, but said thoughtfully, "Don't stay out too long in the future. This capital is not as peaceful as you think!"

He didn't doubt me? Isn't it jealous to catch adultery? Why does he seem to know something? Is there anyone in the two groups of people in the Little White Tea House today?

I was full of doubts, but I agreed without hesitation.

He let go of me. I got up from his leg and got tired of him and said, "Master, Taoer is hungry and wants to eat something."

He glanced at me and said, "Do you still know you're hungry? Don't you come back for dinner?"

"That's why they are hungry!" I pulled his sleeve and said.

"Huh? Didn't you have lunch?" He frowned and asked.

I nodded.

"Why don't you have lunch? Is it the cook who doesn't suit his appetite? Then I'm going to deduct his salary!" His eyebrows were tightened.

"No, no!" I hurriedly said, "As soon as he came back, I heard that my grandfather called, so I hurried here!" I said it as if I was asking for a reward.

"Silly girl, no matter how anxious I shouted, I didn't let you not have lunch!" He shouted at the door, "Xiao Lv, tell the kitchen to cook dinner immediately. In the second pillar incense, I will have a bite. Also, let the chef cook more dishes that Master Liu likes to eat!"

The two pillars of incense are very short, but I can't wait. When Yin Zhen ordered Xiaolu, I had already picked up the snacks on the table and ate them.

He turned around and saw that I had eaten, and reached out to take away the dessert plate in front of me. I hurriedly protected it with my hand and said, "Why did you grab my dessert?"

He said, "I'm full of snacks. The meal will be served later. Do you want to eat it?"

Why do these words remind me of my mother?

When I came home from school when I was a child, I found some dry and cold leftover steamed buns to eat when I was hungry. My mother always takes away what I'm eating and says, "The meal will be ready in a minute. These things are full. When the meal is ready, will you eat it or not?"

Well, classmate Yinzhen is becoming more and more mother-in-law!

He still robbed my dessert plate. Although I try my best to protect each other, I am not as strong as his. If I don't let him take the plate, he will take it with me.

I watched the dessert plate farther and farther away from my eyes, so I had to pick up his teacup and sip the tea.