Stealing time


I finally met her partner.

Just as I was about to take her back to my hotel room, he appeared. She called him a werewolf.

He is a gentlemanly man. Maybe he just came back from a banquet, wearing a black suit and the diamond cufflinks on his white shirt were shining. His hair was very neatly combed, and the hair on the top of his head shone with the same color as the bar lights.

He is elegant and talkative. No matter where he is, he is the most popular figure in the banquet of the local upper class.

According to the data, he has an extraordinary charm, which can make people who are not familiar with him trust him in ten minutes, as if they have known him for a long time.

These people will talk to him and often unknowingly reveal their home collection information.

He has a wide range of faces, from European royal dignitaries to ordinary rich businessmen in Asia. The collectible position and appreciation he showed in front of them are the reason why people are willing to make friends with him, but they don't know that the more beautiful the animal is, the more toxic it is. This, to some extent, also applies to human beings.

The way she looked at him was complicated. Generally speaking, it should be respect and a little attachment. In addition, there are only a few emotions left. That emotion should be a mixture of tenderness and pain.

Gentle and painful? Taken together, it should be called love!

She loves him?!

He was also gentle when he looked at him, and there was a little reproach and doting in his eyes.

A man who spoils women also has love, right? However, from his eyes, I also saw a trace of resistance. It is like an invisible wall, separating the spiritual realm of the two people.

He resisted? Is it the love that you resist? His resistance is the reason for her pain, right?

He came to her, held her hand, and said slightly, "Why do you run out to play alone again? Didn't I ask you to stay on the island and not run around?"

She concealed her mood, raised her big clear eyes and said, "I'm lonely and bored on the island alone. I just want to come out for a drink."

He looked at her and shook her head slightly. "Is there any wine on our island? Do you still have to come here?"

"It's boring to drink alone!" She lowered her head, and her voice was getting lower and lower.

This woman, a little wild cat with teeth and claws in front of me, became a obedient Hell Kiy.

Is it because of love? Does a woman only show tenderness to the person she loves?

I suddenly feel unhappy in my heart, very strong unhappiness. I don't want to just watch the play anymore. I also want to participate in this play!

I said to the little wildcat, "What did we talk about just now? Ah, I want to invite you to my hotel room to see the night view of the sea, but obviously, "I shrugged my shoulders." The good baby is going home.

The little wild cat stared at me and said childishly, "You are the good baby!"

Only when he is next to him will she show this childish side. Usually, she is a rational and calm woman.

I felt even worse. I said mischieful, "Go, go, good baby, follow your brother home!"

She looked annoyed and said, "Where am I going to ask you to talk more!" I'll go by myself. Don't follow either of you!"

She turned around and walked away, blowing out of the door like a gust of wind.

The werewolf frowned slightly and looked at me for the first time since he entered the door and said, "I know who you are!" You can find a way to catch her people, but don't try to catch her heart. She doesn't belong to you! Don't try to deceive her feelings, otherwise, I won't let you go!"

He also left like a gust of wind.

She doesn't belong to me. Does she belong to you? Then why do you resist?

She began to go out of the island again, so she began to report cases of the theft of jewelry and cultural relics all over the world.

I watched her get it frequently everywhere, sometimes in front of my eyes, but I couldn't do anything about her. As she said, her stealing skills are so superb that she has no time to react.

Several times, I set up the game for a long time and happily watched her trapped in it, thinking that I was going to catch her soon, but she always escaped at the moment before I closed the net.

Perhaps, she knew from the beginning that she just made a plan quietly. When I was proud to think that she had fallen into a trap, she secretly laughed at me.

I'm getting more and more anxious. I want to catch her. She is obviously right in front of me, but she is always a millimeter away. Just like her heart, she is always far away from me.

I don't know what kind of existence she regards me as!

Is it the opponent?

Of course!

Are you a friend?

It's possible!

Is it a lover?

It's just one night!

No one can tell what we are!

That time in Bangkok, Thailand, I watched her come out of the temple where Buddha's relics were stored, followed by the king's guard. She was so bold that she did it when the king went to the temple!

Those bodyguards have received the best professional training in the world and are agile one by one. It is no exaggeration to fight against ten.

She was chased to the edge of a village by such a group of wolf-like bodyguards. Those bodyguards went all the way, and she was in a desperate situation.

My heart suddenly tightened.

I followed her, chased her, and collected evidence that I could issue an arrest warrant for her. I'm going to catch her, watch her in my hands, see her weak begging and fragile tears in front of me. But I don't want her to fall into the hands of others, and I can't let others scare her, torture her, and hurt her.

I don't know what my psychology is. I just think she should belong to me. I want her to be my prisoner, not anyone else.

I took action, and I took action to help her escape. When I drove her to the Thai countryside with my land tiger, I didn't feel weird at all.

The cat helped the mouse escape the pursuit of the dog. It was thought that it would only appear in the cartoon, but it turned out that the cartoon came from real life.

I'm such a cat now, and the mouse next to me is sleeping soundly.

This kind of thing happened to me, and I don't think it's weird at all!

I sent her out of the Thai border. In the jungle of the Thai-Myanmar border, I suddenly asked her, would you like to come with me? Leave this adventurous life, leave this dangerous profession, and leave the disputes in the world. Find a beautiful and simple mountain village here and live a quiet life. If you want, you have to give birth to a bunch of children.

She stopped leaving freely and turned her back to me and said, "This life, no!" Her back trembled, but she immediately straightened up.

I will never forget her figure when she left, just like the smell on her body.

She won't stay for me. To be precise, she refused to change the trajectory of her life for any man, except for the werewolf.

I have tracked her over the years. I have been so familiar with her face, her figure, her character, her joys and sorrows, everything about her. They are deeply engraved in my heart, which can't be worn out. She lives in my heart and makes me unable to get rid of it.

From early morning to sunset, her figure flashed in my mind. Day after day, I looked at the piles of wine bottles as if I had smiled at her.

I want to spend my life peacefully with her. I can't take a rich life, exciting careers, adventurous games, and all the enviable things I have now.

I fell in love with her and couldn't help myself.

She said to me, no!

This life, no!

This life doesn't work, so which life does it work? All I know is that I live my life now.

I went to the temple, the temple where the king worshipped.

I want to seek answers, or the sustenance of the soul.

In front of the famous reclining Buddha, I stood for a long time. I don't know what to pray to the Buddha, and I don't know where to start.

The sun gradually disappeared from the spotless marble floor in the hall, and the light in the hall dimmed.

An old voice interrupted my stunned voice, and said, "Young man, you have been standing here since early morning, but what's the matter that you can't give up or can't let go?"

I looked for the voice. At the door of the hall stood an old monk with white beard and white eyebrows. He was dressed in ordinary monk's clothes, and his figure was pulled long by the last ray of skylight.

From his eyes, I saw through the world's transparency and compassionate love.

I suddenly knelt down and worshipped him devoutly. I told him about my troubles, about her and her partner, about the bits and pieces between me and her...

I asked him, I only live in this life, but she said, "I can't do it in this life." How can I solve this dilemma?

He looked at me compassionately, praised the Buddha's name, and said, "The cause of the past life, the cause of this life. She belongs to him in this life because she owes him in the previous life. You can't ask for it in this life because you hurt her in your previous life. Where is the reason, where is the solution, you still need to tie the bell to untie the bell!"

Previous life? Do people really have a previous life? How can I go to my previous life?

It's not you, it's her. She still has a relationship in her previous life.

So, is she going to her previous life? How to get it?

The soul is possessed, this is life, the soul is separated, and this is death. This life, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other, the other Everything goes with fate, and you can't force it! Otherwise, it will be counterproductive and it will be a loss! Remember, remember...

His figure disappeared outside the door of the temple, and I was still standing silently.

This life and death, this life and death? If she dies in this life, can she live in her previous life?

But if she dies in this life, it's not the same life, can't it?

She began to hide from me, didn't face me, and ignored me when she was followed by me. She used all kinds of means to get rid of my stalking, and I knew that there were so many and ingenious ways to get rid of stalking. It turned out that she used less than one-third of what she used before. The reason why I was able to follow her all the time was that she didn't throw me with all her strength at that time.

It's a little sweet to think so, but now she is trying to get rid of my stalking, which makes me very frustrated. Is she determined that she will no longer have an intersection with me in her life?

How can this work? When I finally decided what I love in my heart and miss her so much?

So, I set up a bureau, a bureau that was too tight to be added.

I prompted Interpol to issue a red envoy, which is equivalent to an arrest warrant, so that she will be hunted down by the local police no matter where she goes. The space she stole was completely squeezed out, leaving only a gap - Malaysia.

I deliberately made a fake demand order, and in order to make it more realistic, I also paid a deposit of $500,000 in advance.

Neither she nor the werewolf saw any flaws, and they really went into the urn.

I couldn't help but be annoyed when I watched them tacitly through layers of vigilance and each other.

She told me that she couldn't do it in this life, because she promised him this life?

Why? I love her and love her no less than a werewolf. Why doesn't she consider sharing her life with me? She obviously likes me too.

If she doesn't like it, she won't give it to me the first time she meets; if she doesn't like it, she won't let me follow her without throwing me off; if she doesn't like it, she won't ask me out to accompany her when there is no one in the mountains; if she doesn't like it

Why didn't you choose me? He is obviously resisting, why did you choose him? Is it true that as the old monk of the Reclining Buddha Temple said, it is because you owed him in your previous life, and I hurt you? In this life, you will pay his debt, and I will pay you back?

The cause of the past life, the result of the present life. I don't want the result of this life, I want to change the cause of my previous life.

The soul is possessed, this is life, the soul is separated, and this is death.

This life and death, this death and that life, cycle back and forth, life and life.

This life and death, this life and death...

The old monk's words kept echoing in my mind, as if the old monk was in front of me, chanting these scripture-like words to me.

I picked up the gun, aimed at her, and put it down again. Chong picked up a smaller-caliber one, and its rate of fire was slower. I have given her enough time to avoid the attack of the bullet. It's up to her own!

If she dodged the bullet, the werewolf in front of her would take over the bullet. To be more precise, I prepared this bullet for the werewolf in front of her.

No one will hesitate at this time, and they will dodging immediately, which is a natural reaction. But she hesitated. She pushed away the werewolf in front of her, but she fell under the gun.

No! I screamed like crazy. If I can, I'd rather recover that bullet, the bullet that makes you unconscious, the bullet that separates us from yin and yang.

I finally succeeded in catching her, but I looked at her pale face lying lifelessly in the hospital every day. I called her name over and over again, calling my little wild cat, hoping that one day she would suddenly open her eyes and ask me, sir, we know...