Stealing time


At that time, I was already in love!

Love can't give up easily. Give up, in the years to come, I don't know what kind of spiritual suffering to suffer!

It's time to miss each other again!

It's okay, tonight, at least tonight, he still belongs to me!

I'm tired of not closing my eyes in his arms. I was afraid that I would fall asleep, so I wasted the last gathering.

It was my own decision to leave him, but the separation was imminent, but it was so hesitant. I can't help but hate my vulnerability and lack of unrestrainedness. Why can't you leave as gracefully as you left the wheat at the beginning? I remember that at that time, I fought against him with high morale!

Is it possible that after these years, people's mentality is old and old? It will no longer be the original spirited and unrestrained!

I love him, but it's hard for me to love him, the most noble man in the world. There are too many women around him, and he has too much freedom to spoil women. Being his woman, no matter how glorious she is in the eyes of outsiders, in fact, she is humble in her heart.

Just because the status of the two is too different.

His relationship with women is similar to that between the emperor and his concubine in the palace.

I don't want to travel through the advantage of women. In fact, it is meaningless under the Qing Dynasty. All the so-called advantages are only valuable by men's favor. But it is an indisputable fact!

Sing a few "** lyrics" that are not recognized by mainstream values, or say a few words of different and arrogant views to win everyone's admiration? That's just the whimsical YY of the little girls. The ancients who are old and strong will only regard that behavior as vulgar and indeced. Of

This behavior may attract perverts without any respect and admiration.

Therefore, if the time-traveling woman wants to gain a foothold beside some nobles, she can only adapt to the values of the world, or adapt to the rules of the game set by these men, instead of trying to change the world and let it run according to the values.

If you stay with Yin Zhen again, you will fall into his world and can't extricate yourself. He will slowly get closer to the people around him, be assimilated little by little, and eventually become what I once hated.

I can't change the rules followed by these noble people, especially the rules of the supreme royal family.

Bafujin in history was a woman who tried to change the rules. She was as noble as her head and finally ended up like that. Because what tries to shake is the interests of the noble people. Compared with those men, even she is humble.

If Yin Zhen is a person with a slightly lower status, it is possible to live with him. It is not easy to change the rules of a clan, but it is much easier to change the habits of a farmer.

But he is not!

Reason and emotion are often contrary. Emotionally, I am very willing to follow Ding Yinzhen and spend my whole life in his love. But there is always a gap between ideal and reality. The only reason left is always reminded that you can't fall into it. Who made him an unlovable person!

Emotions are like poison, which is dangerous and harmful. You can't indulge easily, and you can't accept it easily.

I don't want to sink into a relationship and let myself fall into a doomed situation!

To put it bluntly, I don't believe that Yin Zhen can spoil me like this all his life and never live up to me. Because the rules of the world do not give me any sense of security.

On the last night, I don't want to sleep, and I don't want him to sleep. Keep talking to him, talking about his first acquaintance, to him (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

The first impression of

c, his first love, the first jewelry he gave me, the moment he came back from Rehe, the lingering between the two in Xiaotangshan, and even talked about the fun of our boudoir.

He listened quietly without saying a word. There is a deep smile on the corners of the lips, but the eyes are clear and calm.

After the two people's topics were finished, I talked about others. From the shrewdness of the fourteenth to the foolishness of the old ten, from the calmness of the eighth brother to the coldness of the fourth brother, from the love of the eldest brother, to the strange behavior of the prince...

There is almost no topic, but he still has such an incomprehensible expression.

At that time, I thought he was indifferent. Thinking about it later, he ignored the pain in his eyes that was hidden with insipidness.

He was finally overwhelmed by me. He turned over and pressed me, and also pressed my lips, blocking my mouth that I wanted to continue to talk.

Once again, I was infatuated and affectionate, pushing me into dizziness and confusion again and again. I pestered him greedily, and I didn't want to miss it every minute. He kept muttering: Yin Zhen, love me, don't stop!

I'm talking about the "Yinzhen" that I can put in love in my heart and look at each other equally in the bottom of my heart, not the high-level "Master"!

The last night, let him belong to me for the last night, let me go crazy again...

When the morning light first appeared and slipped in mischievably along the cracks of the window, bringing dark light to the room, making the original dark room gray, Yin Zheng got up.

The two of us didn't close our eyes all night and pestered him all night. Looking at him get up tiredly, he felt a little guilty. Then he got up and served him to dress and wash. I didn't let Xiaolu and Xiao Cui intervene, I did it myself.

In my impression, it seems that I have never served him to get up. It was the first and last time...

Use a hot cotton handkerchief to clean his face, grab his big hand and put it in the basin, and help him wash it carefully. One finger and one finger were washed. The washing was too slow. Xiao Lv showed an anxious look and pretended not to see it.

Yin Zhen let Lie serve him slowly, and let me grab his hand and rub it half.

Finally, Qin Daoran urged him to start outside, only to realize that he hadn't had breakfast yet. His breakfast time was dabbly, so he had to go up with an empty stomach.

He quickly asked Xiao Lv to wrap two pieces for him to eat in the sedan chair, but he waved his hand and turned out.

At the door, he turned around, stared and said, "Isn't it good to follow the fate?" He finally took a deep look at me and turned away.

Do you care about it? If possible, who wouldn't want to? But how can reality let us follow our hearts?

The back of his departure was so unrestrained that it was as cold as water in the morning light.

A picture is fixed in the eyes, and it will not be separated for a long time...

The thirteenth brother is the favorite brother today. He is located in the mansion of the Iron Lion Hutong. The natural area is not small, and his style is not vulgar. The thirteenth brother is full of literature and martial arts, elegant and pleasant, and his mansion also inherits his temperament.

Bamboo hedge yard, rockery bonsai, pavilions, high halls and jade steps, winding paths are secluded, and there are scenery everywhere. It seems simple and disorderly, but the layout design contains essence and dark mechanism.

The thirteenth brother really lives up to the reputation of outstanding talent and ability.

and Lin Fengchi came to the thirteenth brother's house early and were warmly picked up by the thirteenth brother who was waiting at the door. Lin Fengchi and Lin Qianer have long been familiar with the thirteenth brother. Lin Qianer's first appearance was joking with the thirteenth brother in the Pingjun Palace, and there was no sense of strangeness.

Thirteen specially sent servants to accompany Lin Fengchi, and then invited other guests. Today, he is the owner of the master, and he is naturally busy.

His Fujin appearance is not outstanding, but he is better than calmness. Accompanying him, the husband and wife accompanied him and cooperated with him. It is the traditional lady's work that is recognized by the upper class.

Still dealing with the bosom friend and followers of Lin Qianer, who is familiar with him, is not familiar with him or he doesn't know him at all, just like that time in Zhijun's mansion. Of course, Chen Shiduo and Haishan still follow, but now they are no longer the protagonists, because the protagonist is replaced by the fourteenth brother.

He sat beside him and looked at the people around him with unkind eyes, and the others did not dare to make mistakes. They only made peace with him and lost the peace of the past.

This guy is really domineering. He is not close to him, and he looks like "yes". Suppress the impulse to give him two sanitary balls. This is not the Nine Brother's Mansion. In public, it is still necessary to give these brothers face.

While we were talking, Lin Fengchi quietly left the crowd and went out of the living room. Naturally, he is going to arrange our actions today.

And what I should do now is to sit here and attract everyone's attention. But Xiao Shi sat here and made the atmosphere stiff.

I turned my eyes and said, "I have also eaten the old vinegar peanut just now, but I ate it once. In the future, my cheeks will be sour at first sight, and I can't eat it anymore."

Fourteen smiled, and his bright eyes narrowed, and his eyes looked burning. He asked, "Why is that?"

As soon as he was about to answer, he saw the group of brothers coming in, as if everyone was in except for the prince and thirteen. Among them, it also includes Yin Zhen.

When they saw our group, they came here.

After greeting, people all sat down. If there are brothers singing the leading role, I won't participate in it. I tried to fade out of the circle, but was caught by Xiao XIV and insisted on sitting in the center of the circle.

The one sitting on the other side of me turned out to be Yin Zhen. The faint fragrance of rosewood on his body spread into his nose, which made him a little confused. You can't make mistakes now. Hurry up and pay attention to the conversation of everyone.

Their conversation is nothing more than the gossip of some politicians and current attention figures. The princes are also human beings, and naturally they also have people's common hobbies.

They were afraid of water when they went to Fuzhou General Zu Liangbi, who was the leader of the main sailor of the Qing Dynasty. Every time they went on the ship to inspect, they were sweaty, and they did not go into the water like the water. To the stammer of Zhao Hongxie, the governor of Zhili, they said, "This is The stingy side when it's a treat...

I didn't expect that some people's gossip was quite powerful, and they turned out their family background. I smiled secretly in my heart, and I couldn't help smiling at the corners of my lips.

Such a small expression was found by Yin Yu. He smiled at me, which turned out to be amorous. He asked, "Why is Miss Qian'er so quiet today? Why are you laughing quietly?"

Well, he found out. How can I answer? Can you tell him that I'm laughing at their men's gossip?

I didn't know how to answer correctly, but I listened to the fourteen sitting on my right hand side and said, "Yes, Qian'er was interrupted when she was about to eat old jealous peanuts just now. Now let's listen to it!"