Stealing time



I ran quickly. They didn't have much time to give. They had to finish it before the person who was staring at me arrived.

I ran to the toilet behind the corridor where I just met the prince, and as expected, I saw another self in it. No, it was another Lin Qianer.

Liu Niang handed a package to her hand and said, "Miss, you can come and wait for a long time. The young master asked me to tell you that he has arranged everything..."

I interrupted her and asked eagerly, "Where is he now?"

The most urgent thing now is not the action we have arranged, but the danger that is approaching rapidly. Lin Fengchi is in danger now, and Prince Gong may issue an arrest warrant at any time.

She said, "The young master is in the waterside not far from here, and he is ready to pick you up at any time."

When I was about to interface, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Miss Lin, are you inside? Brother, let the maidservant follow you, for fear that you will get lost if you are not familiar with it.

is the maid they sent. Sure enough, it won't give you much time. Find it as soon as you want!

I hurriedly shouted, "Here, you wait for me outside, just in a moment!"

"Yes, Miss Lin!"

Miss Lin? When will you call Lin Daiyu? However, now is not the time to be distracted by this. He grabbed Liu Niang's arm and said eagerly, "The situation has changed. My cousin is very dangerous now. He had to inform him to leave immediately, but he was stared at and couldn't get out.

Liu Niang became nervous and whispered, "Then I'll inform the young master!" With that, he was about to turn around and go out.

I pulled it quickly and said, "Hon! Help those brothers first, attract their attention, and don't let them leave. I will do the matter of informing my cousin. Be careful not to arouse their suspicion. After about a column of incense, they will no longer have time to stare at it, and then take the opportunity to leave!"

I stared into her eyes and said this. She kept nodding to me.

I'm sure she understood and said, "Remember our prior agreement, go out of the city from the south gate, and remember to strictly abide by the agreement!"

She said to me, "Miss, I understand. Liu Niang will definitely do this matter well. Miss, don't worry!"

Just let Liu Niang go out and heard him say to the maid, "Brother, where are you now?"

The maid said, "Miss Lin, my buddy is still in the Yan Pavilion, waiting for Miss Lin to go back..."

The voice drifted away with the sound of footsteps. When I couldn't hear their words and footsteps, I carefully walked out of the toilet.

What came out of the toilet was not the amorous Lin Qianer, but an ordinary-looking little girl. Wearing the uniform of the maid in the house, blue trousers and green shirts, and a wooden trick with hair on his head. There is nothing special except a blue cloth bag on the arm.

I ran eagerly to the water elf, and I couldn't delay a minute or a second at this time.

The water grove is not far from here, but it is a remote place because it is far away from the main road in the garden. A long corridor, lying quietly on the water, in the red railings and green tiles, a white figure stands alone, like the quiet loneliness often expressed in ink paintings.

I ran into the waterside, and the figure quickly came forward.

I stopped in a hurry so as not to hit him in his arms.

He held my shoulder, helped me stabilize my figure, and asked with concern, "Why are you running in a hurry? What's wrong?"

I gasped and said, "Cousin, let's go! You are exposed! Prince Gong and (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c Anlu Village encountered the matter of getting up to appreciate the painting, and it has already been helped. When I went with "Anlu Village" that time, Prince Gong will soon send someone to catch him. Let's go!" While pushing him out, he suddenly said, "Yes, I put on makeup. Why did my cousin recognize him just now?"

He stopped and said, "How can you admit your mistake when you run?"

I said, "Awesome, awesome!" While pushing him out again." Let's go, cousin. There's no time!"

Lin Fengchi stood still. He bowed his head and asked, "I'm leaving. What should you do?"

I said, "Now Liu Niang has stabilized them for me. I've seen it. There is no that thing in the Yan Pavilion. I'm going to the X-Trail Hall to have a look!"

"Everyone in the world knows that Lin Qianer is Lin Fengchi's cousin. If Prince Gong suspects Lin Fengchi, Liu Niang will also be targeted. In case of being captured by mistake, it is very dangerous to stay here, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave at that time. Why don't I go with you now!" Lin Fengchi's eyes were full of eagerness and expectation.

I shook my head and said, "No, our goal hasn't been reached yet. Besides, now Liu Niang can still stabilize them and still has a chance to do it. As soon as you get it, no one will pay attention to Liu Niang, and then it will be easy to get out. What should we do if we leave now?

Lin Fengchi looked at me deeply and said, "Ah, you just think too much about others, but ignore yourself!"

I said, "It's not all for your sake. She knows too much about us. If we are caught, it will be extremely bad for us! The three of us are like grasshoppers tied to a rope. If any one is caught, the other two will also be implicated. The most dangerous situation now is my cousin. Let's go. Everything about Lin Fengchi should be cleaned up, and the servants of Lin's house also need to be evacuated. You don't want hundreds of people in Lin's house to be buried together, do you?

There was a trace of hesitation in Lin Fengchi's eyes, and he added a handful of firewood: "You are a veteran in this industry. You have never missed it. Can't you believe it?"

I didn't use the name of cousin anymore. I'm reminding him that we were originally partners. Before we cooperated with him, we were already a thief. I had been in this industry for many years. If he hesitates again, he is doubting my professional quality.

He pondered for a moment, and there was a trace of firmness in his eyes. He said, "Okay, I'll evacuate the people in Lin's house and pick them up. If the cousin makes a mistake, the cousin will never be alone!"

He turned around and left without hesitation. Is he determined to live and die together, but he is no longer worried?

The breeze on the lake dried some wet eyelashes, wiped them with their hands, and quickly walked to the X-Trail Hall.

The X-Trail Hall is slightly smaller than the eldest brother's martial arts hall, but there is also a large open space in front of the door. It is also a two-story attic, which is separated from the Yan Pavilion and echoes each other.

What is completely different from the hustle and bustle of the Yan Pavilion at this time is that it is very quiet and almost silent. Everyone's attention is focused on the smoke pavilion, right?

There was a bodyguard standing alone at the door. When he saw that he was holding a basin and a rag, he opened the door without saying a word.

For the convenience of leaving for a while, I specially chose an ordinary face to make up, and the bodyguard would even know each other. It seems that the bodyguards in the house are very familiar with everyone, and the shrewd and capable thirteenth brother is really good at governing the house.

X-Trail Hall also locked the door. It seems that there are some treasures in it.

There is nothing to see on the first floor of the X-Trail Hall. It is just an ordinary martial arts hall. Follow the wooden stairs on the side of the hall to the second floor. There are no other exits, only a window to the west. The window is closed, and a ray of dark light leaks through the cracks of the window, so that the almost completely closed room will not reach out.

In the dark light, I saw a full of weapons. Knives, guns, swords, halberd, axes, hooks and forks are like entering a weapons museum. The various weapons displayed here are obviously not comparable to those ordinary weapons on the weapons rack downstairs.

Chunjun, which was stolen from the palace of Zhijun County, was also obvious.

The ornamental value of the weapons here is greater than the use value. Because I will never use a knife inlaid with all kinds of gems on the scabbard to fight against people, let alone take the sword spirit that has already existed between heaven and earth. It only waits for the time of heaven, the earth, people and the three paths to come together to become the sword-shaped sword of Taoism - Taia to kill. Those who know the goods will never do such a violent act.

According to the Book of Yue Jue, the State of Jin once fought with the State of Chu for the treasure of the State of Chu. Just as the capital of the State of Chu was besieged for three years and was about to be destroyed, the king of Chu, who refused to give in, pulled out the sword and pointed to the Jin army under the city. In an instant, the magnificent sword spirit shot out, and the sand and stones outside the city covered the sun, as if there were beasts roaring in it. The soldiers and horses of the State of Jin were in chaos, and the banners were on the ground, bleeding thousands of miles...

The eldest brother and the thirteenth brother are both good brothers, so they also have a special preference for famous weapons. Although many top weapons have been collected, they are still being collected. Therefore, Lin Fengchi slightly "leaked" the information of the two weapons, which led to the business. The eldest brother has coveted Tai A for a long time, but he doesn't know its whereabouts, and the thirteenth brother has long admired Chunjun, and he also doesn't know that it is in his eldest brother's house.

These guys without exception keep their babies shut. As the saying goes, wealth is not revealed, and it is no exception for your own brothers. As a result, Lin Fengchi can do a big business.

Steal the eldest brother's Chunjun and sell it to the thirteenth brother, and then steal the thirteenth brother's Tai'a and sell it to the eldest brother, so that the baby of the Aixinjueluo family can stay in another house, which will help us generate economic benefits. Such a crazy idea can only be figured out by the business control that is full of business opportunities in his eyes!

I reached out and took down Taia, which was displayed in the middle of the room. Its shape is simple and solemn, the whole body is dark, the sword is blunt and clumsy, and it does not show its edge. Such a simple and unpretentious ancient sword, if you don't know it in advance, it's easy to look it off and treat it as an ordinary clumsy old weapon.

I held a sword, and I was so comfortable with it, but I heard the " click" sound. Looking for the voice alertly, the stairs leading to the building were gone, and only a thick iron plate in front of him blocked the passage downstairs.

Organ, this is the organ!

The organ is connected to Taia. Pick up the Taia and touch the organ. Just like the old-fashioned mousetrap, the mouse takes the bait and is caught. Taia is the bait!

No wonder it will work so smoothly! No wonder the defense of the place where Taia and Chunjun's peerless weapons are displayed will be so loose! No wonder the thirteenth brother will completely focus on the Yan Pavilion, but he doesn't care about it!

It turns out that the defense has already been done here!

Thinking of their brother's baby, he usually doesn't show it easily, but now the thirteenth brother shows most of his treasures. He is willing to do this to set a trap for this thief! In order to catch this thief who dares to move the ground on the head of Taisui, they really spare no effort!