Stealing time


Extra Nine (Ninety-nine)

The loss of bracelets by the eighth sister-in-law in the fourth brother's house is still a suspicious case. Although on the surface, Qing Miao, the girl of Sifu Jin, has been guilty, the fourth brother said with great certainty that Qing Miao did not have this ability that day. The fourth brother has always looked at people accurately. Although I am not close to him at ordinary times, I still admire his ability to look at people.

Many years ago, when he talked about me in private, he said that the ninth brother was not in the government, but his ability to rule was not under any of our brothers. At that time, I was just a teenager who didn't show his edge.

Then, if it's not a seedling, it will be...

At the time of the last two cases, Taoer was present.

Is it...

No, don't think about it anymore! I forced myself to suppress this amazing idea again. After all, these are just my guesses and have no basis. And in my heart, I don't want to believe that it is true.

Maybe I want to escape from the bottom of my heart, but I really need more evidence to determine these ideas.

What happened in the 10th and 14th houses made me even more confused.

Two things are obviously a prank. The purpose seems simple. I just want the masters of the two mansions to make a fool of themselves, or I just want the people of the two mansions to make a fool of themselves. The biggest goal is Fu Jin.

Who did the tenth sister and the fourteenth brother-in-law get revenge with? When the idle people can't get along at all, only the people in this circle may form such a beam with them.

The two of them are indeed not fuel-efficient lamps. They still remember their words and deeds against Taoer in the fourth brother's house. It was also difficult for Tao'er to stand it at that time, but she never let anyone else take advantage of it in my house.

Xiao XIV and I came forward to calm down this matter in order not to make the scene too ugly. After all, our brothers are closer than others. How can we make them make trouble and make jokes to others?

Taoer looked at my face at that time and didn't have an attack, but her face smiled so charmingly! Others don't know, but I know very well that this smile is not a joy, but a sign before the outbreak. At that time, she couldn't resist the outbreak, but how could she be so willing to end up with this unlucky nature?

In retrospect, it seems that the target of several people is not good. The eighth sister-in-law's bracelet was lost. At that time, she was so anxious that she didn't care about her face; the fourth sister-in-law lost a dowry maid's ring, and she was also privately dirty by the maid's ring in public. The fourth brother was afraid that she would not give the good fruit; the tenth

Are all things a coincidence? The uneasiness in my heart is becoming more and more difficult to suppress.

Back to the house, I went back to the house for the first time after Cui Yuzhan was lost.

After Qin Daoran strengthened the defense of the house, he called Taoer to the front. She was as insiast of nothing as usual. I gently imposed a foot ban on her. She only raised her eyebrows and took a deep breath.

Is this a sign of dissatisfaction?

She immediately responded to my inquiry with a smile. I care so much about Tao'er's safety. Tao'er is too late to be happy. How can she be dissatisfied?

It's very pleasant to say, but I don't know how true it is and how false it is. She has been wearing a mask in front of me, a lovely and soft mask, but her bones are thorny, stubborn and proud. She and Chunxi have nothing in the same thing except her appearance, including origin, preferences and nature.

Especially the nature! It's almost the right place. Chunxi is gentle and gentle, but she is arrogant, although her face is also covered with a soft mask. Chunxi is like a little sister at home, quiet and sweet, but she is like a swallow flying from afar, lively, happy and jumping. It's not noisy. Most of the time, I just quietly focus on what I'm interested in, but it always attracts my eyes and jumps happily.

I was on duty that day, not for myself, but for Chunxi. He dared to hurt Chunxi, the woman like my little sister. I'm asking for justice for my married little sister.

Bendi should be glad that he was injured by Chunxi. If it were Taoer, I would kill him directly. I won't consider whether he is Cole's or Weng Niute's.

Only after I got to know and get along with Tao'er did we really understand the secret of love. It turns out that my feelings for Chunxi are just the care of a woman like a sister. It is different from the strong feelings of love for Taoer and the desire to live and die.

Taoer is the most special existence in my heart, an existence that no one can match with.

I have been with Taoer for so long, how can I not know her nature? The first time I spoiled her, I saw it clearly, otherwise I wouldn't have to pull out the thorns for her.

She leaned softly into my arms, which was so effective that I almost didn't want to pursue it. But I still raised her chin with my fingers and looked into her eyes. But she lowered her eyelashes, so that I couldn't see the mood in her eyes.

Looking at her big eyes rolling slightly uneasily under her eyelids, I sighed and softened my mind.

I slowly said, "Taoer, remember my words: you can talk to me whatever you want. As long as I have it, I can't bear it. Don't..."

Don't risk doing anything that will make you unable to get out of it! If something goes wrong and I can't save him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Which powerful noble in the capital is willing to suffer losses?

I haven't finished speaking. I hope she can understand my painstaking efforts.

In the evening, when she was intoxicated, let her repeat the three words "remember" over and over again, as if as long as she said these three words, she could really do what I wanted. I know that I am like a childish child at this time, but I can't stop.

I came back a little late these days. Every time Tao Er fell asleep, she was woken up by my action of going to bed. She usually nests in me without saying a word (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in. There are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c continued to sleep in his arms, but today he asked about the investigation of my case.

When she told her that the suspect in the case had been tortured and Huang Ama was shocked to see the thief in person, her body trembled slightly.

Is it just because it's cold? I hugged her tightly and told her: Tao'er would just stay in my master's house as a master. Remember what I said to you. No matter what, I will keep you for the rest of your life, as long as you don't betray me!

No matter what her real identity is, no matter how unacceptable her true face is, it is my peach and the person I regard as a treasure.

She is the peach who still sat on the tree and sang sad love songs at the last moment, but played a prank on the wolf's barking the next moment; she was the one who would begged me for mercy when I was spanked and pitifully told the pain; she was the peach who was drunk and scratched me all over The peach who secretly painted with my tea and tried to slip away after being found; the peach who teased Qin Daoran but had the ability to make this old and quiet; the peach who didn't care about anything when he saw the baby and did not hesitate to show his sharpness in front of everyone; it was the peach who looked at me obsessively and was ......

How can such a lovely and trembling person be willing to hurt her?

I will protect her all my life and not let the world hurt her, as long as she follows me wholeheartedly.

I closed the mechanism in the secret road of the treasure room. That organ is designed to prevent thieves from stealing treasures. Please ask the most intelligent organ of the Qing Dynasty to design it, which is extremely powerful. Even if a person with the highest super martial arts touches the mechanism, don't want to retreat unharmed.

Although it's just a guess, in case Taoer is the thief I want to catch, the purpose of staying in the house is self-evident. The baby in the house is a huge ** for anyone who does this industry. One day, if she finds the entrance to my secret room, she will naturally go in and see what's going on. Once the organ is touched, Taoer will be more and less lucky!

Compared with Taoer's life, what are those babies? Even if it is looted, it is better than Tao'er being injured by a hidden weapon hidden in a secret place.

I told my brother about this, and I have talked to him since I was a child. The eighth brother shook his head and said that he had become a fool to the depths. I have been thinking about Taoer for a long time, but what about Taoer to me?

I don't believe that Taoer is only hidden in the house for the baby in the house. From the obsessive eyes when looking at me, from the gentle attachment to me, from the emotional singing in **, I know that she is not indifferent to me.

Just, will Taoer be willing to follow me for the rest of her life? Turning off the machine is not only to prevent the machine from hurting Taoer, but also to test how deep her affection for me is.

Taoer, don't let me down!

In the thunder, Taoer shrank and stood in the yard. I scolded half dotingly, but she happily bumped into my arms and kissed me boldly regardless of the servants on the side.

"Are you still looking forward to Taoer's transformation? Taoer's transformation is about to run away!"

What she said made me feel tight, and I hugged her tightly. Then the master locked Tao'er with a chain, so that Tao'er could never run away!" My words are half joking and half serious.

"Then the peach can only be disposed of!" I don't care about the seriousness of my words, just take these words as a joke.

Does this mean that she has no defense against me? I felt very happy about this, and I took her back to Changluxuan. When I was eating, I was extremely gentle to her. I picked up vegetables for her, I fed her soup, and kissed her from time to time. She is also tired of being coquettish in my arms. We ate a meal for an hour.

is what people often say about mixing oil in honey, right? I have never felt this way when I was with other people. Taoer, isn't it good for us to live our lives like this?

Life is unsatisfactory. Entertainment is always short-lived.

After dinner, when Qin Daoran brought me the results of the hospital's medicine test, I understood the meaning of these words better.

The bottle of pills Taoer put in the bedside drawer of Changluxuan attracted my attention. The medicine had a cool fragrance. The smell seems familiar.

Many years ago, in the favor dispute case in the palace, someone used this medicine on a nobleman in order to make her unable to conceive a dragon seed. If you hadn't smelled the smell of the medicine, you would never have noticed the small pill called the beauty medicine by Taoer.

Two days ago, I took two pills and asked Qin Daoran to take it to the imperial hospital and asked the imperial doctor to see if there was any problem with the medicine. Today, Qin Daoran brought back the test results of the imperial doctor. The medicine is a complete anti-pregnancy drug from Tongrentang. Its effect is similar to that of Juezi decoction, but it is milder and less toxic than Juezi decoction, but the anti-pregnancy effect is first-class.

Taoer, a woman who has always wanted her to be my child's mother, has been quietly taking pregnancy medicine. I don't want to have a baby for me, I don't want to be the mother of my child! I don't want to be with me forever!

It turns out that it has always been my wishful thinking!

I sat in the chair in frustration, buried my face in the palm of my hand, and I didn't know what to do.

This is a complete confusion. Since I entered the adult year, I have never had a feeling. No matter how difficult it is, you can quickly come up with a countermeasure and deal with it calmly. Today, only today, has this feeling of being overwhelmed and at a loss.

So spoiled, put her on the tip of her heart, take care of her, and don't let her suffer even a slight compet. For her, she snubished other women in the house, including the Wanyan family; for her, under the pressure of Huang Ama, he let the Dong E family live in another courtyard. Dong E 70, Dong E's, ran to Huang Ama and cried bitterly for her; for her, under the pressure of her forehead, I hope that I won't spoil Hold your grandson every day.

I don't know what else I can do to make Taoer follow me wholeheartedly for the rest of my life.

I have never felt such a failure, but the people who take care of me have always wanted to escape. In this way, stab my heart!

It was getting dark. I went back to my study to read the books. Recently, I have accumulated a lot of books to check because of my busy business.

Seeing her, I struggled to keep my face calm and endured without showing any anger. Now I don't know what to do to her. As usual, she sat next to the case attentively, at least on the surface, although she didn't read a word for a long time.

Taoer came behind her gently, hugged me from behind, and rubbed her face against her back. Taoer seldom disturbs me when I read the account book, and she sits quietly on the side every time. It's really boring. I just use that letter paper of one or two pieces of silver to draw or fold things to play with. No matter how much I ruin those letters, I have never disturbed me.

What's going on today?

She tried to hide my doubts, but she saw it so clearly. Does the emotional an abnormalness represent the turning point of the matter?

What do you want to do? Is it possible that such a fragile fate between us will also end? Suddenly, I felt a burst of anger. Does living in my house make her so unwilling to be my woman? At first, it was a robbery, but how did you treat her later? Can't you feel it?

Why, why change everything?

"I don't want to give up! Anyway, Taoer is not a reward for me. My silence made her mistakenly think that she loved the two treasures.

Isn't it for my reward? This is fresh. Isn't it because the baby in the house is stranded in my house?

"Oh? Then why did Taoer talk to his master?

"Tao'er is my favorite, so I'm with him!"

For my lord's favor? I used to be very happy to hear this, but now, with more and more doubts about her true identity, and knowing that she did not want to spend her life with me, this sentence pierced my heart like a sharp thorn.

I didn't laugh angrily. I laughed so much that I couldn't help laughing.

"The little girl is very hypocritical! Obviously, the master robbed her, and he said it as if he volunteered to follow the master.

My hit the nail on the head made her a panic. However, Taoer is Taoer. She quickly calmed down and flattered me with "handsome and romantic".

Hmm, I don't hear much of these words? If you say it sincerely, you will naturally be happy. But at this time, the drooping eyelashes and the flash of panic were calling her to be insincere.

Is the little girl playing scheming with me? I'm afraid it's still a little tender!

"Whether you are willing or unwilling, anyway, for the rest of your life, except for following me, don't do what you want! Otherwise... Taoer has never seen me angry. I promise that you won't want to see it!"

She stroked her pinched chin and looked at me in a timulity. You've never seen this side of the master, have you?

For a long time, I have carefully faced my women with a gentle side and didn't want to scare them. The struggle, darkness and blood in men's world are not what women can bear.

At this time, it's not to scare her. She should know what she is doing and what will happen if she touches my bottom line.