Stealing time


The injury on the back is getting better very quickly. Although it hurt a lot at first, it was a skin injury. Xiaohe supervises me to drink medicine on time every day, and I can't open it. Every time, I have to watch me drink every drop of medicine.

I was a little annoyed, but Xiao He said, "Master, don't make it difficult for me," so I had to swallow my anger.

It's unspeakable for me to lie down in ** and drink medicine every day. It's not only the bitterness of medicine, but also the fact that you can't do anything. It's boring.

Fortunately, Xiao He accompanied me and often told me some gossip inside and outside the house, otherwise, it was really isolated from the world. In that case, I will be far away from death.

Xiao He's gossip content is all about. Mother Liang of Qiyuezhai fought with Mother Sun of Lanxiangyuan. Mother Liang, who had always been tough, was beaten on her face by Mother Sun. Xiaoyue, the maid in the kitchen, had a rendezvous with the doorkeeper. She was punished by Mother Tan to kneel at both ends of the pond, so that they were far away from each other, but Egg, the mother cat in the third brother's house is called Chun..., wait, wait, wait, it's different.

Listening to this content, I can't laugh or cry. The ancient working people deserve our admiration not only their diligence and wisdom, but also their strong gossip spirit.

However, when it came to the topic of Yin Zhen and the people in the house, Xiao He cherished his words as much as gold. This kind of topic is always "inadvertently" changed by Xiao He. Is it because my relationship with Yin Zhen has become a fire, I'm afraid that it will make me sad when I mention him, or is there something else to hide from me?

Actually, she doesn't have to.

It will be sad, and it will still be sad if no one mentions it; if it won't be sad, it doesn't matter if you mention it every day. Our relationship has come to this point, and it doesn't change whether we are sad or not. I won't get into the tip of the horns and worry about myself. I have never been a Lin sister who likes sad spring and autumn and tears all year round. I just have many dreams at night and occasionally wake up from nightmares. Other than that, everything is normal.

Yin Zhen is a young and strong man, and it is normal to need a woman. Now I'm not his concubine, so I won't care whether he has spoiled others recently. If Xiao He hesitates for a reason, it is even more unnecessary.

On the contrary, I am more concerned about the news that Fu Jin and Xiaoping have been produced one after another. Both lives are girls, and there is only one day difference. Fujin is in the front, and Xiaoping is in the back.

As a result, there are finally big grids and two grids in the ninth master's house.

I thought that the house would hold a big banquet for this as a celebration. To my surprise, Yin Zhen was very low-key this time. Not to mention a big banquet, he didn't even have a lantern. When the child was one month old, he only symbolically gave a few red eggs to his servants, which added some joy to the scene.

The direct Fu Jin finally became the first person in the house to give birth to a child. I heard that he was quite arrogant recently, and spit out the suffocation that had been left in the other courtyard a few months ago. The other women in the house are more or less poisoned. Among them, the one who was most poisoned and the least angry was the Wanyan family, so there was a war between Mammy Sun and Mammy Liang.

I heard that there have been a lot of fights in the house recently, but the ninth master ignored it. He stood by and didn't help each other.

I listened to Xiao He's report and rolled my eyes. So calmly watching a woman fight for him? I don't know if it's a good person's life. Only the ninth master will pay attention to it!

However, those have nothing to do with me. I just need to be quiet here.

Because of me, I was assigned to another hospital. It is reasonable to have the deepest hatred for me. I don't know why I haven't come to me to show off my power.

Ten days later, the trauma on my body was basically healed. Finally, I don't have to drink that kind of soup like bitter gall, and I'm still a little happy in my heart. Replace the plaster with a white ointment. Xiao He said that this medicine was expensive. It seemed to be a long-lost ancient recipe. I don't know how it was dug out by the ninth master.

I laughed it down. If it's hard to tell the true from the false, I never bother to think too much. Anyway, now my body no longer belongs to me. I can use whatever they ask me to use.

"Xiao He, why have you been there for so long?" I looked at Xiao He, who had just entered the room and ran out of breath, asked.

"Waiting for Xiao Wu, he just came back." Xiao He said as he tried to breathe.

I frowned, "Is there something wrong with my mother's house?" Xiao Wu went to Liu Chuntao's house to see my parents and brothers, and I entrusted him.

Although Yin Zhen promised to let him go, he didn't know what to do after all. He still had to see it to be relieved.

It was estimated that Xiao Wu was coming back soon, so he asked Xiao He to go to the door to meet him. I didn't think Xiaohe had been there for so long.

Xiao He took the water I handed over and was not in a hurry to drink it, but said first, "Don't worry, master. The whole family is fine. After a few days, the eldest young master and the second young master were all injured. Madam's cough and asthma are much lighter. Don't worry, master!"

"Xiao He, don't be the master in the future. The master's name is, I'm not a master now."

Xiaohe said, "You treat Xiaohe well, and Xiaohe remembers it in his heart. No matter what others say, you will always be Xiaohe's master.

The girl was really stubborn. She corrected it several times and didn't listen, so she had to go with her.

"Why did Xiao Wu come back late?" I knew that Yin Zhen did keep his promise and let the Liu family go before he was relieved to ask about other things.

Listening to my question about Xiao Wu, Xiao He came to his senses and said, "On the way back, when Xiao Wu passed the vegetable market, he saw a killer. It is said that it was a great beauty who was killed, which attracted a lot of people to watch the scene. Surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, Xiao Wu came back late because of this.

Huh? I felt a little uneasy in my heart.

Isn't the autumn decision implemented in this era? The person sentenced to beheading will not be executed until the autumn of each year, because autumn is the withering of everything (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine version to read!)

c Zero's killing season, only autumn execution is in line with God's will. There are also strict provisions in the law, that is, except for felony such as conspiracy, other death penalty laws are enforced from the frost to the winter solstice. It's not this time yet, how can there be beheading in public?

Xiao He didn't know the doubts in my heart. Her gossip broadcast continued to eutter: "I heard that the beauty was so beautiful that she attracted all her brothers. She went to several, and even the prince went to see half of them!"

The uneasiness in my heart is deepening. Even the prince has gone? The woman who is interested in the prince...

I sat up straight and asked her, "Who is that woman?"

"Xiao Wu was far away and didn't see it clearly, but he saw Xiao Chunzi, the eldest son of the fourteenth brother. I heard him say that the woman was a thieve and used to go to and from the capital. It seems to be called Lin or something. I don't remember. Oh, by the way, I heard that the woman has a beautiful mole on her face, which is so charming!"

"Plap", the lid of the teacup in my hand fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

It's Lin Qian'er, and Lin Qian'er was beheaded!

Lin Qianer's ending was expected, and there was nothing to be surprised about. However, I'm still surprised, because my genuine Lin Qian'er is still living well! So, who is the beheaded Lin Qian'er? Who will be my scapegoat and die for me, the genuine Lin Qianer?

I was paralyzed in the chair, my thoughts were confused, and I didn't hear the noise outside the door.

It took me a lot of effort to take back my mind and asked, "Xiao He, when will Master Jiu come back?" I want to see him."

I have a vague answer in my heart, but I'm not sure. Ask for clarification.

Xiao He was about to answer, but he heard disdainful words from outside the door: "Well, they have been demoted to slaves and maidservants, and they still want to seduce the master all day long. The fox spirit is the fox spirit!"

With the words, the door was pushed open, and a large group of fancy women poured in. Walking at the forefront is the direct blessing of Jindong E.

The two guards guarded the door in a good posture of stopping, but they did not dare to touch any woman's body at all. Who dares to touch the woman of the ninth master? Therefore, a large group of women still flocked in.

Maybe because of the birth, Fujin's body is much fatter than before, with beads and a double chin. It can be seen that the confinement is sitting well, and there is a lot of supplements.

Followed by Xiaoping, both of them are accompanied by several maids, and two of them are holding babies in their arms. It seems that they are their children who are just one month old.

Is it to show me to bring such a small child? I swept around with my eyes, Wanyan, Zhaojia, Zhu, Song, Zhou... Almost all the women in the house came. Is it to see the miserable appearance of me, a woman who was once favored by the ninth master, but now demoted to a slave, right?

I'm not surprised that so many people have come.

Once the favor of their men, I have already become the public enemy of all the women in the house. Now there are a lot of jokes to read. When the direct blessing is called, the responders are naturally gathered.

It's a human thing.

But they forgot that now this woman is no longer a threat to any woman, and their opponents should be among them. Alas, stupid people always can't find the target and are easily led by the nose as a gun.

In the face of this group of menacing women, I kept the sitting posture before they came in and looked at them with indifferent interest to see how they wanted to torture me, the next woman.

"Bold! Seeing Fu Jin, how dare you not kneel down and salute!" The voice was made by the maid beside Fujin. Looking at the familiar face, my mind was moved, and I finally remembered it. My name is Qiaoer, and she is the dowry girl of Fujin. That time when I hit Xiaohe, I was slapped in the face when I asked for justice for Xiaohe.

Kneeling down is the maidservant's gift to the master. Qiaoer is reminding me that I am now a maidservant.

I smiled at Fu Jin and said, "Fu Jin, the ninth master is degrading Chuntao as a slave, but he also asked Chuntao to take care of his wounds first. Chuntao has an injury on his body, and it is inconvenient to salute Fujin. Please forgive him.

Today, I came to torture and vent my anger. Even if I knelt down and saluted her respectfully, she would not be kind to me. Since you can't avoid this torture, why kowtow to her?

Regardless of Fujin's blue face and the annoyance that Qiaoer was ignored by me, I picked up the uncovered teacup and took a sip of tea gracefully. He said, "It's simple here. If you don't dislike it, please sit down. Alas, there is no good tea here, but I also want to express my welcome to the arrival of Fujin. Xiao He, give tea to Fujin.

It's not just simple here. There are only two chairs in total. If you sit one by yourself, there is only one chair left. Therefore, although I enthusiastically gave up my seat, these women still have no place to sit. Except for Haofujin, who sat down, the others were still standing awkwardly.

The attitude of

shows that the group of people, including Fujin, are not taken seriously at all. Probably I didn't expect that a woman who had been demoted to a slave could be calm and treat them as guests. People stood there and looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes to Fujin at the same time.

Fu Jin also had some slaps at the beginning, but he soon calmed down. He patted the table beside him and shouted, "Unbridled! A degraded slave and maidservant dared to pretend to be the master. Not only did she not salute the masters, but she also called the maidservant and the master's prestige. Who gave you so much courage?"

The corners of my lips are slightly upturned. Um, that's right. There is also a little bit of direct fortune, which is enough to scare other women in the house. Unfortunately, marriage is a little bolder than other women.

"Yo, Fujin, don't be angry. He has been favored by his master! Although it's just a hen that can't lay eggs, they can't see anyone else in their eyes!" Of course, the one who said this was Xiaoping, who had laid eggs.

I sneered in my heart, a hen that can't give birth to eggs? This metaphorical image! Yin Zhen has been spoiled for so long that he hasn't had a half. Compared with being spoiled by others several times, it is definitely a failure. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to the door with their children today.

But Xiaoping forgot that among the women here, there is no egg, and there is more than one marriage. I'm afraid this will be endless in the future.

"Come on, take down the fox charming who shamelessly seduces the master!" Fu Jin finally spoke.