Stealing time

132 spit out fast

Yin Zhen reached out and grabbed my hand holding the porcelain piece. I suddenly forgot to resist and let him pull the porcelain piece away from my hand and throw it away.

He held my wrist tightly and wouldn't let go even if I didn't resist at all. His eyes stared at me, and his anger, resentment and anger came out of the cold eyes. His eyes were obviously cold, but I saw red flames beating there.

I'm a little scared. I ** my wrist, trying to break free from his control, but in vain. His hands are like iron pliers.

After getting out of danger, Dong E came to his senses and cried loudly to throw himself into Yin Zhen's arms, but was pushed aside by Yin Zhen mercilessly. He didn't even glance at her. He said coldly, "Qin Daoran, Fu Jin has just finished giving birth and is weak. How can he see the wind? This is the incomfliability of the servants around him. Let's go on, the maid who is waiting for you, each of them is on the 20th board! Fujin needs to rest for a month, can't go out of the room, let alone step out of the hospital!"

HOHO~~, is this to let her rest or ban herself?

Before I could figure out other people's problems, my own problems came. Yin Zhen pulled my arm, turned around and left. As he walked, he said in a bad tone, "Other people's problems have been solved. Now it's time to talk about your problems!"

His pace is so big that I can't keep up at all. But being pulled by him, I had to stumble and follow him. I was pulled all the way back to Changluxuan by him.

I haven't been here for a long time, but the fragrance of rosewood still makes me feel familiar. It's just an empty case and Dobaoge, which seem to silently accuse me of my escape, which makes me feel ashamed.

Yin Zhen shook his arm and threw me to the ground. The inertia made me lie back on the carpet.

The perception of danger makes me sit up reflexively. I want to get up immediately and try to stay away from the source of danger.

Before I could stand up, Yin Zhen had already stood in front of me. He half squatted, leaned forward slightly, grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and stared at me fiercely.

"Is that how you want to escape? Don't miss every opportunity? Remember what did you promise me? As you said, this life is my master's! Did you regret it so soon? Huh? You little liar!" With his vicious tone, the strength of his men became heavier and heavier, and my shoulder pain was unbearable, and I screamed.

"Ah, shoulders, bones are going to break!"

He relaxed a little and still said in a bad tone, "Do you have to break the bones of your hands and feet so that you don't escape?" If so, I will never fail to do it!"

I leaned back and let my shoulder get rid of his palm. I rubbed my still painful shoulder and said, "What helps me escape is my hands and feet, but what I really want to escape is my heart. Unless my heart is dead, I will always want to escape!"

The fire in Yin's eyes was so great that he said loudly, "Why? Why can't you stay here in peace? Why do you have to run away?

I looked at his angry face and said calmly, "Because you are a brother and a royal man. There are too many rules in your royal family, and I am a person bound by irregularities.

He snorted coldly and said, "When did you bind you with rules? You don't like to go to the palace and don't like to show up, so don't have a name. Don't you also follow you? How many times did my mother mention you and want you to go to the palace to accompany her?

It turned out that Concubine Yi had been thinking about letting me go to the palace. He knew that I didn't like it and blocked it for me without mentioning it to me.

But that's not enough!

"I don't like that you royals all have three wives and four concubines. You want to pass on the family and spread the branches and leaves, but you attract a group of women to fight for a man, and live in the painful emotions of jealousy, hatred and suspicion every day!"

"You royal status is respected, and the world is the only one. You can get everything you want, money, rights, women, and a luxurious life. Grab it as long as you want, no matter whether others are willing or not! Who let all of them be your royal family? Isn't Liu Chuntao robbed into the house by him like this? Isn't it the same when you are imprisoned here now?

Yin Yan looked at me quietly, and the anger in his eyes gradually faded, replaced by a thoughtful look.

"You are the richest people, but also the poorest. You are so poor that you don't even have the family, friendship and love that ordinary people have. You can't enjoy the happiness, the friendship of friends, the love of couples. You are the poorest, and you are poor!"

Since the gate was opened today, I simply poured all the words out. I've been stuck in my heart for a long time, and I'm very depressed. Now I just want to vomit quickly. What will happen?

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)


"And you kill people, and you often shout to fight and kill. Qing Miao said that if he was executed, he would be executed; Xiao He was almost killed by Fu Jin's order; and the niece of Uncle Cai's family; and..., they are all living people, and they are the young lives of their aunts!"

I stretched out my hands and put my palms up. I looked at my hands that I couldn't be more familiar with, and suddenly felt a little strange.

"I'm just a thief. These hands never kill people, but now they are stained with blood." I shook my head and suddenly remembered something. I asked, "Well, and Lin Qian'er, who is the one who was beheaded?" I stopped and stared at him with good eyes, trying to hear a reassuring answer.

"Hmm, what are you talking about?" Yin Zhen, who had been listening to what I said quietly, suddenly said harshly, "Lin Qian'er is Lin Qian'er. Who else can she be? If you dare to bully the royal family, the crime is so great that it has been punished. Don't mention a name again in the future!" His tone was harsh and his attitude was very strong.

I was stunned. Although he was domineering before, he had never been so fierce to me. Obviously, this matter is extraordinary. If he doesn't say it, he won't let me mention it? Could it be that I guessed it?!

Tears rolled down from the eyes uncontrollably.

Liu Niang, Liu Niang, I hurt you! If I hadn't insisted on letting you get involved, you wouldn't have fallen to this point!

Recalling half of Liu Niang's face with a birthmark, he stared at his slightly pale hands and felt that the red wound on his finger that was worn during the laundry yesterday was expanding, from a small circle the size of a small nail cap to a copper coin. In the blurred eyes of tears, its edge seems to be spreading around, getting bigger and bigger. It extends to the whole palm and to the other hand that is side by side. The color of the hands changed from light to dark, and finally turned into blood red, like two bloodthirsty claws...


I screamed and rubbed hard on the carpet with my hand. The rough wool fiber scraped the slender fingers and delicate palms of my hands, but I couldn't feel the pain. I continued to wipe it hard. I wanted to wipe off the blood stains on my hands. But why does it seem to be more and more? The red on the palm is getting clearer and more real?

"Don't wipe it!" Yin Zhen grabbed my two hands separately and said harshly, "They have been scratched!"

" Let go, leave me alone! They are already dirty. You have to wipe them clean!" I shouted and shook my arm, but I couldn't break free from his grip.

He took me to his arms and picked me up. He said, "It's not all as you think. Calm down and listen to me. That's not Liu Niang!"

Isn't it Liu Niang? There was a glimmer of light in my confused thoughts.

"Who is that?" I asked with hope. I asked.

"It's a death row prisoner." He said with a blank face.

"Let me see Liu Niang!" I can't believe it until I see Liu Niang's safety with my own eyes.

"No way!" He categorically refused.

"You lied to me!" I said coldly.


"Then why don't you let her see me?" I am pressing step by step.

"It's inconvenient now. I'm going to let her see her when it's convenient."

When he said this, his eyes flashed, which aroused my suspicion.

"What's the inconvenience? She was caught in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and you are the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice!"

"Don't ask too much about women. It's inconvenient, it's just inconvenient!" He took two steps and carried me to the bedside.

The shelf of identity was picked up by him again. When he was guilty, this was always the best shield!

"I don't believe it, you're lying to me!"

"It's better to believe it, or you're looking for trouble!"

"Well, I won't believe it. What can't you do, you nobles? You won't care about the life and death of an innocent person! I don't believe it. I don't want to stay with people like you. I must leave. I will keep running away, running away, running away... I will always succeed!" I said it very firmly.

He can prevent me for a while, but he can't prevent me for a lifetime!

My resolute determination completely angered him.

His face changed, and his charming eyes now emit the light of destruction. His chest was undulating, and his breathing became heavy. He stared at me with red eyes and said fiercely, "Do you still want to escape?" But your life is mine. You can't escape from me for the rest of your life!"

He threw me to **, leaned over my struggling body, and freed a hand to take out a very delicate golden chain from the bedside table, which was very smooth and delicately made, each with carved flowers on it.

My pair of eyes that were looking for treasure anytime and anywhere were attracted by it for a second, only to find that Yin Zhen had locked one end of the chain on the bedpost outside the end of the bed, and the other end was going to be put on my left ankle!

I stopped struggling and stared at the beautiful gold chain tightly tied to my white ankle. The oval chain ring of Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum engraved with different shapes in turn contrasts with the white and delicate skin on the feet, which is beautiful, luxurious and decadent. It is a unique and exquisite chain decoration in the world. If I saw it in the store, I would not hesitate to buy it. Unfortunately, it is now a shackle that imprisons my freedom.

Yin Zhen let go of me, stood by the bedside, and looked down condescendingly. For a long time, he said, "Do you like it? This is the best craftsman I found, specially made for you with ten catties of gold and platinum. As I said before, if you dare to escape, I will lock you in chains. You have probably forgotten that you will challenge my bottom line again and again! I have to lock you up so that you can never escape!"

"I'm a bastard! Let go of me!" I'm mad. He actually tied me like a pet dog with a chain! I'm not a pet or a dog, I'm alone! And people can't be tied like this!

Crazyly pulling a beautiful but frightening chain, looking for the lock hole that can open it, but find that it is in vain!

The chain with a thick little finger is very strong, and it will not be deformed no matter how you pull it, and the small gold lock engraved with a hibiscus pattern can't find the lock hole at all.

"Don't want to break free from the chain. Although it is thin, even a horse can't break free from its bondage. Don't want to use your stealing unlocking skills to open the lock. Since I want to lock you, it won't let you have the possibility to open it. I won't do the stupid things that make me laugh and be generous! You are ready to be locked up for a lifetime!"

He said a few words proudly and turned around and left.

I stared at his leaving back, and my mind was full of chaos.

Do you really want to be locked here by him for the rest of his life? Staying in this cage-like room, I have not seen the sun or been blown by the wind for many years. I can't feel the freshness of spring, the prosperity of summer, the richness of autumn, and the peace of winter. Do you want to be imprisoned and raised here like a prisoner and a pet, and finally moldy and rotten here?

No, never!

I wanted to escape from this golden cage, so I only designed a careful plan for more than a year. From stepping on the survey, to designing an action plan, from launching a double, to arranging an escape plan. How much effort and how much price have been paid, how can we get such a result? Not only did he not get rid of this cage, but he was even tighter!

No, I will never give up!