Stealing time

154 Name

comes with the reward, and Kangxi's name. Rice was named "Hongzheng" by Kangxi, which is a very bold name. To everyone's surprise, Xiaomi was also named by her grandfather. Only the emperor's grandson has always been given a name by Kangxi. In each brother's house, the girl has never been named by Kangxi.

Kangxi gave Xiaomi the name "Yonghui". "Hui" is a girl's name that the ancients like to use, which indicates the virtuous virtue of the girl after she grows up. But looking at Xiaomi being so trick-or-or-treating since she was a child, I'm afraid she will fail her grandfather's pain

Concubine Yi pulled me into the inner room. She looked at the two sleeping little things and said, "The two little ones are really adorable. You and Yinzhen are so in love that you have these two children. I don't know how many others I envy!"

I'm afraid that Concubine Yi doesn't fully understand what happened to me and Yin Zhen. I laughed and said nothing.

Concubine Yi said again, "Yin Zhen has been arrogant and capricious since he was a child, never knowing how to tolerate, and never bowing his head to anyone. If he is hot to a person, he will burn like a fire. If he is cold, he will be cold to the bone. The extreme nature really worries me. How can this royal court tolerate capricious behavior? Therefore, many years ago, I thought about finding a reliable woman for him, being by his side for me, and often persuaded him. But... Alas, God doesn't follow people's wishes!"

God doesn't follow people's wishes? She's talking about Chunxi, right? Chunxi and Yin Zhen have been childhood sweethearts since childhood, and they are also relatives of Concubine Yi's family. They often go to the palace. It can be said that Concubine Yi grew up. Concubine Yi should also be quite satisfied with her, right? I expected her to marry Yin Zhen in the future and take care of him beside him for her, but unfortunately, she was defiled by Bandi and had to marry to Mongolia.

Concubine Yi really knows Yin Zhen's nature very well. Isn't it Yin Zhen's temper? His heat to me almost burned the two of us together; and his indifference to Fujin also made her freezing, right?

Feeling the deep affection of Concubine Yi's care for her son, I said, "Don't worry, mother, Yin Yu is now not as young as before. In the court, business, inside and outside the house, you can stand alone and do things in a very measured way. You don't have to worry so much anymore."

She clapped my hand and said, "Well, that's true, but I always have to worry about my children. Although he has grown up and can control his nature a little, but the so-called country is easy to change, his nature is difficult to change, and he can't show it at ordinary times. At the critical moment, it is still easy to lose his nature. She looked at the void and said quietly.

Mothers can't let go of their worries about their children. I was about to persuade her to relax again, but she came to her senses and said to me, "Now it's all right. I can see that Yin Zhen is very careful about you. If that's the time, I'm afraid he can only listen to your words. The child was romantic and sentimental in his early years, but now that he has you, he has changed his sex. I'm really happy for him. Taoer, promise your mother one thing and treat him well for the rest of your life! You don't know that for a while last year, he was depressed and depressed. It was heartbreaking to see..."

She said that the two of us had the most quarrel last year, right? Because of me, her son was depressed and decadent, which made her worry. I feel quite guilty about her.

I lowered my head and didn't know how to answer.

I can't respond to her, because I don't even know where my tomorrow is, so how can I promise for the rest of my life?

I have always adhered to the belief in the pursuit of freedom. But recently, I have become more and more confused. I'm getting more and more confused. I watch a pair of children grow up with my beloved every day in the house. Compared with the vast and free life outside the house, which one do I want more?

I'm getting more and more contradictory and hesitant, and I don't know what to do. I am struggling with my original ideals and reality, and I am trapped in the net carefully woven by myself and Yin Zhen. Not only myself, but also Yin Zhen was trapped in it, but he was still happy to weave deeper and deeper nets, and did not worry about the consequences of falling into it at all.

Rice and millet are getting rounder and rounder. The little face is no longer wrinkled, and the round face and drooping chin always make people want to bite and tease. The little arms and calves are also round, like lotus root joints.

Twins are always smaller than other children when they are born, but after two months of careful feeding, they are no smaller than other children. It should be my modern methods of parenting and early education that have played a role. Touching, swimming, toys, and talking to them have a good effect on children's nervous system, motor system and intellectual development. Although some functions are not visible now, I believe that if you persist in the long run, it will definitely appear.

Yin Zhen is full of curiosity about me playing with children with these novel moves. He always looks at me with interest, teases the child with me from time to time, and realizes the happiness of being a father. When the wet nurse pointed out that the new parenting method was not in line with traditional concepts, Yin Zhen was always on my side. He was completely trusting me, even a laissez-m.

Unfortunately, I don't have much milk. Breastfeeding has lasted for a month, and it really can't continue.

This month, I drank countless soups for two little things. Obviously, I had no appetite and tried my best to pour it into my stomach. I was so flind at the sight of the soup. The most discouraging thing is that drinking for a long time doesn't have much effect. I decided not to compete with it anymore and drink all kinds of tonic soup for milking. I simply stopped breastfeeding in person, so that the nurse could fully shoulder the burden of breastfeeding.

Since I was in confinement, I began to practice yoga every day. It's been a year since I was caught by Yin Zhen, and I haven't practiced it once. At first, I couldn't practice because I was tortured and chained. Later, when I got pregnant, I couldn't practice.

Regaining yoga is not as smooth as I thought. At the beginning, it was really frustrating. The joints are stiff, the ligaments cannot be pulled open, and the balance ability is backwards. You can only be a novice, start from scratch step by step, start with the simplest actions, and deepen the difficulty little by little.

After a month of hard work, the flexibility and flexibility of joint ligaments have been basically restored, and the balance ability has also been strengthened.

After Xiao He and Xiao Lv, I began to practice again. The left foot is independent, the right foot is against the root of the left leg, and the hands are folded over the top of the head. Yoga (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

The tree in c is the most practice for people's balance.

As soon as the action was in place, the door was pushed open.

Who is

? I turned my back to the door and couldn't see. I guessed in my heart that it could not be Xiaohe and others, because every time I came back to this practice room, I was forbidden for them to come in and disturb them. I don't want them to make a fuss about my strange movements, and I don't want anyone to disturb my practice by walking around. Practicing yoga requires peace of mind.

Slowly put away this action, turned around and saw Yin Zhen looking at me with a curious face. Alas, these princes never know how to respect other people's privacy, and they don't have the habit of knocking on the door before entering the house!

Since he found out, I don't have to hide it anymore. I leaned over the carpet and continued to practice. Lie on your stomach, stretch forward with one hand, grab the ankle on the same side with the other hand, and roll up the body with the strength of the backrest and lumbar muscles for half a minute, and put it down.

"What is Taoer doing?" Yin Zhen finally couldn't help being curious and asked.

"Practice, yoga!" I answered, while rolling up my body again, this time I grabbed my ankles with both hands at the same time. This action requires not only the strength of the back muscles and psoas muscles, but also the strength of the abdominal muscles.

"Why do you practice this?" He took two steps closer and squatted down to ask.

I put down my ankle, lay on the ground, adjusted my breathing, and took a rest.

"Practice this to make your body thinner and make your body softer and more flexible." I turned over.

"It's no wonder I've lost a lot of weight these days. It turned out to be the effect of practicing yoga." As he spoke, he continued to approach.

"Of course!" Sweating profusely every day, in August, when the autumn tiger is raging, you can practice for nearly an hour. Can the effect not be significant?

I got up, knelt on the ground with one leg, raised the other leg, and said, "After another month of practice, I should fully recover from my previous slimness. Although he is much thinner on his waist now, he still has a lot of meat on his stomach.

I raised an arm and was ready to do the next move, but I felt a solid body on my back. One arm hugged my waist, and the palm of his hand slid down to my lower abdomen. "Really, let me touch it and see if it will be reduced again..."

The warm breath blew on the neck behind my ears, and the itchy and subtle feeling was like a delicate silk affecting every ** cell in the whole body. I shrank my neck and tried to hold back the trembling of my whole body.

The slightly rough palm rubbed my lower abdomen, touching almost every inch of my skin. With the movement of his palm, a strange feeling rose in his lower abdomen. The long-lost feeling was so familiar and strange that I almost said it softly.

The big palm extends its sphere of influence up and down. The body that had not been touched for a long time was so un teased that my limbs were so soft that I could hardly hold my body. I couldn't help moaning and said with my last reason, "No, no!" The voice of escaping from the throat trembled, gentle and lingering, not like refusing, but like seducing.

's refusal really failed to stop him, and his body was pressed down. The already soft limbs were overwhelmed, and the lower part was soft, and he was pressed tightly under his face down.

His body was so heavy that I was pressed under him that I couldn't move at all. I couldn't even breathe, so I could only turn my face and say to him with difficulty, "Don't touch me, I'm practicing yoga..."

My side head gave him a chance, and he bowed his head and kissed me.

My limbs were pressed under my body and I couldn't struggle at all. My face was pressed on the carpet and I couldn't move. This posture is like the fish on the cutting board, which is slaughtered by others, and the guy who weighs on me is the knife, who is begging me.

I don't know how long he kissed him, but his neck was sore, his head was dizzy, and the air in his mouth was drained by him. He couldn't breathe and almost suffocated.

Before he was completely suffocated, he let go of my lips. While he raised his body slightly, I turned my head to the other side and relaxed the stiff neck. I lay on the ground and gasped. Even if he let go of me, my body was motionless and soft on the ground.

He bent down and smiled in my ear and said, "The little female wolf is still not good. I faint when I kiss her."

I buried my face in the carpet and didn't want him to see my red face. He got up a little and turned my body over. My face was exposed to him unobstructed, and my red cheeks, blurred eyes, and dazzling eye waves showed these emotional signals in front of his eyes.

I raised my hands shyly and wanted to cover my face with my hands, but he grabbed me by the wrist. Although he only used one hand, his hand was like iron pliers. Although my hands struggled hard, I couldn't break free from his clamping in any way.

Because of hard force and shame, my face turned redder, my chest kept fluctuating, and my breathing was short.

No matter how I struggle, he is as steady as Mount Tai, motionless. He bent his lips slightly and looked at me like a fish falling into the net. He kept tossing and jumping, but finally he could not escape the fate of being captured.

I struggled until I was exhausted, and my arms were soft and I couldn't exert my strength before I stopped struggling. He smiled and whispered in my ear, "Baby, you look really good when you are shy and struggling. I wanted to watch it for a while, but unfortunately, your strength is so small that you will be weak for a while."

Ah, this fox! Just now, he just grabbed my arm but didn't move me. It turned out that he wanted to see me struggling and see that I was powerless and helpless under his control!

This pervert!

I'm ashamed and annoyed, and I'm furious. You, you are a whore! You are sanctimonious, and you are well-dressed..."

What I was going to say continuously was blocked by his suddenly lowered lips, which only turned into a series of "woo-woo" protests.

Gradually, the protest became smaller and smaller, and the tone became softer and softer, and finally turned into an emotional moan.

His hand reached out to my skirt.

For the convenience of practice, I only wear a thin layer of practice clothes. A few times, he picked the opening button and pulled it off.

My delicate body was exposed to the air. He looked at it carefully, as if he had seen it for the first time. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "The body of the little female wolf is getting more and more beautiful."

Because of raw rice and millet, my body is much fuller. Does he mean this?

His kiss fell down like a storm. In my eyebrows, cheeks, the tip of my nose, lips, neck, chest, and even my abdomen caused a series of tremors, and my desire burned all over my body in an instant.

His hand fell on my chest, the two delicate masses of big palms, and his lips, tongue and fingers teased the two round dewdrops on the heart of the hibiscus flower.

I shuddered and moaned. Under his guidance, I couldn't help singing erotic songs and carefully invited my lover to join like an autumn worm.

When he received the signal accidentally revealed from my layers of cover, he immediately let go of his hands and feet and entered domineeringly. The long-lost feeling filled his whole body in an instant, and even the tips of his toes trembled emotionally. I moaned loudly, like Xia Chan singing boldly. Throw away all the reservedness, throw away all the worries, forget all the barriers, the mind is blank, and everything is burned and devoured by the flame of lust...


The wind stops and the rain stops, and everything in the world returns to calm. I curled up in his arms and let him take possession of his two big palms on his chest and abdomen. At this moment, I handed over everything just to get the warmth of that solid body.

I fell asleep unconsciously, tired but at ease and comfortable, which made me dream to the end of the world...