Stealing time

164 The best man

On the New Year's Eve of the 48th year of Kangxi, Yin Zhen did not take me to the palace. He only brought the direct blessing of Jindong E and the concubine Wan Yan. The two women were naturally in high spirits. In particular, the Dong E clan, who met in the garden, was quite arrogant.

I have nothing to regret. Although Yin Zhen didn't say it clearly, I knew that it was an eventful autumn around the Spring Festival of the 48th year of Kangxi. It was for this reason that Yin Zhen did not take me to the palace to attend the New Year's Eve banquet. At this time, if I still be provoked by the Dong E family and doubt Yin Zhen, it is not worth Yin Zhen's efforts and care.

During this period, I was busy with my children's early education and the fledgling business, and I didn't care much about the movement in the court. Those are not within my range of life, and I can't help.

I have come to be a person with no ambition. Being a famous thief has reached the highest level of my life. From modern times to ancient times, it is enough for me to steal the Qing Dynasty 300 years ago.

History has its fixed trend. As a latecomer, I have no right to change it at all, and there is nothing I can do.

I'm just a woman of Yinzhen. As long as I accompany him safely, watch rice and millet grow up with him, and spend more than ten years of relatively safe life with him, I will be satisfied.

I don't have a higher goal in my life. As long as I can teach my husband and children and do business when I have time, my life will not be too boring.

As for what happened after the fourth brother succeeded to the throne, I can't think of it so far now. I am a person who focuses on the present, and the most important thing is to live the life in front of me.

It's useless for me to worry about the sky. I only firmly believe that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Live these ten years first, at least now it's a worry-free life!

Therefore, I never ask about the government. He was so happy that I drank two cups with him to celebrate. He was depressed, so I held his head and let him rest in my arms.

I just want him to feel that there is someone who has been with him, and he will never be alone.

I only talk more than once about these things.

That day, he came back from the outside, looked tired but disappointed with anger. I hurried forward to take over his mink, patted the snow on it, and gave it to Xiaolu to hang up.

I personally helped him clean his noodles and hands, and served him his favorite Longjing.

These things were my duty to do every day when I was locked up by him before. Now, although it is not done every day, it is also often done. When I did it, my mood was very different from that time.

At that time, the state of mind was sad and helpless. I want to get close and escape, contradictory and entangled. Now it is reassuring and willing.

I sent all the servants out and took his hand and sat on the couch. I covered one of his cool hands with two hands. His palms were so big that I could hardly cover both hands. I held it and stuck to my heart.

He pulled out his hand and held me in his arms with his backhand. He put his chin on my shoulder and muttered to himself.

"Why, why doesn't Huang Ama accept the Myna? The eighth brother has been smart and learning since he was a child. He is friendly to his brothers and kind to others. Whether among the relatives and nobles in the capital or the officials in the south of the Yangtze River, the eighth brother is very popular, and he is even more responsive among the ministers. He has superior ability. If he is in charge of the vassals, Why, why doesn't Huang Ama just want to hand over the country to the Eighth Brother to take care of it? Is it just because of his origin?

"The emperor Ama first wanted to detain the eighth brother because the eighth brother's case was not complete, and he gave up under the strong ADVs of me and the fourteenth. Later, the ministers were asked to choose the prince. The people's hearts were to protect the eighth brother, but the emperor did not admit it. Today, he also re-established the prince.

"When Huang Ama was about to detain the eighth brother, I said a few words to the fourteenth gang of the eighth brother, and he almost killed the fourteenth on the spot. In the end, he hit the fourteen or twenty boards and scolded me for being very useful, saying that as a prince, I didn't care about the government, but I only learned to be such a traitor. I'm afraid I'm useless in his heart, right?

The debasement from the father is especially harmful to the son. This man has always been proud. He said this today, but his confidence has dropped to the extreme.

I was shocked by his words.

I looked up and saw his gray face, so I felt sad again. I reached out and stroked his face and said, "Hang Ama said that because he is biased against merchants. He just doesn't like you to do business. Moreover, he was angry about the eighth brother at that time. How could he say it accurately?

He looked at me, and his eyes regained some luster. I continued: "In Taoer's heart, I am the best man. I was born noble, and I can do whatever I want, just move my mouth. I could have done nothing, but I was a diligent person. I worked hard to run my business and did business so well. Taoer admires it very much!" This is not just for comfort, it's my true words. I have always admired capable entrepreneurs.

Some people will say that Yin Zhen is a prince, and the power in his hand is very helpful to business. But I want to say that even so, not everyone can succeed. Don't you see that the children of those high-ranking officials in modern times go to do business? They have no less power than Yin Yu, but there are also a lot of people who lose money. Lose hundreds of millions for fun, and lose billions and tens of billions!

Business is not something that everyone can do.

Yin's face lit up, like the sun drilled out of the clouds and shone into the dark corner, and the life in the corner was suddenly full of vitality.

However, Yin Zhen's face quickly darkened again. Is he confused about Kangxi's thoughts about the eighth brother? What a fan of the authorities!

I had the intention to remind him, and then sighed, "Oh, you and the eighth brother are extremely smart people. Why can't you see through your emperor's heart?"

Yin Zhen's eyes focused and said, "Can Taoer understand Huang Ama's heart?" He shook his head again, as if he didn't believe it, "Since ancient times, the king's heart is the most unpredictable. Who can really understand the heart of Huang Ama?"

Is your heart unpredictable? That's right! If I hadn't come from modern times, I would have a general understanding of the events of the following ten years of the Kangxi Dynasty, and I would not have understood it. But he obviously didn't believe me, but I didn't accept it. I want to prove it to him.

I asked, "Master, please tell Taoer, what did Huang Ama say when he told the kings and ministers in the Bursuhatai palace?"

Yin Zhen looked at me. Although he didn't understand what I meant, he carefully repeated Kangxi's instructions. The content of his retelling was similar to the literature I saw in later generations.

I said, "Actually, it's illegal, and I don't respect my training. He is full of authority, gathers the party, and peeps at me to bow and live.' These are the main reasons why the prince was abolished. As for whether he is ravaging the public and whether he is violent, it is still secondary. What Emperor Ama hates is that he dares not to respect his imperial power, and even wants to empty his imperial power.

Yin Yutou said, "My brother and I both know this."

I answered, "But why don't you think that the eighth brother made a mistake, and your emperor Ama wants to detain him in exchange for the death of you and the fourteenth. What will he think?"

Yin Zhen was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized it. He patted his forehead regretfully and said, "Yin Zhen is really smart and confused for a while. The fourteenth and I are so strong to protect the eighth brother. Huang Ama will think that our partying is greater than his imperial power. We only have the eighth brother in our hearts. Without him, the eighth brother threatens his imperial power. Although under our protection, there was no detention in the end, but this matter left a shadow in Huang Ama's heart.

Yin Zhen is really a smart person. With a little bit, he will be transparent. The later kings and ministers elected the eighth brother as the crown prince, and the emperor Ama felt that the power of the eighth brother was probably stronger than that of the prince, so he naturally guarded against the eighth brother. In this situation, Huang Ama will never let the eighth brother become the crown prince!"

I nodded, which is the crux of the problem.

"Alas, the Eighth Brother inherited the road of unification, which ruined my impulse with the fourteenth!" His tone was quite chagrin.

I stroked his face and said, "Master, you don't have to blame yourself too much. It is true that Huang Ama said that the eighth brother's mother's family was born low. Even if there is no advice from you and the fourteenth before, Huang Ama will not let the eighth brother become the crown prince this time. He wants to restore the crown prince. Think about it, in the more than a dozen miles before that, did he excuse the prince for his words and deeds involving the prince?

Yin Zhen was thinking, and suddenly said, "Sure enough! Unfortunately, we were all induls at that time by the charges he accused the prince in the Burha Sutai Palace, and we didn't expect that he would re-emite the crown prince!"

Yes, how serious the crime of Kangxi's edict to the crown prince in the palace of Burha Sutai is. How can ordinary people think that it won't be long before Kangxi will want to make him the crown prince? Kangxi could only be blamed for being too unexpected, and he failed to let the ministers below fully understand his meaning, so he hastily asked everyone to recommend the crown prince.

He went back on his way, so that the eighth brother couldn't go up and couldn't go down, putting him in a very pitiful situation. Think about it, it feels like a person is first in a charcoal stove and then in an ice cellar.

After a long silence, Yin Yu sighed, "It seems that the Eighth Brother has no hope of ascending to the treasure!"

I hugged him and said, "No matter what happens in the future, it's always good to keep a low profile. If you are strong, you will be humiliated. If the wood is in the forest, the wind will destroy it. These words are always good. You, your younger brother, enlighten him more!"

That's all I can do. It's impossible to tell them all the future trend of history. From the autumn of the 47th year of Kangxi to the spring of the 48th year of the abandoned prince, I only had one more mouth.

Most of my mind is on business and rice and millet.

The business is surprisingly good.

Despite the high price, the market demand is still very large, and at least more than 50 should be sold every day. Especially near the end of the year, many young Miss Gege not only buys it herself, but also gives gifts to their close friends or young relatives.

This kind of fresh, cute and funny velvet doll makes everyone who sees them surprised and funny. Not only young women and children, but also older women are attracted to them.

Gradually, velvet dolls became popular in the capital, and the grids of each house are proud to have a kind of doll. The young man also began to buy dolls for his love.

The velvet doll has become the first choice gift to make young children and young children happy. Surprisingly, my velvet doll was finally transmitted to the palace and the brothel at the same time. Princesses and women in brothels also like velvet dolls, which shows that girls in any status in ancient and modern times have the same nature to like cute things.

The children are even more eager to do so. Since the velvet dolls sold by the silk and satin shop, there are many more children among the customers every day. When they saw dolls of different shapes, their eyes and feet could not be moved. If the adult didn't buy one and take it back, he would not leave.

Many people come here, and the business of the cloth shop has improved a lot. The money shopkeeper was naturally very happy. Originally, he borrowed his customer source, but in just three months, the situation turned upside down, and he borrowed my customer source.

Rice millet can sit ** by itself in six months, and begins to crawl all over the bed in seven months. These movements appear half a month to a month earlier than ordinary babies. I am very proud of their rapid development. I worked hard every day, touching and doing exercises, and finally saw the results.

I began to make cloth books for them. The so-called cloth books are to draw modern fairy tales into pictures with simple words. Let the maids embroider the pictures and words on the cloth, then sew them together and bind them into a book. He has made them The Lion King, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Grimm's Fairy Tales and so on.

In addition to the complete set of ten books produced by The Lion King, the rest are excerpted from several stories. Try to make the story as simple as possible, with one or two words on each page to teach them to read.

There was rice on my left leg and millet on my right leg. I held a cloth book in my hand and told them, "The little lion Simbaan screamed to slide down the tall giraffe's neck and slid down the giraffe's tail." He pointed to the words in the book and said, "This word is 'long', the 'long' of the giraffe."

Xiaomi shouted "sugar candy", imitating the "long" sound.

"Yes, baby, it's 'long--'" I dragged the long tone to teach.

"Sugar--" Xiaomi also dragged up a long tone.

I couldn't help laughing. I was about to correct her pronunciation again, but I heard the voice of rice that had been silent: "Long--"

I'm very surprised. Rice has never liked to say "talk". I'm a little worried that he will learn slowly. Seeing that he learned to pronounce at this time, he was naturally surprised.

kissed him on the face, "That's right, son, it's 'long'."

The rice was encouraged and grinned happily, "Long--" he said me again. Touching his head, he kissed me back on my cheek.

"Wow, son, you gave your mother the first kiss." I said happily and rubbed his cheek.

The rice also giggled out loud. Xiaomi on the right didn't make a sound for a long time, which was unusual. I looked at her, but I saw her little mouth pouting slightly, her big eyes were a little gloomy, and she looked like she was about to cry.

What's going on?

After thinking about it, I understood that the little girl was jealous. I couldn't help laughing and touched Xiaomi's cheek and said, "Xiaomi baby, you are also great, and my mother likes you too!"

"And Ama, Ama also likes Xiaomi." Yin Zhen turned in from the screen connected to the outer room, with a warm smile on his face.