Stealing time

166 Piracy

The afternoon sun slipped in through the cracks in the window and slanted against the east wall. I sat in front of the window to guide Xiao He and Xiao Lu to make cloth books, projecting changing light and shadow on the wall.

"For large colors like this, you don't need to be embroidered with needle and thread. You can find the cloth of this color to cut it into a shape and sew it on it. This is both beautiful and convenient..." As he was about to continue, he was suddenly hugged from behind. As soon as I turned around, another kiss was printed on my cheek.

Don't look at it, you will know who it is. I turned around and smiled happily. Why did you come back early today?

If you dare to sneak up so unscrupulously, except for Yin Zhen, you don't think about it.

"Isn't today the Lantern Festival? Of course, you have to come back early to stay with my peach!" Yin Zhen raised his hand and said as he took the towel handed over by Xiao Lv to wipe his face.

In the past, our ninth master's clean face and clean hands were served by the maids. Every time I saw the maids "hands" with him, I was very unhappy. Since I have stayed with all my heart, I have a lot to care about. Most of the time, I will take the initiative to do it. But there are also times like today when I'm too busy to grab it.

Maybe he felt my concern. When he met me again, he happened to be busy. Yin Zhen did it by himself and stopped letting the maids wipe him.

I was very satisfied with his understanding, so I would make him a good cup of tea and hand it to him.

At this time, Yin Zhen always sat there and looked at me with a smile, meaningfully and seemed to be very proud.

I once asked him what he was laughing at, and he replied, "I didn't expect that Taoer, who has always been obedient, turned out to be a little jealous in his bones! Be twice as careful as your husband.

I pretended to be unruly and said, "It's good to know!"

"Know, of course you know. My little peach is jealous of me, and I'm very happy!"

I didn't ask him today. I just stared at him and said, "Don't just watch and have fun. Come and help."

He stood up, walked to me, and deliberately said ambiguously in front of the people in my ear, "What do you want me to do? I will try my best to help!"

Is this a pun? I hated it in my heart: This dead sex embryo is not afraid of being laughed at by others!

Fortunately, most of these maids were unconscious and did not hear his words. Only the two women standing at the door bowed their heads and smiled secretly.

Alas, my reputation has been destroyed by his invisible prodigal son!

I ignored his jokes and said lightly, "Write a few words for me!" Beds, tables, chairs, cabinets, books, windows, doors..."

I read it, and he wrote it on the piece of paper I gave him. As he wrote, he asked, "What are these words used for?"

"Paste it everywhere!" I answer.

He raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't know why.

When he finished writing, I asked the people to paste it, so I picked up the rice that had just woken up, pointed to the items in the room and the words on it one by one, and read them to the rice.

Rice watched and listened attentively without saying a word. Although he was silent, he was not bored, but seemed to be very interested.

Yin Zhen is as if he understands something. He looked at me inquiringly and said, "Our brothers all began to read at the age of five. Do you want our son to read at the age of one?"

The meaning of his words is, can it work? Such a small child?

I said, "Just look at it. When he is one year old, I promise to let him recognize 300 words!"

I put down the rice and picked up the millet and made it in the same way. Unlike the rice, the millet said to me. Although it was completely inaccurate, I could see that she was imitating my pronunciation.

Yin Yu seemed to be a little trustworthy. He looked at Xiaomi with great interest and said, "Our Xiaomi Gege may be a little prodigy!"

The Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month has been the most lively since ancient times. The lanterns were full of people, rubbing their shoulders one after another. On this day, people will come to the street, and even women who can't go out at random can go shopping and watch the lights. That's why there are so many people at the lantern.

The lanterns all over the street are in different forms and colorful. At a glance, the lights are as bright as the day, as if competing with the stars and moon in the sky. The fireworks set off from time to time add a beautiful background to the lively night sky.

Yin Zhen urged me to finish my meal quickly, so he pulled me to the street. He took my hand all the way and followed the flow of people. As we walked, we enjoyed the lights, and stopped from time to time to comment on the lights we were interested in. Xiao He, Xiao Wu and the bodyguards followed us not far behind.

I mentioned the matter of Xiaohe and Xiaowu to Yinzhen, and he smiled at that time and said, "It has long been seen that Xiaowu is waiting for Xiaohe and others (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c Tong, I knew that this boy was moved by spring, but it turned out that he had already done it!"

What do you mean by getting it? I was annotic and said, "My little He is still a yellow girl!"

"Yes, yes!" Yin Zhen said with a bad smile, "Xiao Wu is kind-hearted!"

"Ah? What if you are not kind-hearted? Is it possible to be the first bully like you... bow..." Thinking of the first acquaintance of the two of us, I couldn't help blushing a little, and the word "bow" in the back was as light as a mosquito.

Yin Zhen laughed. He hugged me and said, "Although it was the master who bowed hard at first, Taoer didn't fall in love with the master later!" The proud face is very flat. He suddenly whispered, "To be honest, the way Taoer lay on her side on the carpet that day was very tempting..."

At this time, Xiaohe and Xiaowu left some distance from the guards behind them. While pointing at the lantern, they whispered affectionately, just like me and Yin Zhen.

"When will you do the marriage between the two of them!" Yin Zhen followed my eyes and looked at the two people behind him.

"Well, we still need to ask what the two of them mean first." I replied.

"Then let's ask separately..."

"Master, master, look!" Yin Zhen's words were interrupted by Xiao He's cry.

I turned around and followed the direction of Xiaohe's finger to see an old woman on the stall. The things sold were very familiar. It was Mickey, Minnie, and other cartoon velvet dolls I designed.

"Ah..." I screamed softly. When I tried to sell these velvet dolls, I only thought about how to make the market recognize these dolls, but I didn't expect that after the market recognized them, piracy would spring up.

Yin Zhen also saw the small stall. He asked, "Do you want me to send someone to clean up all the stalls?"

He wanted to help me, but I shook my head resolutely.

He cleaned it up for me, which saved me, but I don't want to rely on him to do this business. I have to rely on my own strength. I stayed for love and my child, and spent this kind of life with him, but no longer free and unrestrained, but I still don't want to live for men and relying on men like the women here.

So doing business is not only to pass the time, but also to prove that even if you live in it, you can live independently and independently without relying on others. If you lose two, it will be no different from the people inside. I don't want to be like this!

Therefore, I refused the convenience he offered, but stepped forward and asked the old woman, "How much is the doll?"

"This doll, one big tael of silver, small twenty pens." The old woman said in a hoarse voice.

"Is it so expensive?" I pretended to be surprised.

"Is it still expensive?" The old woman said unhappily. The Hongshengxiang silk and satin house is the same as this one, and it sells for eighty taels!"

"Is this the same as the one sold in Hongshengxiang?" Let me ask.

"Extight the same!"

"How can you do what people sell?"

"What's so difficult about this? Take a look and you'll see! I said, do you, Xiao Fujin, buy it or not? Why is it endless to ask?"

Yin Zhen took out a couple of silver and said, "Let me ask you one last question, how many dolls can you sell in a day?"

"This, I can't say. Usually, I only sell four or five a day. This is in time for the holiday. There are more people shopping, and they sell more, about seven or eight!"

"So much? You can always make a small fortune!" I was surprised.

To make these dolls with a few taels of silver a day, they need to prepare suitable fabrics, inner materials, needles and threads, and someone has to do them. These all have to be cost money! I haven't calculated the premium paid to San'er in the east of the street. How much money can I have left for a few points in these places!"

"Then why don't you sell the price a little higher, and you can make more money!"

"Alas, the stall business is patronized by owners who don't have much spare money. It's too expensive. If you sell it expensive, you can't sell any of them!"

Yin Zhen gave her the money, picked up the Mickey on the stall, and pulled me away.

The pirated version came out so fast. The doll has only been on the market for three months, and the pirated version has appeared on the street. I also want to rely on them for long-term business!

By the way, there was no concept of protecting intellectual property rights in ancient times, let alone legal protection of genuine copies and crack down on piracy. Even in modern times, with this social consensus on the protection of intellectual property rights, you can't care too much when you encounter a shameless scoundrel making piracy.

I thought about this and let Yin Yu pull me away, frowning.

"Taoer, don't worry too much. This kind of small vendor can't damage your business much!" Yin Zhen suddenly said. "

"Huh? Why did you say that?" I'm in high spirits.

"You see, your dolls can walk three or forty times a day in the store, and the old woman sells three or four in a day. How many times is yours?" Yin Zhen analyzed layer by layer, "It's reasonable that her is so cheap, and yours is so expensive. As soon as her things appear, yours has no business at all, but your business is still booming. Why is that?"

Yes, why? I stared at him with full expectation and listened more attentively.

"That's because yours appeared first and become famous. People recognize your goods first, and it is not easy to recognize other people's goods. This is one of them." Yin Yu followed the good inducement. Second, the customer base of your business is noble in the capital. They pay attention to the reputation of the store and don't buy things on the stalls easily. Even if they buy it, they will never dare to show it to the people around them, because they are afraid of being laughed at. Didn't the old woman just now also say that those who patronize her business are those who don't have much money.

Is it? That's right. Why did I forget this floor? No matter what era, the rich in the upper class are tasteful. They disdain to go to the stall to buy pirated goods. The cheaper the pirated goods are, the more disdainful they are, because it is disqualified.

If Xiao Gege of Prince Yu's Mansion takes out the Mickey bought in the famous silk and satin village in the capital with 80 taels of silver to show off, Prince Gong's granddaughter is embarrassed to take out what she bought on the stall that is only worth one taels of silver, right? People have vanity and can compare. The more qualified people are, the more powerful they are.

Those who go shopping at stalls are not a customer group in the first place. Even without the old woman, some people would not spend 80 taels of silver to buy dolls.

"Third, her doll has simple materials and rough workmanship. If you look closely, it's much worse than yours."

Oh, I was worried just now and didn't pay attention to this! Now take a closer look at the doll in your hand. First of all, the color matching of the fabric is not coordinated. My Mickey uses black and red as the main color, which is appropriately matched with white. And she is the combination of three colors of red, green and yellow. Although the ancients liked bright colors, after all, color matching is also an art. People with high aesthetic taste will still appreciate my one. Secondly, the sewing and sewing workmanship is also relatively rough. In comparison, the maids in our house are more skillful. Thirdly, the doll's demeanor does not have the spirituality of the original design at all, and the naive, naughty, or gentle and cute appearance in the cartoon is not shown.

So, this pirated doll has only stolen one shape, but there is no way to talk about it. A discerning person can tell the difference between the two at once.

In that case, what am I worried about? As long as you start from the aspects of Yinzhen's analysis and highlight your own characteristics, you can draw a deep gap between genuine and pirated goods. Those pirated copies are not a threat to my business at all!

My man is awesome. He can see the key to the matter at a glance, and analyze the difference between the two and my advantages. What does this man do with his brain?

I looked at my man admiringly, but I didn't pay attention to the front.

"Be careful!" I was pulled into my arms by Yin Zhen.