Stealing time

169 Do you want to lock again?

Liu Xiayu found an open space in the western suburbs of the capital. Coincidentally, it was not far from Yinzhenzhuangzi. The land belongs to saline and alkaline land, and no one cultivates it. The landlord is actually Shangshu Malhan, the thirteenth direct descendant of Zhaojia's Ama. I heard that I wanted to buy land, but I wanted to give it to me for free.

Although ten mu of saline and alkaline land is not worth much, I can't take him for nothing, so I offered to give him shares.

The shareholding system is the way I came up with for the shopkeeper's store. The money shopkeeper didn't want to lose his livelihood and fun, so I asked him to participate in the store's synthetic shares. He can continue to participate in the operation and has the right to get dividends. But my equity is in the absolute advantage, and the ownership of the store and the signboard belongs to me.

Malhan didn't understand what the shares were, and he didn't understand after explaining for a long time. It happened that Shisan and Zhaojia came, so I explained it to Shisan. As soon as he heard it, he was very impressed. Seeing this, the old man said that this land should be sold to me by Thirteen, and the shares should also be counted as Thirteen.

He and Thirteen are relatives. Since they say so, I naturally have no problem. Moreover, although the thirteenth is not popular with Kangxi now, more than ten years later, the fourth elder brother ascended the throne. The thirteenth is less than one person and above ten thousand people. My business has his shareholding, which is beneficial and harmless.

To solve the problem of the factory address, it is to find someone to build a factory and warehouse. Where to find someone, and who does it well? I know nothing about it. Although Liu Xiayu knows more than me, he has always been mainly engaged in the silk business, and he is not familiar with it. When Yin Zhen knew it, he introduced me to Lei Jinyu, the second-generation owner of Style Lei, the head of the style house who has built palaces for the royal family for generations.

The so-called head of the style house, in today's words, is the chief architectural designer. The Lei family is the best architectural family in the Qing Dynasty. From the Kangxi Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, seven generations of the Lei family participated in the design and construction of the Changchun Garden, Chengde Summer Resort, Yuanmingyuan, Summer Palace, Qingdong Mausoleum, Xiling and other most important royal buildings.

One-fifth of the world cultural heritage list declared by China in later generations is the work of the Lei family.

Lei Jinyu is the most famous one in the style Lei family. He was favored by Kangxi and was awarded the title of seven-grade official. He is now presiding over the design of the fourth brother's house, which is the initial design of the Yuanmingyuan. Hearing that Yin Zhen was going to build a few special houses, he took the time to come.

I treated Lei Jinyu with courtesy and personally accompanied him to the survey on the ground, which explained my request.

The area of my factory is larger than that of the Taihe Hall in the Forbidden City, which can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time. Naturally, it can't be small. I want to build it according to the factory building of a modern factory, but I don't know if the ancient construction technology and materials can meet the requirements.

I also require good ventilation and lighting, which is very important for factories where many people gather.

Lei Jinyu was extremely professional about this, and soon a general plan came out. I told him to do his best to design, and money was not a problem.

On the way back to the house, pass the Tongrentang Pharmacy near the big fence. Thinking of running away, I haven't been here for almost two years. I don't know what's going on with Le Fengming and his pharmacy, so I asked Xiao Wu to stop the car. I'm going to have a look.

I opened the window, and the scene in front of me surprised me. The gate of Tongrentang was closed, and the original high-hanging archway hung obliquely above the door, as if a gust of wind could blow it down. The window paper is broken, and the paint on the window frame is peeling off. What a tragic scene of decline!

What happened?

I asked an old man on the street, and he told me, "You said this Tongrentang, about two years ago, a team of officers came, sealed the store, smashed all the things in the store, and arrested him. He was locked up in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice for a long time before releasing it!"

? Is it an official? Two years ago, wasn't that the time when I ran away and was captured by Yin Yu? This doesn't have anything to do with me, does it?

After the old man's guidance, I came to a remote alley in Beicheng and saw Le Fengming, who lived here.

Beicheng is a gathering place for beggars and people. Poverty, destitut and mess are common here.

Le Fengming's home is not much better. Although the window paper is pasted neatly and the handle on the door is polished, no matter how the airy house on all sides is cleaned up, it is still a broken house.

The light in the room was very dim. Le Fengming sat on the earthen kang and was looking at a medical book through the light of the window. A shabby middle-aged woman in the corner of the room is choosing relatively good vegetable leaves from a pile of rotten vegetables and putting them in a basin of water. That should be Le Fengming's wife. A seven- or eight-year-old boy behind him is squatting on the ground to play with a piece of mud. Is it Le Fengming's youngest son?

Le Fengming saw that I did not get up to greet him, but continued to look down at his medical books.

I feel a little surprised. Le Fengming is a person who likes to talk to people, and he has always been very polite to me. How can he turn a blind eye at this time?

I broke the silence and said, "Long time no see! In the past two years, something has happened to me. I haven't been out of the house. I don't know you..."

I wanted to say, I don't know how you are doing these days? But it feels superfluous to talk. How is he doing? Isn't it obvious?

Le Fengming raised his head and his sharp eyes swept at me, but he still didn't say anything.

The woman sitting in the corner said, "Didn't you see how we're doing? Ordinary people and you nobles of the palace (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine version to read!)

c is not in the line, and we can't afford to provoke! As long as you don't come to find the child's father in the future, we may barely have a way to survive. No one wants to enter the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice for the second time!"

What? Does she mean that Le Fengming was caught in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice because he made friends with me?

I wanted to ask a few more questions, but Le Fengming stopped his wife and didn't let her say more.

I can't get useful information, so I have to go back for the time being.

When Yin Zhen came back in the afternoon, he saw that I didn't come forward as usual, so he took the initiative to come to me and said jokingly, "What, my little peach? Are you not happy to see your father-in-law?"

His face was very close, and his nose blew my mouth and nose, which made my heart gradually come to my mind. Alas, he is becoming more and more resistant to his charm!

I moved away from the dangerous area, and then said, "Tauer has something to ask me, please don't hide it!"

He raised his low body, looked at me calmly, and said, "You want to ask about Tongrentang's ban, right?"

Is it? How does he know? On the other way, I understand that someone must have reported to him where I went out of the house!

I was slightly annoyed and said, "I don't trust me so much. I don't feel tired when I send someone to stare at me all day long!"

He hooked the corners of his lips and smiled charmingly, "Who made my wife so attractive, staring at more than one group of people of my wife? I don't keep an eye on myself. If I let someone rob my wife, my ninth master's face will be lost to my home!"

What does he mean? Is it implying that someone else is staring at me and staring at me? And he is just trying his best to protect me?

Who is that? How can a useless person like me attract others to keep an eye on me?

These are not my concerns now. What I am most concerned about is whether Le Fengming's situation has anything to do with me?

"Sir, Tongrentang was sealed, and Le Fengming was arrested, is it because of me?" I asked bluntly.

He put away the joke in his eyes and said solemnly, "Yes, I was caught by Le Fengming. Who dared him to sell you Juezidan?

"Master, I bought the elixir by myself. If they open the door to do business, they can't turn customers out!"

"Well, don't tell me that he has only sold you once or twice! Before that, he didn't specially prepare Juezi soup for you?

? Does he even know what happened in the past?

"Dare to give my woman a unique soup! The crime of murdering the royal descendants is not light. It's polite enough to keep his life and not let him cut off his descendants!" Yin Yan's tone was clear.

Well, from this perspective, Yin Zhen also has a reason to punish him. But this has always happened because of me. How can I feel at ease if Le Fengming is like this?

I stepped forward, pulled Yin Zhen's sleeve and said, "Master, it's Tao'er's fault. I also punished Taoer for this. Please let Le Fengming go!"

He glanced at me sideways and said, "Let him go? I have let him go, but he doesn't want to run to the big fence to sell Juezi Dan to harm people again!"

Well, it turns out that in his opinion, he will let him go!

I shook his sleeve and said, "Master, please! Le Fengming has been practicing medicine and selling medicine all his life. If you don't let him do this trip again, he will have no future livelihood. Taoer saw where he lived today. It's so pitiful! The house is leaking on all sides. Their family eats rotten vegetable leaves that they don't want, and the children can only squat in the house and play with mud..."

I peeked at Yin Zhen and saw that he was still looking at me coldly. Unmoved, he said to his heart, "If I still refuse to let him go, Taoer will continue to drink Juezi soup. Anyway, there is not only Tongrentang's pharmacy in the capital. Without it, there are always Zhang's pharmacy and Li Let's go!"

"You!" Yin Zhen was so angry that he grabbed the skirt of my chest and almost picked me up. How dare you! If you dare to take another sip of Juezi soup, I will lock you in the house again, and you are not allowed to leave the house one step!"

His face was like a fierce god, which scared me. But I didn't want to be so soft. I said to myself, "If you are unreasonable, I will lock you up!" I regret it. I regret that I stayed at the beginning. I should have walked away cruelly!"

Yin Yu was even more angry when he heard this. His eyes were about to crack, and his eyes seemed to spit out fire. Do you regret it? Want to leave again? Since she stayed at the beginning, she was the woman who recognized the master. Does my wife leave as she wants to?"

He threw me to **, pulled out the gold chain that had locked me before from the bedside table, and locked me at the head of the bed.

He stepped back two steps and looked at me with his arms around. The expression seemed to say: Now I think you still have to go!

I was stunned and looked at the chain on my feet. Am I going to be locked all day long, I can't even get out of the door, and live the life of a trapped beast in a cage?

Thinking of the irritable days in the past, I shuddered. No, I don't want to be locked!

I muttered and climbed out of bed, and the chain was "clattering" by my movements. I hugged Yin Zhen's waist and begged, "Sir, don't lock the peach. Tao'er just said angrily. Tao'er won't leave. Master, let Tao'er go!"

"Anger? Don't say anything angry! If you say it, you have to bear the consequences!" Yin Yu's anger did not subside.

Well, bear the consequences...

"How do you want Tao'er to bear the consequences?" I asked. If it can't be locked, it's okay!

"What can I do?" He asked for proof.

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as I don't lock the peach!" I replied in a hurry.

Yin Zhen held his arm, put one hand against his chin, and the fox's eyes squinted at me and thought.

I was scared by his "haive advantage but not for nothing" trick. He, he won't think...

The corners of his slightly squeezed lips suddenly bent, and his black eyes were thin and long, which was extremely charming. But I couldn't help trembling as if I had seen the devil's smile.

He said in a low and charming voice, "I want to Tao'er..." He said as he opened the chain on my feet.

Is it? He won't lock me! I cheered in my heart, but I saw him lock my hands at the head of the bed with lightning speed.

"I just want Taoer. It's just a change of posture!"

Change your posture? Lock me up and get me! Why does the guy have a trend in the direction of □?

Before I could figure it out, my clothes had almost been taken off by him. His wrist was locked, and he couldn't take off his clothes. He actually took out the emerald dagger and scratched my clothes away.

Listening to the sound of silk breaking, I was so scared that I didn't dare to move. If the sharp blade was off...

The hand is tied to a chain, unable to resist, and the deterrence of the dagger, I can only ask for it from him.



God, why do I always get hurt?