Steal the sky

The character leads the third person. Don't beg

Central Africa, a certain country, the anti-government army and government army are sometimes fighting in chaos, sometimes making peace, and making trouble.

On the edge of a primitive forest, in a camp against the government army, nearly a thousand people are ragged, but their weapons are brand-new. The rebels, all in line with the development trend of the world's main war weapons, are shouting and roaring around a pit.

The pit is nearly 100 meters in diameter and about five meters deep, and the bottom of the pit is half a foot of mud. Countless indescribable mess piled up in the pit, and the tyrannical sun sprinkled, making the terrible sticky mixture in the pit emit a suffocating stench.

The body is about two meters long, the hair is shiny, the spots on the fur are bright and eye-catching, the belly is hungry into a skin, and the African grassland leopard with green eyes is swimming in the pit, and from time to time, it roars up to the sky.

The anti-government forces waved all kinds of weapons crazily and roared loudly. Several little guys grabbed the paper and pencils and walked in the crowd with difficulty. From time to time, they took two or three dollars handed over by the crazy soldiers, and scribbled a few ghost-like marks on the paper.

Don't beg for a dagger in tattered clothes, carefully sticking to the edge of the pit and confronting the grassland leopard.

The grassland leopard also swam cautiously left and right. He looked greedily at Don't beg, and took a few steps forward from time to time. Whenever the leopard tried forward, the dagger that was clenched suddenly waved forward, and a fierce murderous atmosphere shocked the leopard to retreat hurriedly.

Don't beg when you are only 13 years old. I don't remember that this is the first time I have confronted these beasts in this damn pit.

Roman arena, this is the name given by the soldiers of the anti-government army for this damn pit. Of course, this pit is not as magnificent as the real Grand Arena, but it is more bloody and cruel. Those who fight desperately with those beasts in this pit are doll soldiers who are not more than 15 years old, like Don't begging.

Fighting with baby soldiers is a habitual unspoken rule for Africans.

As a Chinese, don't beg, he is just an unlucky man who was forced to join the anti-government army in the war.

Thin, thin, dry, skin and bones, the hot sun of the equator makes you blush and black, just like baboons everywhere on the prairie. The dagger clenched in his hand and the ridiculously big, ridiculously bright eyes, but they have always been cold and murderous, which makes people dare not underestimate it.

Those fanatical anti-government soldiers could not feel this murderous atmosphere, and the hungry grassland leopard instinctively sensed the horror of not begging.

'Hss, hiss'!

Don't beg to make a provocation like a poisonous snake. He rushed forward three steps, and the dagger brought a cold light.

The prairie leopard pounced forward a few meters with its teeth and claws, and then retreated a few steps cautiously.

Don't beg for a manic and cruel sneer on his dark face, and two rows of white teeth reflected a cold light in the sun.

He narrowed his eyes, and the murderous spirit in his eyes disappeared. He hid the dagger behind him and whispered to the leopard, "Hey, baby, come here. Big cat baby, come to my brother, I like big cat baby the most!"

Don't beg for a gentle and kind voice, really like a big brother next door, teasing the little girl next door.

The grassland leopard grinned and roared at Buqi. The yellow fangs in his mouth were turbid and dirty, with a dizzy death.

On top of the pit, a black man who looked like a leader suddenly pulled out a revolver and pulled the trigger on the ground near the heel.

"Yellow-skinned bastard, let's go! Kill this beast, or I'll kill you!"

The bullet almost shot into the ground against the skin of Begging's feet, and the heat on the surface of the bullet burned Begging's skin, stingling through the bottom of the heart.

Nearly a hundred fanatical black soldiers raised their guns and pulled the trigger into the sky indiscriminately.

"Yes, yellow monkey, kill him, kill him. We bet you win, you can't lose!"

"Let's go, yellow monkey, hey hey, let this big cat eat you, come on!"

There was also a black soldier who got half a sausage from nowhere and hung it down the pit with a string and kept shaking.

"Yellow-skinned monkey, look, it's delicious! Kill this beast, give you something to eat, and give you something to drink! Hey, kill that beast!"

Nearly a thousand soldiers roared crazily, and the sound of gunfire, roar and the roar of the prairie leopard mixed into a tide of hell crying.

A soldier suddenly turned the muzzle of his gun and swept a shuttle of bullet at the ground beside Begging. The bullet rain almost wiped the body of Begging, and the strong wind brought by the bullet tore open the tattered clothes on Be begging, revealing a large area of black and red skin.

Don't beg, your eyes suddenly opened, and your eyes almost jumped out of your eyes. His pupils shrank to the size of a needle, and with the strange, gentle and kind laughter, he strode to the leopard without begging to hold the dagger.

The grassland leopard's eyes, which were stimulated by the sound of gunfire and howling, turned red. He forgot the murderous air emanating from Begging, which made him instinctively afraid, and waved his limbs and rushed back to Begging.

However, the smile on Don't beg's face made the leopard very confused. Don't beg. There is no murderous spirit on your body. There is no murderous spirit at all. He seemed to be completely harmless, slowly moving forward.

One person, one leopard approached quickly, and the leopard's minions grabbed it in a mess. Obviously, the murderous don't beg did not attract the attention of the leopard. The grassland leopard with a low IQ focused most of his attention on the screaming anti-government soldiers.

Don't beg for a thin body suddenly became short. He drilled under the leopard's body, holding the right arm of the dagger squirming like a long worm, wrapped around the leopard's neck as if there were no bones. The dagger magically circled around the leopard's neck and almost cut

A large amount of blood spewed out near the leopard's head and neck, and the dying leopard almost instinctively grabbed the four claws at the same time.

Don't beg's left hand was grabbed out like lightning. His arm almost impossible to pass through the dense attack of four leopard claws, and hit the position between the leopard's two hind legs, and smashed the two testicles of the grassland leopard into a ball of minced meat sauce.

Although the neck was almost cut off, the instinctive nervous reaction of the male animal still made the dying leopard give up the counterattack against begging, and his limbs pressed the critical part between his hind legs almost at the same time.

Don't beg got out of the rapidly twitching leopard with blood all over his body, staggered forward a few steps, and almost fell to the ground.

He looked back at the leopard, with a ray of cold light in his eyes, but with a bright smile on his face, like a flower in the sun.

"Big cat baby, good boy, good boy, it won't hurt when you die. If you die, it won't hurt!"

The leopard struggled in a pool of blood, and his turbid eyes looked at Don't beg with difficulty, and his eyes were full of despair and fear.

About 90% of the anti-government soldiers above the pit sighed in disappointment, and less than one of the soldiers laughed crazily. They won again. With the help of this magical yellow monkey, they won a lot of money! Enough money for them to spend a long time!

Half of the sausage was thrown into the mud beside Don't beg. Don't beg lowered his head and picked up the sausage without wiping the dirt off the sausage. He hurriedly stuffed it into his mouth, but swallowed it cleanly with just three or two bites.

The soldiers who had had a good time scattered sparsely, revealing several black strong men who were obviously senior officers, and several others.

Wearing a silk Tang costume, Wu Wang, dressed like a rich man, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the beggar who was wolfing in the pit and the leopard who was struggling to fight for his life. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "This doll is not a local, is it?"

A strong black man with dark and blue skin, fat and tall like a meat mountain, laughed and said, "Oh, distinguished guest, he is not a local. Speaking of which, he and you come from the same place.

Wearing a white cloth coat, with long hair scattered, and holding a large folding fan sprinkled with golden sandalwood in his hand, Le Xiaobai, the son of the ancient family, tilted the corners of his mouth: "Dear general, can you tell us his origin?"

The strong black man had no way to tell the origin of Don't beg.

Ten years ago, the beggars' parents came to Central Africa with their fellow villagers. They chartered a large area of land to grow vegetables and fruits, specializing in high-end restaurants in African countries. At the same time, they purchased African specialties and exported seafood to various countries, making a lot of money.

Five years ago, several tribes in this country suddenly had a dispute, and a civil war broke out. The beggars' parents and all their fellow villagers were killed in the sudden war, and all their homes were looted.

At that time, he was only eight years old and struggled in the scourge of war for three or four years. No one knows how he survived. In short, when the anti-government army attacked a town, it found that it was looking for something to eat on the bodies of the dead, so it forcibly recruited him into the army and made him a member of the anti-government army.

In the camp of the anti-government army, Don't beg is very clever. No matter who asks him to do anything, he has done a good job.

Whether it's killing people with guns, hunting python river beasts as bait, or working hard in the arena, don't beg well done. So he has lived smoothly until now, and at the same time, the children who joined the anti-government army have long been dead.

"So that's it!" Wu Wang nodded thoughtfully, and he looked back at Le Xiaobai.

Le Xiaobai's folding fan patted the palm of his hand fiercely, pointed to Don't beg for a smile and asked, "This doll is good. We like it very much. Let's make an offer and we'll buy him.

A few strong black men, look at me, I look at you. After a long time, the fat black man said hesitantly, "We are friends and best friends. For the sake of friends, this little monkey... One hundred and fifty dollars, will it be too expensive? Or, would a hundred dollars be a fair price?

Le Xiaobai smiled and patted the black fat man on the shoulder with a folding fan.

"The price is very fair, deal!"

Wu Wang has jumped out of the pit and strode to Don't beg.

"Hey, boy, do you still understand Chinese? If you want to be full, drink enough, and have clean clothes to wear, just come with me!"

Looking at Buqi's two dry and thin arms, Wu Wang's eyes narrowed into a line, and his eyes were full of unconcealable smiles.

Don't beg looked at Wu Wang deeply. He inserted the dagger into the leather sheath at his waist and held Wu Wang's generous and warm big hand in both hands. His face was full of the bright smile he smiled at the leopard just now.

Name: Wu Qi

Self-name: Don't beg (never beg)

Specialty: The hands are extremely flexible and the talent is amazing

Character: fierce and tenacious, strong self-protection, believe in eyes for eyes, blood for blood

Occupation: Wu Wang (Tan Lang)'s own disciple, stealing the sky for the gold medal of the Japanese court for law enforcement