Steal the sky

Chapter 2 Monuments

The Lost Mountain, Machu Picchu.

On the tourist route from the foot of the mountain to Machu Picchu, the local police blocked the road on the grounds that Machu Picchu was conducting an important archaeological survey, and no idle people were allowed to approach.

On the edge of Machu Picchu, which is more than 2,000 meters above sea level, three of the three elite disciples who steal the sky for the sky wear miniature submachine guns and are watching around warily.

Don't beg to sit on the top of an unroofed house wall dozens of meters away, carrying a beer can, and enjoying the nearby scenery with a smile.

The mountain scenery around Machu Picchu is excellent. The green mountains are stacked, and the morning fog rises, like smoke blowing in the morning wind and pulling out long white traces halfway up the mountainside, which is as thought-provoking as a fairyland.

Take a big sip of beer, don't beg to flatten the beer can and throw it out heavily.

He subconsciously touched the dark grid in his belt, and the head of the gate who stole the sky and changed the door was lying obediently in the dark grid.

According to the rules of stealing the sky and changing the door, the head's token must be worn by the head's person with you, and you are not allowed to leave at all times. However, Wu Wang is not a person who abides by the rules. He is leading a group of elite disciples in the door to survey the city of Machu Picchu, but he is unwilling to be more burdensome.

He handed over all the important things on his body to the survey of historical sites and did not beg for preservation. He led a group of elite disciples to fight in person, and now he is busy in the ruins of Machu Picchu.

In an abandoned temple more than 200 meters away, Wu Wang, who was only wearing a pair of small underwear, straightened up, coughed heavily and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm. It just rained heavily, and there was a lot of dust in the temple. The rain and dust were mixed into dirty mud. Wu Wang was wrapped like a mud monkey.

Throwing away the exquisite ultrasonic detector in his hand, Wu Wang stepped back a few steps, suddenly flew forward, and slapped a heavy palm on an inconspicuous carved brick in the corner of the temple. The instrument has detected the mystery in the temple. With the experience and vision of the elite disciples of Rimen, it is very easy to find that this brick is the hub to control some organs in the temple.

The whole Machu Picchu Chengdu suddenly shook. With Wu Wang's strong bombardment, the carved brick slowly disappeared into the wall. In a hall without a roof on the east side of the temple, hundreds of exquisite carved floor tiles on the ground quietly slid away and quickly sank into the ground, revealing a room that could accommodate three people. The entrance of the tunnel walking on the shoulder.

Don't beg to grab a shark skin sheath around you, with brass as the handle, gold swallowing, and an ancient sword inlaid with countless gems on the scabbard.

This is a sword taken out from an ancient tomb somewhere under the Huqiu Sword Pool by an elder master three generations ago. The word "Longyuan" is carved on the sword, but I don't know if it is the legendary Longyuan sword forged by Ou Yezi.

It's just that this Longyuan sword is extremely sharp, and the modern special alloy forged swords are unbearable for a gentle blow. As the only descendant of Wu Wang, the eldest disciple who steals the sky and replaces the current head of the Japanese Gate, do not beg naturally qualified to use it.

More than a dozen tough young people who stole the day to change the "greedy wolf group" followed him with all kinds of weapons.

The Greedy Wolf Group is an elite force specially trained by Wu Wang in the past few years after he joined the sky and adopted orphans from all over the country with military training methods. Under the leadership of Begging, the greedy wolf group played a role in reversing the world in Wu Wang's defeat of Shangguan Ye and taking over the battle to steal the sky and exchange the power of the Japanese gate.

Holding the dragon abyss sword, don't beg for a horse to walk into the tunnel first.

After a few steps forward, Wu Wang, who had just exhausted his strength, turned around and pulled Le Xiaobai, who was reluctant, to catch up with him.

Le Xiaobai, dressed in a robe and as neat as a nobleman who was going to attend the night banquet, struggled hard. He shouted, "I have a cleanliness fetish, I have a cleanliness fetish!" Brother, boss, Uncle Wu, I hate drilling holes. Don't pull me?"

Don't silently grab a piece of mud from the ground covered with two or three inches of thick mud and wipe it on Le Xiaobai's face.

Le Xiaobai's body stiffened. He stared at the sludge and smelly water ticking from his face, and his body twitched violently.

"Don't beg! You are ungrateful! Did you forget who brought you out of Africa four years ago? Le Xiaobai's folding fan was almost on Don't beg's nose.

Don't beg, the corners of your mouth twitched, and shrugged your shoulders: "Last year in Amsterdam, who found a woman and had no money to pay, so let me run to save my life? You bought me and spent 100 dollars. I paid 3,800 yuan for you that day. Even with the inflation of the past two years, I paid you back.

Looking at Le Xiaobai, who was stunned, don't beg for mockery and said, "As the chief white paper fan of the day gate, I was actually taken away by those gangsters in the Netherlands. The ancestors of all dynasties have a spirit, and the ghost in the middle of the night should also kill you!"

Wu Wang laughed wildly, and the corners of Le Xiaobai's mouth twitched for a long time. He suddenly stamped his feet, dropped the folding fan, took off his long shirt, and led the team forward dejectedly.

Le Xiaobai, who has a demon-level perverted IQ and is as thin as Sister Lin's sister Lin's, has realized the classics of all the hidden weapons in just a few years, and has also been innovated and carried forward. As long as he led the way, there is basically no mechanism to get Wu Wang, Don't beg and others.

Wu Wang has strong organizational ability and leadership cohesion.

Don't beg for a strong martial arts talent and fighting ability.

But the one who really inherits the ancestral cooking skill of stealing the sky and changing the day must belong to Le Xiaobai.

Complaining in his mouth, Le Xiaobai led everyone all the way down the corridor and gradually went deep into the mountain. Dozens of killer hidden weapons were arranged in the corridor, but they were easily cracked by Le Xiaobai.

"I hate this kind of behavior that insults my IQ!" Le Xiaobai broke through the organs on the road and said, "Break into other people's ancestral graves and break into the door with violence. There is no IQ content, no IQ content!"

No one complains about Xiaobai's self-pity.

Wu Wang took a few disciples to change the sky, assuming searchlights and ventilation pipes all the way. Don't beg to lead the elite of the greedy wolf group and carefully guard around. There may be something strange in this ancient relic.

Just last year, they met an active mummy in a catacombs somewhere in the Valley of the Kings of Egypt. Don't beg for a hard fight with more than 30 greedy wolves, and finally broke the mummy into a corpse.

The mystery of the Inca ruins is not under Egypt. Don't be ready to take out the sword at any time.

Fortunately, there were no unreasonable accidents here. After Le Xiaobai broke through the sixty traps all the way, everyone successfully came to a metal gate at the end of the corridor. This is a door obviously cast with gold and silver, carved with countless mysterious patterns.

The rectangular portal is 12 meters high and more than 3 meters wide. Under the light of the searchlight, the door shines with mysterious gold and silver.

Le Xiaobai came to the door and pierced the door with a probe.

"Gold six silver four, extremely high purity. As long as we cut these two gates and take them back this time, we will be worth the ticket price!"

In the past few years, he has exercised Le Xiaobai's amazing appreciation ability in the day-changing door. With just a gentle insertion of the probe, he has explored the material proportion of the folding door. Almost pure gold and silver alloy, 60% gold and 40% silver. This door is so huge, even if it is only the thickness of an ordinary portal, it is also an amazing huge wealth.

Reached out and took a palm-sized gold medal from a doorman's hand, which was in the shape of a light sun, which was very rich in the charm of South American Inca culture. Wu Wang looked at the door and smiled and said, "I'm curious. The door costs like this. What will be behind the door?"

Don't beg at the gate, suddenly draw the sword, a water light rushed out of the scabbard, with a harsh sound of breaking the air and stabbing the door.

Don't beg for amazing talent. He has been working hard for four years under Wu Wangmen, and his internal strength is almost comparable to the cultivation of the four elders in the door. The Longyuan sword is an ancient sword. The green body of the sword is moist like a wave of water. Under the internal force, the tip of the sword spit out a three-inch-long sword light, tearing open the air and piercing the door.

With a loud noise, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed on the door, and an electric light with a thick arm shot out of the door and hit the Longyuan sword fiercely.

Don't beg for the arm as if it was bombarded by thunder, and the sleeve of the right hand turned into flying ash on the spot. He flashed with thin electric light all over his body, and he was blown up far away.

The body is in severe pain, and every cell in the body is broken down by high-voltage current. If it hadn't been for the strong internal force to support him, the electric light would have killed him.

Le Xiaobai, who stood by the door, was so scared that he jumped back more than two meters away. He exclaimed, "What the hell, those uncivilized ancient Inca people, they invented the high-voltage power grid?"

Wu Wang clenched the gold medal in his hand. He looked at the door and shook his head and said, "Bullshit high-voltage power grid, if it's really that thing, you will be the first one to die!"

Looking back at Don't beg, Wu Wang asked eagerly, "Don't beg, are you all right?"

Take a deep breath, carefully turn a breath of real breath all over your body, and don't grit your teeth and straighten up. He shook his head and said, "It's okay. It's just 70% of the internal force."

I took a look at the Longyuan sword held tightly in my hand, which is worthy of being a famous ancient sword. After being hit by the electric light, the body of the sword was not different at all. Instead, there was a mysterious dark blue in the green water light, which was exactly the same color as the electric light just now.

After moving his body, he gritted his teeth and said, "Master, you have to use that gold medal. I'm afraid this gate is as weird as that mummy.

Wu Wang frowned. He held the gold medal tightly and carefully approached the door.

This gold medal was inadvertently obtained from a private museum in South America a few months ago. In exchange for the vicious eyes of the disciples of the Japanese sect, this gold medal is of great value, whether it is the material or the pattern and handwriting on it.

As a result, the cultural relics in this museum successfully came to the day-to-day gate. After the painstaking research of several ancient history and ancient writing experts in the door, and following the clues left on the gold medal, Wu Wang and others came here.

The clues on the gold medal really didn't fool people. Not to mention anything else, just saying that this portal that can automatically emit high-voltage electric defense itself is worth everyone's fight. The things inside this door are worth looking forward to.

Be careful, extremely careful luck protected the right palm, and Wu Wang stuffed the gold medal into the middle of a smiling sun mask in the middle of the door.

As soon as the gold medal was embedded, the portal suddenly emitted a strong light. Wu Wang retreated 30 meters back, and the heavy door had moved silently to both sides, revealing a huge space full of strange light behind him.

Wu Wang gasped: "It's developed this time!"

Don't beg to open your eyes wide and stare at the strange things inside.

Le Xiaobai stretched out his neck and subconsciously said to himself, "Magnetic levitation? Immortals? Immortal? It's not so outrageous, is it?"

Before the voice fell, three blue lights suddenly came from behind the tunnel.

A few soft sounds, and the practice-like blue light swept around. Except for Wu Wang, Don't beg, and Le Xiaobai, all the other disciples of the Japanese sect who stole the sky died.

Dozens of blood columns flew up, and dozens of people rolled their heads all over the ground.