Steal the sky

Chapter 8 Alliance

A little light flashed in front of him, and the body of Don't beg instinctively rolled back 18 times in a row, avoiding the back of the arrow tower.

'Dock', a muffled sound, a four-foot-five-six-inch long, a small thumb is thin, and a sharp needle-like thorn flew close to the begging body, sinking deep into the ground seven or eight feet away from the back. The thorn flew by, don't beg to smell a faint fishy smell. The thorn was obviously very poisonous.

Among the villagers just now, two strong men could not dodge and were shot into the body by the same thorn. That is, two or three breaths, the two strong men suddenly turned black and fell to the ground. Their bodies twitched rapidly, and the two strong men two meters away soon shrank to the size of ordinary children. The blood spewed out of their seven orifices and soon stained the large ground.

Don't beg to see that your scalp is numb. The toxicity of this thorn is so domineering.

At least seven or eight hundred savages rushed out across the river. They held strong bows wrapped in vines and kept shooting out one thorn after another. With the sound of the wind, waves of thorns fell like raindrops, which made the villagers near the suspension bridge embarrassed.

There are more than 30 savages with the fastest legs and feet, but only two or three waves of thorns. They have rushed straight along the floating bridge and rushed to the edge of the suspension bridge.

The old man who had just talked to Don't beg suddenly raised his staff. His five fingers in his left hand were crooked. After pinching a strange seal, he took a deep breath. The short and shriveled old man's chest suddenly bulged high. He roared angrily, and his five fingers suddenly shrank.

A strong wind rolled up flat on the flat ground, covering a space of more than ten feet.

A wave of thorns just fell from the air, and the strong wind rolled up the thorns and shot at the savages who were about to rush to the suspension bridge. More than 30 savages were so scared that they threw down their strong bows, and the fish jumped up desperately and plunged into the river. Several savages jumped a little slower, and the thorns penetrated deeply into their bodies. In the blink of an eye, they were all black and breathless.

Don't stare at the old man of that clan. This move is also introduced in Theft Sutra. Among the most superficial and basic five-element spells, it is a variant of the Yimu spell. The cultivation of the elders is not high, and the wind that rolled up only covers a radius of more than ten feet.

The skillful wind blowing technique, once used, can change the climate of thousands of miles. This is what the elders of this wilderness village can't do.

There was a harsh sound of wind breaking from overhead. Several villagers on the arrow towers had pulled away the strong crossbow, and dozens of arrows roared and shot down. As soon as the savages who jumped into the river showed their heads out of the water, powerful arrows hit their bodies one after another, shooting them to death in the water.

The savage leader wrapped in black smoke across the river howled angrily. He raised his hands and shouted strangely, and his body danced awkwardly for a while. The pale green skeleton in the black smoke had a small mouth, and a green fireball spewed out.

The boss of the clan shouted, and the villagers by the suspension bridge dodged one after another. The villagers on duty on the arrow tower pulled up the sling with all their strength and were about to put away the suspension bridge. But the fireball just flew to the arrow tower with the sling. With a loud noise, the green fireball exploded, half of the arrow tower was blown to pieces, several villagers on the arrow tower were blown to pieces, and the suspension bridge fell down heavily.

The savages shouted excitedly. They dropped their strong bows, pulled out big swords from behind one after another, and shouted and rushed along the pontoon bridge.

The savage leader roared proudly, and a large group of savages rushed out of the dense forest behind him. This wave of savages, with thousands of people, also holding all kinds of weapons, cheered and rushed to the head of the village.

The sound of rapid footsteps sounded from behind him. The young man in the village heard the horn of the warning and grabbed the weapons and rushed to the village. The people of Mengcun are prosperous, and there are 1,300 or 400 young people organized, and they are all tough and strong men.

The puppy took out two long swords from nowhere and threw one to Bu begging.

"Don't beg big brother, be careful. Damn it, the two tribes of Chefuman and Huazuman have joined hands! Hey, otherwise they would have the courage to touch our Mengcun?

Don't beg to take the long sword, and your wrist suddenly sinks. He grinned at the son of a bitch, and don't beg for a wry smile in his heart.

This sword is five feet long, one palm wide, and the thickest part of the ridge of the sword is as thick as one inch and three minutes, weighing nearly 100 catties. This group of thick men in Mengcun is just suitable. Their strength and size are enough to give full play to the strongest lethality of this sword. But for Begging, the sword is so heavy, too long and too thick that he can almost use it as a shield!

With a wry smile, he inserted the sword on the ground casually. Don't beg to look around, and pulled up a thorn shot by a savage from the ground.

This spiny little finger is thick and thin, four feet five or six inches long, weighs no more than two catties, and is extremely tough. Don't beg to pull it gently with your fingers. The hardness of this awn thorn is comparable to that of ordinary pig iron. This guy is just suitable for not begging, not to mention that this thing is highly poisonous, and the lethality is not under that giant sword.

The son of the dog looked at Don't beg in surprise and shook his head disapprovingly.

"Alas, don't beg big brother, your strength! In our village, you can't find a woman if you want to!"

The son of a bitch's words are not malicious at all. They are purely well-intentioned ridicule. Don't beg, the skin suddenly turned red. He looked at the huge sword inserted on the ground and shook his head. He really can't use this thing. Although he inherited the Theft, he didn't have time to practice orthodoxly, and he became a superman before he turned into a superman!

Take a deep breath, don't beg to hold a thorn and stand beside the son of a bitch. The thorn held it firmly in his hand, and there was a faint cold air emanating around. Don't beg to slowly inject the naive water spirit into the awn thorn, and the tip of the thorn actually brought a layer of light of water.

Another dense sound of footsteps sounded, and more than a thousand female villagers rushed out of the village with strong bows and crossbows. They occupied the high place behind the arrow tower, either the roof, or the rocks, or the treetops, pulling their bows and shooting arrows one after another.

The howling kept ringing, and more than fifty savages who rushed like crazy beasts fell on the spot. The arrows with thick thumbs penetrated deep into their bodies and penetrated from the other side of their bodies, but did not splash any blood.

The savage who was hit by the arrow howled, his body twitched, and suddenly stiffened to death. Like the wild people, the arrows in Mengcun are also highly poisoned. Anyone who is shot by the arrow, even if he does not hurt the key point, is absolutely hopeless.

The savage leader standing on the other side of the river howled angrily. He gritted his teeth and began to twist his waist and turn his buttocks again, and suddenly two blood sprayed out of his nostrils. The black gas around him floated, and the hair of the miserable green skeleton in the black gas made a ghost-crying wolf-like sound. He suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out three fist-sized green fireballs in a row.

Several ethnic groups shouted harshly, and the villagers standing near the suspension bridge retreated one after another.

Three green fireballs roared across the river and hit the bridge near the suspension bridge. Three loud noises came, and the ground at the head of the bridge was blown up by three large pits several feet in diameter, and a large area of green firelight splashed everywhere, making it impossible to stand for more than ten feet.

The villagers who retreated sharply disrupted the village women's team and caused them to shoot arrows sharply.

At this moment, dozens of the tallest and most ferocious savages have flown to the suspension bridge. They pulled out the small hand axe on their belts and shouted and threw the axe at the villagers.

An old man of the clan roared, "Shield!"

Dozens of large shields made of several layers of animal skins were fiercely raised and firmly blocked in front of the villagers.

Each of these savages carried twelve hand axes, and hundreds of hand axes came with the sound of breaking the wind and hit the big shield heavily.

Dozens of villagers with big shields were shaken by the huge strength on the hand axe and retreated repeatedly. Several people were shaken to spit blood but still straightened up and firmly held up the shield. Don't beg to see the blood vessels on their arms burst out, their palm skin and tiger mouth muscles were cracked, and the blood flowed down the shield.

The puppy pesto begged with his elbow fiercely. He roared in a low voice, "Don't beg, brother, don't be distracted. These barbarians dare to attack our village, and they may not have any idea. If you are not careful, you will die!"

Before the voice fell, more than a dozen hand axes had passed through the gap between the shields and bombarded into the village queue.

The sound of howling sounded, and more than a dozen strong men in Mengcun were beaten off the ground by hand axes, and the blood in their mouths spewed out. A strong man happened to be hit by a hand axe in the chest. His whole chest was sunk, and several ribs poked out from behind him.

The puppy shouted, "Damn it, Uncle Meng Wei is gone!"

Seeing that the hand axe effectively killed the villagers, the savages cheered one after another.

The elder of a clan suddenly shouted, and the arrows that had just been sparse suddenly became dense again. Thousands of strong village women shot arrows together, and the arrow rain blocked the suspension bridge. The dozens of savages who threw hand axes just now screamed one after another, and at least half of them were shot like a sieve.

The suspension bridge is only ten feet and five feet wide, and the bridge behind is already full of fellow savages. The first dozen savages saw that the arrow rain could not dodge. They could only learn the first wave of savages rushing to the bridge in front of them, gritted their teeth and jumped off the bridge.

Only the screams kept ringing, several crocodiles, but a ferocious river fish with a sharp knife-like horn on its head suddenly came out of the water. The teeth of these river fish were extremely sharp. They opened their mouths and rushed to the savages crazis. The arms and thighs of the savages were bitten off by the river fish one after another, and the blood quickly spread in the river.

The nearby river boiled, and I don't know how many ferocious river fish rushed quickly and rushed to the wild people who fell into the water with their mouths.

The arrows kept falling, and the savages on the suspension bridge could not enter or retreat, and the situation was extremely embarrassing.

The elder of the clan who used the wind skill breathed a sigh of relief. He laughed and said, "These barbarians came to kill themselves again. We always come to Mengcun to harass us three or five times a year, and every time we come back with fiasco. This is a credit to our village!"

The villagers laughed and enjoyed the wonderful scene of the arrow rain constantly slaughtering the savages.

Just when all the attention of the villagers was attracted by the savages on the pontoon bridge, the sky suddenly darkened.

Don't beg fiercely. As soon as you look up, you can see nearly a hundred eagles with a wingspan of more than five feet falling rapidly from the sky.

With the harsh scream, hundreds of short clothes with feathers on their bodies, and savages, who were also full of various embroidered patterns on their exposed skin, jumped down from the back of the eagle with spears.

These savages landed directly in the village's queue, and the spears in their hands stabbed the crowd fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred villagers were stabbed by spears and fell to the ground one after another.

Those big eagles pounced straight on the village women standing high with bows and shooting arrows. The huge claws flew down. After grabbing a few village women randomly, they flew high into the sky and circled in the air.

The queue of the villagers was suddenly in chaos, and the flying arrows suddenly stopped.

The dog's long sword suddenly landed, and he roared, "Fuck you, why did the bird barb join hands with them?"

Sooner or later, a spear was like a poisonous snake, stabbing the dog's heart with the sound of breaking the air.

When the puppy saw the spear, he was unable to dodge.


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