Steal the sky

Chapter 14 Recruitment

When Don't beg arrived, I happened to see a group of people in black dispersing the guards of several cars driving, rushing towards Lu Chengfeng.

The leader of the man in black is shouting loudly, ordering his subordinates to chop off Lu Chengfeng's left hand!

Separated by dozens of feet, seeing that the long knife of the leader of the man in black had been chopping towards Lu Chengfeng, don't beg to take another breath, and rushed forward more than 20 feet. He glanced at Lu Chengfeng's motorcade quickly, and suddenly stared at the car Lu Chengfeng was riding in.

The six big cars in front are just magnificent. However, Lu Chengfeng's floating car frame clearly has a floating array under the car. People who can use this kind of car must be a dignitary person in the world, or a figure of a rich family.

What do dignitaries and rich people represent? It represents power, resources, and there are many things around them that are of interest to them! There is nothing in Mengcun that can inherit the stolen things that don't be begging, and there must be good things around these noble princes that are helpful for don't begging!

The naive water spirit was injected into the eyes. Don't beg for a blue light flash in your eyes and glanced at the people in black quickly.

The cultivation of these people in black is considerable, but that's all. Except for the leader in black who barely approached the threshold of the peak of the day after tomorrow, the other people in black were just ordinary good players, as if they were different from Zhang Hu's barbarian team.

On the contrary, in the face of Lu Chengfeng, who was panicked by the long knife, has a more profound and three-point true cultivation than today's Don't beg! Moreover, there was a fist-sized red light hidden in his body. The red light made Don't beg feel a little afraid.

Laugh and pull out dozens of thorns. He shouted sharply, "Langlang Qiankun, in broad daylight, do you still pay attention to the king's law when you are armed and robbing business travelers?" In the loud shout, don't beg to throw dozens of thorns out quickly. The shrill sound of the wind sounded, and the awn thorn brought a cold light and shot at the people in black.

Lu Chengfeng, who hid his hands in his sleeves and was about to take out the platinum knife array, loosened his face and shouted, "Help, help! I am Lu Chengfeng, the eldest son of the Lu family in Liyang. I am the new Xiaomeng City Dianjun. If a hero save me, I will have a good reward!"

The thorns flew in with a sharp roar. Those people in black didn't care to attack Lu Chengfeng and hurriedly waved their knives to save themselves.

There are some good hands among these people in black, and their long knives have also touched the thorns thrown by Don't beg. However, these awn thorns are accompanied by a feminine energy that rotates rapidly like a whirlpool. The long knife and the awn thorns touch each other, and there is no time to hit the awn thorns away. The thorns have been spinning rapidly, wiping straight past the long knife.

Dozens of miserable howls sounded in unison. Except for the leader of the man in black, the other people in black were pierced by the man.

Don't fly over with a smile. He dropped the animal's skin and rushed to the leader in black with a gust of wind in both hands.

Don't beg for the thorns just thrown into the true thorns that shot at the leader of the man in black, because the leader of the man in black practiced the skill of water attributes. Don't beg for the blessing of the true water. You can clearly see the white cyclone the size of a fist in the leader Dantian, and see the true air flowing in his meridians, with a little blue true air flow.

The big winding silk hand was patted with countless feminine whirlpools, and the innate cold air of the natural water spirit gushed out. The leader in black's original cultivation was not much different from that of not begging, but when he was wrapped in the cold air, he was suddenly stiff all over and could no longer move.

One slap on the Dantian of the leader of the man in black, and the other slap on his inner hole. The little picker's hand swallowed it. The true qi of the leader of the man in black, which had been practiced for decades to reach the peak of the day after tomorrow, suddenly surged and turned into a cold

In the blink of an eye, the thief in the body of the leader in black went empty, and his cultivation was sucked clean. By the way, the essence of one thousandth of his qi and blood was also pulled out by the palm of Don't beggar. Don't beg for a backhand slap on his face, and the feminine palm penetrated his body, shaking the head of the leader in black into a ball of paste, and the blood in his seven orifices spewed out, but he could no longer live.

His hands drew a circle in front of him lightly. Buqi had taken the opportunity to touch the leader of the man in black and transferred everything in a small leather bag around his waist to himself. The disciple of the head of the Japanese sect is also a future practitioner who has inherited the stolen scriptures. How can he let go of the things on this person to take advantage of others?

Ordinary martial artists, every ten years of cultivation, is known as a ten-year cultivation.

If you are a talented person, after getting the true qi cultivation of 60 years, you can try to break through the second vein of the governor and reach the so-called innate realm.

Don't beg for the inheritance. The power of the innate water spirit stone of the leader's token is injected into his body. However, most of his strength is spent on protecting his body in the Taixu's big movement, so his current innate cultivation is only the peak level of the day after tomorrow.

Now, the leader of the man in black is equivalent to the true qi obtained by ordinary martial artists who have been practiced for more than 50 years. Don't beg to feel the cold in his arms. The natural water spirit turns into a whirlpool in the water vein of the seven Xuan Thieves of his arm, constantly devouring the foreign water

In the blink of an eye, the true cultivation of not begging has nearly doubled.

With other cultivation methods, the cultivation of the people at the peak of the day after tomorrow has doubled. It is logical that they should break through the innate realm. But the mystery of stealing the scriptures is not comparable to ordinary skills. The sudden surge of true qi followed the water spirit vein for three small days, and about 50% of the real water spirit was quickly integrated into the water spirit vein, nourishing the water spirit vein more and more flexible.

All the magical power foundation of stealing the scriptures is on the Qixuan Thieves in these two arms. Therefore, when laying the foundation, the strengthening of the seven mysterious thieves is the top priority. The water spirit vein has been strengthened this time. Whether it is the upper limit of the true qi and the operation speed of the true qi, it has more than doubled. Don't beg to feel that your arms are cool and smooth, and your whole body is indescribably comfortable.

Everything was only completed in an instant. Don't take a deep breath and salute Lu Chengfeng with his fist, "This gentleman, don't beg for courtesy!"

Lu Chengfeng's eyes flashed strangely. He looked up and down at the begging, and then looked at the many people in black who were killed by the begging. He hurriedly jumped out of the car and held the begging's hand tightly.

"No more courtesy, no more courtesy. Don't beg for the hero. If you hadn't been righteous, I would have been poisoned by these thieves today!"

He kicked the body of the leader in black viciously. Lu Chengfeng looked at the corpses around him and shouted harshly, "Xiaohei, find back those wastes that left the lord and fled for their own lives!"

The big black man and the little black urn who was driving answered angrily. He looked warily and didn't beg. Then he stood up slowly, took out a small bone carving whistle, and blew it hard in his mouth.

The sharp whistle came from afar, and gradually the lucky knight guards around him looked this way. After a full quarter of an hour, more than 20 remaining guards ran back with gray heads and gray faces. They stood in front of Lu Chengfeng with ugly faces, and their bodies trembled violently.

Lu Chengfeng didn't even look at these guards. He just coughed a few times and made a few sharp sneer.

holding Don't beg's hand, Lu Chengfeng thanked Don't beg. He has been holding Don't beg's hand and didn't want to let go at all.

Don't beg to look at Lu Chengfeng in embarrassment. Maybe this is a kind of etiquette for Lu Chengfeng to express gratitude and intimacy, but shaking hands with such a big man, whether it is Don't beg, or Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai, who are fused with his soul, have no such experience, and they are extremely tired of such actions. On the earth, two men shake hands for such a long time, which can be misunderstood elsewhere.

However, don't beg to take a look at the car behind Lu Chengfeng, which was suspended three feet above the ground, and resisted the impulse to knock Lu Chengfeng down and rob him all over. When you are new here, you should keep a low profile. You must keep a low profile. At least you can't really wash him up before you find out the details of Lu Chengfeng.

'Hehe' with a dry smile, don't beg for a word to talk to Lu Chengfeng.

Zhang Hu had already come here with the barbarian hunters and the villagers of Mengcun. When Buqi and Lu Chengfengxu entrusted the snake, he was taking the barbarians to sort out the bodies of the man in black on the ground. The bodies of fifty men in black were arranged in a row, and the fragments of all the bodies, including their crossbows and long knives, were collected and neatly piled up in front of these bodies.

Don't begged to be pulled in front of those corpses by Lu Chengfeng.

Don't mention the body. Except for the leader of the man in black who died beautifully, the other people in black were killed by the sting. All of them shrank into a small ball of meat. They were burnt all over, and the blood covered them with a thick layer, and they couldn't tell the difference between their appearance.

As for the leader of the man in black, after pulling off the black cloth that covered his face, Lu Chengfeng's face became extremely strange. The black man Xiaohei and the old man behind him also changed their faces, and Xiaohei spit out thick phlegm to show the anger in his heart.

After a few sneers, Lu Chengfeng picked up a long knife and cut the face of the leader in black, so that people could no longer distinguish his image.

With a long sigh, he threw the long knife on the ground. Lu Chengfeng held the begging hand with his backhand and looked at the begging eyes solemnly.

"Don't beg for a hero. I'm the same as before when I see you. I don't know if there is something that's a little abrupt?"

Don't beg to take a look at Zhang Hu, who is standing not far away, playing with a strong crossbow. Zhang Hu didn't raise his head, but shook his head desperately.

Don't beg to understand what Zhang Hu means. Lu Chengfeng, a rich man, was assassinated when he went out. This is a pool of dark muddy water. Zhang Hu, who knows the bitterness in it, naturally does not recommend that he do not beg for any entanglement with Lu Chengfeng.

But don't beg, where can Zhang Hu understand?

Holding Lu Chengfeng's hand, don't beg and say indifferently, "Please make it clear."

Lu Chengfeng sighed. He looked at the guards standing beside him trembling all over and sneered, "Take advantage of the wind to come to Xiao Mengcheng, and there is only such a group of waste guards around him. The life of riding the wind is not in your own hands. Don't beg for the power of the strong man. Dozens of thieves are not your enemies. Ride the wind to fight bravely, and invite the strong man to be the doorman of the wind.

Let go of the beggar's hand. Lu Chengfeng gave a hand to the beggar. He said in a long voice, "The wind is sincere, and please be grateful."

"This, be a guest!"

Don't beg your fingers to hook your chin.

After meditated for a moment, don't beg and say, "Let's go to the door. My master said that it is actually very promising to be a guest of a rich man!"

Zhang Hu, who was beside him, shook his head vigorously and stamped his feet gently.

Lu Chengfeng looked ecstatic and grabbed the begging hand again.

"Ridden on the wind to get the help of the strong men, it's like a long drought and sweet rain!"

Don't beg to laugh, hold Lu Chengfeng's hand and shake it a few times.


Comrades, it's Monday, try to smash the tickets! Oh, send more book reviews and pig's heads when you have time. Seeing the wonderful book review, the pig's head must be sprayed with saliva! E